Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Depressions Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone and Greenman 1931: 367 Feature Description: - Three depressions, 130 feet from west end of mound, 40 feet south of center - Roughly circular, one yard in diameter and 6-10 inches deep - Similar to area on floor adjacent to Burial 60 - Apparently part of single deposit as the contents seem to be the same Contents: 1. Charcoal 2. Pottery fragments - probably ritually killed and burned 3. Marine shells - broken and burned 4. Mica 5. Flint-flake knives - Flint Ridge material Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Crematory Basin 1 Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone and Greenman 1931:366 Feature Description: - Very symmetrical and carefully made - Floor covered with charcoal, clean, mostly of limbs and twigs burned in situ Contents: 1. Shell beads (“numerous”) - mixed with charcoal 2. Pearl beads (“numerous”) - mixed with charcoal 3. Bear canines (30) - black bear and grizzly - mixed with charcoal - most perforated and many set with pearls Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Ceremonial Cache Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone and Greenman 1931:380 Feature Description: - A typical looking burial platform 4 feet square, with a larger than average log structure surrounding it (based upon the amount of cave-in) - The corners were nearly “four-square” with the cardinal points - A reed mat covered at least a portion of the platform Contents: 1. Copper breastplates (12) - piled in a “gable”, six on each side with their ends overlapping - toward the platform’s west end 2. Copper celt (1) - 20 inches long and 28 lbs. - beneath the breastplates and cloth 3. Woven fabric (many layers) - beneath and between breastplates - in layers 4. Pearl beads (“several”) - large 5. Pearl-set bear canines (3) - with woven fabric Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burnt Offering Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone and Greenman 1931:377-380 Figures 38, 39, 44, 45, 47 Feature Description: - West end of mound - Beneath the platforms of Burials 13, 14, 15 - Irregularly oval depression in the floor - Filled with artifacts and obviously subjected to intense heat, such that the bottom resembled a crematory basin - The basin and its charred contents were covered over with clay. Contents: 1. Owl effigy (1) (figure 44) - hollow - [boatstone] 2. Turkey vulture effigy (1) (figure 44) - hollow - [boatstone] 3. Insect puma effigy (1) (figure 47) - shale 4. Incised steatite spheres (5) (figure 45) 5. Plummets (3) (figure 39) - 1 of copper, one of chlorite, one of diorite 6. Chlorite beads (28) (figure 39) - spherical 7. Obsidian blade (1) - unnotched 8. Tubular copper beads 9. Pile of objects - fused through heat - five feet north of Burial 15 a. mostly plummet-shaped shell objects (22) b. three pearl beads c. d. e. f. one small copper disk several flint-flake knives raccoon canines - perforated ½ of a boat-shaped object of crystal quartz 10. Racoon os penis - copper banded - fragments 11. Bear claws - fragments 12. Earspools (2) [per field notes] - fragments 13. Mica designs (figure 38) - fragments 14. Potsherds - utility and ceremonial 15. Uncounted canine teeth - perforated - raccoon, opossum, fox, mountain lion, and other [per field notes] 16. Animal teeth - alligator and shark 17. Spadefish bones - incised 18. Flaked - flint knives (5) 19. Shell beads (“thousands”) [per field notes] 20. Notched obsidian scraper (1) [per field notes] - bear claw shaped Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Pipe Cache Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone and Greenman 1931:373-374 Feature Description: - Located just above the multiple burial in the primary mound Contents: 1. Copena pipes (5) - micaceous steatite - a squatting owl - whooperwill-like bird with outstretched wings [eagle in field notes] - dog eating a human head - dog or wolf - bear(?) head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:380-382 Feature Description: - A platform, 10 feet beyond the western border of the primary mound bark cover Contents: 1. Partially cremated human remains (1) - above seven copper objects laid out in a row parallel to the long axis of the platform 2. Copper celts (3) - one in first position at the south end of the row of 2 objects - two were in positions 3 and 4 - between legs and below back [field notes] 3. Copper breastplates (4) - one was in second position in tow - three breastplates were in positions 5, 6, and 7 - under hips, upper back, and head [per field notes] 4. Copper disks (2) - [possibly earspools?] - slightly cupped - 2 ½ inch diameter - on top of the upper end of the spinal column 5. Flint-flake knives (10) - [other flint prismatic blade] - two to 2½ inches long - four near southeast corner - six near southwest corner [these are blades per field notes] - and above burial 18” or so [field notes] [Photo] - Wall prep is logs on all four sides - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 2 Burial Burials 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Shetrone and Greenman 1931:374-376 Shetrone 1926:65 Figure 59 Feature Description: - Multiple burial containing six skeletons - Pipe cache found above these burials - All heads to the east - On platform four feet above floor - Represents six of only 11 inhumations in mound - Chamber size 12 feet east by 15 feet north - Under primary mound with Burials 3-7, and 9-11. - Under same fabric with Burials 3-7 and 9-11. - Nostrils and hair ornaments resemble those found in a double burial in the large central mound of Hopewell [Shetrone 1926:65] Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Seed pearls and larger (100’s) - outlining skeleton and beneath skeleton 3. Swan image - tortoise shell (figure 59, page 443) - at the left foot 4. Bird engraving on tortoise shell - with flowers and four directions (figure 59, page 445) - at both hands and opposite right humerus 5. Tubular beads (3) - meteoric iron - between femurs 6. Stone button coverings (2) - meteoric iron - between femurs 7. Boat-shaped object (3) - meteoric iron - between femurs 8. Wolf jaws (1) - animal bone - opposite left hand - possibly belongs to Burial 3 9. Copper rods - from beneath skull on either side down to sternum - hair braids were evidently secured to them 10. Copper imitation nostrils - on skull 11. Breastplate with colored design on woven fabric - copper - beneath head of skeleton 12. Plummet - under and surrounding body Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 3 Burial Burials 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Hopewell and Greenman 1931:375-376 Feature Description: - South and adjacent to burial two on same platform. - Under primary mound with Burials 2, 4-7, and 9-11. - Under same fabric with Burials 2, 4-7 and 9-11. - Massive log enclosure with 3.5 foot high clay platform on which four of the bodies were laid Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Grizzly bear canines (4) - drilled for suspension - at neck; associated with 100s of pearls 3. Pearls (hundreds) - encircling body and crossing neck 4. Buttons - several - at pelvis - clay and stone - copper covered 5. Arrow-point - [other flint biface point] - light-colored flint - near heart 6. Wolf jaws (1) - possibly present - may be associated with left hand of Burial 2 - near right hand Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 4 Burial Burials 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Shetrone and Greenman 1931:376 Feature Description: - Third position south of first skeleton and adjacent to Burials 2 and 4 - See Burials 2 and 3 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Pearl beads (“numerous”) - at neck and encircling skeleton 3. Copper plate (1) - beneath head and neck - fabric with colored design still attached 4. Button with silver foil (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 5 Burial Burials 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Shetrone and Greenman 1931:376 Feature Description: - The fourth body south of Burial 2 and adjacent to Burial 4 - See Burials 2-3 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - unusually large 2. Copper plate (1) - rectangular, large - under skull - fabric bearing colored designs attached 3. Pearl beads (“numerous”) - at neck and in a thin line around skeleton Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 6 Burial Burials 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Shetrone and Greenman 1931:376-377 Feature Description: - Southeast side of Burial - Vault just east of the four adult skeletons. - North of Burial 7. - See Burials 2-3. - In prepared depression seven inches deep, 17 inches diameter. - On a small platform rising above the raised platform a few inches. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Pearl and shell beads (1 quart) - unknown position 3. Bear canines (4) - all set with two pearls each - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 7 Burial Burials 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Shetrone and Greenman 1931:377 Feature Description: - Southeast side of Burial. Vault just east of the four adult skeletons (Burials 2-5) - South of Burial 6 - See Burials 2-3 for chamber description. - Burial in prepared depression 7 inches deep, 17 inches in diameter within a small platform raised a few inches above the main platform. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Pearl beads (“several”) - unusually large - unknown position 3. Small mica designs (6) - unknown position 4. Copper button (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 8 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman1931:476 Feature Description: - Covered by two large slabs of shale - 4 ½ inches x two feet five inches - East-west - Bark bed Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 9 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:460 Feature Description: - Platform with bark covering the surface - Log molds smaller than usual - East-west trend [per field notes] - Under primary mound with Burials 2-7, and 10-11 - Under same fabric with Burials 2-7 and 10-11 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper breastplate (1) - woven fabric attached - beside cremation pile Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 10 Burial Burials 10A & 10B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:382-383 Figure 36 Feature Description: - Burial platform surrounded by large slabs of sandstone and shale with a covering of some kind [sandstone per field notes] - Under primary mound with Burials 2-7, 9, and 11 - Under same fabric with Burials 2-7, 9, and 11 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) 2. Diorite celt (1) - finely polished - unknown position 4. Copper earspools (2) - on cremation [Photo] 5. Barrel-shaped shell beads (“a few”) - unknown position 6. Tortoise shell fragments - unknown position 7. Fragmentary copper headplate (1) (figure 36) - unknown position 8. Copper breastplate (1) - unknown position 9. Wild cat lower jaws (2) - cut and drilled for suspension - decorated with black, white, and tan lines. - unknown position [Photo] - Stone on all four sides - No body wrap visible - Water barrier of light stone - Wild cat jaws (two halves or one jaw) - Earspools on cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 11 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:460 Figure 58 Feature Description: - Stone slabs stood at either end of the platform - Under primary mound with Burials 2-7, and 9-10 - Under same fabric with Burials 2-7 and 9-10 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Small copper breastplate (1) 3. Ocean shell container (1) 4. Tortoise shell combs (2) (figure 58) - in log molds Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 