here - Royal Air Force

Edition 1 - 15 Jan 14
Next Amendment - 15 Jul 14
Intentionally Blank
15 Jan 14
These Mess Rules provide a framework that allows us, the Mess Membership, to maintain
the traditions and values of the RAF Benson Officers’ Mess. The Mess should be self policing;
members must regulate the actions of themselves and others with respect to dress and
deportment, including the consumption of alcohol. This will take courage and will no doubt be
unpopular on occasion, yet a lapse is a reflection of all of us not just the individuals concerned.
We are privileged to enjoy such fine facilities, yet we should do so proud of our Mess
traditions and standards and do our utmost to uphold them; it is our responsibility.
Brad Hewitt
B J Hewitt
Sqn Ldr
PMC’s Introduction
Dress Standards (General)
- Green Flag/Red Flag Dress Code
- Fancy Dress
- Hair Styles and Facial Hair
Dress Standards (Formal Functions)
- Attendance
- Dress for Official Functions
- Cummerbunds
- Kilts
- Access and Dress for those not attending a Formal Function
- Behaviour
- Private Guests
- Non-Commissioned Ranks in the Mess
- Serving (Non-Commissioned) Spouses/Civil Partners and Partners as
- Overnight Visits
Private Functions
Mobile Phones
Bags and Coats
Out of Bounds Areas
Bar and Dining Facilities
- Bank Holidays & Holiday Periods
- Bar Extensions & Bar Closure
- Honesty Bar
Private Cheques
Damage to Mess Buildings and Property
Car Parking, Garages and Bicycles
- Car Parking
- Garages
- Bicycles
- Types
- Batting
- Bins
Domestic Facilities
- Laundry Facilities
- Kitchen Facilities
Telephone Facilities
Newspapers and Periodicals
DVD Library
Sky TV, Play Station 3 and iPad
Types of Membership
- Full Members
- Associate Members
- Honorary Members
- Retired Members
- Casual Use
Privileges of Membership
- Full Members
- Associate Members
- Retired and Honorary Members
- Casual Use
- Members of Voluntary Organisations
Mess Committee
Mess Meetings
- Mess Committee Meetings
- Annual General Meetings (AGMs)
- Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs)
- Notification
- Attendance
- Agenda
- Votes
- Record of Decisions
Subscriptions and Charges
Notice Boards and Posters
Suggestions and Complaints
Mess Staff
Warning In and Out
Security Orders
Fire Orders
- Fire Prevention
- Ante Room Fireplace
A – General Dress Standards Table
B – Formal Functions Dress Standards Table
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QR 1641 states:
The president of the mess committee is responsible to the station commander for the
maintenance of mess discipline generally. It is, however, the duty of all officers to observe
the regulations and rules for officers' messes and it is incumbent upon the senior officer
present on any particular occasion to maintain discipline and, if necessary, to report any
breach of the regulations and rules.
Members are responsible for any guests introduced by them into the mess.
The senior member present is responsible for the enforcement of these rules and for
reporting any breach of them. Where doubt exists as to the interpretation of these rules, officers
are to seek the PMC or DPMC’s direction.
Dress Standards (General)
All members of the Mess are expected to dress in a style that conforms to the traditions of
the Service and upholds the standards expected of an RAF Officers’ Mess. Members are to
ensure that their guests and visitors dress to a standard that conforms with these dress
regulations. Members who witness a derogation from the rules are duty bound to bring it to the
attention of the perpetrator and remind them of the dress regulations in force at that time. Any
persistent offenders are to be reported to the PMC.
Green Flag/Red Flag Dress Code. RAF Benson uses a ‘Green/Red Flag’ system to inform
users of the Mess which dress code is in force in all public rooms (this includes the front and rear
patio areas). Promulgation is by means of signs in the foyer and accommodation wings.
Red Flag Level 1-3. The standard will operate when a formal function takes place,
when an Air Officer or a VIP is present in the Mess or, as ordered by the PMC or Stn Cdr.
Green Flag. The standard will operate at all other times.
The table at Annex A details the Green Flag and Red Flag dress standards. The PMC will
inform Mess Members of any change to the code and any amendment to timings.
Fancy Dress. Fancy Dress is not appropriate at any formal function or at any other time in
public rooms except at designated fancy dress or theme night functions: clear direction will be
given by the PM.
