Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition 4th International Conference MLDM 2005 Program 09. 07. – 11. 07. 2005 Organized by: Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, Leipzig/Germany Welcome We meet again in front of the stature of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz at the city of Leipzig. Leibniz, a famous son of Leipzig, planed automatic logical inference using symbolic computation and aimed to collate all human knowledge. Today, artificial intelligence deals with large amount of data and knowledge and finds new information using machine learning and data mining in computer. Machine learning and data mining are irreplaceable subject and tools for the theory of pattern recognition and application of pattern recognition such as bioinformatics and data retrieval. This is the fourth edition of MLDM in Pattern Recognition which is the main event of Technical Committee 17 in International Association in Pattern Recognition succeeded from 1999, 2001, and 2003, which started out as a workshop and was continued as a conference in 2003. Today, there are many international meetings which are titled machine learning and data mining, whose topics are text mining, knowledge discovery, and applications. This meeting from the first time has focused on aspects of machine learning and data mining in pattern recognition problems. We planed to re-organize classical and well-established pattern recognition paradigms from viewpoints of machine learning and data mining. Though it was a challenging program in late ‘90’s, the idea has brought new starting points in pattern recognition and effects to the other areas such as cognitive computer vision. In this edition the organizing committee had received 103 submissions from 20 countries. After peer review process, we have accepted 58 papers for presentation. We deeply thank members of program committees and reviewers, who finished hard task to review papers form broad areas and wide range of applications. We also thank members of Institute of Applied Computer Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, who handed the conference as secretariat. We appreciate the help and understanding of the editorial staff at Springer Verlag, and in particular Alfred Hofmann, who supported the publication of these proceedings in LNAI series. Last, but not least, we wish to thank all the speakers and participants who contributed to the success of the conference. July 2005, Petra Perner and Atsushi Imiya 2 Saturday, 09.07.2005 8.00 am Registration 8.45 am Welcome Petra Perner, Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, IBaI Leipzig, Germany Feature Grouping, Discretization, Selection and Transformation Session Chair: A. Imiya 9.00 am Feature Selection Method Using Preferences Aggregation G. Legrand and N. Nicoloyannis 9.20 am Ranked Modelling with Feature Selection Based on the CPL Criterion Functions L. Bobrowski 9.40 am A Grouping Method for Categorical Attributes Having Very Large Number of Values M. Boullé 10.00 am Unsupervised Learning of Visual Feature Hierarchies F. Scalzo and J. Piater 10.20 am Coffee Break Feature Grouping, Discretization, Selection and Transformation Session Chair: P. Perner 10.50 am Multivariate Discretization by Recursive Supervised Bipartition of Graph S. Ferrandiz and M. Boullé 11.10 am CorePhrase: Keyphrase Extraction for Document Clustering K. M. Hammouda, M. S. Kamel, D. N. Matute 11.30 am A New Multidimensional Feature Transformation for Linear Classifiers and Its Applications E. Bak 11.50 am Coffee Break Subspace Methods Session Chair: L. Bobrowski 