Textbook Services - Humble Independent School District

Humble Independent School District
Textbook Services
Policies and Procedures
Manual 2010-2011
General Information
The Humble Independent School District (HISD) Textbook Warehouse is located at 1703 Wilson Road,
Humble, Texas 77338. The phone number is 281-641-8936 and the fax number is 281-641-1092. The
HISD web site can be accessed for additional information regarding textbooks and the Texas Education
Agency web site is a resource for the Texas Education Code and Texas Administrative Code:
Textbook Services, like other Humble ISD departments, involves a number of people and resources. In
order to accomplish the desired results, cooperation and direction are necessary. The direction needed
varies from very broad and general guidance to more narrow and specific control.
This manual is designed to assist campus personnel in the management of state and district owned
instructional material and textbooks assigned to their campus. The contents of this manual ranges from
broad guidelines to narrow mandates. The intent is to permit discretion whenever practical and to
provide procedural assistance whenever necessary.
To share the responsibility for learning by providing textbooks and instructional materials
that will ensure the success of all students.
To understand and meet the student, teacher and campus needs by providing the
necessary tools for learning.
Textbook Procedures Manual
State Board of
Sets state textbook
TEA Textbook
Sets state textbook
Local Board of
Sets local textbook
Superintendent 
District Textbook
Sets local procedures and
enforces state and
Sets campus procedures
and enforces state and
local policies
Enforces campus, local,
state policies and
Textbook Procedures Manual
Is responsible for care
return of state
Continue to receive and process summer shipments.
Send missing textbook report and payment sent to the state or purchase replacements.
Inventory adjusted to reflect missing textbook payment sent to the state.
Deliver fall shipments to campuses.
Send supplemental requisitions to the state and processes supplemental shipments.
Receive and verify shipments.
Distribute textbooks to teachers and pupils.
Inventories are adjusted to reflect missing textbooks for which payment has been remitted
to the state.
Supplemental shipments arrive from the state.
Fill campus requests based on membership, adjusted inventory and quotas.
Conduct physical inventory of district warehouse.
Identify subject areas on new adoption list.
Work with individuals serving as members of the Textbook Selection Committees.
Distribute textbooks to students and teachers.
Identify membership changes and request needed textbooks.
Textbook Selection Committees conduct organizational meetings.
Request and receive official samples of all textbooks on the adoption list.
Meeting dates and locations of the Textbook Selection Committees are sent to District
Textbook Coordinator.
Begin to receive sample textbooks.
Textbook Selection Committees meet to evaluate textbooks on the adoption list.
Textbook exhibit hall opens for public viewing.
Receive annual requisition forms from state.
Textbook Selection Committees finalize recommendations for adoption to the Board.
School Board adopts textbooks for use in the district.
Get class enrollment numbers for fall shipment needs.
Textbook Procedures Manual
Review and evaluate textbook selection.
Complete the annual order and exceptions report to send to the state.
Send inventory forms to campus.
Audit campus inventories.
Receive summer shipment.
rocess summer shipment for distribution to campus.
Collect out-of-adoption books.
Send out-of-adoption books to state.
Collect books from students and store them for inventory purposes.
Prepare out-of-adoption books for return to the district facility.
nventory all state owned textbooks.
Send completed inventory forms to the District Textbook Office.
Complete paperwork for payment for lost textbooks.
Throughout the Year
Transfer textbooks to campuses when eligibility is documented.
Request additional textbooks from the state when eligible.
Collect money from students for lost, destroyed, or damaged textbooks.
Request additional textbooks from the District Textbook Office when eligible.
Textbook Procedures Manual
Table of Contents
Section 1.........................................................An Overview Of Textbook Management
Section 2.........................................................Textbook Management Responsibilities
Section 3.........................................................Issuing Textbooks
Section 4.........................................................Textbook Requisitions And Deliveries
Section 5.........................................................Out-Of-Adoption Textbooks
Section 6.........................................................Rebinds/Worn Books
Section 7.........................................................Surplus Books
Section 8.........................................................Payment For Lost Textbooks
Section 9.........................................................Audits
Section 10.......................................................Book Covers
Section 11.......................................................Special Education
Section 12.......................................................Procedures For 504 Students
Section 13: .....................................................Large Type/Braille Books
Section 14.......................................................Texas Education Code
Section 15.......................................................Requisition Form
Section 16.......................................................Texas Education Code
Section 17.......................................................Out Of Adoption Label
Section 18.......................................................Rebinds Form /Label
Section 19.......................................................Surplus Form/Label
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 1: An Overview Of Textbook Management
1.1 General Information
A. Textbooks are property of the State of Texas and are not owned by Humble Independent School
District (HISD).