Hair Styles and Facial Hair. Officers whether on duty, off duty or on leave, using public
rooms during the working week (0800 Mon – 1700 Fri) are to be clean shaven and both male and
female personnel must have hair styles which conform to QR 209 and 2101.
Dress Standards (Formal Functions)
Attendance. Formal functions such as Dining-In and Guest Nights, the Summer Ball and
the Christmas Draw will be held as directed by the Stn Cdr. Dining-In Nights are a parade for all
officers iaw AP3223, if space is limited, personnel will be nominated to attend.
RN & RM personnel are to conform to BRd 81, Naval Service Uniform Regulations.
Dress for Official Functions. The table at Annex B is a guide to the correct form of dress
for official functions. If the PMC decides to adjust the dress requirements prior to a function, this
will be promulgated to all attendees. See AP 1358 – Uniform Dress & Appearance Regulations for
full RAF dress regs, or pictorial examples of ‘What to Wear’ on the Officers’ Mess Intranet Page.
10. Cummerbunds. For serving officers at RAF Benson: RAF Officer (slate grey, pleated),
official RAF Branch/Wg, RAF Benson Sqn or wider RAF Sqn cummerbunds may be worn in lieu of
No5B Mess Dress waistcoat; unofficial cummerbunds are not to be worn.
11. Kilts. Kilts are not be worn in lieu of No5B/No5 Mess Dress. At a Burns themed Guest
Dining-In Night the PMC may grant permission for serving officers, who are entitled, to wear
Highland Dress in lieu of No5B/No5 Mess Dress. Kilts are not to be worn with No5B/No5 Mess
Dress Jkt: see AP 1358 – Uniform Dress & Appearance Regulations for the RAF Para 0240 - Kilts.
12. Access and Dress for those not attending a Formal Function. When a formal function is
being held and the dress code is Red, personnel who are not attending the function and who
require access to the Mess are to use side entrances, not the main front entrance. Personnel
using any public room (which is not being used by the function) are to be dressed to the same
standard as the function.
13. Behaviour. Members are to ensure that any guests which they invite into the Mess follow
the Mess Rules. Mess Members will be held responsible for the dress, behaviour and conduct of
their guests.
14. Private Guests. Mess Members may normally entertain guests in the Mess, but Service
guests are to be of officer rank – see para 15 & 16.
15. Non-Commissioned Ranks in the Mess. Personnel in HM Forces or Foreign Forces of
non-commissioned rank may not be invited into the Mess without the PMC's explicit permission
(this includes accommodation blocks and working areas). OR’s may only enter the Mess, on Mess
related duty i.e. Mess Staff on duty; any ORs found in the Mess without permission of the PMC are
‘out of bounds’ as per SSOs and disciplinary action will be taken accordingly.
16. Serving (Non-Commissioned) Spouses/Civil Partners and Partners as Guests. Officers’
with serving spouses/civil partners, or partners2, of non-entitled rank may apply to the PMC for
permission to bring them as private guests to official functions. They must be off-duty, wear civilian
attire and will only be admitted to the Mess after normal stn duty hours. For an ongoing
relationship, a one-off application for a named spouse or partner is to be submitted to the PMC for
consideration. If granted, the permission will remain extant for the duration of the member’s tour or
until the cessation of the relationship, whichever is earlier. As with any private guest, the
permission is only valid when the guest is accompanied, in person, by the host Mess Member.
The Stn Cdr may withdraw this privilege should it be abused or the behaviour of the guest be
considered unacceptable.
17. Overnight Visits. The PMC's permission must be requested before inviting guests or
partners to stay in the Mess for more than 2 nights.
Partners i.e. those not married or in a civil partnership e.g. boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée – Partners who are ORs serving at RAF Benson
will not be granted permission to enter the Officers’ Mess. The Officers’ Mess is for RAF Benson Officers and it is not appropriate for
any OC, at RAF Benson, to have a subordinate attend any function at which they may be present i.e. an OC is able to relax in their own
Mess (and home).
Private Functions
18. Private functions are classed as any function held in the Officers’ Mess out with the
published yearly entertainments programme or not part of an official station visit e.g. top tables,
graduation functions, weddings. All requests for private functions are to be made to the PMC in
the first instance. The PMC may grant permission for a private function to be held in the Mess if it
is compatible with the published programme and the requisite Mess Staff are available.
