SUMMMARY OF MAJOR TROPICAL PLANT FAMILIES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COSTA RICAN PLANTS 01/2004 Note presence and type of: Latex; Spines; Odors; Stipules; Leaves in 2 ranks; Marginal Teeth Life form Family Common name Tree,liana Bignoniaceae jicaro, corteza Tree Cunoniaceae Tree Hippocastanac horsechestnut Tree Anacardiac mango, cashew Tree,epi,liana Araliaceae ivy, ginseng Tree Arecaceae palms Tree Bombacaceae balsa, silk cotton Tree Burseraceae indio desnudo Tree,liana Caesalpiniace Herb,epi,liana Latex S p Odors S t 2-r T Genera Comments Tabebuia, Crescentia, Adenocalymna, Amphitecna, Tecoma major liana family, some trees; some have simple leaves Weinmannia winged rachis, serrate marg, cloud forest tree Billia (only tropical genus) trifoliate lvs., lg nut with starchy endosperm turp Anacardium, Spondias, Tapirira, Mangifera some species have simple leaves, sap often irritating (mango, cashew, poison ivy) carrot Oreopanax, Dendropanax, Didymopanax, Schefflera one genus (Dendropanax) w/simple lvs; lg triangular lf scars; unequal petiole lengths; double pulvinus; inflorescence an umbel x Bactris, Cocos, Attelea, Geonoma, Acrocomia monocots; unbranched, colonial or arborescent, meristem often edible (palmito) x Ceiba, Pseudobombax, Pochota, Ochroma order Malvales, bat pollinated, wind dispersed; pochote common living fencepost Bursera peeling, photosynthesizing bark; living fencepost legumes Cassia, Bauhinia, Hymenaea monkey ladder vine, cloven hoof shaped lvs Cyclanthaceae cyclanth Cyclanthus, Asplundias monocots, use leaf venation to distinguish from palms Tree Fabaceae legumes (Papil.) Gliricidia, Lonchocarpus, Andira simply pinnate Tree Mimosaceae legumes, mimosa Inga, Pithecellobium, Enterolobium nectaries, many bi or tripinnate Tree Meliaceae mahogany Cedrela, Guarea, Trichilia not consistently even/odd pinnate; Guarea has unfolding leaflet at tip of leaf Comp Opp x x Comp Alt white dries blk white dries white turp beans garlic; sweet Life form Family Common name Tree,epi,liana Rutaceae citrus Tree,liana Sapindaceae soapberry Tree Simaroubac Latex S p Odors x citrus S t 2-r T incense Genera Comments Zanthoxylum, Citrus, Casimiroa Zanthoxylum-volcanic spines on trunk, translucent oil glands in lvs, greasy to touch Cupania, Paullinia, Serjania Cupania has alternate leaflets; lianas--Paullinia, Serjania--have opposite leaflets Simarouba, Picramnia bitter taste Justicia, Aphelandra no stipules, swollen nodes, bilabiate flowers Plumeria, Tabernaemontana paired fruit look like Dutch shoes Montanoa, Vernonia rough lvs, opp or alt, smelly, daisy type flowers Hedyosmum opposite, dentate lvs, enlarged sheath between petioles; very primitive family, fossils from midCretaceous Clusia, Symphonia, Garcinia, Vismia terminal bud arises from b/w bases of terminal pr of petioles, Clusia--thick,paddle-shaped lvs, used for sending written messages Columnea, Drymonia lvs sometimes opp and unequal; flowers tubular, sometimes hairy Malpighia, Bunchosia T-shaped hairs Miconia, Conostegia, Melastoma 3-7 veined, tertiary veins nicely parallel Siparuna no stipules, dehiscent fruits Eugenia, Psidium, Eucalyptus pellucid dots (lens), medicinal smells, often with flaky bark Phytolacca succulent plant, small purple fruits Coffea, Psychotria, Hamelia, Posoqueria, Randia, Calycophyllum leaves entire, opposite and decussate; shape of stipules identifies genus Citharexylum, Lantana, Stachytarpheta, Gmelina square stems, paired glands at leaf base Simp Opp Herb Acanthaceae Tree,epi,liana Apocynaceae dogbane Herb,tree Asteraceae sunflower, daisy Shrub,tree Chloranthac Epi,liana Clusiaceae clusia Epi,liana Gesneriaceae African violets Tree Malpighiaceae Tree Melastomatac Tree Monimiaceae Tree Myrtaceae eucalyptus, guava Shrub Phytolaccac pokeberry Shrub,tree, Liana Rubiaceae coffee Herb,tree Verbenaceae verbena white primitive x x yellow, orange x lengua de vaca lemon spicy apple x x Life form Family Common name Tree Actinidaceae kiwifruit Tree Annonaceae guanabana Epi,liana Araceae houseplants Tree Betulaceae alder Tree Boraginaceae Epi,shrub Latex S p Odors S t 2-r T Genera Comments x Saurauia rough, pubescent lvs, drops white corolla, high elev Annona, Anaxagorea strong bark, lvs never serrate, long thin lvs Philodendron, Monstera, Dieffenbachia monocot; large succulent lvs, spadix inflorescence, sheathing petioles Alnus high elevation on disturbed soil borage Cordia, Ehretia asperous lvs, ant domatia Bromeliaceae pineapple Bromelia, Vriesea, Tillandsia, Guzmania monocot; rosette form, coriaceous leaves, bat pollinated Epi,shrub Cactaceae cactus x Cereus, Opuntia, Epiphyllum succulent, leafless, spiny plants; spines arise from felty pads called aureoles, fleshy fruits Shrb,tree Capparidaceae capers x Capparis, Forchhammeria flexed pulvinus, unequal petiole lengths, simple or compound lvs, many with tan