B. The campus is held responsible for the replacement cost of the textbooks and learning systems
assigned to that campus.
C. Textbooks are to be protected by using book covers. [TEC §31.104 (c) See Appendix]
D. Campus eligibility for textbooks is based on accurate grade or subject enrollment.
1.2 A Principal’s Role in Textbook Management
A. Every textbook transfer in or out of the campus needs to be carefully checked by the principal or
designee (i.e., assistant principal, textbook specialist) to assure accurate textbook inventories.
B. A system should be established to check out textbooks to students and teachers. This system
should track each textbook by its unique accession number and the person to whom it was
checked out.
C. Each student and teacher must be held accountable for all textbooks they are issued.
D. A complete textbook inventory must be taken at the conclusion of each school year. The signed
and dated copy of the campus inventory must be sent to Textbook Services on or before June
10th each year.
E. Campus funds should be used to pay for all textbooks found missing during the annual textbook
F. During the end-of-year inventory, all textbooks that need to be replaced due to damage and/or
wear should be returned to the Textbook Warehouse on or before June 10th each year. Specific
shipping instructions and time lines are included in Section 6.
G. Notify Textbook Services as soon as the Humble ISD Board of Trustees approves a new course
that will require the use of a state adopted textbook. Once personnel in Textbook Services are
notified, documents will be sent to the TEA requesting the appropriate books.
H. If a student has a textbook destroyed by an act of nature, there are means to obtain relief from the
TEA. For more information, contact Textbook Services at 281-641-8936.
I. While the district has a suggested list of textbook fines for damages, each campus is the point
where the fine is levied and collected. The campus will be the point of all appeals related to
textbook fines. All fines should be receipted for textbooks.
Section 2: Textbook Management Responsibilities
The responsibilities for state and district owned textbooks are outlined in this section.
2.1 Student, Parent and/or Guardian
A. Maintain the proper use and care of state and district-owned textbooks.
B. Maintain book covers on all textbooks.
[Texas Education Code (TEC) §31.104(c) See Appendix]
C. Reimburse the campus for any stolen, lost, and/or damaged textbooks and should pay the school
for any fines related to a damaged book.
Textbook Procedures Manual
Each student, parent and/or guardian shall be responsible to the teacher for all books not returned by the student.
Any student failing to return all books shall forfeit their right to free textbooks until the books previously issued
but not returned are paid for or returned by the parent and/or guardian.
[TEC §31.104(d) See Appendix]
Failure on the part of any student to maintain their responsibility for state or district owned textbooks may result
in the denial of state textbooks for use at home until the loss or damage assessment is paid.
2.2 Teacher Responsibilities
A. Responsible for all state and district-owned instructional materials assigned to the teacher.
B. Require that students write their name in the textbooks.
C. Keep a record of the book
[TEC §31.104 (c) See Appendix]
D. Ensure book covers are available and textbooks are kept covered at all times.
[TEC §31.104 (c) See Appendix]
E. Conduct periodic textbook checks as directed by the principal. One check per semester is
F. Notify the assistant principal or administrative intern when books are lost or damaged so that
appropriate fines or monies can be collected from students, parents, and/or guardians.
G. Return surplus books to the campus textbook specialist.
H. Return all books to the assistant principal or administrative intern at the end of the year or the
end of the course (including student books checked out to the teacher).
2.3 Principal/Designee Responsibilities
A. Designate an assistant principal to assume the duties for that campus.
B. Conduct a yearly physical textbook inventory of all instructional materials, including student
editions, traditional systems and electronic instructional media systems (EIMS).
C. Deposit all money collected from students, parents or guardians for textbooks into the campus
textbook activity fund. Require that district accounting procedures be followed when money is
collected. Ensure that all collected monies (including fines) are documented.
D. Maintain all textbook records.
E. Require that all textbooks be covered. [TEC §31.104 (c) See Appendix]
F. Inform staff members of applicable state regulations regarding textbook matters.
Maintain all textbook records for the campus.
Keep all textbooks in a controlled bookroom.
Restrict book requisitions to quotas.
Send all books to Textbook Services for which the campus is ineligible due to enrollment.
Report and return all books that need to be replaced due to damage or wear.
Textbook Procedures Manual
2.4 Textbook Administrator Responsibilities
A. Perform the functions set out in the statutes and TEA regulations and such other duties as may be
assigned by the Superintendent and/or his designee.