Repayment of all costs for a private function will be the responsibility of the requesting Mess
Member. See para 14, 15 &16 regarding guests.
Mobile Phones
19. Mobile phones are to be switched to silent while in public rooms. Calls are not to be taken in
public rooms, but may be taken discreetly, when appropriate, in public corridors. Texting is not to
be undertaken in public rooms and should be undertaken as per a telephone call. Mobile phones
are not to be taken to official functions unless on duty and the phone is to be switched to
silent/vibrate mode.
Bags and Coats
20. Bags, coats or other outdoor outer wear, including hats, are to be deposited in the
appropriate cloakroom and are not permitted in public rooms. Bags should be clearly labelled with
the owners contact details.
Out of Bounds Areas
21. Except for Mess Committee Members fulfilling their duties, the following areas are out-ofbounds to all Mess Members:
The Mess Kitchen.
Behind the Main Bar or Spitfire Bar.
The Cellar (behind the Main Bar and Spitfire Bar).
22. Any Living-in Member wishing to keep a pet in their room must seek written permission from
the PMC. Pets are not permitted in public rooms at any time. Owners are to have valid insurance
to cover damage and other eventualities that may arise because of the behaviour of the animal. If
a member’s pet should cause any damage to the Mess or Mess property, the owner shall be wholly
liable for any bills to rectify the damage. Mess Members with dogs (or uncaged pets) will be
charged for carpet cleaning when vacating a room in the Officers’ Mess. While carpet cleaning is
not usually necessary for those keeping smaller caged pets, a charge may be levied if the Mess
Manager deems that the carpet has been soiled in anyway by an animal.
Gambling in the Mess is forbidden, unless specifically approved by the Stn Cdr iaw QR 1015.
Bar and Dining Facilities
The normal Bar and Dining Room hours are shown below. These may be varied when
necessary, but members will be notified in advance whenever possible.
Monday - Thursday
Dining Room
Monday – Thursday
1200 - 1330
1200 - 1330
1200 - 1400
0700 - 0830
0700 - 0830
0800 - 0900
1700 - 2300
1700 - 2359
1900 - 2300
1200 - 1330
1200 - 1330
1200 - 1330
1800 - 1930
1730 - 1830
1730 - 1830
Bank Holidays and Holiday Periods. Bar and Dining Room opening hours over Bank
Holidays or holiday periods e.g. Christmas, will be promulgated by the Mess Manager.
Bar Extensions and Bar Closure. Bar extensions can only be authorized by the PMC or
Stn Cdr. At last orders, the most senior officer present will be responsible for ensuring that
personnel leave in an orderly manner and that the public bar area is left in a tidy state.
Honesty Bar. Outside of bar opening hours, an Honesty Bar is available in the Mail Room.
Stock will be managed by the bar staff in line with their bar stock checks. Chits for all items
consumed are to be clearly written and left in the container on top of the fridge. Any abuse of the
Honesty Bar will result in it’s withdrawal from use.
Private Cheques.
Mess Members may cash Private cheques for up to £20 in the bar (only if sufficient cash
funds are available in the till).
Damage to Mess Buildings and Property
Anyone noticing damage, or seeing people cause damage, to Mess buildings or property is
to report it to the Mess Manager or PMC at the earliest opportunity.
Car Parking, Garages and Bicycles
Car Parking. Members and guests using the Mess should normally park to the front of the
Mess (beyond the grass verge area) or to the rear of Thames and Isis Blocks. Personnel are not
to park in the reserved marked parking space, unless they are the incumbent of that stn position.
Garages. A small number of garages are available to Mess Members. The Mess Manager
will maintain a list of current garage occupants and a list of members waiting for a garage to
become available. If you wish to apply for a garage, then please contact the Mess Manager.
Members occupying a garage will be charged for the garage until they have removed all of their
property, informed the Mess Manager and returned the key.
Bicycles. Bicycles are not to be stored within Mess buildings; bike racks, which are situated
around the Mess and stn are to be used.
Letters addressed to Living-In Members will normally be placed in the Wallingford Room.
Packets/parcels and any mail requiring a signature, will be stored securely by the Mess Staff and
can only be collected when a member of staff is on duty in reception.
