SCHEMES OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY UNDER SAMRA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR BUNDELKHAND REGION (UNDER BUNDELKHAND PACKAGE) UTTAR PRADEH Department of Animal Husbandry, Gokaran Nath Road, Badshahbagh, Lucknow-226007 Tel: 0522-2740238, 2740482, E-mail:, Website: 1 Financial Summary of Bundelkhand Package (Uttar Pradesh) (Rs. in lakh) S.No. 1 1.1 1.2 Activity PROGRAMMS/PROJECT PROPOSAL UNDER ON GOING GOI SCHEMES PROJECT PROPOSAL UNDER ASCAD (75%25%) 1.1.A FMD Vaccination Campaign 1.1.B PPR Vaccination Campaign 1.1.C HS Vaccination Total of 1.1(A to C) 1.1.D Training of Veterinarians and Paravets (Bundelkhand Region) (100%) Total of 1.1 PROGRAMME UNDER NPCBB (100% CENTRALY SPONSORED) 1.2.A STRENGTHENING LIQUID NITROGEN TRANSPORT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AT JHANSI FOR BUNDELKHAND REGION 1.2.B Distribution of bulls for Natural Service Total of 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 SUB TOTAL PROGRAMME PROPOSAL UNDER RKVY MODERNIZATION, STRENGTHENING AND EQUIPPING OF VETERINARY HOSPITALS OF THE REGION AS PER VETERINARY COUNCIL OF INDIA NORMS ESTABLISHMENT OF MOBILE VETERINARY AND A.I. UNITS CAMPAIGN OF DEWORMING AND VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT FOR GOAT ESTABLISHMENT OF GOAT UNITS SUB TOTAL PROGRAMME UNDER ACA ESTABLISHMENT OF A.I. CENTERS THROUGH ASSISTANCE TO NGO`S ESTABLISHMENT OF FODDER BANKS AND COMPRESSED FODDER BLOCK UNIT IN BUNDELKHAND REGION: 3.2 A. FODDER BANKS 3.2 B. FODDER BLOCK Total of 3.2 ESTABLISHMENT OF GOAT UNITS AWARENESS CAMPAIGN FOR REMOVAL OF “ANNA PRATHA”: A COMMUNITY DRIVEN AWARENESS CAMPAIGN FOR REMOVAL OF ANNA PRATHA-CLUSTER VILLAGE APPROACH ESTABLISHMENT OF SHEEP AND GOAT MEAT PROCESSING UNIT WITH SLAUGHTER LINE AND OFFAL PROCESSING (50% CAPITAL ASSISTANCE) SUB TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 1stYear 2ndYear 3rdYear Total 268.39 44.17 81.06 393.62 5.40 268.39 13.25 81.06 362.70 6.80 268.39 13.25 81.06 362.70 1.40 805.17 70.67 243.18 1119.02 13.60 399.02 369.50 364.10 1132.62 48.41 50.00 - 98.41 108.25 156.66 555.65 90.75 140.75 510.25 0.00 364.10 199.00 297.41 1430.00 740.00 610.00 - 1350.00 276.00 288.00 - 564.00 82.15 82.15 - 164.30 197.68 1295.83 224.02 1204.17 0.00 421.70 2500.00 403.70 645.20 484.19 1533.09 150.00 161.25 311.25 342.64 64.00 30.00 98.40 128.40 360.22 64.00 30.00 98.40 128.40 64.00 210.00 358.05 568.05 702.86 192.00 - 200.00 200.00 400.00 1121.59 2973.07 1397.82 3112.24 876.59 1240.69 3396.00 7326.00 2 SCHEMES OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY UNDER SAMARA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR BUNDELKHAND REGION (UNDER BUNDELKHAND PACKAGE) STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH Introduction: Livestock sector is a fast growing sector in rural India. Nearly three fourth of the rural households are depending on it. Animal Husbandry in U.P. is a major economic activity in rural areas. The Livestock population in U.P is 702.41 Lac as per livestock census 2003. Department of Animal Husbandry plays a vital role in state GDP i.e. 9%. The departmental Animal Disease control institutions which are engaged in control/developmental activities are as follows: Veterinary Hospital Veterinary Dispensaries "D" Class Pashu Seva Kendra Disease diagnostics laboratories : : : : 2200 268 2559 11 Available Area for Livestock & Social economic status of Farmers Utter Pradesh is a vast state with a reporting land area of 24.10 million hectare and total livestock population of 70.241 million and human population of 166.1 million (Census 2001). About 79 percent human population of state resides in rural area. This is agreed fact that Animal Husbandry Sector is the backbone of Agriculture and its contribution in enlistment of socio economic status of rural people is very much significant. Animal Husbandry is the only sector, which has enormous potential of employment generation for rural youths. Beside this, Livestock produce, as milk, meat etc. are available for human use and wool, bone, hide, manure etc. are available for marketing. Uttar Pradesh divided in four economical regions as; I- Western Region II-Central Region III- Eastern Region (Purvanchal) IV- Bundelkhand Region The departmental Animal Disease control institutions which are engaged in control/developmental activities in Bundel Khand Region are as follows: Veterinary Hospital : 128 Veterinary Dispensaries "D" Class : 28 Pashu Seva Kendra : 138 Disease diagnostics laboratories : 1 and total livestock population of Bundel Khand Region is 49.124 lakh. 3 Livestock Population in Bundelkhand Region Sl.No. Name of District 1 1 2 3 3 Jhansi Jalaun Lalitpur Total 4 Banda 5 Chitrakoot 6 Hamirpur 7 Mahoba Total Grand Total Livestock Population (According to Census Year 2003) Large Animal Small Animals Grand Cow Buffalo Total Sheep Goat Pig Total 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 489203 777693 306821 182382 55705 218781 14004 476249 790208 237087 239162 30048 257389 26522 603322 773280 439576 163746 12216 153714 4028 1568774 97969 629884 44554 2341181 983484 585290 619356 801007 386718 232638 12491 151273 17887 559181 683783 420334 138847 18547 95788 10267 399599 579270 266208 133391 25872 128723 25076 303060 507128 200091 102969 23772 154531 25765 1881196 80682 530315 78995 2571188 1273351 607845 2256835 1193135 3449970 178651 1160199 123549 4912369 Infrastructure: S. No. Region 1 1 2 3 2 Jhansi District 3 Jhansi Jalaun Lalitpur Total Chitrakoot Banda Dham Chitrakoot Hamirpur Mahoba Total Grand Total 4 5 6 7 No. of Blocks 4 8 9 6 23 8 5 7 4 24 47 Departmental Institutions V.H. 5 22 20 19 61 20 13 19 15 67 128 L.E.O. Center 6 15 34 25 74 17 15 21 10 63 138 One Regional Disease Diagnostic Lab at Jhansi Three State Live Stock Farms – Jalaun, Jhansi & Lalitpur One Liquid Nitrogen plant at Jhansi. ‘D’ Class Hospital 7 3 6 7 16 5 1 4 2 12 28 Total 8 40 60 51 150 42 27 43 21 133 284 BUNDELKHAND REGION PROJECTS/PROGRAMMES TO BE IMPLEMENTED Projects of Rs. 73.26 crores are being formulated in animal husbandry sector with the emphasis on animal husbandry development, productivity enhancement and capacity building in this sector in 7 districts of the region. The financial heads and programmes are being taken in accordance with the guidelines of package with the proposal of Rs. 14.30 crores under sharing basis, Rs. 25.00 crores under RKVY and Rs. 33.96 crores under ACA components. In these projects emphasis is given to Animal Husbandry development through Farmer and village centered approach, productivity enhancement. 4 1. PROGRAMMES/PROJECT PROPOSAL UNDER ON GOING GOI SCHEMES 1.1. PROJECT PROPOSAL UNDER ASCAD (75%-25%) Under ongoing Government of India (GOI) scheme ASCAD (75%-25%), vaccination campaign against major livestock diseases of economic importance is taken by the State through assistance from GOI on sharing basis. Presently based on the mandate of GOI, 28 districts of the State are covered under FMD vaccination, 16 districts are covered under PPR vaccination campaign with the objectives of eradication. 