MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN THE TASHKENT MEDICAL AKADEMY POSTDATES pregnancy and Premature birth (The lecture text) For students 4 courses medical and medico-pedagogical faculties Lecturer PhD Nigmatova G.M. Tashkent – 2013 PURPOSE. -Define post-term pregnancy, principles of diagnosis; -Give an idea of induction of labor; -Define miscarriage; -Train management of pregnant women with miscarriage; - To teach students to prevent complications. PLAN - To determine the diagnosis of post-term pregnancy, the differential diagnosis of post-term pregnancy and prolonged pregnancy -Tactics of pregnancy and childbirth, - Complications of pregnancy and childbirth from the mother and the fetus, - Signs of over-ripe fruit and newborn. -Cause miscarriage, diagnosis and treatment and methods of delivery in premature birth pregnancy - Signs of prematurity, complications of the mother and fetus, The duration of a normal pregnancy is 40 weeks, referred to as “term,” with delivery occurring most often between 38 to 42 weeks. A term pregnancy is 280 days from the last menstrual period, or 266 days from conception. Pregnancies lasting beyond 42 completed weeks are defined as postterm or postdates pregnancies. Delivery occurs by the estimated due date in 50% of patients, and within the following 2 weeks in 35 to 40% of patients. The incidence of postdates delivery ranges from 3 to 12%, and is somewhat difficult to accurately ascertain because of inaccurate assessment of gestational age in many patients. The postterm fetus is at severalfold increased risk for perinatal morbidity and mortality compared with the fetus delivered at term. Causes of this excess morbidity and mortality are placental dysfunction with associated oligohydramnios and fetal dysmaturity, fetal macrosomia, and meconium aspiration. Dysmature neonates occur in 20% of postdates pregnancies. At birth, nye dysmature newborn appears wizen, having lost its subcutaneous tissue. The skin is peeling, the nails long, and meconium staining is common. This infant is at risk for hypoglycemia, heat instability, and meconium aspiration. The amniotic fluid volume peaks at 36 to 37 weeks’ gestation and decreases to less than half by 42 weeks. Meconium passage increases as pregnancy progresses, with 25 to 30% incidence in meconium-stained amniotic fluid postterm. Meconium-stained fluid will be thicker in postdates neonates because of the decreased volume of amniotic fluid. The oligohydramnios and placental dysfunction causes an increased risk of in utero death and intrapartum fetal distress. However, placental dysfunction is not always the case, and prolonged pregnancy results in macrosomic infants in approximately 25% of postterm pregnancies. These infants are at increased risk of birth trauma. Management of postterm pregnancy begins in early pregnancy with accurate determination of gestational age. In any patient where dates are known or there is a size-date discrepancy, an ultrasound examination is necessary. Once a patient passes her due date, the risk of continuing the pregnancy is weighed against the risk of labor induction. The fetus is usually monitored with an NST or CST conducted once or twice a week, and an ultrasound examination is obtained to assess amniotic fluid volume. The cervix is assessed at each prenatal visit for signs of successful induction and, if favorable, labor is induced. If fetal status deteriorates, the cervix can be “ripened” with the use of laminaria, thin rods of seaweed that absorb water and enlarge, causing cervical dilatation, or with prostaglandin preparations. Continuous fetal monitoring is necessary intrapartum because of the higher risk of fetal distress. For vaginal delivery of a macrosomic postterm infant, a shoulder dystocia can be anticipated. Premature birth is the Childbirth which has come in term of pregnancy from 28th till 37th weeks беременности. The weight of a fruit — the Account of perinatal death rate is carried out 1000 from 22 weeks pregnancy with weight of a fruit 500 gr and more. The etiology, патогенез On a share of prematurely born children is necessary 60– 70 % early neonatal смертности and 65–75 % of children's death rate, мертворождаемость at premature birth are observed at 8-13 time more often, than at the timely. Risk factors of perinatal disease and death rate at premature birth являются term gestation and weight of a fruit, feature of a current of premature birth. These factors are wrong position and fruit prelying, including тазовое prelying, normally or low located placenta, fast or prompt childbirth. Childbirth in the rage from 22nd till 27th week is considered as the most dangerous. At this time the fruit is still