Ryan McMullan - Yardley Makefield Soccer

Ryan McMullan
Current Address: 2-16 Wyncoop Court • Holland, PA 18966
215-964-0655 • Ryan.McMullan@temple.edu
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science Major, Kinesiology, Minor, Sports Psychology, May 2008
College of Commerce, Glasgow, Scotland
Higher National Diploma, Major, Sports Therapy, May 2004
NSCAA Advanced National Diploma Coaching License, January 2009
NSCAA National Diploma Coaching License, January 2008
Scottish Coaching License (D, E), May 1999
Athletic Trainer and Coach, Yardley-Makefield Soccer, Yardley, PA
August 2004-Present
Director of the Pee-Wee Soccer Program, ages five through nine.
Coach and train male and female athletes, ages five to seventeen.
Responsible for organizing training sessions, coaching staff, referees, and field layout.
Premier coach and trainer
Temple University Summer Camp, Philadelphia, PA
August 2007
· Responsible for organizing training sessions, facilitating participation in activities, and
coaching ages six through fifteen.
Wilkesboro University Summer Camp, Wilkesboro, PA
June 2006
· Responsible for organizing training sessions and coaching ages six through fifteen.
Physical Therapist Aid, Kilmarnock Football Club, Kilmarnock, Scotland
March 2002
· Rehabilitated injured Professional Soccer Players.
· Provided training regimes to help players gain full fitness.
· Helped organize rehabilitation center.
Professional Soccer Player, Elgin City Football Club, Elgin, Scotland
August 2000-2002
· Trained and played at a professional level.
· Traveled to over twenty clubs to play other professional players.
· Positions: Midfield and Striker
Professional Soccer Player, Albion Rovers Football Club, Coatbridge, Scotland
August 1998-2000
· Trained and played at a professional level.
· Traveled to over twenty clubs to play other professional players.
· Positions: Midfield and Striker
Yardley-Makefield Soccer, summer 2004-present, Yardley, PA
Elgin City Professional Soccer Player, summer 2002-2004, Elgin City, Scotland
Albion Rovers Professional Soccer Player, summer 1998-2000, Coatbridge, Scotland
Comfortable with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, working a digital
camera, using e-mail, and navigating the Internet.