Immigration: Settlement, Integration and Membership Institute for the Social Sciences at Cornell Theme Project Proposal February 2010 Team Leader: Michael Jones-Correa, Department of Government Team Members: Maria Cristina Garcia, Department of History Douglas Gurak, Department of Development Sociology Mary Katzenstein, Department of Government Sharon Sassler, Department of Policy Analysis and Management 1 Overview Immigration is a central component of the American experience, yet history shows that immigration also triggers questions and anxieties about the integration of newcomers, the terms of their inclusion, and national identity in the United States (Smith, 1997; King; 2000; Tienda, 2002; Hirschman, 2005; Huntington, 2004). The U.S. is currently in the midst of a renewed period of immigration, which began in the 1960s and has coincided with the transition from a manufacturing to a service economy, a period of rising wage inequality (Tienda and Mitchell, 2006; Levy, 1998; Danziger and Gottschalk, 1993), and more recently, population aging as the baby boom generation approaches retirement (Myers, 2007). Between 1960 and 2000, immigration (and immigrant fertility) not only added over 47 million people to the U.S. population, but also drove the ethnic diversification of the population. During the 1990s alone, over 14 million immigrants arrived to the United States, and the first decade of the 21st century is projected to add an additional 15 million, a new historical high (Meissner, et al., 2006). The current wave of mass migration differs from earlier waves in three important ways that bear on the integration prospects of newcomers: (1) a change in source countries from Europe to Latin America and Asia; (2) a high share of undocumented among the foreign‐born; and (3) a shift in settlement patterns away from traditional gateways to nontraditional destinations. These changes have rekindled political debates about the costs and benefits of immigration, raising a myriad of theoretical, substantive, and practical questions about the settlement of recent arrivals, particularly those who settle in nontraditional destinations and their integration and inclusion as fully participating 2 members of society in the United States. These questions are both timely and important: they have been the subject of persistent debate both in the academy and outside it throughout American history, but, in the context of the current wave of immigration, are particularly salient today. It is likely, for instance, that the U.S. Congress will once again proceed with some attempt at reform of the immigration system before the 2010 elections. Whether this effort succeeds or fails depends in good measure on how legislators and interest groups address concerns and questions about immigrant settlement, integration and inclusion. The proposed theme project cannot focus on all of the issues and questions around immigration: instead it highlights two sets of approaches: the first, on immigrant settlement and integration, particularly in new destination areas, and the second, on immigrant inclusion and membership, particularly with regard to permanent residence and social rights. This theme project builds on the institutional resources and expertise concentrated here at Cornell to focus on the unanswered questions suggested above: First, where and how is immigrant settlement occurring? How are contemporary patterns of immigrant settlement different from historical patterns and why? Why do settlement patterns differ across places and national origin groups? How are immigrant settlement and inclusion mediated by differences in immigrant status and institutional contexts? And second, how are new residents accorded social and political rights and membership? Once arrived, should migrants – documented and undocumented, immigrants and refugees—be treated as temporary residents or as potential citizens? 3 Settlement and Integration How and where immigrants settle is a central question in immigration studies, with contributions from demography, sociology, and history. What is new is that immigration settlement is now more dispersed than it has ever been historically (Frey 2006). The geographic dispersal of the foreign‐born, and recent arrivals in particular, has not escaped the notice of social scientists. Social scientists have described the changing geographic distribution of the foreign-born population in the United States in some detail (e.g., see Leach and Bean, 2008; Massey and Capoferro, 2008; Card and Lewis, 2007; Zuñiga and Hernández‐León, 2005), and several recent social science volumes have assembled collections of case studies about specific places, industries and national origin groups (Gozdiak and Martin, 2005; Zuñiga and Hernández‐León, 2005; Massey, 2008; Singer, Hardwick and Brettell, 2008). What has been missing, however, is a broader theory of immigrant settlement. It is possible that the diversity of methods, foci, and locations studied has delayed any “meta‐synthesis” about the how and why of immigrant settlement, particularly settlement in nontraditional areas. This avenue of inquiry, however, has been significantly advanced here at Cornell through the work of scholars such as Gurak, Kritz and Lichter (see: Kritz and Gurak 2010; Kritz, Gurak and Lee 2009; Kritz and Gurak 2009, Kritz, Gurak and Lee 2008; as well as Lichter and Johnson 2009, 2006; Johnson and Lichter 2008). These authors have pioneered models of initial migration, and the determinants of immigrant streams to new receiving destinations, and of immigrant secondary migration. This theme project proposes to continue the study of immigrants’ settlement decisions, addressing questions of variation across time, place and 4 by national origin group. We expect that the elaboration of settlement processes will be illuminated as well by an exploration of immigrant integration. No aspect of immigration has been more studied than integration or assimilation, broadly defined as the process by which immigrants become a part of their host society (see Alba and Nee 2003; for overviews see Hirschmann, Kasinitz and DeWind 1999; Waters and Eschbach 1995; Hirchmann 1983). However, a major theoretical consideration is whether (and if so how) the changing demography of immigrant settlement away from the traditional gateways challenges conventional theories of assimilation, for example, by re‐defining intergroup relations (specifically, competition for shared resources) (McClain et al. 2006); by altering spatial dynamics (specifically, residential segregation and housing competition) (Cravey 2007); by lowering barriers to the inter‐regional mobility of labor; and/or by re‐fashioning established political alliances. Equally important are substantive questions about whether and in what ways the contexts of reception differ, such that integration is accelerated or retarded; whether migrant settlement patterns raise or lower residential segregation and social isolation; and what national, state and local circumstances increase or decrease the likelihood of antagonism toward immigrants. Finally, both the newness of the immigrant geographic dispersal and the socioeconomic and institutional diversity of the places involved calls for a more systematic understanding of integration from the perspective of both immigrants and their host communities. The regulation of immigration is a federal responsibility, but state and local 5 governments share administrative control over various resources that promote integration. For example, the federal government has jurisdiction over important prerequisites of integration, such as ease of acquisition of legal status, civil and political rights, and prospects for family reunification. Both federal and state authorities govern access to social benefits that serve as safety nets for immigrants, and states and local communities share responsibility for educational resources that are vital to socialize and integrate the children of immigrants (Marrow 2007; Bloemraad 2005; Jones-Correa 2005, 2006, 2008; Lewis and Ramakrishnan 2004). The proliferation of state legislation and local ordinances restricting access to social consumption services (e.g., education, medical care) and work for immigrants suggests that the distributional imbalances of costs and benefits are particularly evident in new immigrant destinations, which often lack the social infrastructure to facilitate integration of the foreign‐born present in the traditional gateways (Rodriguez, et al., 2007; Massey 2007). Localities provide contexts for integration within which immigrants assimilate into their new country of residence – or not. Arguments regarding the extent to which immigrants attempt to “become Americans,” by shedding the distinctive traits brought from their country of origin (such as language, orientation towards education, as well as hard skills) and adapting the behaviors of long-term citizens of the United States have raged for nearly as long as our country has been a sovereign nation. Critics of immigration assert that contemporary migrants are not adapting as rapidly to life in the United States as did previous waves of immigrants (Borjas 2006). Those arriving in the United States over 100 years ago are often used as a yardstick to measure