Types. Accommodation within the Mess comprises of, single rooms and suites in the main
Mess, and en-suite rooms in Thames and Isis Blocks. The Mess Manager will maintain a list of
members wishing to move into a suite or en-suite room, with priority given as shown below:
Suites. Priority will be given to living-in senior officers (Sqn Ldr and above) paying full
accommodation charges. After this, members will be allocated any available suites in
application date order. Living-In Members not paying accommodation charges will not
normally be eligible for a suite.
En-Suite Rooms. Priority will be given to living-in senior officers (Sqn Ldr and above)
paying pull accommodation charges. After this, members paying full accommodation
charges will be allocated available rooms in arrival date order.
Guests. Guests may be permitted to stay in the Mess if rooms are available up to a
maximum of 2 nights. See Section 1 Standards & Behaviour – Guests.
VIP Suites. Allocated to visiting VIPs only or, at the discretion of the PMC, may be
allocated to other visitors as appropriate. Under no circumstances will VIP suites to be
allocated as permanent living-in accommodation.
Family Rooms. Family rooms are available for Mess Members and guests to use on a
temporary basis and at additional cost. Priority will be given to Mess Members.
Departing Living-In Mess Members are to give the Mess Manager at least 7 days
written/email notice that they intend to move out of the Mess. Furthermore they are to ensure they
remove all of their possessions from the Mess and leave forwarding contact details upon
Batting. Normal batting will include the cleaning of bedrooms/bathrooms and communal
areas. When full batting cannot be provided, the priority will be to clean communal areas,
particularly bathrooms and toilets.
Bins. While batting staff will empty waste paper bins, they will not remove black bags or
other waste placed next to bins. Livers-In are to remove excess waste to the appropriate skip(s)
located at each end of the Mess.
Domestic Facilities
10. Laundry Facilities. Laundry facilities are provided in each Wing and Block for Living-In
Members or Mess Members staying overnight. These are not be used overnight between 2200
and 0630. Any unserviceable equipment should be reported to the House Member or the Mess
Manager immediately.
11. Kitchen Facilities. Kitchen facilities are provided for Living-In Members and are located in
Thames and Isis Blocks. Members are responsible for cleaning and tidying the kitchens after use;
batting staff will not clean cookers or any other items associated with cooking in these facilities.
Telephone Facilities
12. Living-in Members may arrange for a landline to be installed in their room and are
responsible for all charges incurred as a result. Any external fixings must comply with building
regulations or they will be removed by Works Services.
Newspapers and Periodicals
13. A selection of newspapers and periodicals are provided in the Ante Room. Daily
newspapers are not be removed from the Ante Room before 2200 on the day that they are
published; periodicals are not to be removed by Mess Members.
DVD Library
14. A DVD library is available for all Mess Members. DVDs are to be signed out and returned
within 48 hrs.
Sky TV, Play Station 3 and iPad
15. A Sky TV system, flat screen TV and Play Station 3 has been purchased for the use of Mess
Members and is located in the Helipad Bar. The iPad located in the main bar controls the bar
music system. Personnel are to ensure that the equipment is used respectfully and responsibly;
any damage, especially to controls and cables, is to be reported immediately to the House
Types of Membership
Full Members. The following are to be Full Members of the Mess:
All officers of the RAF serving at RAF Benson (see sub-para 2b for personnel on
detached duty away from their permanent duty station).
All officers of other Regular UK HM Forces serving at or on temporary duty at RAF
All officers of the Commonwealth and foreign forces attached as individuals to the RAF
and subject to the Armed Forces Act 2006 serving at RAF Benson.
All officers of the RAF Reserve or the Royal Auxiliary Air Force that have entered into a
commitment for Full Time Reserve Service and are serving or on temporary duty at RAF
All officers of other reserve UK HM Forces that have entered into a commitment for Full
Time Reserve Service and are serving or on temporary duty at RAF Benson.
Officers covered within sub-paras a-e above who are necessarily accommodated in a
Mess or at a station other than that at which they are permanently serving or on temporary
duty are to be Full Members of their duty station Mess and honorary members of the Mess in
which they are accommodated.