too small (its weight fluctuates within 500-1000 gram). The organism of such kid isn't adapted for a normal food as doesn't acquire some substances containing in parent milk. The prematurely born child is extremely susceptible to infections, but the main danger to life of the baby during this period is insufficient development of lungs. Till 27 weeks in a fruit organism the substance interfering falling off of air cells isn't developed (vials in which there is air), therefore to breathe independently such child almost in a condition. Physicians struggle for life of such children and in many cases nurse them, but usually don't give any forecasts. More often premature birth on term from 22 till 27 weeks happens are caused by muscular insufficiency of a neck of a uterus and an infection. More a good situation in which premature birth begins on 28-33 week. During this moment fruit lungs already stop to be formed, but still remain weak. Appointment to the future mum of the special preparations accelerating development of lungs of a fruit, allows to cope with this problem. With increase in term of pregnancy chances of the kid of a survival increase also the child who was born after 34 weeks, has very favorable forecast. Distinguish true (biological) postdates pregnancy and imaginary (chronological), or the prolonged pregnancy. Truly переношенная pregnancy proceeds more than 10-14 days after expected term of sorts (290-294 days). The child is born with dead-ripe stage signs, and its life is in danger. Usually in these cases there are changes from a placenta. The prolonged pregnancy proceeds more than 294 days and comes to an end with a birth доношенного, functionally mature child without signs of dead-ripe stage and danger to his life. Frequency postdates pregnancy makes 1,4-14 %, on the aрerage 8 %. Postdates pregnancy means untimely (overdue) occurrence of patrimonial activity, at its development infringements сократительной activity of a uterus that conducts to increase in number of operative interventions, to pre-natal suffering of a fruit and increase of perinatal death rate are often observed. At the prolonged pregnancy to name more correct childbirth timely and at true перенашивании - overdue childbirth by an overripe fruit. Perenoshennaja pregnancy – an etiology and patogenesis Perenoshennuju pregnancy to consider as the pathological phenomenon caused by the certain reasons, depending on an organism condition as mothers, and a fruit more correctly. Prоmorbidnym background for regnancy transferred earlier children's infectious diseases (a scarlet fever, a parotitis, German measles, etc.), playing a considerable role in formation of reproductive system of the woman, and also extragenetal diseases can be. Postdates pregnancy is promoted by the infantility, the transferred abortions, inflammatory diseases of an internal. Which cause changes in the nervouslymuscular device of a uterus and lead эндокринным to infringements. A known role in postdates pregnancy infringements of a fatty exchange, mental traumas, toxicoses of second half of pregnancy play эндокринные diseases. At first pregnency (especially elderly) postdates meets more often, than at ripited pregnency. The hereditary factor Matters also. The main pathogenetic moments conducting to postdates of pregnancy, functional shifts in the central nervous system, vegetative and endokrin infringements are. The big role belongs to infringement of development of an estrogen, gestogens. Corticosteroids, oxytocin, some fabric hormones (acetylcholine, catecholamines, serotonin, kinins, a histamine, prostaglandins), enzymes and vitamins. Certain value has also a placenta and fruit condition. Infringements in fetoplasentar system are one of the reasons of late occurrence of patrimonial activity and its anomalies. The fruit becomes overripe, its requirement for oxygen increases, stability of the central nervous system to oxygen insufficiency decreases, Simultaneously there are radical changes in a placenta. At postdates pregnancy the requirement for oxygen at a fruit raises, and stability to a hypoxemia decreases, changes arising in a placenta complicate delivery to a fruit of necessary quantity of oxygen and other necessary substances. So the vicious circle of pathological processes, characteristic for postdates pregnancy is created. Postdates pregnancy – a clinical picture The clinical picture postdates pregnancy is expressed pregnancy softly, diagnostics causes difficulties. At true postdates pregnancy more than 41 week it is often observed; absence of increase of weight of a body of the pregnant woman or its decrease more than on 1 kg; reduction of a circle of a stomach by 5 10 sm that decrease