12 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:460-462 Feature Description: - Platform larger than usual; five feet three inches by about two feet, seven inches - Log molds were also of unusual size Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - at platform’s center 2. Copper celts (2) - fabric attached to one - unknown position 3. Woven fabric imprint (1) - one foot square - northwest end of grave [Photo] - Logs on all four sides - Stone on all four sides - No body wrap visible - Water barriers of light stone - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 13 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Platform is two feet 10 inches by six feet [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 14 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:462 Feature Description: - Log molds two high on all sides - Platform present [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Shell beads (“a few”) - with charred remains - unknown position 3. Copper plate fragments (1) - with charred remains - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 15 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - North-south orientation - Small log enclosure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 16 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:478 Feature Description: - Double set of log molds - Platform two feet by three feet - No artifacts [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 17 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:462 Feature Description: - Medium-size platform - Logs small [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - at platform center 2. Flint blade (1) - [other flint odd biface] - curved - eastern end of platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 18 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Platform - Log molds 2 high - Bark below and above body [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 19 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:383-385 Feature Description: - Usual size platform seven feet above the floor outside the primary portion of the mound and above the gravel portion - Log enclosure [per field notes] Contents: 1. Partially cremated skeletal remains (1) - unusually large 2. Copper breastplates (2) - one was above the skull fragments with a copper crescent above it - one was a regular rectangle and found over the pelvis 3. Copper crescent (1) - on the breastplate above the skeleton’s skull fragments [Photo] - No body wrap - Breastplates are over cremation - Crescent is beside body - Log wall prep on at least three sides - Cover prep is an excavated cave Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 20 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Covered by a small mound of fine gravel Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 21 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 22 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:462 Feature Description: - Normal platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Small copper celt (1) - ceremonially killed - covered with bark - unknown position 3. Copper breastplate (2) - fragmentary - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 23 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:462 Feature Description: - Small, indifferently prepared platform - Tier of logs, one log high [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Flint-flake knives (6) - [other flint prismatic blade] - small - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 24 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:463 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Rectangular copper breastplate (1) - unknown position 3. Copper crescent (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 25 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Small burial - Rectangular platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 26 Burial Burials 26A, 26B, 26C Shetrone and Greenman 1931:385-387 Feature Description: - Three tiers of log molds surround burial chamber, unusually high in this mound - chamber size is three feet three inches by four feet, eight inches - Originally had a roof of seven split poles about four inches in diameter - One of the supporting posts was 11 inches in diameter Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (3) - skeleton A (west end) - skeleton B (east end) - skeleton C (east and center) 2. Copper celt - with skeleton A - 4 inches long 3. Sheet of mica - with skeleton B - 10 inches diameter - under pile of cremated bone 4. Pearl beads (“a few”) - on or among bones of skeleton B 5. Shell beads, barrel-shaped (24) - on or among bones of skeleton B 6. Copper celt (1) - on or among bones of skeleton B 7. Copper earspools (2) - on or among bones of skeleton B 8. Imitation eagle claws (“several”) - on or among bones of Skeleton B - bone 9. Teaspoon-bowl like objects of copper (2) - on or among bones of Skeleton B - perforated at ends 10. Galena chunks (2) - closest to skeleton B - 3 pounds each - at east end of platform on two corners [Photo] - No body wrap present - Logs on all four sides - Platform present - Grave area is large Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 27 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:463 Feature Description: - Small, unpretentious platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Ocean shell container (1) - at southwest corner of platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 28 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:387 Figure 56 Feature Description: - A platform five feet five inches by five feet seven inches - Bordered by unusually large log molds - Fabric cover [per field notes] - Large platform for size of cremation Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - at center of large platform 2. Wooden disk (1) - probably cremated with