12.00 am The Convex Subclass Method: Combinatorial Classifier Based on a Family of Convex Sets I. Takigawa, M. Kudo, A. Nakamura 0.20 pm SSC: Statistical Subspace Clustering I. Candillier, I. Tellier, F. Torre, O. Bousquet 0.40 pm Understanding Patterns with Different Subspace Classification G. Szepannek, K. Luebke, C. Weihs 1.00 pm Lunch Applications in Medicine Session Chair: V. Kovalev 2.30 pm Comparison of FLDA, MLP and SVM in Diagnosis of Lung Nodule A. C. Silva, A. C. de Paiva, A. C. M. de Oliveira 2.50 pm Prediction of Secondary Protein Structure Content from Primary Sequence Alone - a Feature Selection Based Approach L. Kurgan and L. Homaeian 3 3.10 pm Improved MRI Mining by Integrating Support Vector Machine Priors in the Bayesian Restoration D. A. Karras, Chalkis, B. G. Mertzios, D. Graveron-Demilly, C. van Ormondt 3.30 pm Alternative Clustering by Utilizing Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm with Linked-List Based Chromosome Encoding J. Du, R. Alhajj, K. Barker, E. E. Korkmaz 3.50 pm Coffee Break Neural Methods Session Chair: A. Krzyzak 4.20 pm Comparative Analysis of Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing and Cutting Angle Method for Artificial Neural Networks R. Ghosh, M. Ghosh, J. Yearwood, A. Bagirov 4.40 pm A Comprehensible SOM-based Scoring System I. Huysmans, B. Baesens, J. Vanthienen 5.00 pm Determining Regularization Parameters for Derivative Free Neural Learning R. Ghosh, M. Ghosh, J. Yearwood, A. Bagirov 5.20 pm Coffee Break Applications in Medicine Session Chair: B. G. Mertzios 5.30 pm Diagnosis of Lung Nodule Using Reinforcement Learning and Geometric Measures A. C. Silva, V. R. da Silva Junior, A. de Almeida Neto, A. C. de Paiva 5.50 pm Automatic Clinical Image Segmentation using Pathological Modelling, PCA and SVM Sh. Li, T. Fevens, A. Krzyzak, S. Li 6.10 pm Iris Recognition Algorithm Based on Point Covering of High-Dimensional Space and Neural Network W. Cao, J. Hu, G. Xiao, Sh. Wang 6.30 pm End of 1st Day Sunday, 10.07.2005 8.45 am Registration Clustering: Basics Session Chair: M. Boullé 9.00 am Using Clustering to Learn Distance Functions for Supervised Similarity Assessment Ch. F. Eick, A. Rouhana, A. Bagherjeiran, R. Vilalta 9.20 am Linear Manifold Clustering R. Harpaz and R. Haralick 9.40 am Universal Clustering with Regularization in Probabilistic Space V. Nikulin and A. J. Smola 4 10.00 am Acquisition of Concept Descriptions by Conceptual Clustering S. Jänichen and P. Perner 10.20 am Coffee Break Classification and Model Estimation Session Chair: G. Giacinto 10.50 am Incremental Classification Rules Based on Association Rules Using Formal Concept Analysis A. Gupta, N. Kumar, V. Bhatnagar 11.10 am On ECOC as Binary Ensemble Classifiers I. Ko and E. Kim 11.30 am Parameter Inference of Cost-Sensitive Boosting Algorithms Y. Sun, A. K. C. Wong, Y. Wang 11.50 am Coffee Break 12.00 am MML-Based Approach for Finite Dirichlet Mixture Estimation and Selection N. Bouguila and D. Ziou 0.20 pm Principles of Multi-Kernel Data Mining O. Seredin, V. Mottl, O. Krasotkina, I. Muchnik 0.40 am Finite Mixture Models with Negative Components B. Zhang and Ch. Zhang 1.00 pm Lunch Applications of Clustering Session Chair: Bon K. Sy 2.30 pm On the Clustering of Large Dynamic Datasets W. Sia and M. Lazarescu 2.50 pm Birds of a Feather Surf Together: Using Clustering Methods to Improve Navigation Prediction from Internet Log Files I. Halvey, M. T. Keane, B. Smyth 3.10 pm Alarm Clustering for Intrusion Detection Systems in Computer Networks G. Giacinto, R. Perdisci, F. Roli 3.30 pm Clustering Document Images Using Graph