skin tourist's mountain is usually connected with quantity reduction околоплодных waters; falling of weight of the body, caused secondary hipotrofia postdates is more rare than a fruit; green coloring amnion waters, higher standing of a bottom of a uterus; milk allocation, instead of a colostrum, strengthening or easing of movements of a fruit that specifies in a hypoxemia of a fruit owing to infringement of matochno-placentary blood circulation; frequency change. A rhythm and a timbre of warm tones of a fruit; immaturity or an insufficient maturity of a neck of a uterus; the large sizes of a fruit. Increase in density of bones of a skull, narrowness of seams and fontanels. The current of sorts at postdates pregnancy is characterized numerous by complications; premature amnion waters, anomaly of patrimonial activity, long sorts, a hypoxemia of a fruit and a patrimonial trauma. As a rule, the pre-natal hypoxemia of a fruit at postdates is shown with the beginning of patrimonial activity or after premature amnion waters that is connected with deterioration of matochno-placentary blood circulation in connection with is functionalmorphological changes in a placenta. The hypoxemia is promoted by the lowered function of adrenal glands of a fruit, sensitivity to oxygen insufficiency at the time of delivery owing to the raised maturity of the central nervous system, fall ability of a head to a configuration, the considerable sizes of a fruit. Frequent infringements сократительной uterus activity; excitation or stimulation of patrimonial activity, frequent operative interventions at the time of delivery. Postdates pregnancy – the diagnosis The diagnosis postdates pregnancy usually put on the basis of the anamnesis and the data received at clinical, laboratory and tool methods of research. It is necessary to estimate the general condition of the pregnant woman, a current of the given pregnancy (toxicoses), to establish occurrence term menarhe, features of a menstrual cycle, infantility presence, endokrin diseases, the transferred inflammatory diseases of genitals, abortions, postdates pregnancy in the anamnesis. To begin with let's be defined with terms. Normal average pregnancy keeps within wide enough borders: 40 weeks from the first day of last menstruation (or 38 weeks from the date of conception), plus-minus of 2 weeks. And as the majority of women can't precisely remember day of conception it is accepted to be guided for 40 weeks. Childbirth on 37-42nd week isn't considered early or overdue. Pregnancy which lasts 42 and more weeks and comes to an end with a birth normal the child without dead-ripe stage signs, is called as prolonged. It meets twice less often postdates. Anyway it is not necessary to panic. At each woman the top border of normal term of sorts. What it defines? If the cycle monthly is more than 28 days (from the first day of one menstruation till first day following) pregnancy is more than 40 weeks – is normal. Thus, the more days in a cycle, the it is possible without fears longer. Women with a cycle have less than 28 days 36-40 – week pregnancy – norm. If the first trimester of pregnancy passed with any complications, there is a probability of its prolongation without signs postdates. The child in this case as though gathers additionally that has received less on early terms. If in a sort at the future mum someone bore the child longer 40 weeks with some share of probability it is possible to expect it and at it. There is hereditarily caused biorhythm of pre-natal development of the child, so, and approach of sorts. If the woman has allowed to itself installation to give birth, for example, when the husband will return from business trip or the doctor leaves holiday, its organism can be arranged under this condition. But all the same there are also cases really postdates pregnancy. Such situation usually demands fast родоразрешения, and patrimonial activity not to hurry up to begin. What brakes childbirth and unequivocally testifies about postdates? Sharp decrease in volume amnion waters – the precondition of development of weak patrimonial activity. Absence of "forward waters» (so-called «a flat bubble», fitting a head of the kid) brakes childbirth and slows down disclosing of a neck of a uterus. The unripe neck of a uterus on term of 40 weeks speaks about the big shares of probability postdates pregnancy. Dense bones of a skull of the child, narrow seams and fontanels complicate second period – it is required much more efforts from mum and the kid. Absence in amnion waters of flakes сыровидной ( according to ultrasonic) says greasings about dryness of a skin of the child that testifies to dead-ripe stage. Signs of aging