
Silver Sol Case Study Wound Healing
Wound healing is a complex and fragile process, which can be complicated by infection and inflammation.
In this study, multiple cases are reviewed pictorially for the purpose of recording improved wound healing
using the antimicrobial Silver Sol gel (obtained from American Biotech Labs, Alpine, Utah). The daily use
of Silver Sol gel results in reduced infection (including MRSA), which leads to less inflammation. By
reducing the inflammation and infection wounds close faster and with less scaring. This remarkable review
of the healing process strongly suggests that Silver Sol gel helps disinfect the wound, prevents further
infection, helps reduce inflammation and stimulates stem cells which results in improved wound healing
characterized by reduced inflammation, improved angiogenesis, faster phagocytosis and reduced scarring.
Four cases were studied and evaluated for wound healing, infection control and stem cell activity, where the
antimicrobial Silver Sol gel was used multiple times daily to help produce remarkable recoveries in; 1. A
complicated MRSA infected wound. 2. Serious facial lacerations and the prevention of infection and
inflammation. 3. A serious burn in an immune compromised patient. 4. A serious complicated (bollous
pemphigoid) infection. These studies demonstrate improvements in healing outcomes sometimes in as little
as half the normal healing time. The Silver Sol gel produced remarkable healing results in the MRSA
infected wound by destroying the bacteria and helping to close a wound that was previously open and
infected for over one year. Silver Sol gel helped produce a remarkable healing in a serious facial laceration
preventing infection, significantly reducing inflammation resulting in an extremely rapid healing with little
scaring. Silver sol gel was sprayed on a serious third degree burn in an 88 year old immune compromised
patient helping to prevent infection and close a very difficult burn wound in two months. A bollous
pemphigoid wound demonstrated re-epithelializaton and stem cell function in closing a very serious wound.
Silver Sol Flu Study
Female BALB/c mice were pre-treated with (Silver Sol) for seven days prior to being challenged with Avian
Influenza (H5N1). The results were compared to control mice and Ribavirin treated mice to determine
survival and prevention rates of Silver Sol on Avian Influenza (H5N1). Groups of 19 mice were treated by
oral gavage (p.o.) with (Silver Sol 10 ppm) twice daily (every 12 h) for 7 days, then infected intranasally
(i.n.) with an LD70 dose of influenza virus, then treated an additional 10 days. As controls, 35 mice were
treated with water using the identical schedule as used for the materials and infected as above. Oxygen
saturation (SaO2), necropsy for lung scores, and lung viral titers were tested to quantify ongoing tissue
damage. As toxicity controls, 3 uninfected mice were treated in parallel with each test material and observed
for signs of adverse effects for the next 21 days.
As a result of this experiment, 60% of the infected mice treated with Silver Sol (10 ppm) survived compared
to the 30% in the placebo-treated controls. This is a 100% increase in the ability of mice to survive an H5N1
Avian Influenza challenge. Results of this study demonstrate suggested inhibitory and preventive effect on
this virus infection as seen by either less animals dying in the treated groups than in the placebo-treated
controls, delay in mean day to death, lessened SaO2 decline, modest inhibition of lung consolidation, and/or
lessened virus titers in the lungs. In addition there was no sign or symptom of toxicity from the usage of
Silver Sol in mice, even at extreme doses. . If the human protection were similar to that found in mice, it
could provide a significant advancement in the prevention of a potential pandemic event. The data from this
study strongly suggests that daily oral use of silver sol will safely prevent avian influenza and improve
survival rates in mice.
Silver Sol and MRSA
The patented form of Silver Sol (US Patent # 7135195) has been shown to destroy bacteria, viruses and
mold in vitro and living systems (23). Staphylococcus aureus can be completely destroyed by Silver Sol in as
little as two minutes and in vitro studies show it will stay dead for 28 days (24). Rustum Roy Ph.D. reported
that strains of resistant staph (MRSA) could be destroyed by the Silver Sol treatment in vitro (25). The
University of Cal Berkely reports that Silver Sol can completely destroy in vitro forms of MRSA
(Methicillin resistant staph aureus) and VRE (Vancomyocin resistant Enterococcus) at levels as low as 2.5
ppm in as little as 45 to 60 minutes (26). With MRSA continuing to mutate and sustain resistance to
antibiotics, it is encouraging to report the findings from this study which demonstrate an all-natural opponent
to this modern day plague.
