The Delegation of Distinction program is a way for California YMCA Youth
& Government to recognize the delegations that best exemplify our mission and what our programs stand for. To be selected as a Delegation of Distinction (DoD), delegations will need to submit an application by noon on Saturday, April 25 th
. Below is a short explanation of the criteria that needs to be met in order to be awarded this distinction. Please Note:
DoD criteria applies to both delegates and advisors.
Complied with the Code of Conduct and Dress Code. o Violations of the Code of Conduct and Dress Code by delegates and/or advisors will count against DoD.
Attended all assigned meetings and participated fully in assignments and exercises. o Delegates and advisors must attend all their meetings. If delegates are not participating in activities and/or exercises, this will count against DoD.
Showed up on time and completed advisor duties.
Set a positive example for others to follow. o Delegations of Distinction are an example of what everyone else should be doing. This is everything from participating to picking up trash without being asked.
Set an example in extending hand of friendship and support to other delegations and/or the MUN program. o Delegations of Distinction help other delegations and encourage them to succeed. They also help out the program without being asked.
Demonstrates MUN spirit by cheering, singing, and clapping.
Participates in the annual Service Project.
Recruited a YMCA or community leader to attend VIP Day or supported a member of the Secretariat or an Advisor assisted in a program area. o
Examples of respect may include, but are not limited to: securing a community leader or potential donor to bring to
VIP Day, providing assistance to a member of the Secretariat program (this could include offering transportation to conference free of charge or providing them with a scholarship) or having advisors assist program volunteers with the delivery of a program area.
Demonstrated respectful behavior to all Delegates, Staff, and Advisors.
Enrolled more participants than last year.
Completed post MUN Training Survey o This portion will be completed by Y&G Staff after the conference.
Supervised delegation 100% of the time. o Advisor to Delegate ratio was maintained at all times.
Paid fees and registered through Reggo within the required time frame.
Met all administrative deadlines including submitting rooming lists and leadership applications through Reggo.
Voted in all statewide elections.
Applied for at least one elected or appointed leadership position.
Notified by Hotel of room status. o Your delegation has one of the top 3 cleanest rooms (positive) or one of the 3 dirtiest rooms (negative).
Completed Summit preparation tasks correctly and one time. o This information is in the Topic Preparation Guides.