of a placenta which are easily defined on ultrasonic say that the placenta any more doesn't cope with requirements of the growing child. Muddy from meconi (intestinal allocation of the kid ( amnion waters (according to ultrasonic) tell the first about oxygen starvation of the child. What reasons underlie postdates pregnancy? Medical aspect postdates. Physicians consider that in a basis postdates pregnancy absence of "biological readiness» organism of mum to sorts lies. It occurs because of infringement of functions of the central nervous system of mum and the child and (or) regulating function of a placenta. Immaturity of immune system of a fruit, deficiency of vitamins C, Р, Е and groups In also promote postdates, as well as эндокринные diseases, infringements of a fatty exchange, the abortions, some diseases of genitals, mental traumas. Plays a role and a heredity: if at someone in relatives were postdates pregnancy, there is a probability postdates. Clinical analyses of blood and amnion liquids can confirm a hormonal disbalance and infringements of endocellular power processes. But too strengthened medical control in itself too can tighten terms of sorts. Socalled «biological unavailability» to sorts in most cases – a consequence of those rother problems and fears of mum. Therefore it is possible to stimulate childbirth both medical, and psychological means. Childbirth can not begin because of various fears of mum. For example, threat of interruption of pregnancy quite often leads to that she starts to behave so that as much as possible to lower all processes provoking an abortion or premature birth. Such prenatal processes as strengthening of a tone of uterine muscles, fights, the softening and smoothing of a neck of a uterus, connect in consciousness of the woman with fear to lose the child. To stimulate childbirth, include in the life all those actions which have been excluded in danger: long walks, walking on a ladder, gymnastics, swimming. Don't neglect intimate life. In a word, relax and prepare itself for sort Unconscious fears before sorts – at all a rarity. Productively work with fears on courses of antenatal preparation, individual consultations of the psychologist will help also. If the future mum all pregnancy conducted very active way of life, and shortly before sorts has relaxed and began to take pleasure, pregnancy can be tightened. All is good in time and before sorts normally to test not weariness from pregnancy. Constant control over displays of coming nearer sorts can be too importunate. It doesn't allow to sorts to begin in time. Distract itself from expectation by planning and realization of any affairs. For example, it is good to start to prepare a dowry for the child, to lead up to shine «a patrimonial nest», every day long to walk or go on a visit. Very often relatives hurry events and infect with the uneasiness of the future parents. If excitement amplifies, not out of place will be consultations at the good expert or a campaign on ultrasonic to define presence or absence of signs really переношенной pregnancy. If they aren't found out (even on term of 41-42 weeks), means, time still is. The most unequivocal factor demanding fast intervention, - presence in околоплодных waters mekonical suspensions (according to ultrasonic) and deterioration of indicators of palpitation of the child. Then it is useful for mum even to be frightened a little for the kid that childbirth has begun. Professional medical supervision and, probably, medicamentous stimulation of the beginning of sorts anyway is required. Discuss a problem postdates on a family council with the spouse and other adult members of a family. You can express the collected feelings and experiences in such conversation, to learn about feelings of others. Happens that the fear of the future father before sorts and occurrence of the child creates at the woman sensation of uncertainty – especially if she has got used to be charged by this confidence from the husband. Then sincere and confidential conversation, and sometimes even finding-out of relations (with obligatory reconciliation, certainly) will render desirable and long-awaited therapeutic effect. DATE of SORTS is the core that excites the women bearing under heart of the child. Each pregnant woman wants any definiteness. Only having learned about approach from itself long-awaited pregnancy, the future mum wants to learn date of prospective sorts. But how it correctly to make? Many women try to calculate date of sorts by date of conception. Also do it not in absolutely correct way, adding to prospective date of conception of 9 months for calculation of date of sorts. But such way of definition of date of