Associate Members. The following are to be Associate Members of the Mess:
Officers of the reserve air forces (other than those on Full Time Reserve Service)
serving or on temporary duty at RAF Benson. However, officers of the VR(T) who are
members of a WOs’ and Sgts' Mess, by virtue of their regular employment, may only use the
Officers' Mess when on duty in a VR(T) capacity.
Personnel on temporary duty detachments to RAF Benson, including courses, are to
become associate (i.e. subscribing but non-voting) members of the Mess. For the duration of
their detachment, they will be Honorary (non-subscribing) Members of their permanent duty
mess. The reverse applies to Benson personnel detached away from the station.
All officers of other reserve UK HM Forces serving or on temporary duty at the station
(other than those on Full Time Reserve Service).
Officers of the forces of Commonwealth and foreign countries, other than those
covered by sub-para 1c attached to RAF Benson under MOD arrangements.
Officers covered within sub-paras a–c of this para who are necessarily accommodated
by a station other than that at which they are permanently serving or on temporary duty are
to be Associate Members of their duty station mess and Honorary Members of the mess of
the station where they are accommodated.
Retired officers with a recall liability may apply to the Mess Committee for Associate
Membership with the approval of the Stn Cdr, subject to the constraints at AP3223 para
60312. This category does not include ex-members of the reserve air forces, unless they
have also served as regular officers in the RAF.
MOD civilians and contract staff of officer equivalent status (including those employed
under ‘retired officer’ (RO) status) serving or on temporary duty at RAF Benson when invited
by the Mess Committee and with the approval of the Stn Cdr and subject to the constraints at
AP 3223 para 60312.
Other qualifying civilians, the definition of which for Mess Membership is as follows:
(1) ‘Qualifying civilians shall mean personnel who are wholly or mainly engaged in
activities which directly support the Armed Forces of the Crown.’
(2) Such membership is allowable at the most appropriate Mess and solely at the Stn
Cdr’s discretion. Spouses, dependents and retired personnel with no recall liability are
not regarded by the Charity Commission as ‘qualifying civilians’, and are therefore not
eligible for Full or Associate Membership.
Honorary Members. Honorary Membership of the mess may be awarded as follows:
All officers of the RAF and Full Time Reserve who are necessarily accommodated at
RAF Benson but serve or are on temporary duty at another unit, or who regularly use RAF
Benson Officers’ Mess when off duty, but who are Full Members of another Mess, may be
Honorary Members of the RAF Benson Officers’ Mess subject to the approval of the Stn Cdr.
The Mess Committee, with the approval of the Stn Cdr, subject to the constraints at
AP3223 para 60312 and with the consent of a General Mess Meeting, may invite the
following to become Honorary Members of the Mess:
Officers of other UK HM Forces serving in the vicinity of RAF Benson.
(2) Important residents living in the neighbourhood or visiting the stn. Where
Honorary Membership is granted to the current incumbent of specific civic or political
appointments, the membership is to be recorded in those terms, and membership is
restricted to one mess on the stn. For the incumbents of such appointments,
membership will normally be valid only for the duration of their appointment and this
fact is to be made clear in the letter of invitation.
The names, positions (if applicable) and addresses of Honorary Members, together
with the periods for which such membership has been granted, are to be recorded
specifically for that purpose. The list of Honorary Members is to be reviewed annually by the
Mess Committee and submitted for the approval of the Stn Cdr.
Retired Members. This category includes retired regular officers of the RAF, PMRAFNS
and Commonwealth Air Forces, that are no longer subject to a formal recall liability, subject to the
approval of the Stn Cdr and within the numerical constraints at AP3223 para 60312. This category
does not include ex-members of the reserve air forces, unless they have also served as regular
officers in the RAF. The list of Retired Members is to be reviewed annually by the PMC and
submitted for the approval of the Stn Cdr.
Casual Use. All officers of HM Forces (both regular and reserve) visiting RAF Benson off
duty are to be regarded as casual users of the Mess. Additionally, retired regular officers of the
RAF, PMRAFNS and Commonwealth Air Forces who do not wish to take up formal Mess
Membership may use the bar facilities but will not be eligible to use any other Mess facilities, nor
attend functions except as a guest of the Mess, or as a guest of a Mess Member. Casual use is
subject to Stn Cdrs retaining the ability to control access for security purposes. This category does
not include ex-members of the reserve air forces, unless they have also served as regular officers
in the RAF.