the progress of contemporary 6 migrant groups (Borjas 2001). Such assertions overlook the diversity among immigrants of a hundred years ago, as well as how adaptation differed by region of arrival, as well as gender and race (or perceived race) (Perlmann, 2007; Sassler, 2006). Many factors affect the pathways by which the foreign-born and their children adapt to life in the United States, including their place of settlement, the selectivity of those migrating, their human capital was well as where they fit in the American racial hierarchy (Feliciano, 2006; Portes and Zhou 1993). How will children of today’s immigrants adapt? How does legal status—a factor with widely varying application among historical immigrants, but central to the experience of contemporary immigrants (Ngai 2005)—shape the integration of immigrants—and their children? And while much of the emphasis of late has focused on low-skilled immigrants, what of the sizable proportion of foreign-born who obtain entry to the United States because of their desired skills? Will their children continue on a path of education and upward mobility (Kasinitz et al. 2008; Alba and Nee 2003)? Membership and Inclusion As immigration to the United States increased steadily through the 1980s, there was an increasingly vociferous debate not only about the desirable levels of immigration, but also about the rights accorded to migrants once they arrived. The revamping of immigration laws in 1965 coincided with the expansion and consolidation of the (admittedly attenuated version of the) American welfare state. As a result of a series of administrative and judicial decisions the general policy became, almost by default, that permanent resident aliens received basically the same package of right and social services as citizens (Schuck and Smith 1985). By the late 1980s, however, there was a widespread 7 perception that immigrants were abusing these rights and were particularly likely to take advantage of the welfare system (Borjas and Hilton 1996; Borjas and Trejo 1991). Proposition 187, which was approved by voters in the state of California in 1994, was the first sign of the backlash against non-citizen rights. Proposition 187 was designed to significantly restrict taxpayer-supported benefits, including health, welfare and education, to undocumented immigrants. Federal courts blocked its implementation (McDonnell 1997; Lesher 1997), but in 1996 Congress modelled legislation—the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act— on the failed California proposition, significantly limiting eligibility for welfare and other public benefit programs. The legislation barred undocumented immigrants from access to all federal public benefit programs, and went beyond Proposition 187 in barring most legal permanent residents from participation in Social Security and Food Stamp programs, and in banning all new resident non-citizens from being entitled to federal means-tested programs like AFDC (Aid for Dependent Children) (Weiss 1998; Schuck 1997; Schmitt 1996). The message was that publicly-funded social services were not intended for non-citizens, even if these individuals resided permanently in the United States and contributed to local, state and federal coffers through the payment of sales, property and income taxes. In the same year Congress also passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), which catalyzed a process of immigrant criminalization through two separate legal instruments. First, the IIRIRA contained a provision requiring electronic tracking of each individual arriving in and departing from the United States, 8 creating an underclass of undocumented migrants who were eligible, by their very presence, for deportation. Second, the Act precipitated a rapid increase in deportations even among those who had been residing in the U.S. as permanent legal residents by redefining the conditions for detention and deportation (Fragomen 1997; Langenfeld 1999; Morawetz 1999-2000). Between 1995 and 1996, removals rose by 19,000. In the following two years, the numbers jumped to 44,000 and 58,000 respectively. So-called criminal removals of legal permanent residents jumped from 4,500 in 1996 to 11,000 in 1997 (see Foster 1997-1998). IIRIRA stipulated that anyone deported under these criminal regulations were ineligible for readmission to the United States indefinitely. In short, the IIRIRA defined a new set of conditions for membership for permanent legal residents, undocumented aliens, asylees and refugees alike. The events of September 11, 2001 further complicated discussions of immigration and asylum matters, with concerns over national security often trumping humanitarian obligations (Cooper 2006-2007; Ramji 2001). The proposed Refugee Protection Act of 2001 (S. 1311), for example, designed to streamline adjudication and offer asylum applicants certain protections, stalled in Congress; and in the wake of 9/11, U.S. annual refugee quotas have gone halffilled. Arguably, the legislation passed in 1996 marked a tectonic shift in U.S. immigration policy, shifting a long-standing stance toward immigrant rights and membership, and raising a number of critical theoretical and legal questions: What kinds of rights should non-citizen residents in the United States entitled to? Should refugees, asylees and undocumented workers be treated as potential citizens or simply be given temporary 9 haven? (Morawetz 1999-2000; Ramji 2001). Since 1996 U.S. law has shifted toward the latter. Has the shift post 1996 marked an abandonment of liberal thinking about immigration or has the turn to a more punitive paradigm in fact deployed liberal constructs in newly restrictive ways? Have discussions of ‘proportionality’ that date back to the liberal writings of Beccaria (1995 [1764]) been invoked or ignored in debates over crime and immigration? Has the idea of a social contract – fundamental to liberal democracy – been reconfigured to focus less on social membership and more on legal accountability? ** Scholars working on questions of settlement and integration and those working on issues of membership and inclusion approach these issues from very different disciplinary starting points. The former are rooted in the disciplinary approaches of demography, sociology and political science, while the starting point for the latter is often history and the law. Immigration research rooted in a particular field or disciplinary approach may offer highly developed studies, which, however, would benefit from interaction with other approaches to related questions. These interactions serve, among other things, to highlight disciplinary blind spots, which in turn point to research frontiers in immigration research: areas in which interactions across disciplines may lead to fruitful collaborative research. Team Members 10 The five core members of the team span multiple disciplines, colleges and departments at Cornell, but each conducts key research linked to the project’s emphasis on questions of settlement, integration, and membership of immigrants in the United States. Maria Cristina Garcia is Professor of History in the College of Arts and Sciences. Her first book, Havana USA, examined the migration of Cubans to the south Florida after Fidel Castro took power in 1959, amassing in a single generation significant political and economic influence. Havana USA addressed the role of immigration policy in shaping Cuban-American integration and assimilation in the United States. Professor Garcia’s second book, Seeking Refuge, examined Central American migration to Mexico, the United States, and Canada during the political upheaval of the 1980s and 1990s. She examined the response of governments in the region to the presence of Salvadoran, Guatemalan, and Nicaraguan refugees within their borders, and how their policies influenced the character and flow of migration across the region. These policies were themselves shaped by pressure on the part of individuals, groups, and organizations that responded to the refugee crisis, and who worked within and across national borders to shape a more responsive refugee policy. Garcia is currently working on a new project, a study of refugee policy in the United States since the end of the Cold War. Michael Jones-Correa is Professor of Government at Cornell University. He is a coauthor of Latino Lives in America: Making It Home (Temple, 2010), the author of Between Two Nations: The Political Predicament of Latinos in New York City (Cornell, 1998), and the editor of Governing American Cities: Inter-Ethnic Coalitions, Competition 11 and Conflict (Russell Sage Foundation, 2001). Professor Jones-Correa is currently completing projects on the increasing ethnic diversity of suburbs and its implication for local and national politics; multi-authored analyses of the 2006 Latino National Survey, a national state-stratified survey of Latinos in the United States for which he was a principal investigator; and is engaging in collaborative research on new fast-growing immigrant-receiving areas in the United States. He expects to be starting a new project on second-generation immigrant political socialization and incorporation in the United States, paying particular attention to how the political participation children of immigrants