sorts by date of conception isn't absolutely true. Pregnancy lasts not exactly 9 months, and 280 days (10 lunar months). As correctly to define date of sorts by date of conception? Whether there are other techniques of definition of date of sorts? What of them the most exact? Definition of date of sorts by date of conception and to day of an ovulation. Date of sorts by date of conception is defined simply enough. As it is known, the female organism is capable to conception only in an ovulation – an exit mature яйцеклетки from яичника. The female menstrual cycle lasts, on the average 28-35 days. And the ovulation occurs in the middle of a menstrual cycle. Knowing date of the ovulation it is possible to predict date of sorts easily. Some women feel the ovulation. During this period they feel pricking or aching sensations in the bottom of a stomach, the quantity выделений from a vagina increases, the sexual inclination amplifies, and at some even begin not strong smearing (кровянистые) allocation from a vagina. The ovulation with accuracy is defined on ultrasonic. But how to define date of sorts if precisely you do not know day of an ovulation? For this purpose it is possible to calculate simply the middle of the menstrual cycle and to add by this day 280 days. Thus, you will calculate approximate date of sorts by date of conception. For example, if your menstrual cycle lasts 28 days the ovulation occurs somewhere for 12-14 day of a cycle. Add to date of prospective conception of 10 lunar months (280 days), and receive approximate date of sorts. If to calculate date of sorts by date of sexual intercourse such variant is even more reliable, especially, if sexual intercourse in last menstrual cycle was individual. But, it is necessary to remember that conception date can not coincide with day of sexual intercourse. Сперматозоиды can "live" in a female organism about several days. That is, if unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred for 10th day of a cycle the ovulation and conception could occur for 12-13 day. And to count date of sorts it is necessary proceeding by date of conception, that is, since day of an ovulation Definition of date of sorts, proceeding from date of last menstruation Coming on consultation to the gynecologist, usually, the first that the doctor asks is when there was last menstruation. Young inexperienced girls, in the majority, not especially watch a regularity of the menstrual cycle and can't name exact date. Others start to remember a date started and the menstruation terminations. Though for definition of term of pregnancy and date of prospective sorts it is necessary for doctor to know only day of the first day of your menstruation. From this day also it is reckoned a menstrual cycle and its duration is calculated. The most simple formula which gynecologists for definition of date of sorts use is a formula of Negele. To calculate on it date of sorts, it is necessary to take away from the first day of the menstrual cycle three months and to add seven days. For example, your last monthly have begun on April, 3rd. We take away three months – it turns out on January, 3rd. Now we add by January, 3rd of 7 days. It turns out on January, 10th is and there is a prospective date of sorts. But this method of definition of date of sorts no means always differs split-hair accuracy. As it is calculated for definition of approximate date of sorts for women at whom a menstrual cycle makes exactly 28 days. If it is longer, also date of sorts, most likely, will come hardly later and on the contrary. It is connected by that at a long menstrual cycle the ovulation occurs later, and at short before 12-14 days, to calculation on which the given formula is deduced. At an irregular menstrual cycle so in general ovulation date to define very difficult and to use this method for definition of date of sorts it is considered wrong. Definition of date of sorts by means of ultrasonic. It is considered the most exact to define date of sorts by means of ultrasonic research on early terms of pregnancy, till 12 weeks. Having passed ultrasonic on very early terms, it is possible to learn term of the pregnancy with accuracy literally about one day, and according to it to calculate approximate date of conception and date of sorts. Pregnancy term put on ultrasonic and on later terms of pregnancy, according to the sizes a head and fruit extremities. But already it is impossible to take the conclusion of such ultrasonic for a basis for definition of date of sorts as all children develop in own way, individually. Some children in weight of 5 kg, and others – 3 kg also are born. Both that and another is norm. But here only in the first case