Electronic Supplementary Material The influence of geometric heterogeneity of closed carbon nanotube bundles on benzene adsorption from the gaseous phase - Monte Carlo simulations Piotr A. Gauden(*)1, Sylwester Furmaniak1, Jerzy Włoch2, Artur P. Terzyk1, Wojciech Zieliński1, Piotr Kowalczyk3, Justyna Kurzawa1 (1) Faculty of Chemistry, Physicochemistry of Carbon Materials Research Group, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Gagarin Street 7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland (2) Faculty of Chemistry, Synthesis and Modification of Carbon Materials Research Group, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Gagarin Street 7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland (3) School of Engineering and Information Technology, Murdoch University, Murdoch 6150 WA, Australia. Number of pages: 9 Number of Figures: 4 Number of Tables: 1 1 The separation of monolayer In order to discuss the position and orientation of benzene molecules towards to the CNT surface, the monolayer should be separated from total adsorption. Thus, C 6H6 molecule is in the monolayer if the distance between its center and carbon atoms of CNT is smaller than the critical value, crit,mono. In the current studies this value is obtained from the analysis of 45 000 representative equilibrium configurations simulated using the hyper parallel tempering Monte Carlo method for each point of the adsorption isotherm. The investigations are limited only to the exposed space of the peripheral tubes (Fig. S1(a)). This assumption is adopted to avoid the influence of two neighboring CNTs on the properties of the adsorbed phase of the selected nanotube. For arbitrarily chosen but representative points of adsorption isotherms (Table S1) molecular densities (ρN) are calculated as the function of the distance of the center of the ring plane to the center of nanotube axis, r. The respective curves are compared in Fig. 6. As it is expected the results show that all studied systems are characterized by essentially the same external solvation structures for the exposed space regardless of the separation distance between tubes. For all the systems, ρN(r) vs. r curves exhibit distinctive cylindrical shell-like distributions, of which the first minimum is located at ~ 0.6 nm from the exterior wall (or ~ 1.15 nm from the tube axis). It should be noted that crit,mono = 0.6 nm is comparable with empirically value estimated by us previously from the observation of special animations of adsorption with marked atoms in the monolayer, however, for significantly wider nanotubes and graphite structure (Furmaniak et al. 2009). The division in adsorption space It is evident, that concentration of benzene molecules changes with the distance from the center of any particular nanotube. Concentration inside the system (between CNTs) is different than that outside the bundle, however, in contact with the tube wall. In the other words in the exposed space of the system the behavior of benzene particles seems to be independent on the distance between nanotubes in a bundle. Moreover, the properties of these C6H6 molecules will be probably similar to those for isolated nanotubes. In order to separate the mentioned above two regions for each nanotube some arbitrary assumptions should be used. There is clear borderline between internal and exposed space due to Lbox,x Lbox,y (Table 1). First of all it is easy to divide radial matrixes into three separated parts taking into account the half distance between the centers of two neighboring tubes (see Fig. S1(b) - dark 2 green lines). Additionally, in this figure bright green dashed circles represent the range of the monolayer for crit,mono = 0.6 nm. After the intersection of dark green lines, the first origin of a line segment is obtained. The second origin is the center of the given tube. Connection of these points determines the intertubular space (red lines). In that way we obtain two regions pink area (exposed, interbundle) from the center of nanotube projection to the bulk and yellow region (space between nanotubes surfaces (intertubular)) remaining “inner” part as shown in Fig. S1(b). Consequently, the internal pore volume of the bundle comprises interstitial channel and grooves (sites (ii) and (iii) in Fig. S1(a), respectively). Site (iv) in Fig. S1(a), i.e. the external