3 V2(ST)103/A-IV/2012 ORDER – IN – APPEAL M/s. Ames Impex Electrical Pvt. Ltd., C/1-B/1207, Phase-IV, GIDC, Naroda,, Ahmedanbad (hereinafter referred to as “the appellant”) have filed an appeal along with stay application 02.02.2012 against the OIO STC/50/N-Ram/AC/D-III/11-12 dated 30-122011 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the impugned order’) passed by the Assistant Commissioner, Service Tax, Division-III, Ahmedabad (hereinafter referred to as ‘the adjudicating authority’). 2. The facts of the case, in brief, are that the appellants are engaged in providing taxable services of “Business Auxiliary Services” registered with Service Tax department and having Service Tax registration No. AAACA9825GST001 dated 25.02.2005. During the course of Audit it was found that the appellant has raised bill for repairing charges for the period from April-05 to Dec-2006 but failed to pay the Service Tax on the taxable value of Rs. 363016/- ( Rs. 185645/- + 177371/-) at applicable rate i.e 10.2% and 12.24% respectively. The appellant has crossed the exemption limit i.e. 400000/- in the preceding year and hence in the next year they are liable to discharge their Service Tax liability from the beginning of the financial year as they are also availing the benefit of Cenvat Credit. Hence, the appellant has breached the condition of the Notification No.6/2005-ST dated 1/3/2005. The appellant has failed to discharge their liabilities on the repair charges received. Thus, they have evaded payment of Service Tax of Rs. 40646/-. Hence, a Show cause Notice bearing No STC/389/Ames/Demand/Dn.III/07.08 dated 03.08.2010 was issued for demand of Rs 40646/under Section 73(1) of the Finance Act, 1994 along with interest and penalty provisions. The said demand was confirmed by the adjudicating authority vide the impugned order. 3. Being aggrieved with the impugned order, the appellants preferred the present appeal. In the appeal memorandum they submitted that the internal audit party prior to this audit party also visited their factory premises and conducted the audit for the period from 1/4/2004 to 31/03/2005. At that time they have been directed by the audit party that the bill in relation to repairing shown in the balance sheet for repairing of Transformer should be considered as transaction value and to be included in the assessable value in the respective financial years for the past five years prior to 31.3.2005. As directed by the audit party, they have paid Rs. 284905/- vide TR 6 Challan No. 0/2005-06 & 14/2005-06 dated 31.1.2006 & 21.02.2006. The appellant submitted that the value of service provided by them to the buyer has already been included in the assessable value and they have already discharged the Central Excise duty on the said value, so again Service Tax on the value could nor be demanded and also not justifiable. Hence, they have not paid any Service Tax on the service rendered to the buyers. 4 4. V2(ST)103/A-IV/2012 Personal hearing in the case was granted on 27.03.2012 wherein Shri Vipul Khandhar, CA on behalf of the appellants appeared before me and reiterated the grounds of appeal. He stated that the erection, testing and repairing during warranty period are all included in the assessable value and paid Central Excise Duty. Hence, they are not liable to pay Service tax again on the value for which Excise duty was paid. DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS 5. I have carefully gone through the facts of the case on record, grounds of appeal in the respective Appeal Memorandums, as well as the oral submission made by the appellants at the time of personal hearing. 6. I find that the appellant has paid Central excise duty of Rs. 284905/- on the bills raised including the charges collected towards of transformer repairing shown in the balance sheets vide TR 6 Challan No. 0/2005-06 & 14/2005-06 dated 31.1.2006 & 21.02.2006 for the five years period prior to 31.3.2005. Hence, they contended that they have not paid the Service Tax. The department has stand that the appellant has failed to pay the Service Tax on the taxable value of Rs. 363016/- (Rs.185645/- +177371/-) at applicable rate i.e 10.2% and 12.24% respectively. The appellant has crossed the exemption limit i.e. 400000/- in the preceding year and hence in the next year they are liable to discharge their Service Tax liability from the beginning of the financial year as they are also availing the benefit of Cenvat Credit. Hence, the respondent contended that the appellant has breached the condition of the Notification No.6/2005-ST dated 1/3/2005. The appellant has failed to discharge their Service Tax liabilities on the repair charges received. Thus, it is alleged that they have evaded payment of Service Tax of Rs. 40646/-. 6.1 I find that the appellant has been under falling repairing of transformers during the warranty period. In the year 2004-05, they have shown an amount of Rs. 590891/- as repairing charges in the Balance Sheet. The audit party which conducted the audit of the records for the year 2004-05 advice them to include this repairing charges of Rs.590891/- in the assessable value for the payment of Central Excise Duty and accordingly, the appellant has paid Central Excise duty on the value. This fact has not been disputed by the adjudicating authority in the OIO. Once this value is already included in the assessable value for Central Excise purpose at the instance of Audit Party, it cannot be said that they have exceeded the exemption limit of Rs. 400000/- in the previous year 2004-05 and hence liable for pay Service Tax from the beginning for the year 2005-06. As 590891/- was taken as taxable value for the Service Tax 5 V2(ST)103/A-IV/2012 purpose and included in the assessable value for Central Excise Duty purpose, appellant would be eligible for the benefit of Notification 6/2005 in the year 2005-06. 