B. Responsible for all shipping and receiving of textbooks from TEA.
C. Maintain the district’s textbook records.
D. Responsible for monitoring campus textbook inventories by checking the requested number of
books against the inventory and campus enrollment.
E. Maintain the computerized textbook inventory system.
F. Responsible for all deliveries and transfers from the Textbook Warehouse to campuses.
G. Prepare annual shipment of textbooks (i.e., out-of-adoption, rebinds, surplus) to TEA.
Section 3: Issuing Textbooks
3.1 To Teachers
A. The assistant principal should obtain pupil count by teacher and subject from the counselor or
principal. It is critical that daily attendance figures be secured for the first few weeks of school.
Note: The textbook room should never be left open for peeople to pick up their own books. This
is not in the assistant principal or administrative intern’s best interest when he/she is accountable
for all textbooks.
B. Each assistant principal should use a distribution form when issuing books. It is advisable to
have the teacher sign the form.
C. Teachers are responsible for each student textbook, the teacher editions, and all ancillary
instructional materials issued to them throughout the year.
D. It is suggested by TEA that the principal, or his/her designee, carefully control the textbook
activity within the school by:
 insisting on regular textbook inspections by the teachers
 keeping all instructional materials in a controlled bookroom
E. Verify that the student has written his/her name, teacher’s name, room number, and school year
on the inside of the textbook.
3.2 To Students
A. Record each textbook issued to a student.
TEC §31.104 (c) states: “Teachers shall keep a record of the number of all books issued to each
pupil.” (See Appendix)
Note: A Textbook Number Sheet is available from HISD Central Warehouse, product #014215,
which can be used to maintain a record of books issued to students. (See Appendix)
B. Each student is required to write his/her name, teacher’s name, and room number in each issued
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 4: Textbook Requisitions And Deliveries
4.1 General Information
A. Textbook requests are made on a request form. (See Appendix).
B. Textbook orders from the assistant principal or administrative intern that are approved based on
current enrollment data will be filled and delivered to the campus.
C. The accuracy of textbook counts is important.
D. The master campus textbook inventory includes all shipments made to the campus as well as
books returned to the Textbook Warehouse.
4.2 Delivery Guidelines
A. When books are delivered to a HISD campus, the boxes must be verified and the Textbook
Delivery Form signed by a campus staff member.
B. Any shortages or discrepancies in the number of boxes delivered should be noted on the delivery
sheet before signing.
4.3 Verifying Textbook Shipment
A. A campus representative must count the textbooks being delivered and sign the Textbook
Delivery Form.
B. The Campus Distribution Report will be sent with each shipment of books from the Textbook
Warehouse to the campus. The signed copy will verify the shipment.
C. The number of books that are requested and received will be placed on the campus master
inventory and the campus will be held accountable for these additional textbooks. Any
discrepancy in the textbook count should be resolved immediately. Call Textbook Services at
291-641-8936 within five (5) days of the delivery for instructions on reporting a discrepancy.
4.4 Textbook Requests During the School Year
A. When a school is in need of additional textbooks, a request should be made to Textbook Services
via a Textbook Request Form (Using TIP) and emailed as an attachment.
B. The request for additional textbooks or teacher editions should indicate the reason additional
instructional materials are ordered.
C. Requests received in the Office of Textbook Services will be filled and delivered as
expeditiously as possible
4.5 Requests for Books by Parents and/or Guardians
A. State law allows a district to order books based on the maximum enrollment (i.e., one book per
student) plus three (3) percent. [TEC §31.103(b) See Appendix)
B. Parents and/or guardians who wish to purchase a textbook for use at home may call the Textbook
Services office 281 641-8936 for ordering information.
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 5: Out-Of-Adoption Textbooks
5.1 General Guidelines
A. Textbooks that are out-of-adoption can be sent to the Textbook Warehouse for shipment back to
the Texas Education Agency’s contractor for processing.
B. At the end of the school year any items can be returned. This can be textbooks from previous
years as well as the current year.
C. No textbook items are to be placed in the campus recycle bin.
5.2 Use of Totes
Textbooks that are picked up for delivery to the Textbook Warehouse must be in a location that
is conducive to retrieval by Textbook Warehouse staff (i.e., on first floor, near the front
entrance). The textbooks must be placed in totes provided by the warehouse Place a label on the
box to identify the items being sent to Textbook Warehouse (i.e., out-of-adoption, surplus) and
the sending campus three digit number.