body - unknown position 3. Wooden tube (1) - probably cremated with body - unknown position 4. Imitation copper alligator teeth (8) - unknown position 5. Imitation bear claws of bone - unknown position 6. Copper breastplate (1) - unknown position 7. Wildcat jaws (2 pieces) (figure 56) - finely curved in a geometric pattern - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 29 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Large platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - few bones remain No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 30 Burial Burials 30A & 30B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:475 Feature Description: - Platform - Double burial - Log enclosure (one high) [per field notes] - Immediately above primary mound Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - mixed together No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 31 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Log enclosure [per field notes] - No information - Platform 2 ½ feet above mound floor - Under an addition to primary mound Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - partial cremation No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 32 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:387-388 Feature Description: - Fairly large platform three feet by five feet - Surrounded by three tiers of logs molds - Probably had a bark strip cover over the log enclosed chamber - Primary mound [per field notes] - Charcoal incorporated in platform [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Flaked knives (6) - [other flint prismatic blade] - southwest side of the platform 3. Bear canines (3) - drilled - mixed with ashes of body 4. Barrel-shaped shell beads (“a few”) - mixed with ashes of body 5. Copper breastplates (2) - small and overlapping - under the cremated bones 6. Preserved fabric and leather (“some”) - under breastplates 7. Copper earspools (2) - on platform beneath fabric and plates 8. Plain pottery vessel (1) - large - northeast corner of platform 9. Small arrowhead (1) - [other flint biface] - beneath cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 33 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:463 Feature Description: - No information - Small logs [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper breastplate (1) - unknown position 3. Copper earspools (4) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 34 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:388-389 Feature Description: - Burial platform - No other information given Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - at platform’s center 2. Pearl beads (4) - on cremation pile 3. Diminutive copper crescent (1) - on cremation pile 4. Small copper hemisphere (1) - hollow - on cremation 5. Copper praying mantis (?) effigies (2) - [coded as wand of horned mammal] - on cremation [Photo] - Two logs high on all four sides - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 35 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:463 Feature Description: - Typical cremated burial Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper celt (1) - seven inches long - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 36 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:463-464 Feature Description: - A platform four feet long and two feet five inches wide, composed mostly of charcoal and other burnt organic matter. - A small mound covered both this and Burial 39 - Each burial was covered by gravel rather than earth - Bark covered platform and remains Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Human head effigy (1) - fist size - above bark covering - made of shale 3. Small copper breastplate (1) - unknown position 4. Copper earspools (2) - small - unknown position 5. Copper covered stone buttons (4) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 37 Burial Burial 37A & 37B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:464 Feature Description: - Burial platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - one at northwest end of platform, 37A - one at opposite end of platform, 37B 2. Copper breastplate (1) - adjacent to cremated remains of 37A toward center of platform 3. Breastplate (1) - with 37B - small 4. Pearl bead strand (1) - with 37A - small - beneath breastplate 5. Cloth and leather - with 37A - beneath breastplate 6. Small copper celt (1) - with 37A - beneath breastplate Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 38 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:464 Feature Description: - Small platform - Log structure [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper breastplate (1) - attached to flat woven fabric - unknown position 3. Bone needle (1) - six inches long - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 39 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:464-465 Feature Description: - Platform 3 ½ feet by 3 ½ feet - 4 ½ feet above mound floor - Log molds three high - Large slabs of shale were set up around the platform inside the log molds Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper celts (5) - toward west end of platform 3. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position 4. Copper breastplate (1) - unknown position [Photo] - Log molds on four sides - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Water barrier of light stone - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 40 Burial Burials 40A, 40B, 40C Shetrone and Greenman 1931:465-466 Feature Description: - Primary mound [per field notes] - Large platform 4 ½ feet by seven feet - Platform mostly of charcoal and sand Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (3) - Cremation A: near northwest corner - Cremation B: middle of the north side - Cremation C: from middle of platform to south edge 2. Copper celts (2) - with Cremation A - finely made 3. Thin copper celt - 8 inches long - with Cremation C 5. Galena lump (1) - 20 pounds - with Cremation C 6. Pulley-type stone earspool (1) - with cremation C 7. Pearl beads (several) - with cremation C [Photo] - Wall prep is logs on all four sides - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal No Artifacts (Cremation B) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 41 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:466 Feature Description: - Platform without special features Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Pendant from beaver’s upper jaw (1) - unknown position 3. Large pearl bead (1) - unknown position 4. Globular shell beads - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 42 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:390 Feature Description: - Burial platform six feet by three feet and three feet above the mound floor - At edge of mound proper - Logs [per field notes] Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Bear canines (“several”) - each set with a pearl - at neck Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 43 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:466-467 Feature Description: - Platform bordered by three tiers of logs Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - near platforms center 2. Copper breastplate (1) - beneath which was preserved some woven fabric and leather - unknown position 3. Copper beads (several) - unknown position 4. Effigy tooth of copper (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 44 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - One log high platform - Large, flat stone in each posthole Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 45 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:467 Feature Description: - Platform 3 ½ feet by 4 feet - Log molds three high Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Ocean shell container (1) - small - unknown position 3. Copper breastplate (1) - unknown position 4. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position 5. Pearl beads (50) - unknown position 6. Hollow copper hemispheres (3) - one inch diameter - in charcoal beneath the platform [Photo] - Logs on all four sides - No body wrap is visible - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 46 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:467 Feature Description: - Platform four feet five inches by 19 inches Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (1) - unknown position 3. Bone needles (1) - double pointed? [per field notes] - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 47 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Platform surrounded by stone slabs Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 48 Burial Burials 48A, 48B, 48C Shetrone and Greenman 1931:390-392 Feature Description: - Platform elevated four feet off the ground Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (3) - skeleton A, east side of platform and extended - skeleton B, skull only, located on cremated remains probably the same person [at platform edge per field notes] - skeleton C, cremated human bone, beneath skeleton A and partial cremation B 2. Copper celt - beneath shoulders of skeleton A 3. Spherical beads (“several”) [per field notes] - fine large - beside wrist of skeleton A 4. Copper earspools (2) - at ears of skull, skeleton B 5. Red paint/ silver white substance - on skull of skeleton B (around teeth and jaws) - no holes so probably not trophy - silver/ white substance may be powdered galena 6. Copper breastplate (1) - under cremation skeleton C [Photo] - Logs at least one high on four sides - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal - Five plus shell beads by right wrist of skeleton A Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 49A Burial Burials 49A & 49B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:392-393 Figure 34 Feature Description: - Square platform four feet five inches by four feet five inches - Log molds 3 in height exist on the sides of the chamber - Granulated charcoal floor [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - Burial 49A, across one side of the platform - Burial 49B, from middle of platform to side opposite pile A 2. Flint-flake knives (12) - several broken by heat - with Burial 49A 2. Copper earspools (2) - with Burial 49B 3. Copper rod (resembling butcher’s steel) (1) (figure 34) - 12 inches long and tapering to a point - stone or antler handle [per field notes] - with Burial 49B 4. Burnt leather and fabric (“a mass of”) - between piles A and B 5. Mountain lion jaws ornament (1) - striped with black and white pigment - embedded in the leather and fabric mass - between piles A and B 6. Breastplate (1) - with Burial 49B 7. Copper breastplate (1) - beneath leather and fabric - between piles A and B 8. Copper celt (1) - beneath leather and fabric - between piles A and B 9. Copper earspools (2) - near leather and fabric - between piles A and B [Photo] - Logs on all four sides - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 50 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Typical - Long, narrow platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 51 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Typical - Very small platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 52 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:393-394 Feature Description: - Platform 5 feet two inches by 33 inches - Slightly too short for the body Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - placed diagonally on the platform 2. Large pearl bead bracelets(?) (2) - at wrists 3. Seed pearl beads - several hundred - at right side of head [Photo] - Logs on all four sides - No body wrap visible - Cover prep is excavated cave - Grave area is normal but small inhumation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 53 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:467 Feature Description: - Platform of