lepidote scales, seeds like commas Tree Cecropiaceae cecropia Cecropia, Pourouma lobed leaves, Azteca ant symbionts, hollow stems, food bodies at base of petiole, sometimes placed in Urticaceae Tree Combretaceae Terminalia, Conocarpus lvs clustered near ends of twigs Herb Commelinac commelina, tradescantia, wandering jew Commelina, Tradescantia monocot; closed cylindrical sheathing petiole base, jointed stem, involute vernation, flowers w/ small, delicate blue/pink petals with bract Herb Costaceae costus Costus monocot; lvs ascend in 1-sided spiral, showy infloresc, closed leaf sheath like Commelinaceae Liana Cucurbitaceae cucumber, gourd x Gurania, Cucurbita vines w/strongly coiling tendrils at rght angles to leaf axil, palmate venation, lobed leaves Herb Cyperaceae sedges x Cyperus, Fimbristylis monocot; triangular stem, linear lvs, some w/teeth Tree Ebenaceae ebony Diospyros coriaceous lvs, wood with black inner bark, fruit like persimmon, some w/ grooved trunk, lg dark glands on lower lf surface Simp Alt primitive x x x Life form Family Common name Latex Tree Elaeocarpac Epi,liana Ericaceae blueberry, heath Tree Euphorbiaceae poinsettia, yuca Tree Fagaceae oaks Tree Flacourtiaceae Herb Heliconiaceae heliconias Tree Lauraceae avocado primitive Tree Magnoliaceae magnolia primitive Herb,shrb, Tree Malvaceae hibiscus Herb Marantaceae prayer-plant, rattlesnake plant Epi,liana Marcgravac marcgravia Tree Moraceae fig white, cafe con leche Treelike Herb Musaceae bananas clear sap Tree Myristicaceae nutmeg Tree Myrsinaceae Shrub Nyctaginaceae bougainvillea Epi,liana Orchidaceae orchids white S p Odors S t 2-r x T Genera Comments x Sloanea, Muntingia order Malvales, flexed pulvinus Cavendishia small, leathery, roundish lvs, common epiphyte at mid-high elevation Sapium, Croton, Hieronyma order Malvales, some with glands at base of lf; some with 3-5 veins; some with latex; some w/stellate hairs Quercus acorns, leathery lvs, high elev genus in tropics Casearia, Hasseltia, Xylosma always simple, sml teeth, branches perp to stem, single plane Heliconia monocots; long banana-like leaves Nectandra, Ocotea, Beilshmiedia, Persea kinked petiole, oily fruit w/ red cupule and single lg seed, no latex, always entire margin, stipules always absent; some genera with opposite leaves; fruit eaten by quetzals Magnolia high elevation, large leaves Hampea, Malvaviscus, Hibiscus order Malvales, strong bark, 3-4 veined lvs, showy flowers with fuzzy stigma Calathea monocot; jointed petiole, loud noise when ripped, ripping exposes hairs; ant dispersed Marcgravia, Noratea bat pollinated, looks like simp alt clusia Ficus, Brosimum, Trophis, Perebea, Sorocea, Pseudolmedia conical terminal stipule, thickish twigs Musa monocot; cultivated bananas and plantains Virola fruit with plush red interior Ardisia, Myrsine black punctations on leaves, pale underside Neea, Pisonia, Bougainvillea, Boerhavia ferrugin pubescence on terminal bud, lvs dry black, smaller lf paired with larger lf Epidendrum, Pleurothallis, monocot; succulent lvs, pseudobulbs, roots x x x x x x x x x x primitive x x x S p Odors covered with thick white velamen T Genera Comments x Bocconia paniculate inflorescence; weedy shrub at high elev Passiflora showy flowers, fleshy fruit, some with odd shaped leaves, host to Heliconia butterflies x Piper, Pothomorphe, Peperomia erect white inflorescence, arcuate venation, uneq lf bases, swollen nodes, strong smells x Cynodon, Panicum monocot; linear leaves in 2-ranks Life form Family Common name Latex Shrub Papaveraceae poppy, opium orange Epi,liana Passifloraceae passionfruit Epi/liana,shrb Piperaceae black pepper Herb Poaceae grass Tree Rhizophorac mangroves Rhizophora mangrove family Shrub,tree Rosaceae rose, blackberry Prunus, Rubus Prunus--smells of cyanide (almonds) Tree Sapotaceae chicle Pouteria, Sideroxylon, Manilkara seeds with characteristic single scar Vine Smilacaceae smilax x Smilax monocot; broad, leathery 3-veined leaves, infl. spadix, fleshy fruits, climbs with spines on wiry stem Shrub,tree Solanaceae tomato x Solanum, Acnistus, Markea, Capsicum, Witheringia, Cestrum often with beige pubescence, small lvs near tips of twigs, strong smells Tree Sterculiaceae cacao x x Sterculia, Theobroma, Guazuma order Malvales, flexed pulvinus Tree Tiliaceae basswood, linden x x Heliocarpus, Apeiba, Mortoniodendron, Luehea, Goethalsia order Malvales, assymmetrical lvs Tree Ulmaceae elm x x Trema asperous, assymmetrical lvs, weedy tree Tree, shrub Urticaceae nettle x Urera urticating lvs, fruits, flowers; lvs 3-veined; wind pollinated, fleshy fruits, tree stems may be spiky Tree Winteraceae Drimys white underside of leaf, living fencepost, primitive family lacks vessels in wood Herb Zingiberaceae Renealmia monocot; open leaf sheath, distichous lvs, ginger odor pepper S t Oerstedella, Cattleya 2-r white tomato x wintergreen ginger x