surface of the bundle, can be attributed to the exposed space of the peripheral tubes. Entropy of the adsorbed phase It is well known that the difference in Gibbs free energy between the adsorbed phase (at the given equilibrium pressure – p) and the gaseous phase at standard pressure (po) is given by the basic thermodynamic equation (Ross and Olivier 1964): G RT ln p po (S1) On the other hand, there are two factors whose balance determines the changes in free energy: enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS): G H T S (S2) The difference in enthalpy between the adsorbed and bulk phases is related to the isosteric enthalpy of adsorption: H q st (S3) 3 The negative sign is a consequence of the generally accepted signing convention. The combining of Eqs. (S1) - (S3) allows calculating the difference in entropy between the adsorbed phase and the gaseous one: S q st p R ln o T p (S4) Since S Sa S go (S5) where Sa and S go are the entropies of the adsorbed and gaseous phase, respectively, entropy of benzene adsorbed at the given pressure may be calculated from the formula: S a S go q st p R ln o T p (S6) 4 Fig. S1. (a) Different adsorption sites in an homogeneous bundle of SWCNTs: (i) intratubular, (ii) interstitial (interbundle) channel, (iii) external groove, and (iv) external rounded surface (exposed space). r is the distance to the center of nanotube and is the angle around any particular nanotube. The solid bold black lines locate the centers of the carbon atoms on the nanotube walls of b3 system. (b) Schematic representation of the separation of exposed surfaces of the tubes (interbundle region - pink area) and space between nanotubes (intertubular region - yellow region). Light green dashed lines indicate the presence of monolayer. For additional details see text. Fig. S2. Schematic representation of an angle defining the benzene ring orientation against the nanotube surfaces. 5 Fig. S3. The comparison of benzene adsorption (a, red line), enthalpy (qst, open black circles), and entropy (Sa, closed blue circles) of C6H6 adsorption at 298 K for three studied carbon nanotube bundles, i.e. b1 - b3. 6 Fig. S4. The same as Fig. S3 but the results correspond b4 - b6 systems (a - red line, qst - open black circles, and Sa - closed blue circles). Additionally, the data related to isolated tubes (b0) are presented (a - red dashed line, qst - black dashed line, and Sa - blue dashed line) - this data is treated as the reference one. 7 Table S1. Parameters characterising the arbitrarily chosen nine points of adsorption isotherms (Fig. 1), i.e. relative pressures and corresponding average numbers of adsorbed molecules. Molecular concentration of benzene molecules calculated as the function of r (distance to the center of nanotube) and orientation of C6H6 molecules against the wall as the function of (the angle around any particular nanotube) are calculated from 45 000 representative equilibrium configurations for the selected points of adsorption isotherms. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 p/ps 6.92·10-3 0.0133 0.0207 0.0316 0.0562 0.100 0.200 0.400 1.000 <N> 24.8 50.1 74.4 94.9 111.9 126.2 139.1 152.3 179.0 p/ps 2.57·10-5 1.00·10-3 5.14·10-3 0.0122 0.0277 0.0562 0.117 0.333 1.000 <N> 24.5 54.6 101.0 151.4 201.1 229.8 254.3 294.4 381.4 p/ps 9.00·10-8 4.00·10-6 1.00·10-4 1.00·10-3 3.98·10-3 8.78·10-3 0.0145 0.0316 1.000 <N> 24.6 53.1 74.6 102.4 155.0 205.0 250.9 302.0 498.4 p/ps 8.11·10-4 8.32·10-4 8.68·10-4 2.00·10-3 5.00·10-3 0.0156 0.0237 0.0562 1.000 <N> 31.1 67.1 112.7 149.2 202.5 309.0 346.4 405.7 625.7 p/ps 2.50·10-3 4.50·10-3 7.00·10-3 0.0110 0.0147 0.0189 0.0300 0.100 1.000 <N> 25.9 49.4 83.9 145.0 206.2 317.9 397.6 500.3 743.0 p/ps 2.51·10-3 5.15·10-3 9.38·10-3 0.0133 0.0237 0.0369 0.0750 0.180 1.000 <N> 24.7 53.6 103.8 154.0 249.7 303.9 364.1 425.6 858.4 p/ps 2.51·10-3 4.76·10-3 9.38·10-3 0.0133 0.0237 0.0369 0.0750 0.160 1.000 <N> 24.5 48.2 102.2 148.4 244.2 299.7 364.5 407.5 948.6 8 References Furmaniak, S., Terzyk, A.P., Gauden, P.A., Wesołowski, R.P., Kowalczyk, P.: Ar, CCl4, and C6H6 adsorption outside and inside of the bundles of multi-walled carbon nanotubes simulation study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 4982-4995 (2009) Ross, S., Olivier, J.P.: On Physical Adsorption. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York (1964) 9