This study demonstrates the benefits of Silver Sol on human subjects with serious MRSA infections of the
skin. These patients were hospitalized and contracted their MRSA infections while staying in the hospital.
Patients wound size, depth and closure rates were photographed and digitized for weekly calculations that
quantified the time to wound closure and overall seriousness of the infection. Before, during and after photos
demonstrate a visual accounting of the benefit of the Silver Sol treatment. All treatments were given by the
hospital medical staff where patients received silver sol gel sprayed topically on the wound twice daily and
orally ingested 2 teaspoons of the liquid silver sol twice a day.
The results of this study indicate that twice-daily treatment with silver sol gel (spray form) and twice-daily
oral ingestion of liquid Silver Sol significantly improved treatments of hospital acquired MRSA infections in
human subjects. The average time to closure improved, and patients taking silver sol reported a significant
reduction in pain associated with the wound.
Silver Sol Prevents Microorganisms From Becoming Resistant
Silver Sol was compared to several antibiotics against numerous bacterial strains to determine if Silver Sol
could destroy the microbes and control mutation better than antibiotics. Silver Sol and the following
antibiotics were tested: Oflaxacin, Tetracycline, Penicillin G, and Cefaperazone. The microbial strains tested
include: S. gorondii, S. mutans, S. pyogenes, E. coli, S. pneumoniae, S, typhimurium, Enterobacter,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. faecalis, Shigella and Staph aureus. The broth macrodilutiion susceptibility test
was used to determine a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration
(MBC) of the silver hydrosol and antibiotic concentrations.
The 10 ppm Silver Sol inhibits MRSA.
The 10 ppm Silver Sol is the minimum inhibitory concentration.
The 15 ppm Silver Sol completely killed the MRSA and prohibited the MRSA from growing for 24 hours.
The 15 ppm Silver Sol controls MRSA and disallows any mutation to grow.
These results indicate that Silver Sol kills MRSA and all other bacteria tested ,and disallows any mutation.
Silver Sol Gel Completely Destroys Disease Causing Yeast and Bacteria in Minutes
Silver Sol Gel was tested against numerous bacterial and yeast strains (Candida albicans, Staphylococcus
aureus, MRSA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli) to determine how well Silver Sol Gel would kill
a broad spectrum of disease causing pathogens. This was measured by percent reduction in pathogen, LOG
reduction. Results indicate that Silver Sol Gel completely destroyed all forms of bacteria tested to a LOG 5
reduction. This is significant because an FDA category one wound care approval requires the approved
product to be able to achieve a 1 log reduction (90% kill) in 7 days of contact, and a 3 log reduction (99.9%
kill) within 14 days. The Silver Sol achieved a 4-5 log reduction (99.999+ kill) in the first hour of contact.
The FDA further requires an approved product to be able to kill 500,000 bacteria. The Silver Sol Gel was
tested at 3-5 times the required amount of the pathogenic load, killing between 1,500,000 and 2, 500,000 of
the deadly pathogens within the first hour.
In this study Silver Sol Gel far surpassed FDA required kill percentages by killing all yeast and bacteria
tested at a significant level of 99.99900 %. This is an improvement of over 10,000 times (log 5) better kill
rates than what would be required to be classified as an effective antimicrobial. It accomplished this killing
in less than one hour.
Silver Sol Gel appears to be one of the best and most broad spectrum antibacterial agents and has been
proven to produce no resistance (Current Science, 91: 2008). Because Silver Sol gel kills so quickly and
completely (99.99900 %) without causing bacterial resistance, it could be successfully used everyday
without creating the problems of mutation and resistance created by antibiotics.
Silver Sol Improves Hospital Associated Wound Care
Silver Sol is a nutritional supplement that has anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti fungal properties (US Patent
#7135195). Silver Sol has unique mechanisms of action that promote wound healing by preventing infection
and promoting stem cell release and activation (Nexus, 2008).
The purpose of this study is to review the results of nursing homes using Silver Sol for pressure sores
infected with MRSA. This study reviews wound care data provided from nursing homes in several states
including Wisconsin which used Silver Sol on pressure sores infected with MRSA, and compared them to
the national average. The percent of long stay, high-risk patients who have pressure sores were recorded and
compared to the national average on a monthly basis.
Results from the nursing homes using Silver Sol gel, report a significant reduction in the occurrence of
pressure wounds as compared to the national average. This 40% reduction in the occurrance of wounds
includes MRSA infections, arterial, diabetic, injury, pressure sores, skin tears, surgical wounds, and venous