5.3 Approved Items
Please note the following items are returnable as “Out-of-Adoption” materials according to the
Texas State Book Depositories:
Spiral bound items
Notebook binders
Cassette tapes
Video tapes
Educational Instructional Systems
5.4 Donating Out-of-Adoption Materials
A. Under State Board of Education rule 19 TAC 67.81, school districts can retain out-of-adoption
materials or donate them to city, county and state agencies and to nonprofit organizations.
However, title to said materials still rests with the publisher.
B. Districts/campuses may donate out-of-adoption textbooks to students, adult literacy programs or
to non-profit organizations. When giving more than one book per person, it is advisable to have
them complete a form stating they do not intend to profit from these books. Contact personnel in
Textbook Services for additional information and appropriate forms.
5.5 Selling Out-of-Adoption Materials
Per a Texas Education Agency memo dated October 15, 1996 signed by Dr. Robert H. Leos,
Senior Director, Textbook Administration, school districts are not authorized to sell out-ofadoption or surplus textbooks.
5.6 Instructions for Returning
A. Out-of-Adoption totes must have the label (See Appendix) attached to the end of the box with
the campus name and three-digit campus code on each.
B. All textbooks to be picked up by Textbook Warehouse staff must be in a location that is
conducive to retrieval.
C. The totes used for sending books must not exceed 50 pounds. This is to protect personnel who
will be lifting the boxes from injury.
D. Notify personnel in Textbook Services by email or call (281-641-8936) of the quantity of totes
ready for pick up.
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 6: Rebinds/Worn Books
6.1 General Guidelines
A. Rebinds are books that have a loose binding due to normal wear and/or printing errors (i.e.,
missing pages, printed upside down).
B. Books damaged by students cannot be sent to the warehouse as “Rebinds.”
6.2 Instructions for Returning
A. The textbooks should be placed in totes with a Rebinds Packing Slip (See Appendix D) enclosed
in each box that identifies the sending school and the books by title and quantity. The packing
slip ensures that the campus is credited with the correct title and quantity of books.
B. Label the ends of the totes with the “Rebinds Label” (See Appendix D) and write in the threedigit campus code.
C. Assemble in one place on the first floor near an exit that can be reached by the truck driver.
D. Do not include out-of-adoption or teacher editions in the box with rebinds. They cannot be sent
to TEA for rebinding.
E. Notify personnel in Textbook Services by fax or email when the boxes are ready for pick up.
Section 7: Surplus Books
7.1 Definition
These are the textbooks and teacher editions that are in excess of the current enrollment.
7.2 General Information
TEA sends books to the district based on enrollment as reported in PEIMS. If campuses retain
surplus books, then the Textbook Warehouse surplus is reduced. In this situation, when an order
is received and there are no books available to fill the request, a search is conducted to locate the
books. Time is spent securing the books from a campus and the student is without a book while
the search is conducted.
7.3 District Surplus
The district maintains a three-percent (3%) surplus of books in order to fill orders. As books are
used to fill campus requests, a replacement book is requested from TEA to restock the warehouse
7.5 Instructions for Returning
A. The student books and teacher editions should be boxed with a packing slip (See Appendix E)
enclosed in each box that identifies the sending school and the items by title and quantity.
B. Label the ends of the boxes with the label (See Appendix E) which states SURPLUS and the
C. Assemble the boxes in one place on the first floor near an exit that can be reached by the truck
D. Notify personnel in Textbook Services by fax or email when the boxes are ready to be picked up.
E. If a teacher kit accompanies the teacher edition, the COMPLETE KIT must be sent with the
teacher’s edition.
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 8: Payment For Lost Textbooks
8.1 General Information
A. The campus principal will designate one (1) individual who receives monies for lost textbooks
and fines.
B. Textbook funds are to be maintained separately from other funds. The funds are to be deposited
in the Activity Fund Textbook Account.
C. All monies collected should be stored in a secure location (i.e., the vault, a locked file cabinet)
D. The amount of money deposited in the textbook account should cover lost books paid for during
the school year. All textbooks that are found to be missing during the annual audit must be paid
for from campus funds. The check is written to HISD and sent to Textbook Services on or before
June 10th to cover the lost books.
E. All monies collected for lost or destroyed expiring adoption textbooks should be applied toward
payment of current adoption textbooks for which no payment was collected.
F. Monies collected for lost textbooks do not belong to a campus or to the district. HISD is acting
as custodian of the money until the district reimburses the TEA for the lost textbooks. Once the
district has received the quota on a textbook, additional books cannot be ordered until the district
reimburses the TEA for the lost textbooks.
G. TEC §31.104(d) [See Appendix] was amended allowing school districts to withhold a student’s
records for non-payment of textbooks.
The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act provides that if a school withholds a
student’s school records from the parent or student, it runs the risk of losing its federal funds.
H. TEC §31.104(c) was amended by the 71st legislature.
Districts may now provide for a method of payment other than lump sum. The amended code
also allows districts to waive or reduce the amount of payment, if the student is from a family of
low income.
I. HISD leaves this to the discretion of the campus principal. If payment is waived or reduced, the
campus is still accountable for full payment to the Activity Fund Textbook Account for
remittance to TEA. All such transactions should be kept confidential.
8.2 Receipts
A. Receipts must be issued when any money is collected for textbooks.
B. The receipt should always include:
1. the book title
2. the price
3. the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) code
4. the accession number from the bar code label
8.3 Refunds
Note: See the lost textbook section in the Activity Fund manual for directions on refunding
monies collected for textbooks.
8.4 Tabulation of Money Form
A. Once the money has been collected from students, parents, and/or guardians; the receipts should
be listed on a Tabulation of Money Form.
Textbook Procedures Manual
B. The receipts, money collected, and Tabulation of Money Form are given to the person designated
by the campus principal as the person who receipts the money.
C. An Activity Fund Receipt should be given to the textbook liaison when they turn in money.
8.5 Collection of Fines
A. The collection of fines for damaged textbooks is strictly local policy.
B. If fines are collected for books that are damaged but still usable (i.e., textbooks with writing or
dog-earring), the campus may use the funds for textbooks in a manner the principal deems
C. Note: If a student pays for a book in full (100%), he/she is entitled to keep the book. The campus
custodian must write on the inside cover:
PROPERTY OF___________________(student’s name)
PAID FOR ON_____________________(date)
SCHOOL NAME____________________
SIGNATURE OF A.P.________________
D. The following is a suggested list of charges for fines:
Torn pages
Ink/pencil marks
Heavily marked page
Loose bindings (due to misuse)
Obscenities-drawn or written
Missing Pages
Damages that prevent re-issuing book
$1.00 each page
8.6 Building Level Issues
A. When a student is promoted to the next building level and owes the campus for textbooks, the
sending campus should provide a list of students and the amount owed to the receiving campus.
B. When monies are collected at the new building level, the student should receive a receipt.
C. A copy of the receipt and a check for the correct amount should be sent to the campus where the
book was lost/damaged.
D. If the receiving campus refers the student to the sending campus to pay the money, that
procedure is acceptable.
Section 9: Audits
9.1 Selection of campuses
Personnel from Textbook Services will audit one third of the campuses in HISD each summer.
When a campus experiences a new principal, an audit will be conducted on that campus.
TAC §66.107(a) states:
“Each school shall conduct an annual physical inventory of all current adoption textbooks and learning
systems…and must pay for any textbooks and/or learning systems that cannot be found during the inventory.”
[See Appendix ]
9.2 General Information
A. The textbook office will provide each principal and assistant principal or administrative intern
information that will explain the following:
List of expiring textbooks
Textbook Procedures Manual
Titles of new textbooks adopted by the HISD Board of Trustees
Instructions for the campus
B. Teachers will collect textbooks from all students and clear their classroom account with the
assistant principal or administrative intern.
C. Textbooks, learning systems, and teacher aids listed on the spring campus inventory sheet are to
be counted in the annual audit with the exception of consumable books.
D. If the campus inventory does not list a price for an item that is lost, contact personnel in
Textbook Services for the price of that item.
E. A signed/dated copy of the inventory and a check made payable to Humble ISD is due in the
Office of Textbook Services on or before June 10th.
F. After the campus check for lost books is received by Textbook Services and remitted to the
Texas Education Agency, the money cannot be refunded to the campus if the books are found.
9.3 Audit Instructions
A. Campus personnel must count all of the books prior to the audit. Provide the audit team with a
copy of the counts or affix the campus count to the books in the book room via post-it notes
taped to a shelf.
B. Document that campus personnel have accounted for the components of all teacher kits, learning
systems, etc. prior to the audit. Each campus is held accountable for all components within a
system. It is highly recommended that a learning system be pulled together and inventoried at the
end of the year. The campus is responsible for replacing all pieces missing from a learning
system when it is transferred to Textbook Services due to a reduction in enrollment.
C. Textbooks should be stacked by title in groups of five, [For example five spines out, five in, five
out, five in, etc.]. This procedure enables the inventory to be quickly verified for accuracy.
D. Provide the audit team with a list of books checked out for the summer or copies of sign-out
forms. A check out form with the teacher’s signature will be sufficient documentation. This
procedure will prevent “checked out” books from being counted as lost.
E. Assemble the books in a maximum of three locations. If there are extenuating circumstances on
your campus and more locations are needed, please discuss this matter with Textbook Services
staff at 281-641-8936.
F. It is recommended that one campus staff member be present to aid the audit team.
G. Suggestions for elementary schools:
1. If the book room is too small to accommodate the large teacher kits (i.e., Scholastic
Workshop, etc.), these products can be assembled in a separate location. This may be a
classroom, library, teacher workroom, etc.
2. Stack teacher materials separate from student materials.
3. Stack English products separate from Bilingual products.
Section 10: Book Covers
TEC § 31.104(c) “…Books must be covered by the pupil under the direction of the teacher.”
10.1 Exclusive Contract
HISD has an exclusive contract with Walraven Book Cover Company to supply book covers.
Campus personnel should not make arrangements with other companies to supply book covers.
The current year’s book covers should be issued to students for use. Any book covers remaining
at the end of the year can be placed in a recycle bin.
Textbook Procedures Manual
10.2 Distribution
Walraven sends book covers directly to the campus. Notify personnel in Textbook Services at
281-641-8936 if book covers have not been received by August 1 each year.
Section 11: Special Education
11.1 Below Grade Level Books
TEA will provide books for students performing below grade level. The student’s name, grade
level, level on which they are performing and subject must be submitted with the Textbook
Requisition Form.
11.2 Second Set of Books
The Texas Education Agency by law only provides one set of books per student. The campus,
parents, or the district must purchase additional books, even if the ARD/504 committee states the
student needs a second set of books. Below is a TEA response when asked about providing a
second set of books:
Please refer to Texas Education Code 31.103: "Textbook Requisitions (a) Not later than the
seventh day after the first school day in April, each principal shall report the maximum
attendance for the school to the superintendent. Not later than April 25, the superintendent of a
school district or the chief operating officer of an open-enrollment charter school shall report the
district's or schools maximum attendance to the commissioner. (b) A requisition for textbooks
for the following school year shall be based on the maximum attendance reports under
subsection (a), plus an additional 10 percent."
Also, Texas Administrative Code 66.104: "(i) Except as otherwise provided by statute,
requisitions submitted before the first day of school shall be approved based on the maximum
number of students enrolled in the district or open-enrollment charter school during the previous
school year and/or registered to attend the district during the next school year. Requisitions
submitted after the first day of school shall be approved based on the actual number of students
enrolled in the district when the requisition is submitted. TAC 66.107: "(c) When placing order
for instructional materials, school districts and open-enrollments school shall report enrollments
as follows: (1) Annual orders for instructional materials. Enrollments shall be reported based on
the maximum number of students enrolled in the district during the previous school year and/or
registered to attend the district during the next school year; and (2) Supplemental orders for
instructional materials. Enrollments shall be reported based on the actual number of students
enrolled in the district when the order is submitted.
Conclusion: Based on the above TEC and TAC rules, I may legally only supply one textbook per
student per subject.
11.3 Surplus to Quota
Each campus retains five percent (5%) surplus books which can be used to meet the request for a
second set of books.
Section 12: Procedures For 504 Students
12.1 Second Set of Books
[Follow guidelines in 11.2 for a second set of books.]
12.2 Surplus to Quota
[Follow guidelines in 11.3 for surplus to quota.]
12.3 Large Type Books
Textbook Procedures Manual
In order for a 504 student to receive large print textbooks, there must be a 504 committee
meeting that states the student is visually impaired and needs large print. Following the
committee meeting, send Textbook Services a statement including the following information:
Student name and grade level
Campus name
Date of 504 committee meeting
Statement of the student’s visual impairment
This information will be forwarded to TEA as documentation of the student’s need for large type
books. After that, follow the procedures above for ordering the textbooks.
Section 13: Large Type/Braille Books
13.1: General Information
This section outlines the procedures to follow when ordering materials for visually impaired (VI)
students. Through the special education process, students may be identified as having a visual
impairment and need Braille or large type materials. Individual campuses are responsible for the
textbook in the same manner as other textbooks.
In the state of heightened textbook accountability, all state adopted textbooks entering and
exiting the campus must be tracked. To ensure accuracy of inventory relating to VI materials, the
following procedures will be followed:
13.2 Ordering Textbooks
A. Orders for next school year
Each spring the VI teacher will attend Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) meetings and
assist the ARD committee in making recommendations for Braille and/or large print books.