Privileges of Membership
Full Members. Full members may be elected or appointed to the Mess Committee or its
sub-committees and vote at Mess meetings, control mess funds and serve the Mess in any official
Associate Members. Associate Members may use the Mess facilities and amenities equally
with Full Members. Their views should be taken into consideration in the arrangement of Mess
affairs and they may be invited to take part in Mess meetings and committees in an advisory
capacity, but they may not be allowed voting rights or the control of Mess funds.
Retired and Honorary Members. Retired and Honorary Members may use the Mess
facilities and amenities subject to limitations defined in Mess Rules or other regulations issued
locally by the Stn Cdr; they should not be involved in the running of the Mess in any way.
Casual Use. Off duty Service visitors or retired officers electing to use the Mess on a casual
basis may use the bar but no other facilities. They are not to be involved in the running of the
Mess in any way and have no Mess Membership status.
10. Members of Voluntary Organisations. Serving personnel holding either officer status in
voluntary organisations such as Scouts, Guides or Girls Venture Corps have no entitlement to use
the Mess when visiting RAF Benson in connection with those voluntary activities, unless they hold
the appropriate Regular service rank in HM Forces.
Mess Committee (Ref AP3223 Leaflet 602)
11. The Mess Committee is appointed to manage the affairs of the Mess. The normal
composition of the RAF Benson committee is as follows:
President of the Mess Committee and Deputy.
Mess Secretary.
Mess Treasurer.
Senior Living-In Member.
Living-In Member.
Entertainments Member.
Publicity Member.
House Member.
Property Member.
Bar Member.
Messing Member (OC MSS).
Mess Manager.
Gardens Member
12. The PMC and DPMC are appointed by the Stn Cdr. The appointments at sub-paras b-j
above and, where necessary, their deputies, are to be filled by election at a General Mess Meeting.
If the meeting does not fill a particular post, or if a post becomes vacant between General
meetings, the Stn Cdr or PMC may appoint an officer to fill the vacancy. Such appointments must
be ratified by the next General meeting. The Messing Member, Financial Advisor and Mess
Manager are automatically appointed to the Mess Committee as part of their primary duties.
13. Separate sub-committees may be appointed to organize the Summer Ball, Christmas Draw
and any other major functions as required and directed by the PMC.
Mess Meetings (Ref AP3223 Leaflet 604)
Mess meetings are to be arranged as follows:
Mess Committee Meetings. Mess Committee meetings are to be held at least once
per calendar month. Sub-committees meet as often as required.
Annual General Meetings (AGMs). AGMs are to be held at least once per financial
year (FY). The meeting is to be arranged so that, amongst other business, the audited
balance sheet from the previous FY can be presented to the Mess Membership for their
formal acceptance. A detailed report on the state of the Mess finances as reflected in the
balance sheet is to be presented at an AGM by the Financial Advisor or Treasurer, and
matters affecting finance, management and welfare within the Mess may be discussed.
Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs). EGMs may be arranged at any time to
discuss matters which require to be settled before the next AGM and should be chaired by
the PMC. An EGM may be called by either the Stn Cdr, PMC or by the wish of one fifth of
Mess Members notified in writing to the PMC. An EGM is normally to be called prior to the
start of the FY to allow the Mess Members to formally approve the Mess Financial Plan iaw
AP3223 Leaflet 307. The plan should include matters of management accounting such as
bar gross profit percentage targets and the subscriptions to be charged to members.
Administrative charges for Honorary Members are also to be specified.
15. Notification. Notification of an AGM or EGM is to be posted on the Mess notice-board at
least ten working days before the planned date of the meeting. A copy of the annual balance sheet
bearing the certificate of the auditor/independent examiner, together with the supporting schedules,
is to be displayed for the same period before an AGM. Formal notification of committee and subcommittee meetings need not be given.
Attendance. Attendance at Mess meetings is as follows:
AGMs and EGMs. All Full Members, not on essential duty, are to attend AGMs and
EGMs. Associate Members may be invited to attend such meetings and to take part in
discussion, but they are not to be allowed voting rights; Retired and Honorary Members are
not to attend.