7. The appellant contended that department raised the demand and confirmed the Service Tax of Rs. 40646/- on taxable value of Rs 185645/ and Rs. 177371/- for the period from April-2005 to Dec.2006 respectively. Whereas they have not crossed the exemption limit during the financial 2005-06.Hence, they are also liable to avail the benefit of the said notification for year 2006-07. I find that Balance sheet for the period 2005-06 and 2006-07 showing repairing amount of Rs 252179/- and 933961/- respectively, which are not matching with taxable value on which demand was raised by the department. The appellant submitted that apart from taxable value shown in OIO, (252179- Rs 185645/- and 933961-177371/-) they have taken the Cenvat Credit on input and paid Excise duty on their clearance accordingly. Hence the said value was not shown in OIO and Service Tax was not demanded. The appellant said that they have not availed the Cenvat credit on input used in repairing charges/work mentioned in the OIO. 8. I find that the appellant has been collecting repairing charges from their customers. They have been utilizing replacement parts for repairing works. They have been availing CENVAT Credit on these parts. During the years 2005-06 and 2006-07, in the most of cases, the appellant has paid Central Excise Duty by including the repairing charges in the assessable value. They have used CANVAT Credit on the component used in the repairing. In some cases they have considered it as Service and not paid Service Tax as the value of taxable Service was within the exemption limit. In these repairs also they used the component on which CENVAT credit has been availed. In their defence, the appellant stated that they have not availed CENVAT Credit on the component used in the repairing work. But the appellant has not submitted any evidence to substantiate their claim. They are not maintaining any separate account of the components used in repairing on which CENVAT credit was not availed. In the absence of such evidence, it is to be concluded that they have utilised the component on which CENVAT credit has been availed in the repairing work also. Availment of CENVAT credit was also one of the ground on which the appellant was denied the benefit of exemption provided under Notification 6/2005, in the impugned order. Hence, I hold that the appellant are not eligible for the benefit of Notification 6/2005, as they have availed CENVAT Credit on the component used for repairing. 9. With regard to the Appellants' request for wavier of penalty under section 76, I find that the audit party has raised the para/issue, that the appellant is rendering taxable service to their clients and not discharging their Service Tax liability. The appellant has been availing CANVAT 6 V2(ST)103/A-IV/2012 Credit on the component used for repairing work. The appellant was well aware of the facts that exemption under Notification 6/2005 is not available, when CENVAT Credit is availed on the component used in repairing. Inputs of that they have availed both the benefits. Thus, it was established that the tax liability was not discharged by appellant. Penalty under section 76 is imposed for delay in payment of Service Tax. In this case the appellant still has not discharged their tax liabilities. The said penalty is imposable whether there is any intention to evade payment of Service Tax or not. Thus, I find no reason to interfere with the impugned order with regard to penalty imposed under Section 76 of the Finance Act1994. Hence the Appellants' request for relief from penalty under section 76 ibid can not be considered. 10. The Appellant has requested for waiver of penalty under section 78 of the Finance Act1994 I find that appellant has not paid appropriate Service Tax (till now) on their own. They have simultaneously availed CENVAT Credit on the component used for repairing and full exemption under Notification6/2005. Thus, the intention to evade payment of duty has been clearly established. Also, the appellant had been registered with the department, however they have failed to file the ST-3 returns and provide the correct taxable value, resulting in suppression of necessary information to the department. They have not disclosed the facts of Availment of credit on the component used in repairing. This is a case of deliberate non-declaration and suppression of vital information with willful evade payment intention to of Service Tax. The penalty is imposed U/s 78 of the Finance Act1994 when suppression is established. Hence, I uphold the imposition of penalty U/s 78 in the impugned order. 11. The appellant claimed that penalty cannot be imposed under both the sections 76 & 78. I find that the penalties under 76 & 78 are for difference purposes. Penalty under section 76 is imposed for failure to pay service Tax in time. In this case appellant still has not paid Service Tax even though they are agreeing to pay the same. Penalty Under section78 is imposed for suppressing the taxable value with intention to evade payment of service Tax. As the both the condition are proved in this case, I hold that separate penalties under Section 76 & 78 of said Act can be imposed. I rely upon the judgment of Hon'ble Kerala High Court in the case of Krishna Poduval 2006 (1) STR 185 (Ker) and the Tribunal- Delhi decision in the case of Bajaj Travels Ltd 2009 (16) STR 183 ( Tri- DEL) in support of my view stated above. 7 V2(ST)103/A-IV/2012 In view of above discussion I pass the following order : ORDER 12. In view of the above discussion, I uphold the impugned order passed by the adjudicating authority and reject the appeal filed by the appellants. Sd/- (11.04.2012) (K. ANPAZHAKAN) COMMISSIONER (APPEAL-IV) CENTRAL EXCISE, AHMEDABAD. (ATTESTED) Dated .11.04.2012 (P C RATHI) SUPERINTENDENT (APPEAL-IV) SERVICE TAX, AHMEDABAD. BY R.P.A.D. To, M/s. Ames Impex Electrical Pvt. Ltd., C/1-B/1207, Phase-IV, GIDC, Naroda,, Ahmedanbad COPY TO:1. The Chief Commissioner, Central Excise, Ahmedabad. 2. The Commissioner, Service Tax, Ahmedabad. 3. The Joint Commissioner, Service Tax, Ahmedabad. 4. Assistant Commissioner, Systems, Service Tax, Ahmedabad. 5. Guard file. 6. P.A. file.