Order forms for each vision student will be sent to the vision supervisor before April 1 each year
for distribution to the vision teachers. The completed/signed original copy should be returned to
Textbook Services when the ARD is completed and no later than the week before school ends. A
copy will be given to the vision supervisor and the vision teacher will retain a copy. If Textbook
Services has not received forms for these students by May 1, the vision teacher will be notified.
Staff in Textbook Services places the order with Texas Education Agency. Once the books arrive
in district, they are processed and delivered to the campus.
B. Requests during the school year
When a new VI student arrives at a campus after school has begun, the campus textbook
specialist and the VI teacher should work together to prepare the Textbook Requisition for
Braille or large type books. At the bottom of the form, state that Braille/large type books are
being requested for (give the student’s name). The completed/signed form is sent to Textbook
Services via fax (281-641-8936) or inter-district mail. The district Textbook Coordinator places
the order with Texas Education Agency (TEA). When the books arrive in the district and are
processed, they will be delivered to the campus.
13.3 Returning Textbooks
A. If the student will be using the same textbooks next school year, the campus should retain the
books and notify Textbook Services.
B. At the conclusion of the school year, all Braille and large type books must be returned to
Textbook Services no later than June 1. The student or campus must pay for any missing
volumes just as with regular textbooks. Place a list of the books inside one box to serve as the
packing list and notify Textbook Services via email that the books are ready for pick-up.
Textbook Procedures Manual
13.4 Transferring Textbooks
A. Transferring textbooks is against Humble ISD procedures. If a student is not using the textbooks,
they should be returned to Textbook Services.
B. If the student transfers within the district, the vision teacher should notify Textbook Services and
it will be transferred it to the new campus.
Section 14: Texas Education Code
The Texas Education Code (TEC) is referenced throughout the manual. This section is printed from
the Texas Education Agency’s web site: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/
14.1 TEC §31.103. Textbook Requisitions.
(a) Not later than the seventh day after the first school day in April, each principal shall report the
maximum attendance for the school to the superintendent. Not later than April 25, the
superintendent of a school district or the chief operating officer of an open-enrollment charter
school shall report the district's or schools maximum attendance to the commissioner.
(b) A requisition for textbooks for the following school year shall be based on the maximum
attendance reports under Subsection (a), plus an additional 10 percent, except as otherwise
provided. A school district or open-enrollment charter school shall make a requisition for a
textbook on the conforming or nonconforming list through the commissioner to the state
depository designated by each publisher or as provided by State Board of Education rule, as
applicable, not later than June 1 of each year. The
(c) The designated state depository or other storage facility shall fill a requisition approved by the
agency at any other time in the case of an emergency.
Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, Sec. 1, eff. May 30, 1995.
14.2 TEC Sec. 31.104 Distribution and Handling
(a) The board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of an open-enrollment charter
school may delegate to an employee the authority to requisition, distribute, and manage the
inventory of textbooks in a manner consistent with this chapter and rules adopted under this
(b) A school district or open-enrollment charter school may order directly from the textbook
depository replacements for textbooks that have been lost or damaged.
(c) Each textbook must state that the textbook is the property of or is licensed to this state, as
appropriate. A school district or open-enrollment charter school must number or place another
identifying mark on each textbook. Each teacher shall keep a record of the number or other
identifying mark of each textbook issued to each student. Each textbook, other than an electronic
textbook, must be covered by the student under the direction of the teacher. Subject to
availability, each school district or open-enrollment charter school shall, at the request of a
parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the district or school, allow the student to take home
any textbook, other than an electronic textbook, used by the student. The student must return the
textbook to school at the beginning of the next school day. A student must return all textbooks to
the teacher at the end of the school year or when the student withdraws from school.
(d) Each student, or the student's parent or guardian, is responsible for each textbook not returned by
the student. A student who fails to return all textbooks forfeits the right to free textbooks until
each textbook previously issued but not returned is paid for by the student, parent, or guardian.
As provided by policy of the board of trustees or governing body, a school district or openTextbook Procedures Manual
enrollment charter school may waive or reduce the payment requirement if the student is from a
low-income family. The district or school shall allow the student to use textbooks at school
during each school day. If a textbook is not returned or paid for, the district or school may
withhold the student's records. A district or school may not, under this subsection, prevent a
student from graduating, participating in a graduation ceremony, or receiving a diploma.
Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, Sec. 1, eff. May 30, 1995.
The following section of the Texas Administrative Code is taken from the TEA website.