Committee Meetings. Only Full Members of the Mess may serve as voting members
on the Mess Committee. Associate Members may be invited to sit on the committee in an
advisory capacity but they may not be given voting rights and are not to be allowed to control
Mess funds. Honorary and Retired Members are not to be appointed to the Mess
Sub-Committees. Full Members of the Mess may be co-opted to serve on subcommittees. Associate Members may sit on and advise sub-committees as at sub-para b;
Honorary and Retired Members are not to be appointed to sub-committees.
17. Agenda. Any Full Member of the Mess who wishes to have a matter considered by a Mess
meeting or committee is to submit details to the PMC, in writing, at least five working days before
the date of the meeting. The Mess Committee is to ensure that all propositions are included in the
agenda of every AGM and EGM and, after its approval by the Stn Cdr, that the agenda is displayed
on the Mess notice-board at least 48 hours before the meeting.
18. Votes. When there is a difference of opinion on any matter being considered by a Mess
meeting or committee, the issue is to be decided by vote and the number of votes for and against
the proposition is to be recorded in the minutes. The minutes are to be circulated for comment by
the PMC and for the approval of the Stn Cdr who, as trustee, may exercise powers of veto.
19. Record of Decisions. Full and accurate Record of Decisions are to be kept of all AGMs,
EGMs, Committee Meetings, and sub-committee meetings as required by AP3223 Leaflet 208.
The minutes of an AGM may only be confirmed by the following AGM. Minutes of an EGM may be
confirmed at either an AGM or EGM.
Subscriptions and Charges (Ref AP3223 Leaflet 610)
20. The level of daily Mess Subscriptions charge is to be decided by the Mess Committee,
agreed by a General Meeting and approved by the Stn Cdr. This charge should normally be the
same for all ranks and should be no more than half of one day’s pay per month for a Plt Off on
appointment. The charge may be varied for members depending on the non-public facilities
available to them; for example, living-out members and visitors may pay different rates. Full,
Associate and Retired Members are all to pay the appropriate subscription charge. The Mess
Committee must specify if any elements of the daily charge are set aside for a particular purpose,
such as the provision of washing machines. The rate(s) of charge are to be displayed on a Mess
notice board.
Notice Boards and Posters
21. Unless stated otherwise, all material for Mess notice boards is to be approved by the Mess
Manager or an appropriate member of the Mess Committee before being displayed. Posters are to
be displayed on either approved notice boards or within the poster display frames located around
the Mess. Under no circumstances are posters to be placed on Mess doors or walls.
Suggestions and Complaints
22. Constructive suggestions for improving the Mess can be made by Mess Members, in writing,
in the book provided in reception. Complaints about the Mess are, in the first instance, to be made
to be made in a polite manner to the Mess staff; any complaint not satisfied at this juncture is to be
raised with the Mess Manager. If the Mess Manager is not able to resolve the issue, Mess
Members are to write (email) the PMC or OC MSS.
Mess Staff
23. The Mess Manager is responsible to the PMC for the day-to-day management of the Mess,
RAF and civilian Mess Staff. Members of the Mess Committee may be required to work directly
with Mess Staff in order to carry out their duties as required by their TORs, but any executive
instruction is to pass through the Mess Manager. Any complaints or suggestions about members of
the Mess Staff are to be made directly to the Mess Manager or, in serious cases, to the PMC.
Tipping of Mess Staff is not permitted.
Warning In and Out
24. A Warning In and Out book is provided in Reception. Members are to warn in or out as
appropriate on the following occasions:
On posting or attachment to, or from the Station.
Any period of duty away from the Station; irrespective of whether they live in or out.
On attaining membership through promotion, or attainment of acting rank.
When possible, prior to admittance to, and in any case on return from, hospital/sick
On going to live out of, or coming to live in, the Mess.
For periods of leave where meals will not be taken in the Mess.
25. It is an individual's responsibility to ensure they warn in and out. It is not the responsibility of
the Mess or Accounts Flt. Members who fail to fill the book in may be billed incorrectly. Any
refunds of incorrect charges would be at the PMC/CMCs discretion, and will only be granted in
exceptional circumstances.
Security Orders
All members are responsible for the security of the Mess. All external doors are to remain
locked when not in use.
Fire Orders
Fire Prevention. It is illegal to cover any automatic smoke/heat detectors within the Mess.
