U.S. Industrialization

U.S. Industrialization
• After the Civil War the nation concentrated
on expanding its power through
• There are many factors that contributed to
our growth:
• Technological advances in transportation,
communication, and ways of doing business
led to enormous growth in wealth and power
for some, but many problems arose as well.
• White settlement of western lands led to
devastated Native American cultures.
• Politicians and Big Business Leaders took
advantage of immigrant and American
• Cities and Factories would become the new
homes for immigrants and Americans looking
for a better way of life
• Others would choose to go west and settle
land given to them by the government
The West and Railroads
• The Homestead Act -gave 160 acres of land to
people who were willing to stay and develop it
for 5 years.
• These 2million Homesteaders created a demand
for goods.
• These goods needed to be transported creating
a demand for Railroads.
• Companies were encouraged to build the RR’s
by the gov’t with free land on either side of the
The West and Railroads
• The Bessemer Process made steel quicker
and cheaper allowing for more tracks.
• By 1869 the Transcontinental Railroad was
completed allowing Americans to travel from
coast to coast.
• Mostly Irish laborers, also Chinese and
Former Slaves.
• Towns began to emerge at railway stops.
Andrew Carnegie
“Rags to Riches”
John D. Rockefeller
JP Morgan
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Rockefeller Center
Carnegie Hall
“A man who dies rich, dies disgraced”
$380 Million to Charities
Vanderbilt Mansion Hyde Park NY
Rockefeller Mansion Newport RI
Carnegie’s Mansion
• “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled
masses yearning to be free, the wretched
refuse of your teaming shore.
• Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost, to
• I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
• Emma Lazarus- The New Colossuss
• The Statue of Liberty
Irish Potato Famine
• Over 2 million die and 1 million emigrate
• Black 47 worse year of the famine
Nativist Movement develops out of fear of New
Immigration – The Know Nothing Party is created on
an anti-immigration platform. There was a fear of
taking jobs and a fear of new religions.
Italian Immigration
Immigration and Urbanization The Big Points:
• Immigration and Urbanization are closely related and
changed the United States dramatically.
• During the late 1800’s:
– Immigrants arrived from Europe and Asia
– Cities became crowded and workers lived in unhealthy
– Settlers continued to move westward
– A large and prosperous middle class continues to develop
– Women and immigrants form a large percentage of the
Jobs created by industrialization led to a rapid
growth of cities.
Immigrants and poor Americans lived in
multifamily houses known as Tenements.
They were crowded, poorly ventilated and dirty,
usually w/ one bathroom per floor.
Streets were dirty, sanitation was almost nonexistent, the rivers were used as sewers, disease
spread, poor conditions led to the forming of
gangs (organized crime).
Little Italy 1900
Did anyone help immigrants and the
• Yes, Political Machinesorganization keeps a
particular political
party in power.
• How?-Helping the poor
and immigrants find
jobs and housing.
• What do the politicians
Positives of Urbanization
• More Job opportunities
• Advances in technology and Public
Transportation – Trolley cars, subways, bridges,
• Education-better schools, public libraries
• Cultural Attractions-theaters, museums,
restaurants sports (boxing, horseracing, and
• Rise of the Middle Class-Managed the workers
and other Professionals
• Blue Collar(laborers)/White Collar(managers)
NYC Subway opens 1904
Brooklyn Bridge
Begun1870 Opens 1883
NY Public Library opens1895
Matching Terms
• Homestead Act, Capital, Corporation,
Monopoly, Laissez-faire, Social Darwinism,
Robber Baron, Captain of Industry, Company
Town, Knights of Labor, AFL, Injunction, Scab,
Collective Bargaining, Nation of Nations,
Black ‘47, Forced Immigration, Old
Immigrant, New Immigrant, Assimilation,
Cultural Pluralism, Nativism, Know Nothings,
Quota Acts, INS, Urbanization, Tenements,
Tweed Ring, Political Machine, Regulate