C42-20070722-007_QC_ota_ControlChannel.doc TSG-C SWG42 TITLE: Control Channel monitoring tests for DO Rev A as part of C.S0058-A. SOURCE: Vikram Gupta Qualcomm, Inc vikramg@qualcomm.com 858-658-2922 ABSTRACT: Test Cases for control channel monitoring for HRPD. RECOMMENDATION: Review and Adopt. Qualcomm, Inc. grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner's name any Organizational Partner's standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the Organizational Partner's sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the resulting Organizational Partner's standards publication. Qualcomm, Inc. is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by Qualcomm, Inc. to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on Qualcomm, Inc.. Qualcomm, Inc. specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with respect to any intellectual property of Qualcomm, Inc. other than provided in the copyright statement above. The following test replaces current test 9.9.1. 1.1 HRPD Control Channel Monitoring and Overhead Message Updates 1.1.1 Definition This test will verify that the AT can successfully receive and update QuickConfig and SectorParameters messages that are transmitted over the Control Channel. The AN transmits a QuickConfig message in every synchronous Control Channel cycle. The SectorParameters message is transmitted at least once every NOMPSectorParameters Control Channel cycles. In Idle State, the AT performs timer based supervision of the QuickConfig and SectorParameters messages. If the AT does not receive these messages within the expiry time of the corresponding timers, it returns a supervision failure indication. 1.1.2 Traceability See [8] Section Section Section Section Section Procedures for Default Initialization State Access Network Requirements for Overhead Message Protocol Access Network Requirements for Default Access Channel MAC Protocol Access Network Requirements for Enhanced Access Channel MAC Protocol Supervision Procedures 1.1.3 Method of measurement a. Power up the AT and place it where receive power is approximately -75 dBm. b. Configure the AT to operate in non-slotted (sleep disabled) mode. Note that tools and procedures to configure the AT in non-slotted mode are vendor dependent. c. Ensure that the AT has acquired the HRPD system and is in idle state. d. Log the messages received on the control channel for 1 minute. e. Verify that the AN sends Sync message periodically in a synchronous control channel capsule. Verify that the period does not exceed T ISPSync (1.28 = 3 control channel cycles) seconds. Verify that the parameters of Sync message are set as configured by the AN. f. Verify that the AN sends and AT receives QuickConfig message in every synchronous control channel capsule. Verify that access network sets the SectorSignature field of the QuickConfig message to the SectorSignature field of the next SectorParameters message. Verify that the parameters of QuickConfig message are set as configured by the AN. g. Verify that the AN sends and AT receives SectorParameters message in the synchronous capsule at least once every NOMPSectorParameters (4) Control Channel cycles. Verify that the access network sets the AccessSignature field of the QuickConfig message to the public data AccessSignature. Verify that the parameters of SectorParameters message are set as configured by the AN. h. Verify that the AN sends and AT receives access network an AccessParameters message at least once every NACMPAccessParameters (3 * 256) slots. i. Verify that the parameters of AccessParameters message are set as configured by the AN. j. Configure the AT to operate in slotted (sleep enabled) mode. Note that tools and procedures to configure the AT in slotted mode are vendor dependent. k. Verify that the AT receives and updates the overhead messages (QuickConfig and SectorParameter messages) and performs the supervision of these messages by resetting the TOMPQCSupervision and TOMPSPSupervision timers. l. Cause the AT to not receive Overhead messages. This can be done for example by placing the AT in an area with no HRPD coverage. m. Verify that the AT returns a SupervisionFailed and goes to initialization state. n. Repeat this test with