varies by the legal status and the contexts of reception of their parents. Jones-Correa has been a visiting fellow at the Russell Sage Foundation 1998-1999, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 2003-2004, and the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University in 2009-2010. In 2004-2005 he served on the Committee on the Redesign of US Naturalization Test for the National Academy of Sciences. Mary Fainsod Katzenstein is the Stephen and Evalyn Milman Professor of American Studies and professor in the Government Department and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program. She has written on feminist activism cross-nationally focusing particularly on the United States, Europe, and India. She is the author of Faithful and Fearless: Moving Feminist Protest inside the Church and Military (Princeton University Press, 1998) and co-author, along with Judith Reppy, of Beyond Zero Tolerance: Discrimination and Military Culture in the U.S. (Rowman and Littlefield, 1999). She is also the co-editor with Carol Mueller of The Women’s 12 Movements of the United States and Western Europe (Temple University Press, 1987) and with Raka Ray of Social Movements in India: Poverty, Power and Politics (Rowman and Littlefield, 2005). Her current project addresses issues of movement activism, incarceration and citizenship in the United States; in particular she is interested in the detention and deportation of undocumented migrants and legal residents following the passage of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. Douglas Gurak is Professor of Development Sociology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. His research program has two major foci: The first is on the processes of ethnic integration and differentiation in the U.S. Gurak is currently studying the dynamics of the internal migration of immigrants to the U.S. and the linkages between immigration and the migratory patterns of native-born residents. This work extends earlier efforts that examined labor market and household adaptations of immigrants and the evolving living arrangements of immigrant elderly. Gurak recently completed a Census 2000 Population Reference Bureau monograph focusing on shifts over the past three decades in the patterns of integration of immigrant populations, and is working on a Russell Sage Foundation-supported investigation of the forces shaping the internal migration and redistribution of the foreign-born population of the United States. That project has involved the successful completion of parallel proposals to the U.S. Census Bureau in order to gain access to restricted Census and American Community Survey data at the New York Census Research Data Center. Sharon Sassler is Associate Professor of Policy and Applied Management in the College 13 of Human Ecology. As a social demographer, Sassler examines factors shaping the activities of young adults and their life course transitions into school and work, relationships, and parenthood. Much of her research explores how these transitions vary by gender, race/ethnicity, and social class. Some current projects examine the tempo of different stages in relationship progression and their association with relationship quality, the processes underlying entrance into cohabiting unions, the meaning co-habitors assign to their unions, and the impact of family experiences while young on subsequent fertility events and union transitions (into marriage or cohabitation). Sassler is currently examining the family-building experiences of young adults who were born to unmarried mothers, and the pace of relationship progression among contemporary young adults, as well as pregnancy experiences and intentions of cohabiting young adults. Her most recent collaboration involves examining how family experiences, including immigration, shape the retention and promotion of women in science and technology careers. The remaining team members will be recruited in the spring of 2010 through an open competition. The team will bring together scholars who can work together to pursue questions of immigrant settlement, integration and inclusion with an interdisciplinary lens. The set of potential participants with interests in immigration working here at Cornell could be drawn from colleges and programs ranging from Sociology, Economics, and History and Film in the Arts College, to the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, the Johnson School, Human Ecology, AEM and the Law School. We would like to supplement the core team with additional team members who can bring economic or legal research to bear on the questions raised, and we will pay particular attention to adding team members with strong historical and/or comparative expertise, to place the 14 U.S. focused work of the core group into perspective. We hope that the application process will reveal others on campus, both in the social sciences and related disciplines, who have an interest in immigration-related research. Plans The primary purpose of the proposed theme project is to knit together the expertise of immigration researchers across campus and to build on this expertise to generate new research outcomes, expanding the theoretical frontier of immigration studies, while building on and strengthening the institutional resources for immigration studies available on campus. We expect that in year 1 of the project will be devoted to the organization of the team and its proposed activities, concluding with a talk to launch the initiative in the spring of that year. The first year will also see the selection and invitation of younger scholars to participate in the ISS project’s activities. Two post-doctoral fellows will join the team in year two. These post-doctoral fellowships will be advertised internationally. Fellowships will provide a stipend, fringe, as well as research and travel expenses. In addition, limited research funds of up to $2000 each will be provided to a small group of advanced graduate students at Cornell, who will receive these funds in year 1, and will be expected to take part in, and possibly present their work in, the research seminar and workshops in year 2. 15 In the second year, the team will participate in weekly lunchtime seminars and a number of one-day workshops aimed at fostering cutting-edge collaborative research among team members and affiliates. These activities will be matched by outreach to the broader university and outside community through public lectures, a film series and teaching. The ISS team proposes to organize two seminar series that would run concurrently in year two of the project: the first of these would be on immigrant settlement and integration and the second on immigrant membership and inclusion. The weekly seminar series would primarily emphasize dynamics at work in the U.S., but would draw on scholars both within and outside Cornell to include perspectives on processes underway in OECD countries and in less developed countries as well. [names deleted]. Presentations by team members at the seminars will be supplemented with presentations by Cornell faculty and students of works-in-progress, including grant proposals, ideagenerating papers, and partially completed analyses. Participants (affiliates both within and outside Cornell) will be expected to share papers ahead of time, and will have a limited outside audience. Critical feedback obtained before a project is completed tends to generate more collaboration, creativity, and cross-disciplinary insights. The focus of the seminars will be on improving scholarly work and modifying research protocols before publication or grant submission. We expect to invite a number of external collaborators to participate in these seminar series. Apart from seminar presentations and mini-conferences, outside guests may be invited to deliver public lectures, as organized in cooperation with other members of the Cornell community. 