PBL6035S: ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE COURSE SCHEDULE – 2007 As discussed, the programme of seminars on Tuesdays/Thursdays from 16h45 to 19h30 for this course will be as follows: 31st July Introductory Meeting 7th August Revision/Overview of the Development of the General Principles of the Subject 14th August Revision / Overview (completed) 21st August No class 28 August Basis of / justifications for Judicial review: deference? 4th September Procedural Fairness 11th September Sources of Administrative Power The Public/Private Divide? 18th September Review for Reasonableness 25th September Topic to be confirmed 2nd October Comparative Administrative Justice 11th October (Thursday) 18th October ) Law, Regulation and Transformation (Prof. Benjamin) 23rd October Review ______________________________________________________________ Assessment Each student must complete: (i) an essay of less than 4 500 words on a topic set by me (due by 25th September) (20%); and (ii) either another essay of less than 4 500 words, on a topic chosen and researched by you but approved by me (due by 23rd October) or an 2 oral exam of 30 minutes duration on the whole of the course, held at the end of October (20%); and (iii) OR either a long paper of less than 7 500 words on a topic chosen and researched by you (not the same as (ii)!) and approved by me (due by 14th November) a three – hour written exam, arranged to suit those writing, but on or before 14th November (60%) Readings: Copies of essential readings will be distributed. Supplementary readings will be referred to in the course of seminars. Only the major cases have been copied, in order to reduce costs. I assume that other cases referred to can be accessed individually. Hugh Corder 16 August 2007 3 University of Cape Town Faculty of Law Department of Public Law PBL6035S: ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE AUGUST 2007 READINGS Revision / Overview 1. 2. 3. H. Corder: ‘Towards Administrative Justice in a Future South Africa’ in Empowerment and Accountability (1991) 12-21 and 79-83 H. Corder 'Administrative Justice: A Cornerstone of South Africa's Democracy' (1998) 14 SAJHR 38-59 South African Law Commission Project 24: Investigation into the courts’ powers of review of administrative acts: supplementary report - October 1994. Basis of / Justifications for Judicial Review 4. E. Mureinik 'Reconsidering Review: participation and Accountability' (1993) Acta Juridica 35-46 5. D. Dyzenhaus 'The Politics of Deference: Judicial Review and Democracy' in M Taggart (Ed) The Province of Administrative Law (1997) 6. A. Henderson 'The Curative Powers of the Constitution: Constitutionality and the New Ulta Vires Doctrine in the Justification and Explanation of the Judicial Review of Administrative Action' (1998) 115 SALJ 346 Procedural Fairness 7. Van Wyk ‘Administrative Justice in Bernstein v Bester and Nel v Le Roux SJHR 8. J. Grogan ‘Audi After Traub’ (1994) 111 SALJ 80-96 9. H. Corder ‘The content of the audi alteram partem rule in South African administrative law’ (1980) 43 THRHR 156-176 The Public / Private Divide 10. A. Cockrell ‘Can you paradigm?’ – Another perspective on the public law/private law divide 11. D. Pretorius ‘The defence of the realm: contract and natural justice’ (2002) 119 SALJ 374-399 12. M. Taggart ‘Corporatisation, privatisation and public law’ (1991) 2 Public Law Review 13. D. Oliver ‘The underlying values of public and private law’ 4 Reasonableness Review 14. D. Davis ‘To Defer and then When? Administrative Law and Constitutional Democracy’ 2006 Acta Juridica 23 15. Cora Hoexter Administrative Law in South Africa (2007) Ch 6 16. Trevor Allan ‘Common Law Reason and the Limits of Judicial Deference’ in Dyzenhaus (Ed) The Unity of Public Law Comparative Administrative Justice 17. David J Mullan ‘Deference: Is it useful outside Canada?’ 2006 Acta Juridica 42 18. Shivaji Felix ‘Engaging Unreasonableness and Proportionality as Standards of Review in England, India and Sri Lanka’ 2006 Acta Juridica 95 19. J. Chan ‘A Sliding Scale of Reasonableness in Judicial Review’ 2006 Acta Juridica 233 20. Robin Creyke ‘Administrative Justice: Beyond the Courtroom Door’ 2006 Acta Juridica 257 21. Cheryl Saunders ‘ Apples, Oranges and Comparative Administrative Law’ 2006 Acta Juridica 423 The following cases are essential reading: Basis of / Justification for Judicial Review Fedsure Life Assurance and Others v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metro Council and Others 1998(12) BCLR 1458 (CC); 1999 (1) SA 374 (CC) President of the RSA and Others v SARFU and Others 2000 (1) SA 1 (CC); 1999 (10) BCLR 1059 (CC) Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA and Another: In re Ex parte President of the RSA and Others 2000 (2) SA 674 (CC); 2000 (3) BCLR 241 (CC) Permanent Secretary, Department of Education and Welfare, Eastern Cape and Another v Ed-U-College (PE) (Section 21) Inc 2001 (2) SA 1 (CC); 2001 (2) BCLR 118 (CC) Logbro Properties CC v Bedderson NO and Others 2003 (2) SA 460 (SCA) Olitzki Property Holdings v State Tender Board and Another 2001 (3) SA 1247 (SCA) Procedural Fairness Administrator, Transvaal and Others v Traub and Others 1989 (4) SA 731 (A) Premier, Mpumalanga and Another v Executive Committee, Association of Stateaided Schools, Eastern Transvaal 1999 (2) SA 91 (CC); 1999 (2) BCLR 151 (CC) 5 Minister of Public Works and Others v Kyalami Ridge Environmental Association and Others 2001 (7) BCLR 652 (CC); 2001 (3) SA 1151 (CC) Reasonableness Review Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC); 2004 (7) BCLR 687 (CC) Affordable Medicines Trust and Others v Minister of Health of RSA and Another 2005 (6) BCLR 529 (CC) Minister of Health NO v New Clicks South Africa 2006 (2) SA 311 (CC)