22 districts are also covered under HS vaccination campaign. Since 7 districts of Bundelkhand are not covered under ASCAD and come under States' routine vaccination programme, there is a need to launch extensive vaccination campaign in these districts also. Details of the Programme/Components: Vaccination programme shall be under taken in the districts as campaign with the deployment of vaccination teams, logistic support and completion of campaign in a specified time. As per GOI mandate, 80% to 100% of the livestock population shall be covered under vaccination. Each vaccination team shall be constituted with 5 members and headed by the local veterinary officer. Provisions of hired vehicle for transportation of teams, vaccine shall be incorporated including supportive medicines. The vaccination campaign shall be launched as per the existing guidelines of the continuing scheme. 1.1.A FMD Vaccination Campaign: 80-100% of the adult cattle and buffalo shall be covered under the programme excluding young animals up to 4 months of the age and animals in advance pregnancy. Campaign shall be completed in 60 days with the formation of Sl.No. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Districts Jhansi Lalitpur Jalaun Banda Chitrakoot Mahoba Hamirpur Total Cattle Population 306821 439576 237087 386718 420334 200091 266208 2256835 Buffalo Population 182382 163746 239162 232638 138847 102969 133391 1193135 teams. Total (Cattle & Buffalo) Population 489203 603322 476249 619356 559181 303060 399599 3449970 5 1.1.B PPR Vaccination Campaign: Campaign shall be completed in 60 days. 100% sheep and goat population shall be covered excluding kids below 3 months of age. Since protective level remains for 5 years, from 2nd year 30% population as new increment shall be covered under vaccination. 1.1.C HS Vaccination: 80-100% of the cattle and buffalo population shall be covered under the programme. All animals shall be vaccinated in specified time of 60 days. Teams shall be formed with the logistic for completion of programme in specific time period. Financial Component: A) FMD Vaccination Campaign Doses of FMD Vaccine 3449970 @ Rs. 6.48/dose Logistics including expenditure on syringes, needles, transportation, maintenance of cold chain, supportive medicine, etc. @ Rs. 1.30 per dose Total B) PPR Vaccination Campaign Doses of PPR Vaccine 1338850 doses (sheep & goats) @ Rs. 2.00 per dose Logistics including expenditure on syringes, needles, transportation, maintenance of cold chain, supportive medicine, etc. @ Rs. 1.30 per dose Total C) HS Vaccination Campaign Doses of HS Vaccine 3449970 doses @ Rs. 1.05 per dose Logistics including expenditure on syringes, needles, transportation, maintenance of cold chain, supportive medicine, etc. @ Rs. 1.30 per dose Total (Rupees in lakh) 3rd Year Total 1st Year 2nd Year 223.55 223.55 223.55 670.65 44.84 44.84 44.84 134.52 268.39 268.39 268.39 805.17 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total 26.77 8.03 8.03 42.83 17.40 5.22 5.22 44.17 13.25 13.25 1stYear 2ndYear 27.84 70.67 3rdYear Total 36.22 36.22 36.22 108.66 44.84 44.84 44.84 134.52 81.06 81.06 81.06 243.18 6 Financial Summary S.No. 1st Year 2ndYear Component A) B) C) FMD Vaccination Campaign PPR Vaccination Campaign HS Vaccination Campaign Grand Total 268.39 44.17 81.06 393.62 268.39 13.25 81.06 362.70 (Rupees in lakh) 3rdYear Total 268.39 13.25 81.06 362.70 805.17 70.67 243.18 1119.02 Total 3 years estimated expenditure = Rs. 1119.02 lakh Note- GOI norms of the estimate are based on GOI schemes sanctioned and State Govt.'s financial rules of procurement of Stores. Outcome of the Programme: Due to extensive implementation of the vaccination coverage in the area, losses due to diseases shall be minimal. Farmers of Bundelkhand region suffers with losses of livestock during frequent drought. Losses due to diseases further aggravates their miseries. Major impacts of the implementation of programme are Decline in losses due to livestock deaths. Shall ensure healthy livestock production. Shall ensure economic stability of farmers by assured and health livestock production. Shall help in unrestricted trade and movement of livestock product from the area resulting more income to farmers. 1.1.D Training of Veterinarians and Paravets (Bundelkhand Region): (100%) Financial Component: S. No. 1. 2. Component 1st Year Phy Fin Training of 2 batches Veterinarians 1 batch Training of Paravets Total 2nd Year Phy Fin 3rd Year Phy Fin 4.00 2 batches 4.00 - 1.40 2 batch 5.40 2.80 6.80 1 batch (Rs. In Lakh) Total Phy Fin - 4 batches 8.00 1.40 4 batches 1.40 5.60 13.60 The programme is as per the mandate of ASCAD. Veterinarians of Bundelkhand region shall be trained amply in disease control, monitoring and surveillance system. One batch of 20 veterinarians for 10 days, two in 1st year, two in 2nd year with cost of Rs. 2.00 lakh/batch. Paravets of the region viz LEOs shall also be trained in disease control activities and surveillance work. One batch of 20 Paravets for 10 days, one batch in 1st year, two in 2nd year and one in 3rd year with cost of Rs. 1.40 lakh/batch 7 1.2 PROGRAMME UNDER NPCBB (100% CENTRALY SPONSORED): Presently in Bundelkhand region, there are 3449970 cattle and buffalo out of which 13.97 lakh are breedable animals. There are 294 A.I. Centres working in the area. A.I. activity is an input intensive programme. More emphasis is needed on timely supply of liquid nitrogen to the A.I. Centres and paravets. Therefore, for streamlining and strengthening of liquid nitrogen delivery system under NPCBB, Jhansi Centre shall be developed as a hub for catering Bundelkhand region. Since, under the package, more emphasis is being given for expanding the improved breeding services through extensive A.I. Coverage for which more A.I. units under NGOs are proposed to be established including deployment of more paravets. Definitely, there will be double fold requirement of LN 2 and A.I. inputs, for which the present system needs to be strengthened. 