16 We expect that the seminar series will be accompanied by up to six one-day miniconferences or workshops in the second year of the ISS theme project cycle as developed by the team participants, or around themes that emerge in the course of the second year seminars. These one-day workshops might explore variation in the processes of immigration across time and place; for example, how are the questions raised about Islam in democratic societies in Europe in the 21st century similar to the questions raised about the role Catholicism in the United States in the 19th? Workshops could look at how labor force needs in immigration countries connect to immigration in post-industrial economies. Today’s international migration flows to these economies include both large numbers of unskilled and skilled workers but research has tended to ignore differences in the determinants and consequences of different types of migration flows. Workshops might also include comparative work on the types of contexts in receiving countries that do a better job of attracting, retaining and integrating immigrants as well as consider the economic, social and political factors that shape immigrant dispersion to new receiving areas. They could also address questions ranging from how variation in the age structure of the receiving society influences immigrant reception to the effect of parental legal status on second-generation political incorporation. Workshops might emphasize the impact of changing immigration policy and enforcement in the United States and in Europe, and the effects on immigrant welfare, health, education and labor force participation. What are the effects, for instance, of denying access to state-funded higher education to immigrants that arrived as children? How do changes in visa distribution shape the labor force, among the highly educated and skilled 17 as well as for the unskilled, and relationships with the native-born population? Workshops might also examine the detention policies that have resulted in the wholesale expulsion of hundreds of thousands of migrants from developed countries, and the consequences for families often left divided across borders. Other topics might include an examination of how national censuses, including the 2010 U.S. decennial census and the new American Community Survey (which replaces the long-form), address issues around counting the foreign born, national origin, and legal and unauthorized immigrants; the proposed immigration legislation currently being prepared in the U.S. Congress; and the aging of the first generation in receiving states and sub-state areas and the implications for already strained state welfare systems, health care (e.g., culturallysensitive pediatrics and obstetrics programs), and school districts (e.g., English language emersion or ESL). We will strongly encourage and indeed expect that these workshops and mini-conferences will generate collaborative funding proposals, taking advantage of the individual disciplinary interests of our members, but informed by interdisciplinary perspectives and united in addressing a common set of problems. In year 2 we also wish to fund a number of undergraduate research projects related to the project theme, perhaps targeting these funds in particular for courses that have service learning components like Garcia’s History 4850 “Immigration: History, Theory, & Practice,” Craib’s course “Farmworkers,” or to Cornell’s Farmworker Program (, which has a focus on immigrant labor in upstate New York. Above we noted the IIRIRA has significantly increased the numbers of those awaiting deportation from the United States. ICE’s 18 primary facility in the Northeast, which is increasingly run by private companies, is the Batavia Detention Center, approximately three hours from Ithaca. Visits to the facility can be incorporated as part of the project’s teaching and/or workshops. Finally, we also hope to develop a film series together with Cornell Cinema, and in consultation with Professor Sabine Haenni, Department of Film, Theatre and Dance, around the immigration questions central to the project. (There are an increasing number of films on migration themes, e.g. The Immigrant (1917), Someone Else’s America (1995), La Ciudad (1999), Bread and Roses (2000, Balseros (2002), From the Other Side (2002), Maria Full of Grace (2004), God Grew Tired of US (2006), The Visitor (2007) and Crossing Over (2009), just to name a few; see also: Discussions following each screening will feature the filmmakers whenever possible. Given the large and varied immigrant and refugee population in Ithaca, we would like to draw on them as both a resource as well as a potential audience. Despite its relatively small size, Ithaca has Iraqi translators, Tibetan monks, Burmese refugees, City of Asylum-sponsored poets and artists, Mexican farm workers, Guatemalan dairy workers and former Soviet defectors among its residents. The possibilities for joint collaborations are endless, such as exhibitions with Johnson Museum, oral history projects with the Tompkins County History Center, conversations at the local high school on issues of cultural diversity. Project Goals 19 This proposal for the 2010-2013 ISS theme project seeks to build on the considerable expertise that already exists at Cornell around the related issues of immigration settlement, integration and inclusion. This expertise ranges across at least seven colleges and a wide number of departments in the university. There are highly-regarded researchers at Cornell working on the demography of immigrant settlement, immigration in new receiving areas; the settlement of immigrants in metropolitan areas; immigrant integration and assimilation over time; and on immigrants within a legal framework. The breadth and depth of the research expertise at Cornell is as great as at any other top research university; however, as at other institutions it also reflects the highly fragmented nature of study in this interdisciplinary area. While faculty and graduate students engaged in studies of migration at Cornell have been collaborating as a group since 2007 (see, hosting (with the support of the Polson Institute and the Cornell Population Program) speakers and events, this ISS theme project will serve to bring faculty and graduate students together to engage in conversation around a set of key theoretical and policy research areas, generating new collaborations across colleges and departments at Cornell. More concretely we expect three institutional outcomes from this ISS project on immigration: 1) The theme project will contribute to the Cornell Population Program’s NICHD proposal submission in 2012, highlighting the study of population movements as a key part of the center’s mission. 2) It will further institutionalize the role of the Migration Issues Group (MIG) in fostering immigration research, expanding the participation of other units, particularly the Law School. A core group of MIG 20 participants will be involved in the ISS project either as team members or affiliates. 3) The ISS theme project will generate collaborative funding proposals (e.g. to the National Science Foundation, Russell Sage, MacArthur or Pew foundations), which will take engage common issues from interdisciplinary perspectives. Other important outcomes will include highlighting teaching on immigration issues on campus, increased collaborations both on and off campus, added attention to Cornell social science in the form of publications, citations and new invitations to participate in other projects and events. Together we expect the results of this ISS theme project on immigration will raise Cornell’s national and international profile while institutionalizing Cornell’s capacity for innovative immigration research. 21 Bibliography Alba, Richard and Victor Nee. 2003. Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Beccaria, Cesare. 1995 [1764] On Crimes and Punishments. Translated by Richard Davies and Virginia Cox. In On Crimes and Punishments and Other Writings, edited by Richard Bellamy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 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Inheriting the City: The Children of Immigrants Come of Age. Harvard University Press. King, Desmond. 2000. Making Americans: Immigration, Race, and the Origins of the Diverse Democracy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Kritz, Mary and Douglas Gurak. 2010 “The Foreign-Born in New Destinations. Are The Settling or Circulating?” Paper accepted for presentation in Session on New Destinations, Population Association of America, April 14-17, 2010, Dallas, Texas. ______ 2009. “Destination Choices of Foreign-Born Internal Migrants: National Origin Differences in Dispersion.” Revise and resubmit, Demography. Kritz, Mary, Douglas Gurak, and M. Lee. 2009 “Foreign-Born Internal Migration an Dispersion Dynamics,” Poster Paper presented at 2009 International Census Research Data Center Conference, October 5, 2009, organized by CISER, Cornell University. ______ 2008. “Internal Migration of Immigrants to New Destinations: Individual and Context Determinants.” Working Paper, Cornell University. Langenfeld, Amy. 1999. “Living in Limbo: Mandatory Detention of Immigrants Under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act of 1996.” Arizona State Law Journal 31 pp. 1041-1069. Leach, Mark and Frank D. Bean. 2008. "Changing Faces/Changing Places: The Emergence of Non‐Metropolitan Immigrant Gateways." New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration, edited by Douglas S. Massey. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Lesher, Dave. 1997. “Deadlock on Prop. 187 Has Backers, Governor Fuming,” Los Angeles Times. Saturday, November 8. Lewis, Paul G. and S. K. Ramakrishnan. 2004. "Open Arms?: The Receptivity of Cities and Local Officials to Immigrants and their Concerns." Paper presented at American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago. Levy, Frank. 1998. The New Dollars and Dreams: American Incomes and Economic Change. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Lichter, Daniel T., and Kenneth M. Johnson. 2009. "Immigrant Gateways and Hispanic Migration to New Destinations." International Migration Review 43:496-518. ______ 2006. “Emerging Rural Settlement Patterns and the Geographic Redistribution of America’s New Immigrants.” Rural Sociology 70: 109-131. 24 Marrow, Helen. Marrow, “Immigrant Bureaucratic Incorporation: The Dual Roles of Professional Missions and Government Policies.” American Sociological Review 74(5): 756-776. Massey, Douglas S. 2008. New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. ______ 2007. Categorically Unequal: The American Stratification System. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Massey, Douglas S. and Chiara Capoferro. 2008. "The Geographic Diversification of American Immigration." Pp. 25‐50 in New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration, edited by Douglas S. Massey. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. McClain, Paula Niambi M. Carter, Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto, Monique L. Lyle, Jeffrey D. Grynaviski, Shayla C. Nunnally, Thomas J. Scotto, J. Alan Kendrick, Gerald F. Lackey, and Kendra Davenport Cotton., “Racial Distancing in a Southern City: Latino Immigrants’ Views of Black Americans.”, Journal of Politics, vol. 68 no. 3 (August, 2006), pp. :571-584. McDonnell, Patrick. 1997. “Prop. 187 Found Unconstitutional by Federal Judge,” Los Angeles Times Saturday, November 15. Meissner, Doris, Deborah W. Meyers, Demetrios G. Papademetriou and Marc R. Rosenblum, editors. 2006. Immigration and America's Future. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute. Morawetz, Nancy. 1999-2000. “Understanding the Impact of the 1996 Deportation Laws and the Limited Scope of Proposed Reforms. Harvard Law Review 113 pp. 1935-1962. Myers, Dowell. 2007. Immigrants and Boomers: Forging a New Social Contract for the Future of America. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Ngai, Mai. 2005. Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Perlmann, Joel. 2007. Italians Then, Mexicans Now: Immigrant Origins and the SecondGeneration Progress, 1890 to 2000. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Portes, Alejandro and Min Zhou. 1993. “The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and its Variants.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 530:1 pp. 74-96. 25 Ramji, Jaya. 2001. “Legislating Away International Law: The Refugee Provisions of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act.” Stanford Journal of International Law. 37 pp. 117-162. Rodriguez, Cristina, Muzaffar Chishti and Kimberly Nortman. 2007. "Testing the Limits: A Framework for Assessing the Legality of State and Local Immigration Measures." Report. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute. f%20State%20and%20Local%20Immigration%20Measures121307.pdf Sassler, Sharon. 2006. “School Participation of Immigrant Youths in the Early 20th Century: Integration or Segmented Assimilation?” Sociology of Education. 79:1 pp.1-24. Schmitt, C. 1996. ‘A Law to Learn ‘Em A Thing Or Two About The English Language’ New York Times July 28. Schuck, Peter. 1997. ‘The Re–Evaluation of American Citizenship’ Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 12:1 pp. 1–34. Schuck, Peter and Rogers Smith. 1985. Citizenship Without Consent: Illegal Aliens in the American Polity (New Haven and London: Yale University Press). Singer, Audrey, Carolyn Brettell and Susan Hardwick, editors. 2008. America’s TwentyFirst Century Immigrant Gateways: Immigrant Incorporation in Suburbia. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press. Smith, Rogers M. 1997. Civic Ideals: Conflicting Visions of Citizenship in U.S. History. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Tienda, Marta. 2002. "Demography and the Social Contract." Demography 39:587‐616. Tienda, Marta and Faith Mitchell, editors. 2006. Multiple Origins, Uncertain Destinies: Hispanics and the American Future. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press. Waters, Mary C. and Karl Eschbach. 1995. "Immigration and Ethnic and Racial Inequality in the United States." Annual Review of Sociology 21:419‐46. Welch, Michael. 2002. Detained: Immigration Laws and the Expanding INS Jail Complex. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Weiss, Kenneth. 1998. ‘”Fewer Blacks and Latinos Admitted to Three UC Schools,” Los Angeles Times March 17. Zuñiga, Victor and Rubén Hernández‐León, editors. 2005. New Destinations: Mexican Immigration in the United States. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 26 Appendix Participant Bio Sketches 27 María Cristina García Department of History Cornell University 455 McGraw Hall Ithaca, New York 14853-4601 607.255.6598 Home address: 25 Cornell Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Fax 607.255.0469 e-mail: Education Ph.D. American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, August 1990 M.A. American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, May 1984. A.B. American Studies, Georgetown University, May 1982. cum laude. Teaching and Related Employment Professor of History and Latino Studies, Cornell University, January 2006Affiliated faculty, American Studies and Latin American Studies Programs. Interim Director, American Studies Program, Cornell University, 2009-2010 Associate Professor of History, Cornell University, Jan 1999-Dec 2005. Director of Graduate Studies, Field of History, July 2004-2005, 2006-2007 Director, Latino Studies Program, Cornell University, July 2000-June 2003 Associate Professor of History, Texas A&M University, Sept. 1997-Dec 1998 Assistant Professor of History, Texas A&M University, 1990 to 1997. Fulbright Lecturer in American Studies, Polytechnic of Central London (now the University of Westminster), Faculty of Law, Languages, and Communications. 1991-1992 Research Associate for Hispanic Studies, Texas State Historical Association, 19881990 Assistant Instructor, American Studies Program, University of Texas at Austin. 19851987 Folklore Fieldworker, Institute of Texan Cultures, San Antonio, 1984-1985. Courses and Seminars Taught (or scheduled to be taught) at Cornell Refugees, Asylum, and Human Rights Immigration since 1965 (Service-learning course) The US-Mexico Border: History, Culture, and Representation Immigration and ethnicity in the 20th century U.S. US-Cuba Relations Introduction to Latino History: Colonial period to 1898 Introduction to Latino History: 1898 to the present The Immigrant City 1900/2000 28 US-Cuba Relations 20th Century Responses to American Diversity Introduction to American History: Reconstruction to the present Immigration in U.S. history (scheduled to be taught in Spring 2011) Latino America (scheduled to be taught in Fall 2010) Publications: Book Manuscripts Seeking Refuge: A History of Central American Migration to Mexico, the United States, and Canada. University of California Press, 2006. Havana USA: Cuban Exiles and Cuban Americans in South Florida. University of California Press, 1996. Work in Progress 1) History of U.S. refugee policy since the end of the Cold War (book manuscript) 2) History of South American immigration to the U.S. since the 1970s. (book manuscript) Select Publications: Articles and Book Chapters “Central American migration and the shaping of refugee policy” forthcoming book chapter in a book edited by Dirk Hoerder and Nora Faires. “Latin American Populations in the United States,” Encyclopedia of Latin American History, (20,000 word entry), Gale Press, 2008. Refugees or Economic Immigrants? The Politics of US Refugee Policy and Immigration from Latin America" in A Companion to Latino Studies. Juan Flores and Renato Rolsado, eds. Blackwell Press, 2007. “La Creación de ENCASA/US-Cuba,” Contratiempo 38 (julio 2006). Canada a Northern Refuge for Central Americans,” Migration Information Source (Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, April 2006), “’Dangerous times call for risky responses’: Latino Immigration and Sanctuary, 1981-2001,” in Ya Basta! Latino Religions and Civic Activism in American Public Life Gastón Espinosa, Virgilio Elizondo, and Jesse Miranda, eds. Oxford University Press, 2004. “Exiles, Immigrants, and Transnationals: Cubans in the United States,” in The Columbia Anthology of Latino History. David G. Gutierrez, ed., Columbia University Press, 2004. “Cuban American Prose, 1975-2000” in Mario Valdés, ed., Latin American Literary History Oxford University Press, 2004. “Havana USA” in Latino/a Thought: Culture Politics, and Society. Francisco H. Vázquez and Rodolfo D. Torres, eds., Rowman and Littlefield, 2003. “Florida’s Nuevo Latinos" and "Cuban Assimilation: A Case Study Profile," Forum (Florida Council for the Humanities), 25:1 (Spring 2002): 18-21. Co-editor, Latino Public History. Special Edition of The Public Historian 23 (Fall 2001). “Miami’s Cuban Community: Defining Cubanidad in Exile,” in Proceedings of the “Migration and the Homeland Conference”, Harald Runblom, ed., Uppsala Universiteit, 2000. 29 “Agents of Americanization: The Houston Settlement Association and the Mexicano Community, 1900-1950,” in Mexican Americans in Texas History, Emilio Zamora ed., Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000. “Hardliners v.‘Dialogueros: Cuban exile political groups and U.S.