ANT 103 Instructor Worksheet Handout – 08/10 Edition Page 1 Quality Matters Rubric Instructor Worksheet Handout Applying the QM Rubric Workshop 1. Instructor Name: Dr. Andrew Habermacher Institution: Prince George’s Community College, Largo MD 2. Course Name and Number: ANT 103 3. Course Access URL: 4. Discipline Area(s): Anthropology 5. Who is the creator of this course? X Faculty Member ___ Commercial Content Provider ___ Instructional Design Team (list members and their roles): 6. Is the course stand-alone or part of a sequence? Stand-alone If stand-alone, does it have online or hybrid course prerequisites? ENG 101 and 102 If part of a sequence, is it the first, second, third, or ___ course in the sequence? If part of a sequence, do all courses in the sequence use the same format and technology? If no, please explain: 7. What is the platform (LMS) for the course delivery? Blackboard 7.3 ___ Blackboard ___ WebCT ___ WebTycho ___Desire2Learn ___ Sakai ___Angel Is this platform ADA compliant? ___YES ___NO Are students required to complete a tutorial on the use of the LMS prior to beginning the course? Is the LMS supplemented with other tools for online study? If so, please list them: 8. Face-to-face components: Fully online course: __ Proctored Exam ___ Lab ___Other: Hybrid course: approximate proportion of face-to-face time (e.g.,50%) Face-to-face Activities (Circle all that apply): Lecture Discussion Presentation Exams Other: ANT 103 Instructor Worksheet Handout – 08/10 Edition Page 2 9. Attach a list of the course-level objectives and the module objectives for one or more course units (see below). What is the source(s) of the course objectives or expected outcomes: X Created by the instructor X Mandated by the institution ___ Other: Upon successful completion of ANT 103, students should be able to: Identify the focal interests and primary research methods of anthropology and its subfields. Distinguish features and social effects of the major modes of subsistence upon which human societies have been based. Differentiate among linguistic concepts such as grammar, phonology, phoneme, focal vocabulary, syntax, semantics, morpheme, dialect, minimal pair, language acquisition, sociolinguistics and historical linguistics. Differentiate among the four levels (i.e., band, tribe, chiefdom, state) of political integration generalized from the ethnographic and historical record. Identify gender issues found in different types of societies by using such concepts as gender role, gender stratification, the public/domestic dichotomy, gender identity, gendered division of labor and gender inequality. Identify the various kinds of descent groups, postmarital residence customs, mate selection norms, economic aspects of marriage contracts, plural marriage customs, and family forms. Differentiate among basic basic cultural anthropological concepts such as norm, value, culture shock, cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, ethnicity, social race, enculturation (aka socialization), acculturation, status, role and stratification. Distinguish among such economic aspects of social life as reciprocity (general, balanced & negative), market exchange, money (special & general purpose), redistribution, mode of production and division of labor. Identify some religious causes of social change (revitalization movements, cargo cults), the purpose and stages of a rite of passage, the functions (social, psychological, cognitive) of religion, the types of religious organizations, and the logic and uses of magic. Recognize, from concrete written examples, any of the concepts listed in the foregoing course outcomes. 10. Is the syllabus the standard syllabus developed by the institution? ___YES _X_ NO If YES, is the instructor required to use it? ___YES 11. Does the course use a standard textbook? _X_ YES ___ NO ___NO If NO, please describe or explain: 12. List the major instructional materials required in the course (e.g., textbook, etc): textbook, additional readings, web sites. Explain why the selected instructional materials in the course were chosen to achieve the course objectives or outcomes and address the breadth, depth, and currency of these materials in your response: The textbook is a standard introductory Anthropology textbook. It was chosen for the clear way its materials are organized and because its activities are designed to promote critical thinking. ANT 103 Instructor Worksheet Handout – 08/10 Edition Page 3 13. Does the course use audiovisual components? ___YES _X_ NO ___Commercially produced Telecourse components via CD-ROM or VHS? ___Audiovisual learning objects to links to audiovisual components on the Internet? ___College/instructor produced audiovisual components? ___ Publisher produced audiovisual components? If you selected any of the above audiovisual components, please describe how reviewers will be able to gain access to the materials. 14. Are there any special computer skills or technologies required in order for the reviewers to access the course? ___YES _X_ NO 15. Does the course use support materials (other than the audiovisual) provided by the textbook publisher? ___YES _X_ NO If YES, please describe or explain: 16. Does the course use any synchronous instructor/student interaction? ___YES _X_NO If YES, please describe or explain: If YES, is the synchronous component optional or is it mandatory? 17. Is any course content or instructor communication done by individual emails? ___YES _X_ NO If YES, please describe or explain: 18. Are there any unresolved copyright issues apparent with regard to the materials used in this course? ___YES _X_ NO If YES, please describe or explain: 19. Are any course materials or activities located outside the course website? ___YES _X_ NO them: If YES, please explain what they are and how to access 20. How often per week are students required to interact online with the instructor or other students? I recommend three times per week. 21. Is student-to-student interaction (e.g., on discussion boards and forums, or various forms of group work) appropriate in this course? _X_ YES If NO, please explain: ___NO 22. Provide a copy of (or link to) any policies of your institution that set standards of accessibility that either explicitly or implicitly apply to online instruction. Link: bilitySupportServices.aspx If link doesn’t work, go to; click on Current Students; click on Student Services; click on Disability Support Services. ANT 103 Instructor Worksheet Handout – 08/10 Edition Page 4 Explain briefly how you have implemented these policies in your online or hybrid courses. I have a link in my syllabus directing students to the Disability Support Services page. If your institution has no specific policies in this area, explain the accessibility principles you have implemented in your course: 23. Quality Matters encourages instructors and design teams to become familiar with the QM standards prior to submitting a course for review? Did you have any prior exposure to the Quality Matters Rubric? Yes, I’ve taken the peer reviewer training. 24. Identify any particular areas and/or issues in this course that you want to ask for feedback from the reviewers: I’m interested in feedback about how to make this course more accessible for my students. 25. Please provide any other information you want to communicate to the Review Team about your course. This course has a high attrition rate (higher than my f2f classes). I would appreciate any feedback for helping my students be more successful.