SSOs contain information on which appliances are authorised to be used in blocks. Specific fire
orders are posted around the Mess and Mess Members should acquaint themselves with those
Ante Room Fireplace. The Ante Room fire is only to be used iaw the Operating Procedures
issued by the PMC.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the Mess buildings, this includes Electronic
Cigarettes or E-Cigs. The designated smoking areas are provided at various points around the
Mess. All used smoking materials must be extinguished completely and placed in the bins
Annex A to
RAF Benson Officers’ Mess Rules
Edition 1 - 15 Jan 14
Dress Code
Before 1930L in all public rooms
Military Dress
Civilian Dress
Clean working dress.
Smart casual wear (Note 1)
After 1930L in all public rooms
Military Dress
Civilian Dress
Clean working dress.
Male: Shirt + trousers (Note 2).
RED Level 1
Female: Dress or Skirt (below
knee length) + appropriate top
(Note 2).
RED Level 2
Male: Suit with tie or Jacket +
tailored trousers and tie.
Clean working dress.
Suit / Jkt and tie.
(direction will be given
by the PMC)
Clean working dress.
Female: Dress or skirt (hemline to
be below knee length) or trouser
suit + appropriate top and jacket.
Smart casual wear (Note 1).
Male: Shirt + trousers (Note 2).
Military dress is not to
be worn except SDO.
Female: Dress or Skirt (below knee
length) + appropriate top
(Note 2).
Male: Suit with tie or Jacket +
tailored trousers and tie.
Military dress is not to
be worn except SDO.
Female: Dress or skirt (hemline to
be below knee length) or trouser
suit + appropriate top and jacket.
RED Level 3
As directed by the PMC (this will usually be for Dining-In Nights, Annual Reception or other formal events).
Note 1
Minimum Standard. Casual tailored trousers/clean jeans/tailored shorts/skirt and collared shirt/polo shirt/top (Ladies equivalent). Shoes to be worn
at all times. Skirts/dresses are not to be shorter than mid-thigh i.e. be closer to the knee than the hip.
Unacceptable. T-shirts, hooded tops, clothing with large badges or advertising, training shoes, flip flops, ‘board shorts’, hot pants/mini-skirts, any top
that does not cover shoulders, armpits and midrift, ripped and/or dirty jeans.
Note 2
Jeans. Jeans are not to be worn.
Males. Shirt must be of a type to take a tie, or a polo shirt (no large badges/logos) may be worn – tucked into trousers (rugby shirts are not to be
Annex B to
RAF Benson Officers’ Mess Rules
Edition 1 - 15 Jan 14
Male Officer
Female Officer
Male Civilian
Female Civilian
Dining-In Night (inc. BofB)
No5B Mess Dress (Note 1).
No5 Mess Dress (Note 1).
Black Tie.
Evening Dress (hemline to be mid-calf or
lower, shoulders to be covered).
Guest Dining-In Night
No5B Mess Dress (Note 1).
No5 Mess Dress (Note 1).
Black Tie.
Evening Dress (hemline to be mid-calf or
lower, shoulders to be covered).
No5B Mess Dress (Note 1).
No5 Mess Dress (Note 1)
or, at discretion of PMC,
Dress as per Female
Black Tie.
Cocktail dress, evening dress or ball
gown (hemline to be below the knee or
lower, shoulders do not have to be
Black Tie.
Evening dress (hemline to
be mid-calf or lower,
shoulders to be covered
for dinner).
Black Tie.
Evening dress (hemline to be mid-calf or
lower, shoulders to be covered for
Lounge Suit.
Evening dress or cocktail dress (hemline
to be mid-calf or lower, shoulders do not
have to be covered) or Trouser Suit.
Summer Ball
Christmas Draw
Annual Cocktail Party
No1 HD (no medals worn).
All other official functions
As directed by the PMC.
No1 HD (no medals worn).
Note 1
Headdress. No1 HD Hat is to be worn with No5B/No5 Mess Dress outdoors. This may, at the discretion of the PMC or Stn Cdr, be relaxed in the
vicinity of the Officers’ Mess for certain functions, this will be promulgated prior to the event. Headdress is to be worn on the wider Stn (compliments
cannot be given or returned without a hat). See AP1358 – Uniform Dress & Appearance Regulations for the RAF.