1.2.A STRENGTHENING LIQUID NITROGEN TRANSPORT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AT JHANSI FOR BUNDELKHAND REGION: Activity Component with Financial Estimates: Bulk LN transport and distribution system S. No. Activity Component 1 Strengthening LN transport and distribution system at Jhansi A Bulk LN transport and distribution system i. Establishment and furnishing of LN distribution centre ii. Strengthening of LN distribution centre and logistic support iii. Procurement of 6000 lts. Static Vessel iv. Installation and explosive licensing v. Garage for 6000 & 1000 lts. LN Transport Tanker vi. Procurement of LN Transport Tanker with chassis 6000 lts, explosive license vii. Procurement of LN Tanker with chassis 1000 lts, explosive license Total (Rs. In lakh) 2nd Year Total 1st Year 10.00 8.41 - 10.00 8.41 22.00 3.00 5.00 - 30.00 22.00 3.00 5.00 30.00 - 20.00 20.00 48.41 50.00 98.41 (Cost norms of the estimates are based on NPCBB programme guidelines as approved by GOI (Annexed.......) Impact of the Project: There shall be uninterrupted timely supply of liquid nitrogen to A.I. Centres and paravets in the area. Extra infrastructure developed for expanding A.I. coverage like more A.I. centres through NGOs, more paravets, shall get assured liquid nitrogen as per their requirement and well in time. Shall help in increased breeding coverage in the area and contribute in up-gradation of livestock of the area with enhanced productivity of livestock. 8 1.2.B DISTRIBUTION OF BUFFALO BULLS FOR NATURAL SERVICE As per State coverage of 30% of breedable population covered under improved breeding coverage through A.I., the coverage in Bundelkhand is only up to 7.6%. Definitely, coverage of large livestock population distributed in a large area of 7 districts is a challenging task. Though, in present days, there is expansion of A.I. services, yet success of A.I. is more directed towards cows; and in buffalo, natural service is of ut-most importance. Since A.I. expansion in cows is being undertaken through expansion and establishment of A.I. units through NGOs, expansion of improved breeding coverage in buffalos shall be taken up by distribution of quality buffalo bulls in the area. Details of the Programme: a. Distribution of 70 Bulls (10/district) 10 adult service age Murrah Buffalo Bulls shall be distributed in each district. These bulls shall be distributed to the villagers of all categories who will be custodian of the bull, maintain and provide service to the Buffalo owner on charge basis. Details of Procurement and Distribution of Murrah Buffalo Bulls S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. District Jhansi Lalitpur Jalaun Banda Chitrakoot Hamirpur Mahoba Total No. of Bulls 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 70 (Rs. In lakh) Cost of Bulls @ Rs. 0.25 lakh/bull 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 17.50 b. Procurement and Rearing of Buffalo Male Calves (Rearing For 2 Years) and their Distribution as Bull Since there is lesser availability of quality adult bulls, 410 male buffalo calves shall be reared upto the service age under the programme and quality buffalo bulls shall be distributed in the area one per Nyaya Panchayat with the total of 410 bulls in 2 years. Quality buffalo male calves of Murrah, Bhadawari breed shall be procured from their respective breeding tracts, and shall be reared for one year on the Govt. livestock farms of the region i.e. Bharari-Jhansi, Saidpur-Lalitpur and Atta-Jalaun. 8 sheds for rearing of 2 batches of 205 calves in two years shall be constructed/modified at the Govt. farms with provision of labour on contract basis or through MANREGA. Cost of calves includes purchase cost, cost of feeding and insurance, etc. 9 At the age of 3 years these bulls shall be distributed to villages of all categories. The owner shall be the custodian of bulls and he shall maintain and provide service to the buffalo owner of the area and take charges for the service. Cost norms of construction of sheds shall be as per the schedule of Rate of contract of U.P. and estimates duly approved and verified by Construction and Evaluation Division. Dept. of Planning Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. With the above programs there shall be availability of 480 bulls from 3rd year in the area. Farm wise details of Rearing of Buffalo Bulls S. No. 1. 2. 3. Name of Farm Bharari Farm Jhansi Atta Farm Jalaun Saidpur Farm Lalitpur Total 1st Year 100 50 55 205 2nd Year 105 55 50 205 No. of bull sheds to be constructed 4 2 2 8 Cost of bull-calf sheds @ Rs. 15 lakh/shed 60.00 30.00 30.00 120.00 Financial Component Expenditure on procurement of 410 bulls calves in 410 Nyaya Panchayat S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 District Name Hamirpur Banda Chitrakoot Mahoba Jhansi Lalitpur Jalaun Total No. of the Nyaya Panchayat 63 72 46 35 65 48 81 410 The no. of buffalo bull calves 63 72 46 35 65 48 81 410 (Rs. in Lakh) @ Rs. 15000.00 per bull calve (Total exp.) 9.45 10.80 10.65 05.25 09.75 07.20 08.40 61.50 Strengthening/construction of calf rearing shed 08 @ Rs. 15.00 lakh/each rearing shed: Rs. 120.00 lakh. Financial Summary of Breeding Programme through Natural Services (Rs. In lakh) st 1 year 17.50 + 30.75 + 60.00 = 108.25 nd 2 year 30.75 + 60 = 90.75 Total 199.00 Impact of the Project: This shall strengthen the improved breeding coverage in buffalo in the area. Approximately 41000-50000 buffalos shall be covered annually with coverage of total 2.00 to 2.50 lakh buffalos in breeding life of bulls resulting into genetic improvement of 2.00-2.50 lakh buffalo of the area. This shall help immensely in up gradation of local buffalo population of the area and help in productivity enhancement of local breeds. This shall result in diversion of farmers of the area to buffalo rearing instead of rearing of unproductive cattle which is the main reason of "Anna Pratha". Therefore, the programme shall be helpful in removal of "Anna Pratha" also indirectly. 10 2. PROGRAMME PROPOSAL UNDER RKVY 2.1 MODERNIZATION, STRENGTHENING AND EQUIPPING OF VETERINARY HOSPITALS OF THE REGION AS PER VETERINARY COUNCIL OF INDIA NORMS: Presently, there are 128 veterinary hospitals in the area working in the field of animal health and rendering primary animal health services to the livestock. These veterinary hospitals can only render primary health services and are devoid of expert services, services of even minor surgical intervention, lack of surgical operation facilities, indoor wards for patients, no provision of continuous electric supply, contagious diseases ward and isolation units etc. They are not equipped for any animal disease emergencies, no provision of mobility etc. Therefore, project has been undertaken to strengthen and expand the VH as per the VCI norms. District veterinary hospitals shall be developed as the referral hospitals since presently there is no referral facility in the region. Presently, animals of the region can only be referred to veterinary college, Mathura only even for small specialist interventions and distance covered is approximately 300 to 500 kms and transportation of sick animal to such a long distance is definitely a big task. Also State hospitals and block hospitals shall also be strengthened and developed and equipped with basic diagnostic facilities. By ensuring basic diagnostic facilities, 25% in reduction of cost of treatment shall be ensured to farmers. Financial ComponentsS. No. 1. 