January Homework: ELA: ***Book Reports Due

January Homework:
***Book Reports Due- 1/21 and 1/30 following format in notebook!
(Non- Fiction)
• 1/2- Textbook page 104 #9 (In a complete short response answer)
• 1/6- Complete question #4 on textbook page 102 In a complete short response
• 1/7- None
• 1/8- Discussion director worksheet
• 1/9- Wonders of the World Worksheet
• 1/10- Work on book report
• 1/13- pg 101 #2
• 1/14- pg 104 #10
• 1/15- Literature Circle Connector Worksheet
• 1/16- Textbook page 113 #6 in a complete short response answer
• 1/17- Summary Chart (use your Code x Book to help you)
• 1/21• 1/23- Vocabulary Worksheet
• 1/27• 1/28- #5 and #6 on Structural Components Worksheet
• 1/29- #13 on page 115- Complete short response answer
• 1/30- None
• 1/31- Page 119 #21- Complete short response answer
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Math: **School-Wide Benchmark Assessment will be given the Week of 1/21-1/24**
• 1/2- None
• 1/6- Textbook page 15 #7-10, page 17 #18
• 1/7- Textbook page 19 #25 & 26
• 1/8- Textbook page 16 #15 (Draw EACH rectangle)
• 1/9- Textbook page 13 B-all parts, study for perimeter and area quiz tomorrow
• 1/10- Worksheet and study for re-quiz on Monday
• 1/13- Textbook page 18 #21
• 1/14- Complete Worksheet
• 1/15- Page 43 #8
• 1/16- Textbook 45 & 46 #22 &23
• 1/17- Worksheet on Area (Area Quiz on Thursday** Changed to Monday)
• 1/21- None (Benchmark Test Today)
• 1/23- Textbook page 46 #24 **Quiz moved to Monday
• 1/27- Math Reflections on page 51 of textbook, #1-3
• 1/28- Page 67 # 20,21,22
• 1/29- Page 60 2-A
• 1/30- pg 61 Part B (all parts on graph paper)
• 1/31- pg 70 #34 (all parts)
Social Studies:
• 1/2- None
• 1/6- None (No SS today)
• 1/7- Complete "Beliefs" Column
• 1/8- "Holidays" Column of Chart
• 1/9- Textbook page 179 #1a, b, c
• 1/10- Complete "Laws" section of chart
• 1/13- None (No SS today)
• 1/14- Page 207 #1a & b
• 1/15- Page 207 #2a,b,c
• 1/16- Page 175 #1 a & b- Wednesday Quiz on Christianity and Judaism only
• 1/17- Page 175 #2 (all parts)
• 1/21- Study
• 1/23- None (Quiz today)
• 1/27- None (No SS today)
• 1/28- Study for Chapter 7 Test on Thursday
• 1/29- Study for test tomorrow
• 1/30- None (test today)
• 1/31- Summarize the article "Islam"
• 1/2- Edit and revise Science Fair Propose Title, Question/Problem, Procedure, and
• 1/6- Finalize proposal, to be submitted tomorrow!
• 1/7- Complete chart from class and read page 163. Workbook page 64
• 1/8- Use page 164 of textbook to complete Atmosphere Diagram
• 1/9- Workbook page 65, study for quiz tomorrow on Section 1 of Chapter 6
• 1/10- Workbook page 66
• 1/13- Workbook pages 67 & 68
• 1/14- Complete Water Cycle Worksheet
• 1/15- Complete self-check questions 1-4 on textbook page 174
• 1/16- Worksheet "Thermals"
• 1/17- Workbook Pages 72 & 73 (Chapter 6 Test on Thursday)
• 1/21- Guided Notes worksheet
• 1/23- Short Response Questions in Notebook, Study for Chapter 6 Test Moved to
• 1/27- Work on Science Fair Project (Boards are due Monday, 2/3)
• 1/28- Weather Factors Chart from class (use pages 190-193)
• 1/29- Workbook page 76
• 1/30- Workbook page 77
• 1/31- Make flashcards and study for Chapter 7 Section 1 Quiz
• 1/6- Conflict Scenarios Worksheet
• 1/13- Conflict Resolution Journal Worksheet