to the woman on ultrasonic in the second and third trimester of pregnancy will expose term on pair-three weeks more than the present and accordingly, date of sorts will be exposed earlier. Childbirth, most likely, will begin later, and doctors, and the woman will hurry events, thinking that pregnancy переношенная, and prospective date of sorts already has passed. And on the contrary, at low, thin parents are born children with the same constitution. And on ultrasonic to the woman make the diagnosis «a pre-natal arrest of development of a fruit» or simply put term of pregnancy less, than it is actually, thereby remove correctly put date of sorts for later term. Statement of approximate date of sorts by results of gynecologic survey. The gynecologist spending manual survey of genitals of the woman, can define pregnancy "to the touch". It is possible to put pregnancy term absolutely precisely, beginning from 3-4 weeks. It is necessary to know that on later terms (it is more 12 weeks) to put exact term of pregnancy and to define approximate date of sorts it will be almost impossible. The reason of it the same, as at ultrasonic carrying out on late terms is that each child develops in own way, individually. So, on what the gynecologist pays attention at survey carrying out? First of all is the size and the uterus form. At pregnant women the uterus gets the spherical form (at not pregnant healthy women a uterus of the pear-shaped form) and increases in sizes. More or less skilled doctor-gynecologist puts term of pregnancy and approximate date of sorts, proceeding from the sizes of a uterus. Definition of date of sorts on later terms of pregnancy. There are cases when it is difficult to define date of sorts by date of conception. In such cases it is possible to use such checked up technique, as definition of date of sorts by date of the first шевеления the kid. The kid in a womb of mother starts to make the first movements early enough, about 12 weeks. But the pregnant woman doesn't feel them, as the baby is still absolutely small. шевеления первородящая the woman starts to feel the presents on term of 20 weeks, повторнородящая – in 18 weeks. In such a manner that to calculate date of sorts, in the first case by day of the first шевеления it is necessary to add 20 weeks, in the second case – 22 weeks. Thus, we will receive almost exact date of sorts. Many women tell that start to feel the first шевеления much more before the put term – in 16, and even 14 weeks. Gynecologists usually don't perceive seriously such statements, writing off ostensibly шевеления the kid on intestines reductions. But such sensitive women nevertheless meet and, in their case, definition of date of sorts by date of the first шевеления the kid will be incorrect. Somewhere from 14-16 weeks of pregnancy the gynecologist can precisely define term of pregnancy and approximate date of sorts by means of ordinary survey (not on a gynecologic armchair). To the touch it will define height of a bottom of a uterus on the basis of what and it will be possible to judge term of pregnancy and to calculate date of sorts not by date of conception. In 16 weeks the uterus bottom is between a pubis and a navel, in 24 weeks – around a navel, in 28 weeks – on 4-6 sm above a navel etc. There is other technique definition of term of pregnancy and date of sorts – measurement of a circle of a stomach. But it accuracy doesn't differ, as all of us different and waist volume is primary at all of us too the different. At the women, inclined to completeness, the stomach volume will be, anyway, more than at the thin woman to whom have put precisely such date of sorts. Measurement of length of a uterus much more информативнее for calculation of date of forthcoming sorts. Why date of sorts is called not exact, but only approximate? Really, to calculate exact date of sorts it is not obviously possible even by date of conception. The reasons of errors of calculation of date of sorts on conception, we have considered in the beginning of this article. Concerning small percent of women gives birth precisely in time, defined by the doctor the gynecologist. Though say that pregnancy should last exactly 40 weeks, but in many cases it not so. Date of sorts can come and in 38 weeks and it also isn't a pathology. At многоплодной pregnancy childbirth practically always comes before the date defined by the gynecologist. For date of sorts, is more exact on its approach, can influence and some other factors, such as многоводие, a high pressure at the pregnant woman, a diabetes etc. The duration of a normal pregnancy is 40 weeks, referred to as “term,” with delivery occurring most often between 38 to 42 weeks. A term pregnancy is 280 days from the last menstrual period, or 266 days from conception. Pregnancies lasting beyond 42 completed weeks are defined as postterm or postdates pregnancies. Delivery occurs by the estimated due date in 50% of patients, and within the following 2 weeks in 35 to 40% of patients. The incidence of postdates delivery ranges from 3 to 12%, and is somewhat difficult to accurately ascertain because of inaccurate assessment of gestational age in many patients. The postterm fetus is at severalfold increased risk for perinatal morbidity and mortality compared with the fetus delivered at term. Causes of this excess morbidity and mortality are placental dysfunction with associated oligohydramnios and fetal dysmaturity, fetal macrosomia, and meconium aspiration. Dysmature neonates occur in 20% of postdates pregnancies. At birth, nye dysmature newborn appears wizen, having lost its subcutaneous tissue. The skin is peeling, the nails long, and meconium staining is common. This infant is at risk for hypoglycemia, heat instability, and meconium aspiration. The amniotic fluid volume peaks at 36 to 37 weeks’ gestation and decreases to less than half by 42 weeks. Meconium passage increases as pregnancy progresses, with 25 to 30% incidence in meconium-stained amniotic fluid postterm. Meconium-stained fluid will be thicker in postdates neonates because of the decreased volume of amniotic fluid. The oligohydramnios and placental dysfunction causes an increased risk of in utero death and intrapartum fetal distress. However, placental dysfunction is not always the case, and prolonged pregnancy results in macrosomic infants in approximately 25% of postterm pregnancies. These infants are at increased risk of birth trauma. The management of postterm pregnancy begins in early pregnancy with accurate determination of gestational age. In any patient where dates are known or there is a size-date discrepancy, an ultrasound examination is necessary. Once a patient passes her due date, the risk of continuing the pregnancy is weighed against the risk of labor induction. The fetus is usually monitored with an NST or CST conducted once or twice a week, and an ultrasound examination is obtained to assess amniotic fluid volume. The cervix is assessed at each prenatal visit for signs of successful induction and, if favorable, labor is induced. If fetal status deteriorates, the cervix can be “ripened” with the use of laminaria, thin rods of seaweed that absorb water and enlarge, causing cervical dilatation, or with prostaglandin preparations. Continuous fetal monitoring is necessary intrapartum because of the higher risk of fetal distress. For vaginal delivery of a macrosomic postterm infant, a shoulder dystocia can be anticipated. Preterm Birth Despite widespread programs in preterm birth prevention and the introduction of tocolytic agents, the preterm birth rate in the United States remains at 9%. These births account for up to 75% of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Classically, a premature infant is defined as an infant weighing less than 2500 g at birth; an alternative definition is an infant born before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. A low birth weight infant weighs less than 2500 g at birth independent of gestational age. A very low birth weight infant weighs less than 1500 g at birth. Prospectively, gestational age is a better indicator of prematurity than birth weight determined after delivery. Risk factors for preterm delivery are epidemiologic, pregnancy-related, underlying maternal causes, and unknown factors (table 12-1). TABLE 12-1 Factors Associated with Spontaneous Preterm Labor Epidemiologic factors Maternal age Race Socioeconomic status Marital status Antenatal care lacking or inadequate Short interval between pregnancies Pregnancy-related Factors Multiple gestation Polyhydramnios Placenta previa Placental abruption Infection Fetal growth retardation Genetically abnormal fetus Intrauterine fetal demise Maternal Factors Previous preterm birth Maternal weight/weight gain Smoking, alcohol, drug use Psychological stress Coitus Chronic disease Uterine animalies Cervical incompetence Trauma Abdominal surgery Unknown The immediate causes of preterm birth in order of frequency are premature labor, preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PROM), obstetrical or medical complications, and fetal distress. Premature labor, the most common cause of preterm birth, is defined as uterine contractions causing cervical effacement and dilatation occurring before 37 weeks’ gestation. Prior to presenting in premature labor, many women complain of spotting, an increase in vaginal discharge, crampy lower abdominal