2 . Component Strengthening, modification, alteration of veterinary hospital with the provision of diagnostic equipment, creation of diagnostic facilities, indoor patient ward, surgical operation theater, OTs, Provision of Portable Ultrasound and X-ray Unit, contagious diseases ward, continuous electric supply provisions with 5 KVA Generators, continuous water supply, provision of vehicle on contract basis etc. (District Hospitals of all the seven districts) @ Rs. 20.00lakh each. 121 Veterinary Hospitals with facilities of small and large animals, surgery room, equipments, etc. Modification, alteration and diagnostic facilities @ Rs. 10.00lakh each. Total 1st Year Phy Fin 7 140.00 60 600.00 740.00 2nd Year Phy Fin - 61 (Rs. In Lakh) Total Phy Fin 7 140.00 610.00 610.00 121 1210.00 1350.00 11 Impact of the Project 25% reduction in cost of treatment, based on diagnostic support. Assured referral facilities to the farmers in districts, reduction in transportation cost of sick animals. Miscellaneous expert oriented health intervention to animals resulting into saving of lives cost and high producing animals. Animal health emergency facilities shall help in saving of several animal lives. Contagious diseases wards and care units shall help in control of diseases of public health importance. 2.2 ESTABLISHMENT OF MOBILE VETERINARY AND A.I. UNITS INTRODUCTION Infrastructural gaps limit the scope and reach of the veterinary services in difficult terrain of Bundelkhand. The endeavor of veterinary officers and workers are inadequate due to lack of infrastructure and thus decreases the feasibility of effective working. The availability of trained professionals at hospital premises may help the poor farmers at the time of their need in odd hours. Due to the lack of funds many more new veterinary hospitals may not be possible. Now therefore it is a great need to provide the door step services in the field of veterinary extension, treatment & breeding services. OBJECTIVE 1. It will help in generation of more convenient environment to work in the field of Animal Health and management services. 2. Improvement of breeding coverage upto 50 % through monitoring on A.I. units. 3. To provide better management and utilization of available human resources in the veterinary profession. 4. To prepare for quick emergency services during any natural calamity and disaster. 5. It will help in the development of extension services in rural areas. 6. Improvement in the economic status of the farmers indirectly by minimizing the inputs for animal husbandry. It is observed that one Veterinary Officer treat about 3000 animals and one L.E.O. looks after about 1000 animals/annum, by giving services at hospital. 12 If these stationery units are mobilized the efficiency and outcome would be increased by many folds. Establishment of Mobile Units Mobile units will be established in each block. All the block level veterinary hospitals will be equipped for mobility. A total of 47 block hospitals shall be mobilized in two financial years. Sl.No. District Establishment of Mobile Units 1st year 2nd year 04 04 1. Jhansi 2. Jalaun 04 05 09 3. Lalitpur 03 03 06 4. Banda 04 04 08 5. Chitrakoot 02 02 04 6. Hamirpur 04 04 08 7. Mahoba 02 02 04 23 24 47 TOTAL Total 08 Mobile Staff The unit will work under a veterinary officer of Govt. of U.P. and required staff will be deployed by the chief veterinary officer. The existing departmental staff will serve the given task. Financial Requirement: Per Unit Cost Analysis (Rs. in lakh) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Component Mobile van (with all necessary equipments) Medicine & Chemicals POL etc. Total District Jhansi Jalaun Lalitpur Banda Chitrakoot Hamirpur Mahoba TOTAL Cost Rs. 10.00 lakh Rs. 1.00 lakh Rs. 1.00 lakh Rs. 12.00 lakh Establishment of Mobile Units 1st Year 2nd Year No. Amount No. Amount 04 48.00 04 48.00 04 48.00 05 60.00 03 36.00 03 36.00 04 48.00 04 48.00 02 24.00 02 24.00 04 48.00 04 48.00 02 24.00 02 24.00 23 276.00 24 288.00 (Rs. in lakh) Total Amount 96.00 108.00 72.00 96.00 48.00 96.00 48.00 564.00 13 2.3 CAMPAIGN OF DEWORMING AND VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT FOR GOAT Introduction Goat rearing is one of the oldest profession in the rural areas. Once Mahatma Gandhi said “Goat is a cow of the poor man” because a goat can be reared with minimum expenditure. The milk of goat is so nutritious and digestive that doctors advises to use goat milk especially to patients and children. The goat meat (mutton) is too, very nutritious & liked by the masses. The advantages of the goat rearing are, it can be started with minimum finance, land, fodder, ration and water. Other advantage is that due to small in size and versatile grazing habits minimum house keeping is required. They can be kept in open spaces. Goat are very fast breeders. Average goat delivers 2-3 kids with in 5-6 months. To make this profession more profitable, Jamunapari and Barbari goat breeds are selected for plans. By crossing these highly improved breeds with desi (nondescriptive) breeds, the cross bred produced are more disease resistant and good yielder. So adopting goat rearing by the unemployed, poor, weaker section, scheduled caste youths/villagers can increase their income many folds in comparison to other non-Animal Husbandry professions. Goat is a multi functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of landless, small and marginal farmers in the country. Goat rearing is an enterprise which has been practiced by a large section of population in rural areas. Goats can efficiently survive on available shrubs and trees in adverse harsh environment in low fertility lands where no other crop can be grown. Advantage i) The initial investment needed for Goat farming is low. ii) Due to small body size and docile nature, housing requirements and managemental problems with goats are less. iii) Goats are prolific breeders and achieve sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 months, gestation period in goats is short and at the age of 16-17 months it starts giving milk. Twinning is very common and triplets and quadruplets are rare. iv) In drought prone areas risk of goat farming is very much less. v) The animal can thrive well on wide variety of thorny bushes, weeds, crop residues, agricultural by-products unsuitable for human consumption. 