PERMANENT COUNCIL OEA/Ser.G CP/SA.1678/09 27 May 2009 Original: Spanish Record of the regular meeting held on February 18, 2009 CP/ACTA.1678/091/ The regular meeting of the Permanent Council was conducted under the chairmanship of Ambassador Graeme C. Clark, Permanent Representative of Canada to the Organization of American States. 1. Adoption of the order of business The delegation of El Salvador requested that item 2, Presentation of the oral report on the electoral observation mission in El Salvador, be considered as item 7. The Permanent Council adopted as amended the draft order of business, contained in document CP/OD-1678/09. Welcome to the Permanent Representatives of Barbados and Bolivia Before beginning its work, the Permanent Council welcomed Ambassador John Beale, Permanent Representative of Barbados, and Ambassador José Enrique Pinelo Navarro, Permanent Representative of Bolivia. Expression of solidarity with the Dominican Republic On behalf of the members of the Permanent Council, its Chair expressed its solidarity with the people and Government of the Dominican Republic for the losses resulting from the recent storms that caused flooding and left communities isolated and persons displaced. 2. Presentation of the oral report on the electoral observation mission in Bolivia The Chief of Mission, Mr. Raúl Lago, presented the report on the observation mission in the Republic of Bolivia on the referendum on the adoption of Bolivia’s new Constitution of State and whether to annul Article 398 thereof, held on January 25, 2009. He also expressed appreciation for the contributions received from the Governments of Brazil, Canada, Chile, Spain, and United States that enabled the mission to be conducted in the nine departments of Bolivia. After hearing the report, the Ambassador of Bolivia expressed appreciation for the presentation thereof and indicated that the government of his country would review its recommendations and consider their possible implementation. 1. The statements are contained in the minutes of the meeting, CP/ACTA.1678/09. -2- The delegations of United States, Canada, Nicaragua, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Mexico, Venezuela, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Ecuador congratulated the Government of Bolivia on its elections and expressed appreciation for the report presented by Mr. Lago. The delegation of México, on behalf of the Rio Group, made the following statement regarding Bolivia’s constitutional referendum, issued on January 27, 2009: “The member states of the Rio Group, recalling its statement of October 24, 2008, congratulate the Bolivian people and government on the peaceful and democratic conduct of the referendum on the annulment of one of its articles and on the adoption of the new Constitution of the Republic of Bolivia, called by President Evo Morales and held on January 25, 2009. The Rio Group congratulates the people of that sister nation on this new expression of public spirit, their high participation, and the democratic process, uneventfully exercised, on the day of the referendum to adopt the new Political Constitution of the State.” The Permanent Council took note of the report presented by Mr. Raúl Lagos on the electoral observation mission in Bolivia of January 25, 2009, and congratulated the people and Government of Bolivia on the tranquility of the day and the public spirit exhibited. 3. Working Group on the Protocol of San Salvador Resolution AG/RES. 2430, adopted by the General Assembly at its thirty-eighth regular session, delegated to the Permanent Council “the election of the government experts to make up the aforementioned Working Group” and authorized the Secretary General to “appoint the independent expert and his or her alternate at the same time.” In fulfillment of that mandate, on October 14, 2008, the Permanent Council elected Dr. Ramiro Ávila Santamaría, of Ecuador, and, on February 4, 2009, Professor Flávia Piovesan, of Brazil, as government expert members of the Group. Owing to the lack of candidacies presented, the election of the remaining members of the Working Group was postponed until the next meeting of the Permanent Council, scheduled for March 4, 2009. Additionally, Monday, March 2, was established as the period for the presentation of candidacies. 4. Election of a member of the Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund Committee The Chair reminded the delegations that, under Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Statutes of the Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund, the Committee shall be composed of four member states of the Permanent Council and the Secretary General of the OAS. With the exception of the Secretary General, the members of the Committee were appointed to serve for four years, the term of office of one of them to end each year. The Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda reported that the term of office of her delegation on this Committee had ended, and thanked the delegations for the support received during its participation in the work of the Committee. -3- After noting some of the activities of the Leo Rowe Fund, the Ambassador of Panama presented the candidacy of Antigua and Barbuda for re-election to membership of the Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund Committee. The motion of Panama to re-elect the representative of Antigua and Barbuda to membership of the Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund Committee was seconded by the delegation of United States and carried by acclamation. 5. Anniversary of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) The delegations of Panama, Costa Rica, Uruguay (on behalf of the LAIA Group), Saint Kitts and Nevis, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua referred to the 81st anniversary of the establishment of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM). The Permanent Council heard a presentation given by the Executive Secretary of the CIM, Ms. Carmen Lomellin. 6. Information on the referendum to approve the amendment to the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (CP/INF.5801/09) The Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela took the floor to refer to the referendum to approve the amendment to the Constitution, held on February 15, 2009. The delegations of Nicaragua and Argentina expressed congratulations on the democratic process exercised and public spirit exhibited by the Venezuelan people. The Permanent Council took note of the information presented by the Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The Ambassador of Panama requested the Secretariat to place on record its participation in the meeting of the Permanent Council, held on February 4, 2009, regarding the matter of the attacks on a Caracas synagogue, in order to demonstrate that reference had not been made to participation by the Venezuelan government. Additionally, the delegation of the Argentine Republic indicated that the intervention by its Permanent Representative at the above-mentioned meeting of the Permanent Council had referred in general terms to religious tolerance, without referring specifically to any country or situation. 7. Presentation of the oral report on the electoral observation mission in El Salvador The Chief of the electoral observation mission in El Salvador, Mr. Gustavo Fernández, gave an oral report on the mission to observe the elections of Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) deputies; as well as mayors and councilors, held on January 18, 2009. The delegation of El Salvador took note of the recommendations contained in the report, considering them especially important in connection with the upcoming general elections, to be held in March. It expressed appreciation for the financial support from the Governments of Spain, Canada, United States, and Denmark. -4- The delegations of United States, Canada, and Argentina (on behalf of the LAIA Group) thanked Ambassador Fernández for his report. The Permanent Council took note of the report presented by Mr. Gustavo Fernández Saavedra on the electoral observation mission and congratulated the people and Government of El Salvador on their successful election day. 8. Adoption of the following minutes of Permanent Council meetings: The following minutes of Permanent Council meetings were adopted: 9. CP/ACTA 1600/07 (regular meeting of June 27, 2007) and CP/ACTA 1602/07 (regular meeting of July 12, 2007) Other business Under the other business item, the Permanent Council heard the following interventions: CP21805E04 The delegation of Colombia indicated that on February 8, 2009, public announcement had been made of a massacre of an indigenous group by the Revolutionary Armed Forced of Colombia (FARC), and that they would present full information on this matter at an upcoming meeting of the Permanent Council. The delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presented a video summarizing a press conference on the assault on Synagogue Israel in Caracas. The Chair of the Permanent Council called on the delegations to ensure the inclusion of consideration of substantive items on the agendas for meetings of the Council, and that the “other business” item was used for matters of an informational and procedural nature.