-Cuba relations,” Journal of American Ethnic History 17( Summer 1998): 3-29. “Cubanos Exilados y Cubanos Americanos: Treinta años definiendo una identidad y cultura en los Estados Unidos,” in Razón y Pasión, María Cristina Herrera, et al., eds. Miami: Ediciones Universal, 1996. “Hispanic/Latino Politics: An Introduction,” ASRC Newsletter (U.K.: American Studies Resource Centre), Spring 1996. “Cuban Women in the United States.” In Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States. Felix Padilla, ed., pp. 203-217, Houston: Arte Público Press, 1994. “Challenging the Melting Pot Ideology: the Hispanic/Latino Populations of the United States” in Eugene van Erven, ed., Beeld En Verbeelding Van Amerika, deel 2, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Bureau Studium Generale, 1992. “Adapting to Exile: Cuban Women in the United States, 1959-1973,” Latino Studies Journal, 2 (Spring 1991): 17-33 Awards, Grants and Fellowships Kaplan Family Distinguished Faculty Fellowship for Service-Learning Radcliffe Institute, 2005-2006 [Declined] Fellow, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University, Fall 2000. Canadian Studies Research Grant, 1999. Texas A&M Faculty Development Leave, Fall 1997. George Bush Center for Presidential Studies Research Grant, Fall 1997. Texas A&M Research Mini-Grant, 1997 Louisville Institute Research Grant, Summer 1997 Abba P. Schwartz Research Fellowship for Immigration Studies, John F. Kennedy Foundation, 1993. Research Grant, John F. Kennedy Foundation, 1992 Fulbright Lectureship, United Kingdom, 1991-92. Texas A&M University Research Grant, Summer 1991, Summer 1994. University of Texas Professional Development Award: Spring 1988, Fall 1988, Spring 1989, Summer 1989, Spring 1990. Institute of Cuban Studies Grant, Summer 1988. University of Texas Research Grant, Fall 1986 University of Texas Continuing Fellowship, Fall 1983; 1986-87 University of Texas Graduate Opportunity Fellowship, 1982-83 30 Douglas T. Gurak Professor, Development Sociology, Cornell University (since 1989). Director: Polson Institute for Global Development Graduate Field Memberships: Development Sociology, Sociology, CIPA, International Development. Education: Year 1973 1969 1966 Degree Ph.D. M.S. B.S. Institution University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, Madison Rutgers University Recent Grant Support Relevant to the ISS Theme Project Non-Traditional Immigrant Destinations: Who is Moving Where and Why? Russell Sage Foundation. January 2007 through October 2009 ($194,000). Immigrant Churning and New Destinations in the United States. U.S. Bureau of the Census and New York Census Data Research Center. January 2007 through December 2008. (Approved October 2006, no direct funding). Extended to 2011. Economic and Social Correlates of Change in Ethnic Diversity in Rural Counties: 19902000. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Federal Formula grant. 2002-2005 ($60,000). (Co-PI is M. Kritz) Migratory Responses to Recent U.S. Immigration. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD grant No. 1 R03 HD042626-01), 2002-2004 ($160,000). (Co-PI. PI is M. Kritz) Immigration and a Changing America. Russell Sage Foundation & Population Reference Bureau. 2001-2004 ($15,000). Support for Census Monograph for PRB (Co-PI with M. M. Kritz). Relevant Publications Gurak, D.T. and M.M. Kritz. 2010. “Elderly Asian and Hispanic Foreign- and NativeBorn Living Arrangements: Accounting for Differences.” Research on Aging (July, forthcoming) Gurak, D.T. and M.M. Kritz. 2010. “Destination Choices of Foreign-Born Internal Migrants: National Origin Differences in Dispersion.” Revise and resubmit, Demography. Kritz, M.M and D. T. Gurak. 2005. “Immigration and a Changing America.” Pp. 259-301 in R. Farley and J. Haaga (Eds). The American People: Census 2000. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Kritz, M. M. and D. T. Gurak. 2004. Immigration and a Changing America. New York and Washington, DC: Russell Sage Foundation and Population Reference Bureau. Kritz, M. M. and D. T. Gurak. 2001. “The Impact of Immigration on the Internal Migration of Natives and Immigrants.” Demography 38, 1 (February):133-145. 31 Kritz, M. M., D. T. Gurak and L. Chen. 2000. “Elderly Immigrants: Their Composition and Living Arrangements. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. Volume 26 (March):85-114. Gurak, D. T. and M. M. Kritz.. 2000. "Context Determinants of Interstate Migration of U.S. Immigrants." Social Forces. 78, 3 (March):1017-1039. Gurak, D. T. 1999. “On the Margin: The Occupational Progress of Ethnic Minorities in New York State.” Pp. 57-71 in T. Hirschl and T. Heaton (eds.) New York in the 21st Century. Westport, CT: Praeger. Falcón, L. M. and D.T. Gurak. 1999. “Female-Headed Households, Migration and the Underclass.” in L.M. Falcon and E. Melendez (eds.) Recasting Puerto Rican Poverty. Temple University Press. Gurak, D. T. and M. M. Kritz. 1996. "Social Context, Household Composition, and Employment Among Dominican Women in the Dominican Republic and the U.S." International Migration Review 30, 2 (Summer):399-422. Falcón, L. M. and D. T. Gurak. 1994. "Poverty, Migration, and the Underclass." Latino Studies Journal 5,2 (May):77-95. Gilbertson, G. and D. T. Gurak. 1993. "Broadening the Enclave Debate: The Labor Market Experience of Dominican and Colombian Men in New York City." Sociological Forum 8,2 (June):205-220. Gurak, D. T. and F. Caces. 1992. "Migration Networks and the Shaping of Migration Systems." Pp. 150-176 in M.M. Kritz, L.L. Lim, and H. Zlotnik (eds.) International Migration Systems: A Global Approach. London: Oxford University Press. Gurak, D. T. and M. M. Kritz. 1987. "Los Patrones de Migración de los Dominicanos y Colombianos en la Ciudad de Nueva York." Pp. 151-184 in José del Castillo and Christopher Mitchell (Eds.) La Inmigración Dominicana en los Estados Unidos. Santo Domingo: Universidad APEC, Editorial CENAPEC. Gurak, D. T. 1987. "Family Formation and Marital Selectivity Among Colombian and Dominican Immigrants in New York City." International Migration Review 21,2 (Summer):275-298. Gurak, D. T. and M. M. Kritz. 1982. "Female Employment in the Dominican Republic: A Dynamic Perspective." American Sociological Review 42,6 (December):810-818. Gurak, D. T. and J. P. Fitzpatrick. 1982. "Intermarriage Among Hispanic Ethnic Groups in New York City." American Journal of Sociology 87,4 (January):921-934. Kritz, M. M. and D. T. Gurak. 1979. "International Migration in Latin America: Research and Data Survey." International Migration Review 13,3 (Fall):407-427. Book Reviews In a New Land: A Comparative View of Immigration, by Nancy Foner. New York: New York University Press, 2005. Anthropology and Education Quarterly (2006) ( Growing Up American: How Vietnamese Children Adapt to Life in the United States, by Min Zhou and Carl L. Bankston, III, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1998. Rural Sociology (2001):300-304. Ethnic Labels, Latino Lives by Suzanne Oboler. In Sociological Focus 29, 3 (August 1996):285-287. 32 Gurak, D. T. "In Search of a Latino Underclass." 1996. In The Latino Review of Books 2,1 (Spring):14-16. Between Two Islands: Dominican International Migration by Sherri Grasmuck and Patricia R. Pessar. In American Journal of Sociology 98, 1 (July 1992):210-212.. A Borderlands Town in Transition, Laredo, 1755-1870 by Gilberto Miguel Hinojosa. In International Migration Review, Volume 19, Fall 1985. Urbanization and Urban Growth in the Caribbean by Malcolm Cross. In International Migration Review, Vol. 14, Summer 1980. Majority and Minority: The Dynamics of Racial and Ethnic Relations, by N.R. Yetman and C.H. Steele (Eds.). In Contemporary Sociology 5:5, September 1976. Recent Presentations “The Foreign-Born in New Destinations. Are The Settling or Circulating?” Paper accepted for presentation in Session on New Destinations, Population Association of America, April 14-17, 2010, Dallas, Texas. “Foreign-Born Internal Migration an Dispersion Dynamics,” Poster Paper presented at 2009 International Census Research Data Center Conference, October 5, 2009, organized by CISER, Cornell University (with M.M. Kritz and M. Lee). “Endless Journeys: The Dispersion of Foreign-Born Migrants to New Destinations.” Lecture at Fordham University co-sponsored by the Cassamarca Foundation, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, American Studies Program, Latin American and Latino Studies Institute, and the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies. March 1, 2007 (with M.M. Kritz). “New Immigrant Destinations,” Inaugural De Jong Lecture in Social Demography, September 21, 2006. Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA (with M.M. Kritz). “New Immigrant Destinations: Stability and Change,” NICHD Moving Americans Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, 4-6 May 2006 (with M.M. Kritz). “Immigrant Settlement Patterns in the United States in the 1990s: Can Existing Theories Explain the Changes? Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Philadelphia, PA, March 31-April 2, 2005 (with M.M. Kritz). “Do The Native Born and Foreign Born Show Differential Migratory Responses to Immigration and Labor Market Conditions?” Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Boston, MA, April 1-3, 2004 (with M.M. Kritz). Courses DSOC 2750, Immigration and a Changing America DSOC 6190, Quantitative Research Methods DSOC 4380/6380, Population and Development DSOC 6080/PAM 6060, Demographic Methods DSOC 1010, Introduction to Sociology 33 Michael Jones-Correa Government Department Cornell University White Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-4601 tel: (607) 255-3170 fax: (607) 255-4530 e-mail: Teaching and Research Appointments Cornell University Professor of Government, 2007-present Associate Professor of Government, 2001-2007 Director of the Program in American Studies, 2005-2009 Harvard University Associate Professor of Government, 1998-2001 Assistant Professor of Government, 1994-1998 Fellowships and Visiting Appointments Visiting Senior Research Scholar, Center for the Study of Democratic Politics, Princeton University, 2009-2010 Visiting Scholar, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, 2009-2010 (declined) Visiting Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2003-2004 Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, 1998-1999 Education Princeton University; Princeton, New Jersey. Ph.D. in Politics, June 1994 Rice University; Houston, Texas. B.A. in Political Science, cum laude 1987 Research Interests Immigrant incorporation, naturalization and political mobilization; Racial and ethnic politics and identity; Inter-ethnic conflict, negotiation and coalitionbuilding in U.S. urban areas; Institutional approaches to urban politics and intergovernmental relations Grants and Fellowships “New Immigrant Destinations” (Co- Principal Investigator with Katherine Fennelly, Gordon Hansen, Doug Massey and Marta Tienda) Russell Sage Foundation, 2008-2009 (Co- Principal Investigator with Rolf Pendall, UC-Berkeley Sub-Agreement) MacArthur Foundation, 2009-2010 “Immigrant Political Incorporation Workshops” (with Jennifer Hochschild and Claudine Gay) Institute for the Social Sciences, Small Grant Competition, 2007-2008 W.E.B.DuBois Center, Harvard University, 2007-2008 34 Center for American Political Studies, 2007-2008 Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, 2007-2008 “Immigration, Gender and Political Socialization” (with Julie Ajinkya) Walter and Sandra LaFeber Fellowship Fund, Cornell University, 20062007 “Implementation of Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act ” (with Israel Waismel-Manor) Russell Sage Foundation Grant 2005 Civil Rights Project, University of California-Berkeley 2005 “Latino National Survey” (Co- Principal Investigator with Luis Fraga, John Garcia, Rodney Hero, Valerie Martinez-Ebers and Gary Segura) National Science Foundation, 2005-2007, Russell Sage Foundation 20042006 Kellogg Foundation, 2005-2006, Carnegie Foundation, 2004-2005, Joyce Foundation, 2004-2005, Irvine Foundation Grant 2004-2005, Ford Foundation Grant 2004-2005, Ford Foundation Planning Grant 20032004, Hewlett Foundation Planning Grant 2002-2004, Annie E. Casey Foundation (under the auspices of the Inter-University Program for Latino Research) 2002-2003 “Reshaping the American Dream: Immigrants and the Politics of the New Suburbs” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Fellowship 2003-2004 Russell Sage Foundation Grant 2003-2004 Institute for the Social Sciences, Cornell University 2004-5 “Governing American Cities: Inter-Ethnic Coalitions, Competition, and Conflict” Russell Sage Foundation Grant 1998 “American Riots and the Re-Negotiation of Ethnic Relations” Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar 1998-1999 Social Science Research Council Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Program in International Migration 1997-1998 Ford Foundation Grant, Urban Poverty Program 1997-1998 Open Society Institute Individual Project Grant 1997-1998 William F. Milton Fund, Harvard University 1996-1997 “Between Two Nations: The Political Predicament of Latinos in New York City” Center of Domestic and Comparative Policy Studies Fellow 1993-1994 Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship 1992-1993 Summer Fellowship, Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton University 1992 Lasser Fellowship for Latin American Studies, Princeton University 1991 National Science Foundation Fellowship 1988-1991 Publications Books 35 Making it Home: Latinos Lives in America. With Luis Fraga, John Garcia, Rodney Hero, Valerie Martinez-Ebers and Gary Segura. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2010) Governing American Cities: Inter-Ethnic Coalitions, Competition, and Conflict ed. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001) Between Two Nations: The Political Predicament of Latinos in New York City (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998) Selected Articles “The Logic of Institutional Dependency: The Case of Day Laborer Policy in Suburbia.” With Lorrie Frasure. Urban Affairs Review 45:4 March 2010 (forthcoming) “Su Casa Es Nuestra Casa: Latino Politics Research and the Development of American Political Science.” With Luis Fraga, John Garcia, Rodney Hero, Valerie Martinez-Ebers and Gary Segura. American Political Science Review 100:4 November 2006 pp. 515-522 “Political Participation: Does Religion Matter?” with David Leal. Political Research Quarterly December 2001 pp. 751-770 “Under Two Flags: Dual Nationality in Latin America and Its Consequences for Naturalization in the United States” International Migration Review 35:4 Winter 2001 pp. 997-1029 “Institutional and Contextual Factors in Immigrant Citizenship and Voting” Citizenship Studies 5:1 February 2001 pp. 41- 56 “Different Paths: Immigration, Gender, and Political Participation” International Migration Review 32:2 Summer 1998 pp. 326-349 Selected Chapters “Immigrant Incorporation in the Suburbs: Differential Pathways, Arenas and Intermediaries,” in Lisa M. Hanley, Blair A. Ruble and Allison Garland eds. Immigration and Integration in Urban Communities: Renegotiating the City (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press and Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2008) pp. 19-47 “Immigrant Incorporation in Suburbia: The Role of Bureaucratic Norms in Education,” in Doug Massey ed. New Faces in New Places (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2008) pp. 308-340 “Reshaping the American Dream: Immigrants and the Politics of the New Suburbs,” in Kevin M. Kruse and Thomas J. Sugrue eds. The New Suburban History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006) pp. 183204 “Bringing Outsiders In: Questions of Immigrant Incorporation,” in Christine Wolbrecht and Rodney Hero eds. The Politics of Democratic Inclusion (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2005) pp. 75-101 “The Study of Transnationalism among the Children of Immigrants: Where We Are and Where We Should Be Headed” in Peggy Levitt and Mary Waters 36 eds. The Changing Face of Home: The Transnational Lives of the Second Generation (New York: Russell Sage, 2002) pp. 221-241 “Seeking Shelter: Immigrants and the Divergence of Social Rights and Citizenship in the U.S.” in Randall Hansen and Patrick Weil eds. Dual Nationality, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship in the US and Europe: The Reinvention of Citizenship (New York: Berghahn Books, 2002) pp. 233-263 “Structural Shifts and Institutional Capacity: Possibilities for Ethnic Cooperation and Conflict in Urban Settings” in Michael Jones-Correa ed. Governing Cities (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001) pp. 183-209 “Immigrants, Blacks and Cities” in Yvette Marie Alex-Assensoh and Lawrence J. Hanks eds. Black and Multiracial Politics in America (New York: New York University Press, 2000) pp. 133-164. 37 Mary Fainsod Katzenstein Stephen and Evalyn Milman Professor of American Studies Department of Government White Hall Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 607/255-8965 ; 607/277-2971 EDUCATION Ph.D. M.Sc. B.A. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, l975 University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies Distinction, History and Politics of South Asia, l968 Radcliffe College, Magna Cum Laude, l966 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Cornell University, Department of Government and Women’s Studies, 1974-present University of Massachusetts, Boston Campus, Instructor, l972-73 PUBLICATIONS Books and Monographs Social Movements in India Poverty, Power, and Politics, co-edited with Raka Ray, Rowman and Littlefield, 2005; India edition, Oxford, 2005. Beyond Zero Tolerance: Discrimination and the Culture of the U.S. Military, co-edited with Judith Reppy, Rowman and Littlefield, 1999. Faithful and Fearless: Moving Feminist Protest Inside the Church and Military, Princeton University Press, 1998. Going Public; National Histories of Women's Enfranchisement and Women's Participation within State Institutions, co-edited with Hege Skjeie, Institute for Social Research, Oslo, l990. Available in the United States through the Western Societies Program, Cornell University. The Women's Movement of the United States and Western Europe; Consciousness, Political Opportunity, and Public Policy, co-edited with Carol Mueller, Temple University Press, l987. India's Preferential Policies: Migrants, the Middle Classes and Ethnic Equality, coauthored with Myron Weiner, Chicago University Press, l981. Ethnicity and Equality: The Shiv Sena Party and Preferential Policies in Bombay, Cornell University Press, l979. 