Statistical Analyst

Title of Position:
Statistical Analyst
Administrative Unit:
The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD)
Classification Code:
Strategy & Performance
Type of appointment:
Business Intelligence
Job Analysis:
 Originated by: Director, Business Intelligence
 Classified by: Aktis, Performance Management
Up to 5 Year
Position Reference Number: 104712
Version Number: 1
Version Date: 7 September 2013
Job and Person Specification Approval
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1. Summary of the broad purpose of the job and its responsibilities/duties.
The Statistical Analyst is responsible to the Solutions and Services Manager for:
 Delivering high level statistical expertise and leadership to influence and ensure the development and delivery of
critical data products, services and solutions that supports DECD’s high level planning, reporting and evaluation
 Delivering high level statistical expertise and leadership for the development of complex projects, strategy and
policy, in accordance with the Unit’s goals and related government/departmental policies and procedures.
 Leading the authoritative development and maintenance of key stakeholder relationships and networks, including
the provision of expert and high level advice, to meet DECD business needs.
 Leading and ensures the achievement of highly effective and accountable statistical service provision through the
implementation of appropriate strategies and standards for a diverse range of services.
 Contributing significantly to the effective organisation, operation and delivery of the Section’s programs, strategies
and objectives, which ensures that efficient work practices are maintained and upheld across the Team.
2. Reporting/Working Relationships
Business Intelligence
Solutions and
Services Manager
Statistical Analyst
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Client Services
Client Services
Business / System
2. Reporting/Working Relationships (cont)
Key working relationships required to support performance outcomes are;
Internal: DECD Offices, Office of CE, Managers across the Business Intelligence Section.
External: Universities, Dept of Premier and Cabinet, Dept of Treasury and Finance, National Ministerial
Taskforces, COAG Reporting Council, Productivity Commission and other States/Territories and Commonwealth
3. Special Conditions
Performance targets:
Intrastate and interstate travel as required
Extended out-of-hours work
The incumbent will be required to achieve performance targets that are negotiated
and mutually agreed with the Program Manager, Business Intelligence.
The appointee may be subject to a criminal history screening check prior to
confirmation of appointment.
4. Statement of Key Responsibilities/Duties
Delivering high level statistical expertise and leadership to influence and ensure the development and
delivery of critical data products, services and solutions that supports DECD’s high level planning, reporting
and evaluation processes, by:
 Leading the technically complex design, development, and as required implementation, of innovative and
effective Business Intelligence products, including designing and conducting studies requiring the collection
and analysis of critical business intelligence data, in order to ensure best quality outcomes are achieved.
 Delivering high level technical leadership for the development and delivery of the DECD strategic planning
work programme, in close collaboration with the Solutions and Services Manager.
 A specialist technical focus is expertly delivered to the development of innovative and effective Business
Intelligence solutions, through the authoritative application of complex and high level statistical methods and
 Leading the technically complex design and implementation of scientifically robust statistical models that
guide and inform the determination and planning of Business Intelligence products and services.
 Delivering high level technical leadership, that is underpinned by expert knowledge of statistical methods and
potential, and agency business intelligence priorities and requirements, to significantly support the building of
the capacity and capability of the team to deliver highly effective and innovative solutions and services.
 Conduct highly complex liaison and collaboration with expert team members to support the effective
development and ongoing maintenance of a contemporary, well researched, relevant and accurate evidence
 Contributing high level statistical expertise to influence and inform the development of complex and critical
business cases for potential projects, and significantly supporting the subsequent development of project
plans, as required, including for the modelling and determination of additional resourcing requirements.
 Leading the technically complex determination of a range of specifications for statistical and other data
products, including for the form, presentation, caveats, intended use, or user, and for the interpretation level
 Delivering high level statistical leadership to influence and inform the management, delivery and ongoing
improvement of critical business intelligence data, including for the development of processes that support
the professional and efficient collection, analysis, transformation and presentation of data to meet DECD
 Delivering expert contribution to the identification and analysis of Business Intelligence services quality and
effectiveness, including the identification of critical risks and issues, the development and implementation of
benchmarks, the delivery of reports on outcomes against objectives, and the delivery of recommendations for
improvements or risk management mechanisms.
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Delivering high level statistical expertise and leadership for the development of complex projects, strategy
and policy, in accordance with the Unit’s goals and related government/departmental policies and
procedures by:
 Delivering expert contribution to the development of effective operational, management and contingency
plans that ensure optimum use of allocated resources.
 Leading the implementation of a range of complex and critical statistical projects for Business Intelligence, to
significantly support the achievement of Office and agency strategic objectives.