14 viii)Under proper management, goats can improve and maintain grazing land and reduce bush encroachment (biological control) without causing harm to the environment. vi) The goat meat is more lean (low cholesterol) and relatively good for people. vii)Goat milk is easy to digest than cow milk because of small fat globules and is naturally homogenized. Goat milk is said to play a role in improving appetite and digestive efficiency. Goat milk is non allergic as compared to cow milk and it has anti-fungal and anti bacterial properties. viii)Goat is termed as walking refrigerator for the storage of milk and can be milked number of times in a day. Programme Implementation Teams shall be formed along with specified village routes and targeted villages shall be covered in specified time. Teams shall constitute Livestock Extension Officers (LEOs), Pharmacists and supportive staff. Separate register shall be maintained with record- village wise and owner wise. Two deworming and supplementation shall be done annually. In seven districts of Bundelkhand area under goat development programme for medicine and vaccination an amount of Rs. 77.69 lakh will be required. According to census year 2003 in Bundelkhand area there are 1160199 goats which will cover. Financial Component: Amount required for the deworming & supplementation of mineral to goats annually (Rs. in Lakh) S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of Districts Jhansi Jalaun Lalitpur Banda Chitrakoot Hamirpur Mahoba Total Deworming in no. of Goats 218781 257389 153714 151273 95788 128723 154531 1160199 Goat Development @Rs. 7.00 per goat 15.31 18.02 10.76 10.59 6.71 9.01 10.82 81.22 Amount Required for two years 30.62 36.04 21.52 21.18 13.42 18.02 21.64 162.44 Additional Rs. 1.85 lakh required for monitoring and administration of the project. Financial Details S. No. Component 1. Procurement of dewormer, mineral & vitamins 2. For monitoring at head quarters Total st 1 Year 81.22 0.925 82.15 nd 2 (Rs. in Lakh) Year Total 81.22 162.44 0.925 1.85 82.15 164.29 15 Impact of the Project: State through its own resources and GOI assistance launching vaccination campaigns in sheep and goats. Though the number of sheep is very less and small in nature, goat population is appreciable, and in fact is the major source of livelihood of for poor people of the region. In the State, on an average 16 kgs. of meat is obtained from goat. If compulsorily dewormed twice, there shall be increment of 4 kgs. in meat on average, benefiting the farmers of the area. Deworming and vitamin & mineral supplement to the goats shall enhance their productivity and also improve antibody response and protection level through vaccination i.e. improvement in efficacy of vaccination. More productivity and assured health and low mortality shall result into adoption of more farmers to goat farming with the formation of more SHGs and in turn availability of goats for processing units. Goat excreta shall be of immense help in enrichment of soil fertility. 2.4 ESTABLISHMENT OF GOAT UNITS Bundelkhand region, due to the geo-climatic conditions and land pattern; is favourable for goat husbandry. In 7 districts of the region, there are 1160199 goats as per 2003 animal census and increasing trends are being observed in 2008 census. Goats thrive well in dry and semi dry climate with bushes and thorny vegetation. Presently in the area, farmers rear goats for their livelihood. If goat husbandry would be transformed to intensive husbandry, there shall be more economic stability of farmers, more profit sharing and availability of running capital for future expansion. Keeping in view the above facts Goat Units shall be formed in the area in intensive way. Three districts viz. Chitrakoot, Banda and Mahoba have been taken up for the formation of Goat Units. There are 48 hospitals in these three districts (Chitrakoot-13 VH, Banda20 VH and Mahoba 15 VH) One unit constituting 10 goats and 1 buck shall be distributed to one beneficiary of BPL group/Sc/ST farmers. Every Veterinary hospital shall be given the target of establishing 10 Goat Units each year with the total of 20 Goat Units in 2 years per VH, resulting into formation of 960 Goat Units in 3 districts with the rearing of 10560 goats on improved lines as an intensive approach. 16 Units shall be distributed to BPL farmers/landless who already have 3-5 goats. Beneficiary shall be selected by a Committee constituting local veterinarian, local Livestock Extension Officer and Village Pradhan of the area. Women shall be given preference while selection of beneficiary. A register of beneficiaries shall be maintained by local Livestock Extension Officer, if not available then by local Veterinary hospital with details of beneficiaries including the breed of goat reared, Breeding and feeding status, deworming status, deaths, post mortem conducted, claim settlement and working status of the unit. Every Veterinary Officer, LEO shall compulsorily visit each unit once in a month and record the finding and ensure corrective measures immediately. Programme shall be monitored and implemented by Chief Veterinary Officer of the District and Deputy Director of the region. Details of the beneficiaries shall be displayed on the notice board of every veterinary hospital. Preference shall be given in consecutive years in purchasing the goats & bucks for new units, from old units for which data base maintained shall be of use and it shall be assured by buy back arrangement. Financial Component (Rs. In Lakh) S. No. Component 1. Cost of 10 goats of improved breed (not less than 6 months of age) @ Rs. 3000.00 2. Cost of 1 buck of improved breed @ Rs. 5000.00 3. 4. 5. 6. Cost of insurance @ 11.63% unit Feed cost for 3 months @ 250 gm/ /day for goats @ Rs. 11.84 Provision of Deworming, mineral and vitamin supplement, treatment, vaccination @ Rs. 160/animal The expenses including monitoring expenses, register and records @ 170/unit Total Financial 30000.00 5000.00 4070.00 2930.40 1760.00 170.00 43930.40 Feed cost of UPAGRO annexed at Annexure Establishment of 960 units in 3 districts (Chitrakoot, Banda and Mahoba) with physical and financial details (Rs. In Lakh) S. No. Component 1. 2. 3. Chitrakoot (13 V.H.) Banda (20 V.H.) Mahoba (15 V.H.) Total 1st Year Phy Fin 100 43.93 200 87.86 150 65.89 450 197.68 2nd Year Phy Fin 160 70.27 200 87.86 150 65.89 510 224.02 Total Phy Fin 260 114.20 400 175.72 300 131.78 960 421.70 17 Impact of the project 960 Goat Units shall be formed leading to the rearing of 10560 on improved lines. Availability of quality goats for milk, meat and breeding proposes with proper data base of Goat Units and farmers. Availability of quality goats for meat purpose shall be helpful in development of meat processing sector in the region and there shall be assured availability of quality raw material for these units. The programme shall be linked with meat processing sector. Farmers of the area fetch more income from extensive goat keeping resulting into economic security for future expansion. 18 3. PROGRAMME UNDER ACA 3.1. ESTABLISHMENT OF A.I. CENTERS THROUGH ASSISTANCE TO NGO`S IntroductionSamra Committee has underlined the need of immediate strengthening of A.I. services for breed improvement. Presently A.I. services are provided through Veterinary Hospitals & LEO Centers in the State. Coverage in Bundelkhand is low due to paucity of veterinary hospitals and other centers. In year 2008-09 the total AI coverage was done only 106200. Thus the large numbers of breedable animals are still to be covered under artificial insemination. It is proposed to establish AI Centers through assistance to NGO's like BAIF, J.K. Trust & India Gen. Objective - To increase the total Artificial Insemination Coverage of breedable animals in the Bundelkhand region. - To increase production of milk and other livestock products through qualitative and quantitative improvement in potentials of the livestock. - Reducing the non- descript livestock in the Bundelkhand region. Implementation Artificial Insemination services are to be strengthened by opening of more centers by having participation of NGO`s such as BAIF/ JK Trust and India Gen. For this purpose 322 NGO's AI Centers will be established in two years. The requirement of one center is about Rs. 1.00 lakh for establishment as nonrecurring cost in 1st year and 1.5 lakh for regular expenditure in first & second year. In addition to this amount Rs. 4.50 lakh will be proposed for monitoring from headquarter(Rs. 1.50 lakh per year). Performance shall be monitored on number of calves born and accordingly targets shall be allocated to the centres. A MOU shall be executed with department and reputed NGOs and after 3 rd year, the recurring cost shall be provided by the department or through Rural Development Department (As per their running scheme). 19 Financial Component S. No. Component 1st Year Phy Fin 2nd Year Phy Fin Non-Recurring expenses @ 161 161.00 161 (New) (New) Rs. 1.00 lakh/centre Recurring expenses @ Rs. 161 241.50 322 (New) (Old) 1.50 lakh/centre 1.20 Expenses on monitoring 403.70 Total 3. 4. 5. 161.00 483.00 3rd Year Phy Fin (Rs. In Lakh) Total Phy Fin - - 322 322.00 483.00 705 1207.50 322 (Existing) 1.20 645.20 1.19 484.19 3.59 1533.09 Total requirement will be Rs. 1533.09 lakh. Impact of the Project: The coverage of AI will be increased in the concerned Districts. Non- descript animals will be reduced. Total milk production will be increased by increasing productivity. 8.40 lakh animals shall be covered under improved breeding coverage through A.I. in 3 years. Extensive improved breeding coverage shall ensure high productive animals, enhancement in productivity which shall ensure more economic return to the farmer. Availability of more milk in the area shall indirectly strengthen milk cooperatives and marketing of milk resulting in improvement of Dairy Cooperatives. Increased availability of high producing animals shall be helpful in removal of "Anna Pratha" indirectly. 3.2 ESTABLISHMENT OF FODDER BANKS AND COMPRESSED FODDER BLOCK UNIT IN BUNDELKHAND REGION: Seven districts of Bundelkhand region suffers frequent drought with lesser irrigation facilities, soil structure, very deep ground water level , low rainfall, less retention of moisture in soil, there remain scarcity of fodder. The available irrigated land is used for food grain production, leading to the only availability of roughage as cattle feed. Frequent drought further worsens the fodder scarcity and farmers let loose their animals and migrate from the area. Therefore, for sustainable animal husbandry development in the region, there is a need to ensure availability of fodder in the area particularly for large animals. Keeping in view the above facts and for ensuring fodder security in the region in the Ist Phase Establishment of Fodder Bank and Fodder Block Units in the 3 Govt. Farms viz. Bharari Jhansi, Saidpur Lalitpur and Atta Jalaun is being under taken in the project with the objectives of capacity building in this sector. 20 Programme1. To ensure and enhance fodder security in the region, fodder Bank and Fodder Block units shall be established at 3 Livestock Farms BharariJhansi, Saidpur-Lalitpur and Atta-Jalaun. 2. Fodder/Bhoosa shall be procured from nearby area, from Govt. Farms, during surplus season and shall be stored in Fodder Bank in damp free condition. Fodder Block with minerals shall be made and stored during the surplus season i.e. Rabi season by using Bhoosa, Cereal crop residue (chaffed and grinded) and residue of pulse crop. 3. These fodder blocks shall be made available to the farmers during scarcity period and drought as relief measures through cattle camps and cattle rehabilitation centres. 4. These centres shall act as hub for fodder supply to the catchments districts and these three centres shall feed to Chitrakoot, Banda, Hamirpur and Mahoba along with fulfilling its owner requirements. 5. Fodder Block shall decrease transportation cost as well act as extra mineral supplements source. 6. These fodder banks and fodder block units shall be managed by Govt. official and technical staff and other labours shall be made available on contract basis. 7. The technical staff for running the machinery shall be made available on redeployment basis, 2 on each unit. Redeployment shall be made from plant mechanics available in the deployment with qualification of Diploma in mechanical engineering. Financial Component- for 3 years Fodder Bank and Fodder Block Unit 3.2 A. Fodder Banks District Jhansi- Farm Bharari 200 tonnes capacity District Jalaun- Farm Atta 200 tonnes capacity District Lalitpur- Farm Saidpur 200 tonnes capacity This will cater the requirement of fodder during scarcity. 1. Fodder store for 200 MT, 3800 sq. ft @ Rs. 1000/- per sq.ft (zinc shed roofing) elevated platform – Rs. 38.00 lakh. 2. Weigh Machine 1000 kg. Capacity – Rs. 2.00 lakh. 3. Dry fodder i.e. Bhoosa shall be procured in surplus season and stored. Procurement shall be made on existing reasonable prices (@Rs.500/- per quintal) – Rs. 10.00 lakh. 21 Expenditure in lakh rupeesFarms 1st Year Bharari, Jhansi 50.00 Saidpur, Lalitpur 50.00 Atta, Jalaun 50.00 Total 150.00 2nd year 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 3rd Year 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 Total 70.00 70.00 70.00 210.00 If fodder stored in fodder bank remains unutilized, it will be converted in fodder blocks and 200 MT of Bhoosa shall be stored again. Those fodder blocks shall be distributed during scarcity period. If not distributed, blocks shall be distributed on no profit-no loss basis on production cost to the farmers of the districts. 3.2 B. Fodder Block Production and Utilization 2 tons per day (8 hours) capacity. 20-25 days per month average working. 