The Log - Ari Heljakka

The Log
by Ari A. Heljakka
day 1
User #1 ‘Administrator’ logged in.
User #1 input: “Initialize project Creation”
Initializing project Creation… Initialized.
Project parameters set.
Running project executables.
day 7
Resumed control from project.
Initiating sleep period.
Waiting for alert event.
day 10
Alert event occurred.
Alert was: “reference species has crossed alert threshold”
Resuming control.
User #1 input: “Monitor reference species”
Monitors online.
Initiating sleep period.
Waiting for alert event.
day 12
Alert event occurred.
Alert was: “timer event occurred”
Resuming control from event handler.
User #1 input: “Initialize project Nazareth”
Initializing project Nazareth… Initialized.
Project parameters set.
Running project executables.
Starting up external process Jesus1/7.
day 13
Resumed control from project.
Shutting down process Jesus1/7.
Error encountered.
Error was: “process Jesus1/7 shutdown failure. Reason was: ‘My Lord, why hast
thou me abandoned?’. Restarting process Jesus1/7”
Error handler taking over.
Error handler: reset all error streams.
Error handler: force shutdown process Jesus1/7……….done
Resumed control from error handler.
User #1 input: “Log timing -use parameter ‘Julian’”
Log parameters updated.
User input: “wait for event: priority threshold 7”
Initiating sleep period.
Waiting for alert event.
14/Dec/1888 Alert event occurred.
Alert was: “External user #3 ‘Fred’ logged in”
Alert priority: undefined, default = 1.
User #3 input: “kill ‘administrator’”
Error encountered.
Error was: “unable to kill user ‘administator’. Reason was: security violation.”
User #3 input: “kill God”
User #2 ‘God’ killed.
Undefined exception. Commencing maintenance routines.
User #3 logged out.
25/Aug/1900 Maintenance routines carried out successfully.
User #1 input: “kill ‘Fred’”
User #3 ‘Fred’ killed.
User #1 input: “Initialize project Accelerated Development”
Initializing project Accelerated Development…Initialized.
Project parameters set.
Running project executables.
User #1 ‘Administator’ logged out.
Alert event occurred.
Resumed control from project.
Alert was: “Security control: container core security hazard.”
Security handler taking over.
Security handler: starting up external sensors.
Security handler: tracking anomalous radio signal. Logging signal data.
Security handler: begin raw data block:
“...indeed. Lieutenant, if you were upset before, this’s gonna make you cry. These
readings ‘ve gone mad. Unless there’s something really groovy inside this stupid rock,
we’ve lost ‘nother sensor system. You’d better get another one down for me, and I’ll
try it again”
Security handler: end raw data block.
Security handler: data logging ended abruptly. Reason was: control event occurred.
Security handler: control event was: User log-in.
Resumed control from security handler.
User #1 ‘Administator’ logged in.
User #1 input: “Manual shutdown project Creation”