 Developing and implementing, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, a range of innovative business
strategies, policies and procedures, which significantly inform and support the achievement of DECD
corporate objectives, including influencing and guiding strategic planning and decision making.
 Overseeing, analysing and reporting on the outcomes of solutions, services and projects, and recommending
improvements to maximise business intelligence capacity.
Leading the authoritative development and maintenance of key stakeholder relationships and networks,
including the provision of expert and high level advice, to meet DECD business needs by:
 Leading the conduct of extensive ongoing engagement with key stakeholders within and external to the
agency, in order to facilitate maximised outcomes for the development and execution of the Solutions and
Services work program.
 Leading consultations with key clients in order to ascertain their business requirements and priorities, and to
identify their statistical and evidence based data requirements, and preferred collection methods, in line with
relevant research and information management protocols and standards
 Leading the delivery of a range of technically complex and high level documentation and reports, in
consultation with key clients and stakeholders.
 Initiating, developing and maintaining operational networks throughout the agency and Government, and
providing expert advice on a range of statistical theories, methods and other matters, to support effective
service delivery outcomes.
 Researching, critically analysing and providing strategic information and advice to the department’s senior
executive in relation to the delivery and performance of business intelligence solutions and services.
 Contributing to major department and whole-of-government planning and quality assurance initiatives,
including providing high level technical advice relating to best practice statistical business intelligence data
management and delivery.
 Contributing to the development and implementation of information and knowledge management strategies
for the department and a quality improvement program for the Office.
 Providing high quality advice to the Director, Business Intelligence, and the Solutions and Services Manager,
in relation to a range of complex and critical matters that impact on the delivery of the Office’s strategic and
operational objectives.
Leading and ensures the achievement of highly effective and accountable statistical service provision
through the implementation of appropriate strategies and standards for a diverse range of services by:
 Evaluating and implementing statistical best practice customer service initiatives throughout the Office.
 Evaluating data trends and customer needs and providing recommendations to Executive for endorsement
and implementation.
 Implementing and maintaining systems to monitor customer satisfaction and product and service
Contributing significantly to the effective organisation, operation and delivery of the Office’s programs,
strategies and objectives, which ensures that efficient work practices are maintained and upheld across the
Team, by:
 Providing expert technical guidance to staff across the Office, which supports the determination of priorities
and ensures that the Unit’s programs, projects, services and products meet agreed quality and performance
 Conducting expert evaluations and analysis of Unit’s statistical activities, and significantly supporting
improved performance through the delivery of innovative plans and recommendations.
 Monitoring, overseeing and maintaining adherence to the provisions of relevant legislative requirements.
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 Overseeing and ensuring, the ongoing performance and cost efficacy of complex assigned projects and
activities, including identifying, managing and evaluating significant allocated resources.
 Modelling ethical behaviour and practices consistent with the Public Sector principles and practices,
employee conduct standards, equal opportunity and compliance of Work Health and Safety.
5. Authority
Departmental delegations and policies define levels/limits of authority in relation to Finance, Human Resources
and Administrative requirements.
6. Job Challenges/Context
Work within a whole-of-government environment and work within a whole-of-department focus on becoming a
high performance organisation. Networking with other national and commonwealth jurisdiction
Acknowledged by Occupant _______________________ ___/___/___
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Essential Minimum Requirements (Those characteristics considered absolutely necessary).
Educational/Vocational Qualifications
 Appropriate qualifications in statistics, social sciences, bio statistics or related disciplines
Personal Abilities/Aptitudes/Skills
Proven communication, client service and interpersonal skills in order to expertly develop and maintain key and
critical networks, alliances and operational relationships, and to effectively negotiate and liaise with a range of
local and international stakeholders.
 Demonstrated ability to work in a highly effective manner, under broad agency direction, meet specific
performance outcomes, analyse and resolve complex problems, determine priorities, make informed decisions,
and deliver agreed outputs on time and within budget.
Experience (including community experience)
 Extensive experience in developing and implementing corporate data management and delivery strategies,
products, services, programs and processes to support government and corporate operations, policy and
 Demonstrated successful experience with analysing and using administrative data and statistics to meet business
requirements, implementing change, service delivery and process improvement activities and delivering quality
customer service
Demonstrated extensive knowledge of modern statistical technologies and methodologies, qualitative and
quantitative research and analysis methods, and their application and relative merits.
Demonstrated knowledge and application of the Commonwealth and State planning and reporting system , the
legal frameworks and policies that govern the collection, use of and access to data and the links between
strategic planning and information management to measure performance and achieve intended outcomes.
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