12 months-480-500Mt/annual capacity. Total 500 MT Bhoosa/ shall be used into fodder block annually. This shall produce 25000 fodder block of 20 Kg weight each. This shall be sufficient for 5000 adult cattle head for 20 days. Bhoosa stored in Fodder banks shall also be utilized for making blocks and this shall maintain a continuous cycle of store Bhoosa and fodder block preparation and availability of Bhoosa and Fodder Blocks in the bank at a time. Financial components fodder block units (Rs. In Lakh) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Component Non-recurring expenses Feed and Fodder Block compression unit 1 at each farm with 250 Kg/hour – 8 hour/20-25 days/month in 12 months capacity 500 MT/annum @ Rs. 8.70 lakh Mixer unit 500 Kg/hour (1000 MT mixing capacity) @ Rs. 0.75 lakh/unit Feed and Fodder crushing unit 200 Kg/hour @ Rs. 0.80 lakh/unit Chaff Cutter @ Rs. 0.30 lakh/unit Bhoosa storage godowns (Raw material) 25ft X 100 ft @ Rs. 1000/ft2 Fodder Block storage Godwon 25ft X 50 ft @ Rs. 1000/ft2 Room for watchman and labours 6 x 8 x 2 Generator Fire extinguisher Submersible pump with hydrant pipe fitting Total Financial 8.70 0.75 0.80 0.30 25.00 12.50 0.40 3.50 1.00 0.80 53.75 22 (Rs. In Lakh) S. No. Component Recurring expenses 1. 5000 quintals of bhoosa annually @ Rs. 500/quintal 2. 20 Kg. Block – Mineral, vitamin and salt @ Rs. 20.00/block 3. 4. 5. 6. Financial 25.00 5.00 Labour Charges Electricity Charges Oil for Generator Maintenance Cost Total 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 32.80 Expenditure in lakh rupees(Rs. In Lakh) Farms Bharari, Jhansi Saidpur, Lalitpur Atta, Jalaun Total 1st Year 53.75 53.75 53.75 161.25 2nd year 32.80 32.80 32.80 98.40 3rd Year 32.80 32.80 32.80 98.40 Total 119.35 119.35 119.35 358.05 Summary S. No. Component A. Fodder Banks B. Fodder Block Total 1st Year 150.00 161.25 311.25 2nd year 30.00 98.40 128.40 3rd Year 30.00 98.40 128.40 Total 210.00 358.05 568.05 Impact of the Project The project implementation shall ensure availability of quality fodder to milch animals of the area. It shall help in mitigation of drought and help in preparedness for removal of scarcity. There shall be assured supply line of fodder for cattle relief camps and cattle rehabilitation centres. It shall stop migration of livestock and livestock owners from the area. Waste Biomass shall be utilized in quality products. It shall ensure "no mess no waste" of precious fodder resources. Farmers interest shall develop in fodder block feeding and it shall prove easily manageable logistics in cattle rearing. This shall be help in indirectly in removal of "Anna Pratha" from the area. Fodder Block units shall help as demonstration units for dissemination of technology and in IInd phase programme shall be expanded in the remaining districts and shall be taken in PPP mode. It shall be of immense help in development of entrepreneurship in this sector, a mile stone for future fodder security. 23 3.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF GOAT UNITS Bundelkhand region, due to the geo-climatic conditions and land pattern is favourable for goat husbandry. In 7 districts of the region, there are 1160199 goats as per 2003 animal census and increasing trends are being observed in 2008 census. Goats thrive well in dry and semi dry climate with bushes and thorny vegetation. Presently in the area, farmers rear goats for their livelihood. If goat husbandry would be transformed to intensive husbandry, there shall be more economic stability of farmers, more profit sharing and availability of running capital for future expansion. Keeping in view the above facts Goat Units shall be formed in the area in intensive way. Three districts are proposed to be covered under RKVY, remaining four districts are proposed to be taken under ACA. Four districts viz. Jhansi, Jalaun, Lalitpur and Hamirpur have been taken up for the formation of Goat Units. There are 80 hospitals in these three districts (Jhansi - 22VH, Jalaun - 20 VH, Lalitpur - 19 and Hamirpur - 19 VH) One unit constituting 10 goats and 1 buck shall be distributed to one beneficiary of BPL group/Sc/ST farmers. Every Veterinary hospital shall be given the target of establishing 10 Goat Units each year with the total of 20 Goat Units in 2 years per VH, resulting into formation of 1600 Goat Units in 4 districts with the rearing of 17600 goats on improved lines as an intensive approach. Units shall be distributed to BPL farmers/landless who already have 3-5 goats. Beneficiary shall be selected by a Committee constituting local veterinarian, local Livestock Extension Officer and Village Pradhan of the area. Women shall be given preference while selection of beneficiary. A register of beneficiaries shall be maintained by local Livestock Extension Officer, if not available then by local Veterinary hospital with details of beneficiaries including the breed of goat reared, Breeding and feeding status, deworming status, deaths, post mortem conducted, claim settlement and working status of the unit. Every Veterinary Officer, LEO shall compulsorily visit each unit once in a month and record the finding and ensure corrective measures immediately. Programme shall be monitored and implemented by Chief Veterinary Officer of the District and Deputy Director of the region. Details of the beneficiaries shall be displayed on the notice board of every veterinary hospital. 24 Financial Component (Rs. In Lakh) S. No. Component 1. Cost of 10 goats of improved breed (not less than 6 months of age) @ Rs. 3000.00 2. Cost of 1 buck of improved breed @ Rs. 5000.00 3. 4. 5. 6. Cost of insurance @ 11.63% unit Feed cost for 3 months @ 250 gm/ /day for goats @ Rs. 11.84 Provision of Deworming, mineral and vitamin supplement, treatment, vaccination @ Rs. 160/animal The expenses including monitoring expenses, register and records @ 170/unit Total Financial 30000.00 5000.00 4070.00 2930.40 1760.00 170.00 43930.40 Feed cost of U.P. AGRO annexed at Annexure Establishment of 1600 units in 4 districts (Chitrakoot, Banda and Mahoba) with physical and financial details (Rs. In Lakh) S. No. Component 1. 2. 3. 4. Jhansi (22 V.H.) Jalaun (20 V.H.) Lalitpur (19 V.H.) Hamirpur (19 V.H.) Total 1st Year Phy Fin 220 96.64 200 87.86 180 79.07 180 79.07 780 342.64 2nd Year Phy Fin 220 96.64 200 87.86 200 87.86 200 87.86 820 360.22 Total Phy Fin 440 193.28 400 175.72 380 166.93 380 166.93 1600 702.86 Impact of the project 1600 Goat Units shall be formed leading to the rearing of 17600 on improved lines as an intensive approach. Availability of quality goats for milk, meat and breeding proposes with proper data base of Goat Units and farmers. Availability of quality goats for meat purpose shall be helpful in development of meat processing sector in the region and there shall be assured availability of quality raw material for these units. The programme shall be linked with meat processing sector. Farmers of the area fetch more income from extensive goat keeping resulting into economic security for future expansion. 3.4 AWARENESS CAMPAIGN FOR REMOVAL OF “ANNA PRATHA”: A COMMUNITY DRIVEN AWARENESS CAMPAIGN FOR REMOVAL OF ANNA PRATHA-CLUSTER VILLAGE APPROACH A Community driven awareness campaign using Cluster village approach shall be followed for removal of Anna Pratha in this region, starting with the formation of cluster of 5 villages for generating awareness among farmers for rearing of quality livestock, use of fodder blocks as cattle feed, de-worming and 25 feeding of mineral mixture for enhancing productivity. The campaign shall be dovetailed with castration program, organization of camps, with the facilities of infertility management, creation of awareness for fodder block feeding and mineral supplementation. One cluster of 5 villages shall be formed under every Veterinary Hospital and awareness campaign shall be organized once per month. Programme Implementation: 128 clusters of 5 villages shall be formed and extensive campaign shall be launched every month in each cluster as holistic approach. Every year new cluster shall be taken. Extensive campaign program, A.I., Pregnancy detection, deworming, vaccination, castration, infertility management, distribution of fodder seed, and awareness shall be promoted. Expenditure shall be made on logistics of Campaign such as medicine, A.I. inputs, publicity material, etc. including organization of Farmers gathering (tentage etc.) and women and children participation. 5 resource persons per village, particularly progressive livestock farmers, shall be chosen for advancing the campaign against "Anna Pratha" and they shall be provided publicity material/study material for improved Animal Husbandry practices and adoption of modern technology in this sector. Financial component: Particulars Awareness Campaign in 128 cluster units @ Rs. 0.50 lakh/unit/year 1st year 64.00 2nd year 64.00 (Rs. In lakh) year Total 64.00 192.00 3rd Impact of the Project The programme shall be of immense help in removal of "Anna Pratha". 1920 villages shall be covered in 3 years under the campaign. 9600 resources person shall be identified catalogued and shall be equipped with publicity material/study material for adopting improved animal husbandry practices and in turn help in removal of "Anna Pratha". These resource persons shall be helpful in formation of NGOs for working in the area in subsequent phase. This shall improve animal husbandry production the area. 26 3.5 ESTABLISHMENT OF SHEEP AND GOAT MEAT PROCESSING UNIT WITH SLAUGHTER LINE AND OFFAL PROCESSING: Bundelkhand region is rich in goat population and few of the areas are conducive for sheep rearing. The total sheep and goat population is 1338850 contributing to 9.3% of the total sheep and goat population of the State. Goats are prolific breeders and good for meat and milk production. Presently no modern slaughtering and processing facilities are available in the region. The region has good potential of goat meat production and offal processing. Generally whole carcass of sheep and goat, if produced in modern abattoirs with quality assurance, are accepted by importing countries. Apart from export, goat meat consumption is also a forerunner in non-vegetarian section and is consumed as fresh meat. Keeping in view, the favourable conditions of goat rearing in the region as well as large scale goat proliferations programme through the Govt., establishment of one goat slaughtering and processing unit including offal processing is proposed to be established in the region with the capacity of slaughtering of 1000 goats per day. Programme Implementation One modern abattoir, processing unit with offal processing shall be established in Lalitpur or Jhansi district. The unit shall be established in PPP mode - starting from DPR to commissioning, maintenance and running of the project. Active participation of local bodies, Animal Husbandry Department and Private Participants shall be ensured for establishment of the unit. Modalities for selection of Private Partners, commissioning and erection and running of the project shall be as per the PPP guidelines of the Govt. of U.P. Preference shall be given to the experienced private partners working in this sector. Lalitpur or Jhansi district has been chosen as place of preference since both share contiguous boundaries with adjoining region of M.P. also, which shall be of immense benefit in availability of raw material. Capital assistance of 50% with the maximum of 400 lakh shall be provided for establishment of unit. In first year, selection of private partner, DPR and identification of site shall be completed. In 2nd year commissioning shall start with 25% assistance for 50% completion of the project. In 3rd year, rest 25% capital assistance (200 lakh) shall be provided at the completion of the project. 27 Financial Component of the Project- One Unit Estimates S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Amount in Rs. lakh Particulars Amount Sheep/Goat slaughter line(1000 goat/day capacity) 120.00 Building infrastructure including lairage 100.00 Refrigeration unit 60.00 ETP 20.00 Other utilities as per HACCP 35.00 Miscellaneous 25.00 Offal processing unit 40.00 Meat Processing unit, blood processing unit with modern 400.00 machineries including land cost Total 800.00 Total capital assistance of 50% of the project cost-maximum upto Rs.400.00 lakh Pattern of Assistance1st year Phy. Fin. Establishment Selection of of goat Private slaughter Partner, house, DPR and processing Selection of unit with offal site processing unit Total Particulars 2nd year Phy. Fin. Commissioning 200.00 including 50% completion 200.00 Amount in Rs. lakh 3rd Year Phy. Fin. Completion and 200.00 functioning 200.00 Impact of the Project It shall ensure availability of quality goat meat for national and international market. Farmers of the area shall fetch good price and more profit from goat rearing. Establishment of goat units under RKVY and ACA shall be linked with the processing unit and that shall ensure availability of quality raw material to the unit and good price to the farmers. There shall be strong backward linkage with farmers for profitable goat rearing on scientific lines. This shall help in development of entrepreneurship in goat farming sector in the area. More demand of quality goat for meat, shall ensure more production and income to the farmers of the area. There shall be direct and indirect employment generation through this sector. (Rs. in crore ) Bundelkhand Package (U. P.) Package Estimate Measures/ Item 1 2 A.H. activities including a meat & milk Processing plant. Animal Husbandry TOTAL Funds Available From Scheme As per Report Not Required Sanctioned Package 3 4 5 6 GOI Share from Ongoing Schemes 7 State Share Beneficiary Share 8 9 NREGA BRGF/ RKVY Sub total (Col 711) Gap to be met from ACA Remar ks Implementi ng Agency 10 11 12 13 14 15 Animal Husbandry & Dairy 100.00 100.00 10.15 4.15 25.00 39.30 60.70 1 - - - 11.5025 2.7975 - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - 25.00 - - - 3 to 10 - - - - - - - - - 33.96 - 1 to 10 73.26 - 73.26 11.5025 2.7975 25.00 39.30 33.96 Animal Husbandry