TAC §66.107 Local Accountability
(a) Each school district or open-enrollment charter school shall conduct an annual physical inventory
of all currently adopted instructional materials that have been requisitioned by, and delivered to,
the district. The results of the inventory shall be recorded in the district's files.
Reimbursement and/or replacement shall be made for all instructional materials determined to be
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 15: Requisition Form
Humble Independent School District
Campus Number: _________
Directions: Complete all information. Send completed form to Textbook Services or fax to 281-6411091. Form may be submitted electronically as an email attachment.
Student (S)
or Teacher
Materials (T)
Total #
Students or
Record the total number of students or teachers for this grade, subject and/or version (i.e., English or
Reason for the request:
Submitted by:
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 16: Texas Education Code
The Texas Education Code (TEC) is referenced throughout the manual. This section is printed
from the Texas Education Agency’s web site: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/
16.1 TEC §31.103. Textbook Requisitions.
(a) Not later than the seventh day after the first school day in April, each principal shall report the
maximum attendance for the school to the superintendent. Not later than April 25, the
superintendent of a school district or the chief operating officer of an open-enrollment charter
school shall report the district's or schools maximum attendance to the commissioner.
(b) A requisition for textbooks for the following school year shall be based on the maximum
attendance reports under Subsection (a), plus an additional 10 percent, except as otherwise
provided. A school district or open-enrollment charter school shall make a requisition for a
textbook on the conforming or nonconforming list through the commissioner to the state
depository designated by each publisher or as provided by State Board of Education rule, as
applicable, not later than June 1 of each year. The designated state depository or other storage
facility shall fill a requisition approved by the agency at any other time in the case of an
Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, Sec. 1, eff. May 30, 1995.
16.2 TEC Sec. 31.104 Distribution and Handling
(a) The board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of an open-enrollment charter
school may delegate to an employee the authority to requisition, distribute, and manage the
inventory of textbooks in a manner consistent with this chapter and rules adopted under this
(b) A school district or open-enrollment charter school may order directly from the textbook
depository replacements for textbooks that have been lost or damaged.
(c) Each textbook must state that the textbook is the property of or is licensed to this state, as
appropriate. A school district or open-enrollment charter school must number or place another
identifying mark on each textbook. Each teacher shall keep a record of the number or other
identifying mark of each textbook issued to each student. Each textbook, other than an electronic
textbook, must be covered by the student under the direction of the teacher. Subject to
availability, each school district or open-enrollment charter school shall, at the request of a
parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the district or school, allow the student to take home
any textbook, other than an electronic textbook, used by the student. The student must return the
textbook to school at the beginning of the next school day. A student must return all textbooks to
the teacher at the end of the school year or when the student withdraws from school.
(d) Each student, or the student's parent or guardian, is responsible for each textbook not returned by
the student. A student who fails to return all textbooks forfeits the right to free textbooks until
each textbook previously issued but not returned is paid for by the student, parent, or guardian.
As provided by policy of the board of trustees or governing body, a school district or openenrollment charter school may waive or reduce the payment requirement if the student is from a
low-income family. The district or school shall allow the student to use textbooks at school
during each school day. If a textbook is not returned or paid for, the district or school may
withhold the student's records. A district or school may not, under this subsection, prevent a
student from graduating, participating in a graduation ceremony, or receiving a diploma.
Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, Sec. 1, eff. May 30, 1995.
The following section of the Texas Administrative Code is taken from the TEA website.
16.3 Texas Administrative Code
TAC §66.107 Local Accountability
Each school district or open-enrollment charter school shall conduct an annual physical inventory of all
currently adopted instructional materials that have been requisitioned by, and delivered to, the district.
The results of the inventory shall be recorded in the district's files. Reimbursement and/or replacement
shall be made for all instructional materials determined to be lost.
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 17: Out Of Adoption Label
Textbook Procedures Manual
Section 18: Rebinds Form/Label
List each title (i.e., books, atlas, tapes, etc.) separately. Place the completed form box with the
Date: ________________________________
Box # _________ of ____________
Campus Name: _______________________________ Campus Number: ______________
From ____________________
Campus name/campus number
Textbook Procedures Manual
Rec’d in
Section 19: Surplus Form/Label
List each title (i.e., books, atlas, tapes, etc.) separately.
Place the completed form with the books.
Date: _________________________________________
Box # _________ of ________
Campus Name: _________________________________
Campus Number: ______________
shipped to
Received in
(Cut here and affix the bottom portion to the end of the totes. Put the top portion inside the totes.)
From ____________________
Campus name/campus number
Textbook Procedures Manual