b - Early Implanters at Hughes

Table of Contents
Fig. 1. Hughes Newport Beach 150-kV implanter display (1971)
Fig. 2. Si lattice model and self-aligned gate MOSFET concept (1971)
Fig. 3. Display of ion implanter for doping process (1970)
Fig. 4. The implanter of Fig. 1 as built in Malibu
Fig. 5. The implanter of Figs. 1 and 4 as installed at Newport Beach
Fig. 6. Ion source end of implanter of Figs. 1 , 4, and 5
Fig. 7. Beam line and test target chamber of implanter of Figs. 1, 4, and 5
Fig. 8. Production target chamber of implanter of Figs. 1, 4, and 5
Fig. 9. 150-kV B production implanter - development view
Fig. 10. Implanter of Fig. 9 installed in production environment at Newport Beach
- open view
Fig. 11. Implanter of Fig. 9 installed in production environment at Newport Beach
– closed view
Fig. 12. Schematic of implanter of Figs. 9 - 11
Fig. 13 a and b. HRL hot filament ion source (sold by Accelerators
Fig. 14. General schematic of early implanter concept at HRL
Fig. 15. One iteration of implanter of Fig. 14
Fig. 16. Another iteration of implanter of Fig. 14
Fig. 17. Another iteration of implanter of Fig. 14
Fig. 18. A beam focusing and scanning system with target at high voltage
Fig. 19. Schematic of system of Fig. 18
Fig. 20. Schematic of surface ionization ion source implantation system
Fig. 21. Photo of system of Fig. 20 with target at ground potential
Fig. 22. Photo of system of Fig. 20 with target at high voltage
Fig. 23. Focused ion beam line of the 300-kV HRL implanter (FIB)
Fig. 24. Schematic of the 300-kV, three-beam line HRL implanter
Fig. 25. One implementation of the system of Fig. 24
Fig. 26. Figure 25 with component descriptions
Fig. 27. Large ExB mass separator of system of Fig. 24
Fig. 28. 300-kV terminal of the system of Fig. 24 - enclosed
Fig. 29. 300-kV terminal of the system of Fig. 24 - open
Fig. 30. Versatile gas supply manifold of the system of Fig. 24
Fig. 31. 200-kV HRL production implanter (1980s)
Fig. 32. Target chamber of system of Fig. 31
Fig. 33. Schematic of system of Figs. 31 and 32
Fig. 34. General view of HRL implantation laboratory; 200-kV implanter in
foreground; 300/400-kV implanter with two beam lines in background
Fig. 35. View of the beam lines of the 300/400-kV HRL implanter
Fig. 36. Accelerator, terminal, and isolation transformer of the 300/400-kV
HRL implanter
Fig. 37. Ion source and gas feed system of the 300/400-kV HRL implanter
Fig. 38. Ion source and power supplies of the 300/400-kV HRL implanter
Fig. 39. High voltage power supply, isolation transformer, and terminal of
same implanter
Fig. 40. Different view as in Fig. 39
Fig. 41. Target chamber of the 300/400-kV HRL implanter
Fig. 42. Target chamber as in Fig. 41 with Si wafers mounted
Fig. 43. Goniometer for RBS and aligned channeled implantation on 300/400kV implanter
Fig. 44. Black-body radiation heated target chamber on 300/400-kV HRL
During the years from 1964 through about 1974 at Hughes Research
Laboratories, we designed, developed, and built 12 implanters. One was a horizontal 150kV system that was delivered to Hughes Newport Beach in 1970 where it was used for
production of MOSFET wafers, with additional development by that facility. Figure 1 is
a photograph of that system that was placed on a three-sided display. That side of the
display also shows photographs of the production end station, a 3-inch MOSFET wafer,
and a 2048-bit ROM circuit from that wafer (ca 1971). Figure 2 shows the other two
sides of that display; on the right side is a model of the Si lattice with implanted and
displaced atoms. On the left side is a model that illustrates the self-aligned gate MOSFET
concept (Hughes patent) and an IMPATT microwave device, two products that were
made using this implanter and sold by Hughes in the 1970s. Figure 3 is a display used to
describe the implantation doping process in about 1970.
This system is significant because it was the one in which the Hughespatented self-aligned gate MOSFET manufacturing was practiced, and therefore one of
the first production implanters in use (1970). Better photographs of this system are seen
in Fig. 4 as it was being built in Malibu, and in Fig. 5, after it was moved to Newport
Beach and installed, but without the production target chamber, which was developed in
parallel. More detailed views are shown in Fig. 6 for the power supply, the accelerator,
the magnet separator, and the control console. and in Fig. 7 for the beam line and test
target chamber. The production target chamber is shown in Fig. 8. What is essentially Fig.
5 appeared in the August 1970 issue of Industrial Research.
Another system that was built in the time frame immediately following
was a vertical 120-kV system (dubbed 'Big Red') and dedicated to the implantation of B.
This system was built in collaboration with the group at Newport Beach and became the
prototype for a system and parts of other implanters that were sold by Accelerators
Incorporated in Austin TX. This system is shown in Fig. 9 (the first iteration in Malibu),
in Fig. 10 (the final iteration opened to expose details), and in Fig. 11 (closed and
operating in Newport Beach). A schematic of the basic design is shown in Fig. 12. The
hot filament ion source that we developed at the Research Laboratories was also sold by
Accelerators Incorporated (AI) for many years and was placed in several Al product lines
(Fig. 13).
A few of the early systems mentioned in the first sentence of this chapter
had the target at high voltage; some used ExB mass filters; some were entirely ion
pumped; some were dedicated to surface ionization ion sources; and some were smaller
table-top models. Some of these systems are illustrated in Fig. 14, and general schematics
of several implementations shown in Figs. 15, 16, and 17, the last three with the target at
high voltage.
A system used in the development of a combined accelerating, focusing,
and scanning system is shown in Fig. 18, somewhat as illustrated in Fig. 19. A system
designed around a surface ionization ion source is shown in Fig. 20 (schematic), in Fig.
21 with target at ground potential, and in Fig. 22 with target at high voltage.
In about 1972, we decided that we needed a versatile 300-keV research
implanter. We considered what was commercially available at that time (See the
discussion in the chapter titled Early non-Hughes Implanters.) and concluded that what
we needed was not available and decided to build our own custom machine with three
beam lines, a large (24-inch) ExB mass filter, and a 300-kV linear accelerator/high
voltage terminal. One of the beam lines was used to develop ion optics and programmed
tiny focused ion beam (FIB) systems. (R.L. Seliger) (See Fig. 23.). The first version of
this machine is shown schematically in Fig. 24, and photographs of one implementation
are shown in Figs. 25 and 26, the latter with identification labels. The large ExB mass
separator is shown in Fig. 27. The high voltage terminal is shown in Figs. 28 and 29.
A second system was also built then for 200 kV with higher current and
dedicated to Si wafer production and the corresponding ions B, P, As, Si, and Ar, the
latter two for pre-amorphization, isolation, etc. The entire system is shown in Fig. 31, and
the target area, in Fig. 32, with target holders for 3-inch and 4-inch wafers, both of which
could be implanted at liquid nitrogen temperature. A schematic of this system is shown in
Fig, 33. This system was used consistently until June of 1989 when the decision was
made to cease all Si device work at Malibu, at which time it was removed from the
laboratory. The laboratory with both the 200-keV (foreground) and the 400-keV
(background) systems is shown in Fig. 34. Both of these systems featured mass
separation after full ion acceleration to ensure element and energy purity.
In 1978, we decided to redesign the 300-kV machine, reducing the beam lines to two
(having completed much ion optics and tiny beam system development), replacing the
large ExB mass separator with a large electromagnet, and adding a goniometer and
Rutherford backscattering and channeled implantation capability. The resulting version of
the machine is shown in Fig. 35. In 1981, we decided to replace the magnet with an even
larger double focusing magnet, and other details. The high voltage terminal was replaced
with a terminal that contained the ion source, six power supplies, six leak valves and gas
bottles, and 12 meters that were read via a closed circuit TV system across the high
voltage (See Figs. 36, 37, and 38.), and a separate 400-kV power supply and isolation
transformer and high voltage meter (See Figs. 39 and 40.).
One arm was used for implantation at room temperature and at liquid
nitrogen temperature, and for wafers up to 4 inches in diameter (Figs. 41 and 42). The
other arm was used for Rutherford backscattering and aligned channeled implantation
(Fig. 43), and had a target chamber that had a black-body oven heater for small samples
and was used for studies of hot implantation (Fig. 44). This system has remained in use
until this writing (2004), and much of the work described in this resource work was
carried out using this versatile and accurate 400-kV ion mass spectrometer.
Figure Captions
Fig. 1. Hughes Newport Beach 150-kV implanter display (1971)
Fig. 2. Si lattice model and self-aligned gate MOSFET concept (1971)
Fig. 3. Display of ion implanter for doping process (1970)
Fig. 4. The implanter of Fig. 1 as built in Malibu
Fig. 5. The implanter of Figs. 1 and 4 as installed at Newport Beach
Fig. 6. Ion source end of implanter of Figs. 1 , 4, and 5
Fig. 7. Beam line and test target chamber of implanter of Figs. 1, 4, and 5
Fig. 8. Production target chamber of implanter of Figs. 1, 4, and 5
Fig. 9. 150-kV B production implanter - development view
Fig. 10. Implanter of Fig. 9 installed in production environment at Newport Beach
- open view
Fig. 11. Implanter of Fig. 9 installed in production environment at Newport Beach
– closed view
Fig. 12. Schematic of implanter of Figs. 9 - 11
Fig. 13 a and b. HRL hot filament ion source (sold by Accelerators Incorporated)
Fig. 14. General schematic of early implanter concept at HRL
Fig. 15. One iteration of implanter of Fig. 14
Fig. 16. Another iteration of implanter of Fig. 14
Fig. 17. Another iteration of implanter of Fig. 14
Fig. 18. A beam focusing and scanning system with target at high voltage
Fig. 19. Schematic of system of Fig. 18
Fig. 20. Schematic of surface ionization ion source implantation system
Fig. 21. Photo of system of Fig. 20 with target at ground potential
Fig. 22. Photo of system of Fig. 20 with target at high voltage
Fig. 23. Focused ion beam line of the 300-kV HRL implanter (FIB)
Fig. 24. Schematic of the 300-kV, three-beam line HRL implanter
Fig. 25. One implementation of the system of Fig. 24
Fig. 26. Figure 25 with component descriptions
Fig. 27. Large ExB mass separator of system of Fig. 24
Fig. 28. 300-kV terminal of the system of Fig. 24 - enclosed
Fig. 29. 300-kV terminal of the system of Fig. 24 - open
Fig. 30. Versatile gas supply manifold of the system of Fig. 24
Fig. 31. 200-kV HRL production implanter (1980s)
Fig. 32. Target chamber of system of Fig. 31
Fig. 33. Schematic of system of Figs. 31 and 32
Fig. 34. General view of HRL implantation laboratory; 200-kV implanter in foreground;
300/400-kV implanter with two beam lines in background
Fig. 35. View of the beam lines of the 300/400-kV HRL implanter
Fig. 36. Accelerator, terminal, and isolation transformer of the 300/400-kV HRL
Fig. 37. Ion source and gas feed system of the 300/400-kV HRL implanter
Fig. 38. Ion source and power supplies of the 300/400-kV HRL implanter
Fig. 39. High voltage power supply, isolation transformer, and terminal of same
Fig. 40. Different view as in Fig. 39
Fig. 41. Target chamber of the 300/400-kV HRL implanter
Fig. 42. Target chamber as in Fig. 41 with Si wafers mounted
Fig. 43. Goniometer for RBS and aligned channeled implantation on 300/400-kV
Fig. 44. Black-body radiation heated target chamber on 300/400-kV HRL implanter