38 Articles “Felony Disenfranchisement and the Dark Side of American Liberalism,” with Leila Ibrahim and Katharine Rubin, 2010, revise and resubmit, revisions submitted February 2010. “No Further Harm; What we owe to Incarcerated Fathers” Boston Review; A Political and Literary Forum, July/August 2008 with Molly Shanley “Rights without Citizenship; Prison Activism in the US,” Social Movements, Public Policy and Democracy, edited by Valerie Jenness, Helen Ingram and David Meyer, Minnesota, 2005. “’Redividing Citizens’—Divided Feminisms,” Divided Feminisms: The Reconfigured U.S. State and Women’s Citizenship,” Women's Movements Facing the Reconfigured State, edited by Lee Ann Banaszak, Karen Beckwith, and Dieter Rucht, Cambridge University Press, 2003. “Writing Political Science; Asking a Question and then (Blush) Answering It,” Local Knowledges, Local Practice: Cultures of Writing at Cornell, edited by Jonathan Monroe, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003. “Identities, Interests and Social Movements in India,” co-authored with Smitu Kothari and Uday Mehta, Democratization and Decentralization in India, edited by Atul Kohli, Cambridge University Press, 2001. “The Mother and the State: Reproductive Health in India,” Asian Survey, November, 2000. “Stepsisters: Feminist Movement Activism in Different Institutional Spaces,” The Social Movement Society, edited by David Meyer and Sidney Tarrow, Rowman and Littlefield 1998. “The Rebirth of Shiv Sena; The Symbiosis of Discursive and Organizational Power,” with Uday Singh Mehta and Usha Thakkar, Journal of Asian Studies, Spring, 1997; also in Community Conflicts and the State in India, edited by Amrita Basu and Atul Kohli, Oxford University Press. “The Spectacle of Life and Death: Feminist and Lesbian/Gay Politics in the Military,” Gay Rights, Military Wrongs, edited by Craig Rimmerman, NY: Garland, 1996. “Feminist Strategy and Discursive Politics in the Catholic Church,” Feminist Organizations, edited by Myra Marx Ferree and Patricia Yancey Martin, Temple University Press, 1995. “The Spectacle as Political Resistance: Feminist and Gay/Lesbian Politics in the Military,” Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military, Vol. XI, No. 1, Spring, 1993, p. 1-16. “For What? The Year of the Women?,” Cornell Women's Studies Newsletter, Fall, 1992. “Die Institutionalisierung des Amerikanischen Feminismus: Kampf Innerhalb des Systems,” Berlin J. Soziol Heft 1, 1992, S 29-37. “Putting Feminism onto the Public Agenda in India,” Samya Shakti, Journal of the Center for Women in Developing Societies, New Delhi, Vol. VI, 1991-1992. “Feminism within American Institutions; Unobtrusive Mobilization in the l980s,” SIGNS, Vol. l6, No l, Fall, l990; translated version in Japanese political science journal Leviathan, spring l991. 39 “Organizing on the Terrain of Mainstream Institutions: Feminism and the U.S. Military,” Going Public; National Histories of Women's Enfranchisement and Women's Participation within State Institutions, edited by Mary Katzenstein and Hege Skjeie, Institute for Social Research, Oslo, l990. “Constitutional Politics and the Feminist Movement,” The Constitution and Your Right To Vote: Essays on the History of Voting and Voting Rights in America, edited by Donald W. Rogers and Christine Scriabine, Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut, l990. “Organizing against Violence: Strategies of the Feminist Movement in India,” Pacific Affairs, Vol. 62, No. l, Spring, l989. “The War over the Family is not over the Rights and Interests of Children,” co-authored with Susan Cohen, Feminism, Children, and the New Families, edited by Myra Strober and Sanford Dornbusch, Guilford Press, l988. Selected for reprinting in “Male/Female Roles,” Opposing Viewpoints, SOURCES, l989 annual, Greenhaven Press, l989. “Comparing the Feminist Movements of the U.S. and Western Europe: An Overview,” The Women's Movements of the United States and Western Europe: Consciousness, Political Opportunity, and Public Policy, edited by Mary Katzenstein and Carol McClurg Mueller, Temple University Press, 1987. “Politics, Feminism, and the Ethics of Caring,” with David Laitin, Women and Moral Theory, edited by Diana Meyers and Eva Feder Kittay, Rowman and Allanheld, l987. “The Meaning of Elections for Feminism,” SIGNS, Vol. l0, No. l, November, l984. “Towards Equality? The Political Prominence of Women in India,” Asian Survey, Vol XVIII, No. 5, May l978. “Preferential Treatment and Ethnic Conflict in Bombay,“ Public Policy Vol. 25, No. 3, Summer, l977. “Governmental Response to Migration: A Study of Employment Preferences for Local Residents Bombay,” Migration and Development Study Group, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Occasional Paper c/76-ll. “Migration and Electoral Politics in India,” Electoral Politics in the Indian States: The Impact of Modernization, edited by Myron Weiner and John Osgood Field, Vol. 3, Delhi: Manohar, l975. “Politics of Population Movements,” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. X, No. 51, December 20, l975. 40 Sharon Sassler Associate Professor Department of Policy Analysis and Management Education 1995 1991 1984 Ph.D., Sociology, Brown University M.A., Sociology, Brown University B.A., English & American Literature, Politics, Brandeis University 1995-96 Post-Doctoral Fellows, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Population Dynamics Bio Sketch Sharon Sassler is Associate Professor of Policy and Applied Management in the College of Human Ecology. As a social demographer, Sassler’s research examines factors shaping the activities of young adults and their life course transitions into school and work, relationships, and parenthood. Much of her research explores how these transitions vary by gender, race/ethnicity, and social class. She has long studied how various immigrant groups adapted to life in the early years of the 20th century, and has written on how patterns of social mobility differed by ethnicity, gender, and family structure. She is currently exploring the retention and promotion of high skilled workers in science and technology careers, with an emphasis on how nativity shapes transitions into such occupations. Relevant Publications Sharon Sassler. Forthcoming, 2010. "Partnering Across the Life Course: Sex, Relationships, and Mate Selection." Journal of Marriage and Family. Sharon Sassler and Amanda Miller. Forthcoming, 2010. “Class Differences in Women’s Family and Work Behaviors.” Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice. Amanda Miller and Sharon Sassler. Forthcoming, 2010. “Stability and Change in the Division of Labor among Working-Class Cohabiting Couples: A Qualitative Analysis.” Sociological Forum. Sharon Sassler. 2006. “School Participation of Immigrant Youths in the Early 20th Century: Integration or Segmented Assimilation?” Sociology of Education. 79(1):1-24. Sharon Sassler. 2005. “Gender & Ethnic Differences in Marital Assimilation in the Early 20th Century.” International Migration Review 39(3):608-636. 41 Sharon Sassler. 2004. “The Process of Entering into Cohabiting Unions.” Journal of Marriage and Family 66:491-505. Sharon Sassler and Zhenchao Qian. 2003. “Marital Timing and Marital Assimilation: Variation and Change Among European Americans Between 1910 & 1980,” Historical Methods 36(3):131-148. Michael J. White and Sharon Sassler. 2000. "Judging Not Only By Color: Ethnicity, Nativity, and Neighborhood Attainment." Social Science Quarterly 81(4):10151031. Sharon Sassler. 2000. "Learning to be an 'American Lady'? Ethnic Distinctiveness and Generational Change in Daughters' Activities in the Early 1900s." Gender & Society 14 (1):184-209. Sharon L. Sassler. 1997. "Women's Marital Timing at the Turn of the Century: Generational and Ethnic Differences." The Sociological Quarterly 38(4): 567585. Sharon Sassler and Michael J. White. 1997. "Ethnicity, Gender, and Social Mobility in 1910." Social Science History 21(3):321-357. Sharon Sassler. 1996. "Feathering the Nest or Flying the Coop? Factors Affecting Coresidence in 1910." Journal of Family History 21(4): 446-466. Sharon Sassler. 1995. "Trade-Offs in the Family: Sibling Effects on Daughters' Activities in 1910." Demography Vol. 32:557-575. Michael J. White and Sharon Sassler. 1995. "Ethnic Definitions, Social Mobility, and Residential Segregation in the United States." In Calvin Goldscheider (Ed), Population, Ethnicity, and Nation Building. Westview Press. Chapter 10, pp. 267297. Relevant Grants Co-Investigator (with Yael Levitte and Jennifer Glass). “Entry and Retention of Women in Science: A Cohort Comparison.” September 2009 to August 2012. $538,500 (Direct & Indirect Cots). National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH. Co-Investigator (with Kristi Williams, PI). “Marriage and Cohabitation among Single Mothers: Consequences for Two Generations.” July 2007 to June 2010. $977,594 (Direct & Indirect Costs). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH. 42 Principal Investigator. “Class, Race, and Ethnic Differences in Family Formation and Function.” September 2005 to September 2008. $30,000. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA-CSREES). Relevant Courses Taught Undergraduate: Evolving Families: Challenges to Public Policy*; Population Dynamics; Social Inequality; Race and Ethnicity*; Race and Public Policy*; Women & Immigration. Graduate: Racial and Ethnic Differentiation; Migration & Social Mobility. * Taught while at Cornell; other courses taught at Ohio State University (Department of Sociology) or Hunter College (CUNY), Department of Sociology