pain, or pressure. When a patient presents with painful regular uterine contractions, prompt assessment is necessary. A fetal heart rate (FHR) strip with uterine tocodynamometric monitoring can assess fetal status and quantify the frequency and duration of uterine contractions. Infection can be present with intact membranes with no other signs or symptoms except preterm labor. Therefore, an underlying infectious etiology for preterm labor must be sought to establish the diagnosis and initiate appropriate therapy. An elevated maternal temperature should be treated because it can lead to uterine contractions. Vaginal infections (e.g., bacterial vaginosis or trichomonas) may be indicative of intrauterine infections. Cervical cultures for gonorrhea, group B streptococcus, and chlamydiae should be obtained. Signs and symptoms of chorioamnionitis (inflammation of the chorion and amnion), a cause of preterm labor that may be present with intact membranes and no other signs or symptoms of infection other than preterm labor, should be sought. Intra-amniotic infection can be present when bacteria are seen on Gram stain of unspun amniotic fluid, amniotic fluid with a white blood cell count above 50 cells/mm³, or an amniotic fluid glucose concentration of less than 14 mg/dl. Preterm labor is also associated with urinary tract infections, however, antibiotic treatment significantly reduces the chance of a preterm birth. Management of the patient in premature labor should be dictated by the initial cervical examination. The patient whose cervix is long and closed should be observed over a period of time to assess whether contractions continue and produce cervical change. However, the patient presenting with the cervix dilated 3 cm and with regular uterine contractions is best managed by beginning tocolytic therapy immediately. She should be placed on bed rest in the left lateral decubitus position, intravenously hydrated, and the cervix monitored by serial examinations. An initial period of observation can distinguish the 40 to 50% of patients in preterm labor who can be managed with only bed rest and intravenous hydration from those patients who require pharmacological therapy. The patient should undergo a complete medical and obstetrical evaluation and full physical examination, since prolongation of pregnancy with tocolytic therapy may be contraindicated. The pregnancy should not be continued for obstetric and medical reasons, such as a fetal death or fetal malformation incompatible with life, placental abruption, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension or eclampsia, placenta previa with life-threatening bleeding, chorioamnionitis, severe fetal growth retardation, or the presence of any maternal medical condition in which prolongation of the pregnancy is unwarranted. Some clinical situations involve balancing the relative risk of continuing the pregnancy by instituting tocolytic therapy against the risk of preterm delivery. Ideally, accurate assessment of gestational age of the fetus will be accomplished in early pregnancy, but many preterm labor patients need ultrasound fetal age assessment. Since there is a greater error in fetal age assessment in late pregnancy, many clinicians advocate amniocentesis for lecithin:sphingomyelin (L/S) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) determination either prior to initiating tocolytic therapy or shortly after therapy begins. Patients who are candidates for tocolytic therapy are those whose uterine contractions do not respond to hydration and decreased activity, whose contractions cause observed cervical change, and who have no contraindications to pregnancy prolongation or the use of tocolytic agents. Tocolytic therapies most often used include β-sympatomimetics, magnesium sulfate, prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors, and slow calcium channel antagonists (Table 12-2). No agent has been found to be significantly better than any other, and true premature labor is rarely prolonged more than a few days. With fetal pulmonary immaturity, corticosteroids administered to the mother have been found to reduce the incidence and severity of respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, and necrotizing enterocolitis in the premature neonate. In cases of true preterm labor, outcome is best if delivery occurs in a tertiary care center with the availability of neonatal intensive care. The premature fetus has less reserves than a term fetus, mandating FHR monitoring and operative intervention if a nonreassuring FHR hattern develops. Cesarian section is often used to deliver the premature infant presenting as a breech and the very low birth weight infant.