all supported control channel data rates (38.4 and 76.8). o. Repeat this test for all versions of HRPD supported by the AT and the AN. 1.1.4 Minimum Standard The AT shall comply with steps e, f, g, i, k and m. The AN shall comply with step e, f, g and i. The AT and AN should comply with step h. 1.2 Enhanced Control Channel Short MAC Packet 1.2.1 Definition The purpose of this test is to verify that the AT successfully decodes various short packet formats with different negotiated values of CCShortPacketMACIndex. This test requires the AN to transmit CC short MAC packets. Since the size of the ACAck and Page packet is smaller than 512 bits, it is likely although not necessary that the AN will use CC short MAC packets for transmitting these messages. 1.2.2 Traceability (see [8]) Section Chapters 2 and 3 (see [15]) 1.2.3 Method of measurement a. Place it where receive power is approximately -75 dBm. b. Cause the AT to acquire the AN. c. Configure the AT to negotiate the use of Multi-Flow Packet Application or Enhanced Multi-Flow Packet Application or Multi-Link Multi-Flow Packet Application bound to the service network, Physical layer subtype 2, Enhanced CCMAC, Enhanced ACMAC, Enhanced FTCMAC, Enhanced Idle State Protocol and Subtype 3 RTC MAC. d. Start a new session and using SCP negotiate the value of CCShortPacketsMACIndex attribute to 0x00. e. Using SCP or GAUP negotiate the value of SlottedMode attribute as follows: Field AttributeID SlotCycle1 SlotCycle2 SlotCycle3 WakeCount1 WakeCount2 f. After session configuration is complete, instruct the AT to open a connection with the AN. g. Verify that in response to the AT’s AccessProbe message, the AN transmits an ACAck message in a asynchronous CC capsule using one of the following Transmission Formats1 of [128, 4, 1024], [256, 4, 1024], [512, 4, 1024] with preamble MAC Index 71. If the message is transmitted using the sub-synchronous or synchronous capsule, repeat steps f and g. h. Verify that the AT receives the ACAck message and stops transmitting the AccessProbe. i. Allow the connection to become dormant. j. Instruct the AN to transmit a Page to the AT. k. Verify that the AN transmits the Page message in a sub-synchronous CC capsule using one of the following Transmission Formats of [128, 4, 1024], [256, 4, 1024], [512, 4, 1024] with a preamble MAC Index of 71. If the message is transmitted using the synchronous capsule, repeat steps i, j and k. l. Verify that the AT receives the Page message and establishes a connection with the AN. m. Instruct the AT or the AN to close the session. n. Start a new session and using SCP negotiate any valid value of CCShortPacketsMACIndex other than 0x00. o. Using SCP or GAUP negotiate the value of SlottedMode attribute as follows: Field AttributeID SlotCycle1 SlotCycle2 SlotCycle3 WakeCount1 WakeCount2 1 Value 0x01 (SlottedMode) 0x5 0x5 0x5 0 (default) 0 (default) Value 0x01 (SlottedMode) 0x5 0x5 0x5 0 (default) 0 (default) p. After session configuration is complete, instruct the AT to open a connection with the AN. q. Verify that in response to the AT’s AccessProbe message, the AN transmits an ACAck message in a asynchronous CC capsule using one of the following Transmission Formats of [128, 4, 1024], [256, 4, 1024], [512, 4, 1024] with preamble MAC Index negotiated in step n or 71. If the message is transmitted using the sub-synchronous or synchronous capsule, repeat steps o and p. Transmission Format is defined as [ Payload Size (bits), Nominal transmit duration (slots), Preamble Length (chips)) r. Verify that the AT receives the ACAck message and stops transmitting the AccessProbe. s. Allow the connection to become dormant. t. Instruct the AN to transmit a Page to the AT. u. Verify that the AN transmits the Page message in a sub-synchronous CC capsule using one of the following Transmission Formats of [128, 4, 1024], [256, 4, 1024], [512, 4, 1024] with a preamble MAC Index negotiated in step n or 71. If the message is transmitted using the synchronous capsule, repeat steps i, j and k. v. Verify that the AT receives the Page message and establishes a connection with the AN 1.2.4 Minimum Standard The AT shall comply with steps h, l, r, and v. The AN shall comply with steps g, k, q and u.