Assessment Rubric for Writing African Folktales Exemplary Creative description of the setting that reflects understanding of the country or culture Excellent Excellent description of the setting that reflects understanding of the country or culture Acceptable Adequate description of the setting that reflects understanding of the country or culture Authentic connections to the culture Creative characters that reflect the culture and give credibility to the story Excellent connections to the culture Excellent choice of characters that reflect the culture and give credibility to the story Conflict Creative conflict develops out of the natural characteristics of the creatures Excellent conflict develops out of the natural characteristics of the creatures Acceptable connections to the culture Acceptable choice of characters that marginally reflect the culture and give some credibility to the story Acceptable conflict develops out of the characteristics of the creatures Climax and Resolution Creative climax and resolution to the conflict Excellent climax and resolution to the conflict Acceptable climax and resolution to the conflict Message or Moral Creative message or moral for children Creative use of illustrations to portray the culture and give meaning to the text Excellent message or moral for children Excellent use of illustrations to portray the culture and give meaning to the text Acceptable message or moral for children Acceptable use of illustrations to portray the culture and give meaning to the text Setting Cultural Connections Characters (creatures and people) Illustrations Unacceptable Inadequate description of the setting that does not reflect understanding of the country or culture No connections to the culture Poor choice of characters that do not reflect the culture nor give credibility to the story Unacceptable conflict that does not develop out of the natural characteristics of the creatures Unacceptable climax and resolution to the conflict Inappropriate message or moral for children Unacceptable use of illustrations to portray the culture and give meaning to the text