usual size Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Bone needles (2) 3. Mussell-shell paint cup (1) 4. Mica links (3) - formed in the shape of a letter “U” to the south of the cremated bones Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 54 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Platform surrounded by large stone slabs - Logs [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 55 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Platform - Logs [per field notes] - Surrounded by large stone slabs Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 56 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - On top of outer slope of primary mound - Three feet above baseline - Platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 57 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:469 Feature Description: - Well out toward the southern margin of the mound on top of the outer slope of the primary mound - Three feet above the floor Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper celt (1) - small Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 58 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:394 Figure 49c Feature Description: - Well prepared platform 40 inches by 25 inches - Three log molds in height Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Ceremonial knives (3) - obsidian - two (2) highly curved in two planes and notched - unknown position 3. Butterfly-shaped chipped obsidian item (1) - 3 ¾ inches long (figure 49c) - unknown position 4. Drill punch (1) - meteoric iron - size and shape of a lead pencil - unknown position 5. Bear claws (18) - several have proximal perforations - unknown position 6. Flaked knives (10) - flint ridge material - unknown position 7. Bone needle fragments - unknown position 8. Pearl beads (4) - unknown position 9. Button-shaped object - copper [per field notes] - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 59 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:469 Feature Description: - Medium-size platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper breastplate (1) - unknown position 3. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position 4. Flaked knives (4) - unknown position 5. Drab flint arrow point (1) - three inches long - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 60 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:394-395 Figure 39, 44 Feature Description: - Nearly square platform measuring four feet in each direction - Platform surface covered in a layer of charcoal two inches thick Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - in a slight depression at the center of the platform 2. Chlorite bar-shaped gorget (1) (figure 39) - unknown position 3. Steatite boat-shaped ceremonial (1) - represents a duck with a head and bill reposing backward over shoulders and back – (figure 44) - unknown position 4. Copper crescent (1) - corroded - 7 inches end to end - toward northeast corner of platform 5. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 61 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:469 Feature Description: - Small platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Small flint blanks (3) - unknown position 3. Nodular flint (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 62 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Small platform, rectangular Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 63 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:469 Feature Description: - Small, carefully made platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 64A Burial Burials 64A & 64B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:469 Feature Description: - 3 ½ feet by four feet four inch platform - Primary mound [per field notes] - Double burial - Log molds [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 64B Burial Burials 64A & 64B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:469 Feature Description: - 3 ½ feet by four feet four inch platform - Primary mound [per field notes] - Double burial Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 65 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:469 Feature Description: - Platform four feet long by two feet wide Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Charred fabric - covering cremated remains 3. Land turtle carapace (parts of 1) - unknown position 4. Deer humeral head (1) - unknown position 5. Plate like object - animal skin? [per field notes] - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 66 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:395 Feature Description: - Platform of earth measuring seven feet by 32 inches - Very wide log molds indicate massive logs used in the walls - The edge of Crematory Basin 3 was found at the north end of this Burial - Primary mound cover of heavy gravel [per field notes] - Body covered by woven shroud [per field notes] Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Bear canines (4) - small - pearl set - at neck 3. Copper breastplate (1) - medium size - set with pearls at perforations - right side of head [per field notes] 4. Bone awls (4) - one at each corner [Photo] - No body wrap visible Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 67 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:469 Feature Description: - Three feet by three feet six inch platform - Log molds surrounded by a dozen angular blocks Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 69 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Platform surrounded by large stone slabs Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 70 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Rectangular platform two feet by one foot - Surrounded by a layer of burnt red shale Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 71 Burial Burials 71A & 71B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:470 Feature Description: - Platform of clay and gravel with log molds two in height Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - at platform’s center 2. Large and small copper earspools (4) - at edge of pile of charred bones 3. Ocean shell containers (2) - one at each corner at the southwest end [Photo] - No body wrap visible - Water barrier of shell - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 72 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:478 Feature Description: - Earth platform - Under “one arch” with Burial 73 (separate platforms) Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 73 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:396 Figure 50 Feature Description: - Clay platform covered with charcoal - Log molds three tiers high - Large granite boulders lay on the floor at each end of the grave - Cover prep is bark [per field notes] - Under “one arch” with Burial 72 (separate platforms) Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - at platforms center 2. Bear teeth (12) - not drilled - unknown position 3. Mountain lion jaw (1) - unknown position 4. Shell gorgets (4) - one circular - three rectangular - unknown position 5. Flint-flake knives (9) - unknown position 6. Ocean shell container (1) - unknown position 7. Platform pipe in bird effigy (1) (figure 50) - unknown position 8. Bone awls in sandstone “box” (17) - the “box” appears to be two sandstone tablets with awls sandwiched between - unknown position 9. Pearl beads (200) - unknown position [Photo] - Logs on at least three sides - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 74 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:470 Feature Description: - Three feet 10 inch by two feet three inch platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Steatite cup (1) - very small - two inches deep, two inches diameter - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 75 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:478 Feature Description: - Platform, log molds three high - Cover prep is bark [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 76 Burial Burials 76A & 76B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:475 Feature Description: - Poorly constructed - Outside the margin of the primary mound Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - one pile at each end No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 77 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:475 Feature Description: - 14 inches beneath mound floor - On circular clay post; one foot diameter - this post was within a pit two feet four inches deep and four feet seven inches diameter Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Deer bones (“a large number”) - in pit 3. Fancy and utilitarian pottery (12 sherds) - in pit 4. Uncut mica sheet (1) - in pit Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 78A Burial Burials 78A & 78B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:475 Feature Description: - Platform - Log molds [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 79 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:396-398 Feature Description: - Stone vault burial which had not caved in - Log molds existed, two sides and south end - A small primary mound was built over the chamber - Platform 3 ½ feet by two feet five inches Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - at center of platform 2. Copper disks (2) - [copper cut out] - with cremated remains 3. Bone beads (2) - with cremated remains [Photo] - Wall prep is stone on all four sides, with logs - Cover prep is stone/ primary mound - No body wrap is visible - Water barrier of light stone - Grave area is small Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 80 Burial Burials 80A & 80B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Small platform - Logs Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - one cremation: Burial 80A - one inhumation: Burial 80B 2. Ocean shell container (1) - above head of inhumation No Artifacts (Burial 80A) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 81 Burial Burials 81A & 81B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:470 Feature Description: - No information - Platform [per field notes] Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - one cremation: Burial 81A - one inhumation: Burial 81B - extended on back facing east 2. Ocean shell container (1) - at head of Burial 81B Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 82 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Platform 44 inches by 24 inches - Log molds - Stone floor - Encircled by a ring of vertical stone slabs Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 83 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Platform surrounded by stone slabs - Log molds [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 84 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - No information - Platform [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 85 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:470-471 Feature Description: - Platform surface was three inches below the floor surface Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Raccoon canines (2) - on or among bones of cremation 3. Small flint flake (1) [per field notes] - at northwest corner of platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 86 Burial Burials 86A, 86B, 86C Shetrone and Greenman 1931:398-400 Feature Description: - Platform [per field notes] - Chamber approximately 70 inches long and 34 inches wide - Log molds were unusual: - East: three log mold lying horizontally side by side - West: two log molds side by side - North: one log mold side by side - South: two log molds side by side Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (3) - in three piles one at center and two toward either end of the platform - Cremation A: center cremation - Cremation B: north end - Cremation C: south end 2. Copper celt (1) - with cremation A 3. Sea shell container (1) - with cremation B 4. Copper earspools (2) - either side of shell container - with cremation B 5. Pearl beads (2 dozen) - beneath shell container - with cremation B 6. Potsherds (4) - beneath human remains - with cremation B 7. Pieces of cane (panpipe?) [per field notes] - with cremation B 8. Copper breastplate (1) - attached to woven fabric with a yellow and red pattern - two inches from cremation pile - with cremation C 9. Copper earspools (2) - between breastplate and cremation - with cremation C [Photo] - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 87 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:477 Feature Description: - Above the floor - Platform [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 88 Burial Burials 88A & 88B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:471 Feature Description: - On gravel three feet above the mound floor - Measured six feet three inches by two feet eight inches - Platform [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - Cremation A, partially cremated, near platform center - Cremation B, fully cremated, 2. Bone pendants (2) - near the abdominal position - with cremation A 3. Copper earspools (2) - side by side - with cremation A 5. Copper earspools (2) - with cremation B 6. Pearl beads (3) - with cremation B 7. Claw-shaped pendant of bone (1) - with cremation B [Photo] - No body wrap visible - Earspools on top of cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 89 Burial Burials 89A & 89B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:471-472 Feature Description: - Platform 50 inches by 28 inches Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - scattered from one end of the platform to the other 2. Plain platform pipes (2) - one at each end of the pile of cremated bones 3. Perforated bone awl (1) - at platform’s center Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 90 Burial Burials 90A & 90B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:472 Feature Description: - Platform six feet by three feet Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - one at each end of the platform - cremation B, west end - cremation A, east end 2. Copper breastplate (1) - on a rush mat [per field notes] - with cremation B 3. Pearl beads (2) - on breastplate - with cremation 2 Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 91 Burial Burials 91A & 91B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Small triangular platform, 26 inch base, 47 inch hypotenuse - Near Burial 90 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - single pile at center No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 92 Burial Burials 92A & 92B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - Square platform three feet four inches by three feet Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - lay in two long piles on platform No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 93 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:477 Feature Description: - Above the floor; platform [per field notes] - No artifacts [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 94 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:476 Feature Description: - No information - On mound floor; charcoal floor prep [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - partial cremation No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 95 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:478 Feature Description: - Surrounded by a wall of firmly packed yellow clay 8-12 inches high, seven inches wide - Outside log molds - Platform [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - platform center No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 96 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:474 Feature Description: - Small, box-like cist of shale slabs - three feet by 14 inches, one foot deep - Shale floor and roof as well Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 97 Burial Burials 97A & 97B Shetrone and Greenman 1931:472-473 Feature Description: - Platform surrounded by vertically placed stone slabs at the inner edges of the log molds - There appears also to have been at least a partial roof of stone - Two logs high [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) - in two piles to the east and west of center - Cremation A, west side - Cremation B, east side 2. Small copper celt (1) - with Cremation A 3. Pearl beads (half a dozen) - with Cremation A 4. Flake knives (2) - [other flint prismatic blade] - flint ridge - with Cremation B 5. Shark tooth (1) - embedded in platform between cremation piles Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 98 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:473 Feature Description: - Platform 26 inches by 15 inches - Logs [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - near center 2. Copper earspool (2) - on skull frags [per field notes] - unknown position 3. Cut panther or mountain lion jaw (1) - unknown position 4. Pearls (9) [per field notes] - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 99 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:475 Feature Description: - No preparation - Laid out on a skin mat Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Pricer Mound, Burial 100 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:475 Feature Description: - No preparation Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Mound 3, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:479 Feature Description: - Charcoal platform outlined by log molds - Two to three logs high [per field notes] Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper bead (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Seip Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone and Greenman 1931:480 Feature Description: - Unprepared grave Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (2)