Summaries E. Barbu, P. Heroux, S. Adam, E. Trupin 3.50 pm Coffee Break Mining Images and Texture Session Chair: A. Imiya 4.20 pm Optimising the Choice of Colours of an Image Database for Dichromats V. Kovalev and M. Petrou 4.40 pm Hierarchical Partitions for Content Image Retrieval from Large-Scale Database D. Kinoshenko, V. Mashtalir, E. Yegorova, V. Vinarsky 5 5.00 pm An Approach to Mining Picture Objects Based on Textual Cues B. Adegorite, O. A. Basir, M. S. Kamel, K. B. Shaban 5.20 pm Coffee Break Speech Analysis Session Chair: A. Krzyzak 5.30 pm An Evidential Reasoning Approach to Weighted Combination of Classifiers for Word Sense Disambiguation A. Le, V. N. Huynh, A. Shimazu 5.50 pm Neural Expert Model Applied to Phonemes Recognition H. Bahi and M. Sellami 6.10 pm End of 2nd Day 7.00 pm Banquet Ratskeller Monday, 11.07.2005 8.45 am Registration Mining Images in Computer Vision Session Chair: M. Haraguchi 9.00 am Support Vector Machine Experiments for Road Recognition in High Resolution Images J. Y. Lai, A. Sowmya, J. Trinder 9.20 am Cost Integration in Multi-Step Viewpoint Selection for Object Recognition Ch. Derichs, H. Niemann, F. Deinzer 9.40 am Autonomous Vehicle Steering based on Evaluative Feedback by Reinforcement Learning K.-D. Kuhnert and M. Krödel 10.00 am An Automatic Face Recognition System in the Near Infrared Spectrum Sh. Zhao and R.-R. Grigat 10.20 am Coffee Break Time Series and Sequential Pattern Mining Session Chair: D. Ziou 10.50 am Embedding Time Series Data for Classification A. Hayashi, N. Suematsu, Y. Mizuhara 11.10 am Analysis of Time Series of Graphs: Prediction of Node Presence by Means of Decision Tree Learning H. Bunke, Ch. Irniger, M. Kraetzl, P. Dickinson 11.30 am Disjunctive Sequential Patterns on Single Data Sequence and its Anti-Monotonicity K. Shimizu and T. Miura 11.50 am 6 Coffee Break Time Series and Sequential Pattern Mining Session Chair: M. Haraguchi 12.00 am Mining Expressive Temporal Associations from Complex Data K. A. Pray and C. Ruiz 0.20 pm Statistical Supports for Frequent Itemsets on Data Streams P.-A. Laur, J.-E. Symphor, R. Nock, O. Poncelet 0.40 pm Lunch Text Mining Session Chair: B. G. Mertzios 2.10 pm Pattern Mining Across Domain-Specific Text Collections L. Gillam and K. Ahmad 2.30 pm Low-level Cursive Word Representation Based on Geometric Decomposition J.-X. Dong, D. Ponson, A. Krzyzak, Ch. Y. Suen 2.50 pm Text Classification Using Small Number of Features M. Makrehchi and M. S. Kamel 3.10 pm Coffee Break Aspects of Data Mining Session Chair: P. Perner 3.40 pm Signature-based Approach for Intrusion Detection Bon K. Sy 4.00 pm Data Mining on Crash Simulation Data A. Kuhlmann, R.-M. Vetter, C.-A. Thole, Ch. Lübbing 4.20 pm Discovery of Hidden Correlations in a Local Transaction Database based on Differences of Correlations T. Taniguchi, M. Haraguchi, Y. Okubo 4.40 pm An Integrated Approach for Mining Meta-Rules F. Ye, J. Wang, H. Chen, T. Huang, L. Tao, Sh. Wu 5.00 pm Coffee Break Mining Motion from Sequence Session Chair: V. Kovalev 5.10 pm Dominant Plane Detection Using Optical Flow and Independent Component Analysis I. Ohnishi and A. Imiya 5.30 pm An New Approach to Human Motion Sequence Recognition with Application to Diving Actions Sh. Xiang, Ch. Zhang, X. Chen, N. Lu 5.50 pm Activity and Motion Detection Based on Measuring Texture Change L. J. Latecki, R. Miezianko, D. Pokrajac 6.10 pm Diskussion and Fair Well 6.20 pm End of the Conference 7 Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences Körnerstraße 10 04107 Leipzig/Germany Phone: +49(0341)86 12 273 FAX: +49(0341)86 12 275 E-mail: Homepage: