8th AGM 2013 Minutes - The Early Modern Intelligencer

The Birkbeck Early Modern Society 8th AGM, 1 November 2013, Birkbeck Malet
1. Apologies:
Karen Baston, Sue Dale, Alastair Brown, Stephen Brogan.
2. Minutes of Last Year’s AGM:
3. Brief Summary of Society’s Events / Reports from officers.
We held our usual mix of events over the course of the year: 10 academic papers
(see below). We also held 2 parties, two guided walks, and gallery visits.
Academic events in 2012-13:
Friday 19 October, Prof. Katherine Duncan-Jones, 'Shakespeare's Fools:
Richard Tarleton, Will Kemp, Robert Armin’,
Friday 30 November: Dr Tara Hamling, ‘Beyond the Closet: Material Props for
Domestic Devotion in Post-Reformation England’,
Friday 14 December: The Second Barry Coward Memorial Lecture: Prof. Sir
Brian Vickers, ‘Can We Distinguish Science from Magic?’
25 January 2013, Dr Adam Smyth, ‘Cutting up Books in Early Modern
Saturday 2 Feb, Conference ‘Science, Magic and Religion’,
Friday 22 February, Katherine Hunt, ‘ “Impetuous Huzzahs and Horrid Noise”:
The Sound and the Practice of Bell Ringing in Seventeenth-Century England’,
Friday 22 March, Dr Richard Williams, ‘Realism in the Art of Jan van Eyck’,
Friday 26 April, Prof. Vanessa Harding, ‘Domestic Economies: London
Households in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries’,
24 May, Dr Laura Gowing, ‘Gender, Custom and the City: Female
Apprentices in Late Seventeenth-Century London’
6 June: Prof. Lyndal Roper followed by party
Stephen Brogan has been a phenomenally brilliant president since the Society’s
inception and we thank him for making the Society what it is today. Stephen will not
be seeking re-election.
Secretary’s report: We have 91 members, 635 on the mailing list.
Our Blog has more hits than ever and is paying its way though its connection to
Amazon. Meeting agreed to publicise the link with Amazon on all emails. Thank you
Karen Baston for another excellent year‘s work.
Treasurer’s report:
The figures refer to the academic year 12/13. The figures in brackets refer to the year
1. Income
Membership fees and donations: 895 (521)
Grants from Student Union: 540 (261)
Total Income: 1435 (782)
2. Expenditure
Wine and refreshments: 508 (391)
Speaker’s Travel: 35(212)
Speakers dinner/gift: 159(91)
Events: 120
Other: (46)
Total expenditure: 822 (741)
3. Net surplus for year: 613 (41)
Cash brought forward: 41 (0)
Reserves carried forward at 31 July: 654 (41)
We enter the new academic financial year in a healthy financial shape. Thanks Becky
4. Elections
The 2012/13 officers and committee stood down and the following were elected:
President: Becky Tomlin
Treasurer: Sue Dale
Secretary: Laura Jacobs
Stephen Brogan, Sue Jones, Robin Rowles, Nigel Carter, Karen Baston,
Timothy Alves, Alistair Brown, Simon Smith, Karen Chester.
A vote of thanks was passed to Stephen Brogan for his hard work and
everything he has done for the society.
5. Forthcoming Events:
Birkbeck Early Modern Society Events 2013-14
Friday 1 November 2013: AGM, followed by Nicola Costaras, Victoria & Albert
Museum, ‘Early Modern Blues.’
Friday 22 November 2013: Andy Kesson, Roehampton University, "Peculiar
houses": the newness of early modern theatres. '
Friday 13 December: Sir Keith Thomas, All Souls, Oxford, followed by
Christmas drinks party, 'What did it mean in early modern England to be
Friday 17 January: Professor Penelope Corfield, Royal Holloway, ‘Vauxhall
Gardens and the Eroticisation of Mass Entertainments’.
Thursday 13 February: Dr Susan Doran, Jesus College, Oxford. Title TBC.
Friday 21 March: Dr Janet Ravenscroft, '"Who Are You Looking At?" Picturing
Difference in Early Modern Spain'.
6. Membership fees:
Membership will stay at for £7 the academic year which runs from October 2013 to
October 2014. The non-members fee is £4 per event.
Donations welcome.
7. AOB: