Ministry of higher education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Eurasian Institute of Marketing Syllabus 3-year full time students (6 semester) Field of study - International economic relations Course name - Topical Issues of Globalization for Countries in Transition” (36 hours) Department “Management of commercial and business activities” Prepared by – Anel Kulakhmetova, CRC Session – Fall 2001, IRES Part 1. Characteristics of the Globalization Process as an economic category - 8 hours Lecture 1. Theme of lecture: Historical Aspects of the Globalization Processes. Aim of lecture: determination of the globalization process, historic characteristics of the globalization process. Plan of lecture: 1. Globalization as the main issues of modern international economic relations. 2. Historic aspects of the development of globalization. 3. Terms peculiarities. Thesis of lecture: Place of globalization in the modern theory of international economic relations. Globalization as one ot the problems of the theory, as a crisis in the modern world, including civilization crises, and their influence on the social aspects of life. “Globalization” in the works of Americal socilogist J.McLean (1981). Development of terms, aspects of globalization by R.Robertson (1983,1992). T.Levitt (1983) and “globalization” as a phenomenon of market unification, organised by MNCs. Spread of globalization by K.Ohmae and his “Bordeless world” (1990). Globalization as a popular subject of study in the mid-90s. Beginning of the 21 century - transition to the globalization era. Absence of a common understanding of “globalization”. Globalization is internationalization of economic life, when national markets and governments of different countries become more dependent according to the dynamism of development of trade in goods, services and technology. Gr.Thompson (1999) on the necessity to differ “globalization” and “internationalization” of economy. “Global economy” as distinctive from “sub” and autonomous from national economy and its agents. It’s impossible to manage world economy, so “globalization” is close to the understanding of the world as a common market. “Pros” and “contras” of globalization. Globalization as a dynamic, developing system, determined by involvement of new markets, states, technologies in the process of integration; globalization gives the 2 opportunity to different individuals, corporations and states to become equal partners on the modern market. The main idea of globalization is free market capitalism, opening the economy for free trade and competition, effectiveness and prosperity. Globalization is the spreading of market capitalism all over the world. Globalization is re-colonization of those that that received their freedom half-century ago (Ex-prime-minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mokhammad). The seven “sins” of globalization (P.Dumitru, 2000): trivial role of developing countries in the world community; further marginalization of population in the globalization framework; westernization; lack of sovereignity; lack of identity, connected to the liberalization of economy in the framework of globalization, privatization. Two main points of view on the beginning of globalization: 1. Globalization is a trend that started at the end of 20th century during the development of “essentials of global thinking”, globalization is a real fact of modernity, characteristic of a new phase in the progress of civilization. 2. Globalization is not an achievement of the modern world economy. K.Valaskis (1999) - globalization could also be found in the Antiquity and in the Middle Ages; the modern form of globalization has appeared during the era of great geographic investigations, together with market expansion and the strengthening of nation-states. A. Neclessa (2000), globalization started between the “Berlin conference, that divided the planet, and World War I”. Scenarios of further development - universal diversification of the world; formation of new civilization space in the Pacific Rim, an alternative to the area of the Northern Atlantics; globalization-optimization; growth of a “fourth estate” - fourth world of financial civilization. Perspectives and main directions in the research on globalization: institutional, ethno-national, social; possibilities and difficulties for democratization in the changing conditions - the role of international, regional and national organizations in these processes. Illustrative materials: graphs and tables. Literature: 1.Афонцев А. Проблема глобального управления мирохозяйственной системой: теоретические аспекты // Мировая экономика и международные отношения, 2001, №5, стр. 65-70; 2.Кочетов Э. Осознание глобального мира // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №5, стр. 71-76; 3.Косолапов Н. Глобализация: сущностные и международные политические аспекты // Мировая экономика и международные отношения, 2001, №3, стр. 69-73; 3 4.Кулагин В.М. Мир в 21 веке: многополюсный баланс сил или глобализационный pax democratica // ПОЛИС 2000, №1, стр.23-37; 5.Неклесса А. Реквием 20 веку //Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2000, №1, стр.3-22; 6.Путь в XXI век. Стратегические проблемы и перспективы российской экономики. Под. руководством Д.С. Львова. М., Экономика, 1999. - 793 с. 7.Симония Н. Глобализация и неравномерность мирового развития // Мировая экономика и международные отношения, 2001, №3, стр. 35-44 8.Тимофеев Т. Выводы 21 века и дебаты об альтернативах // ПОЛИС 1999, №6, стр.11-13; 9.Чешков Н. Взгляд на глобализацию через призму глобалистики // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №2, стр. 50-56; 10.Шишков Ю. О гетерогенности глобалистики и стадиях ее развития // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №2, стр. 57-61; 11. Dumitru P. The Seven Sins of Globalization: a Perspective from Small Developing Countries // Perceptions, June-August 2000, vol.V, No.2, p.114-124; 12.Held D., McGrew A. The End of the Old Order? Globalization and the Prospects for World Order // Review of International Studies, Dec. 1999, vol.25, Special Issue, p.219-243; 13.Weiss L. Globalization and National Government: Antinomy or Interdependence // Review of International Studies, Dec. 1999, vol.25, Special Issue, p.59-88; 14.Thompson Gr. Introduction: Situating Globalization // International Social Science Journal, June 1999, Vol.160, p.139-152; 15.Valaskis K. Globalization as Theatre // International Social Science Journal, June 1999, Vol.160, p.153-164; Length of lecture: 4 hours. Lecture 2. Theme of lecture: Evaluation of the Process Aim of the lecture: theoretical grounds and real facts behind the globalization processes Plan of lecture: 1. Globalization’s influence on the nation-state 2. Economic globalization 3. Political globalization 4. Military globalization Thesis of lecture: Globalization’s influence on the nation-state (“pros” and “contras” of globalization) depends on: - place of the state in the hierarchy (economic, political, military); - effectiveness of the state economic and political institutes; - domestic politics of the state. 4 The place of the nation-state in the hierarchy is determined by several factors: - value of economic potential; - stage of technical and economic development; - provision of raw materials (mineral resources). Aspects of globalization: 1. Economic globalization. World as a one market. Last decades of 20th century openness of national economies: - from 1976 to 1996 the share of world export in the world production increased from 10% to 20%; - export of services - from 15% to 22%; - 20% of all produced goods could be bought; - each 7th merchant of stocks deals with foreign partners; - volume of sales of foreign MNCs’ affiliates exceeded world export. Globalization process - is growing inter-dependence of national markets of goods, services and capital, growing diversification of capital movements, production and consumption. 2. Political globalization. Conditions of existing - appearence of new actors non-governmental organizations, inter-national governments, other sub-national structures. World of political globalization has strict hyerarchy. 3. Military globalization. Manifistation of military globalization: - strive for imperialism from the side of powerful states; - development of alliance system, and system of international security (NATO); - increase of trade in weapons, diversification of military technologies; - institutionalization of global regimes in armament and defense (non-prolifiration treaties). The whole world is involved in military globalization. This globalization is stratified and insitutitionalized. Three categories of states in the globalized world: - super-powers; - middle states; - development of military states. Characteristic features of military globalization - regionalization, decentralization of world security system, appearence of new regional conflicts in the future. Combination of fragmentation and regionalization processes with centripetal trends: 1. Thesis “National security cannot be guaranteed by one-sided development” - common efforts in the security system (desire to avoid inter-state conflicts; technology requirements and financial problems in the defense make possible future economic cooperation, but not the weakness of multilateral and bilateral military agreements on cooperation and coordination). Examples - NATO expansion, regional ASEAN, UN peacekeeping efforts). 2. Thesis: “When the US catches cold, the world has pneumonia” 5 Strengthening of financial, trade, economic connections between states as a condition for growth of political and economic non-stability in other parts of the world. 3. Threats for national security in the framework of globalization: - proliferation of nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons as a probable threat for other states, and porliferation is a result of industry and technology development). - technological catastrophes; - economic crises; - problem of drug abuse; - international terrorism; - civilization clash (cultural, religious and ethnic conflicts); - integration of criminal groups. 4. Development of international standards on the level of military equipment. World security - influence of institutional factors. Illustrative material: graphs and tables. Literature: 1.Неклесса А. Реквием 20 веку // Мировая экономика и международные отношения, №1, 2000, стр.3-5 2.Оболенский В. Глобализация мировой экономики и Россия // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №3, стр. 23-34; 3.Черников Г., Черникова Д. Праздник общей беды // Деловые люди 1998, декабрь (№96), стр. 40-43 4.Шишков Ю. Эволюция мирового сообщества: поляризация или возрастание гомогенности // Мировая экономика и международная отношения 1998, №9, стр. 5 5.Asia's bounce-back // The Economist, Aug. 21,1999, p.9-10; 6.Friedman, Thomas L. The Lexus and the olive tree. NY, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999, p. 25-50; 7.Haas R., Litan R. Globalization and its Discontents. Navigating the Dangers of a tangled World // Foreign Affairs, May-June 1998, Vol. 77, No.3, p. 2-6; 8.Heilbroner R. Economics explained: everything you need to know about how the economy works and where it’s going / R.Heilbroner and L.Thurow. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1998, p.195-204; 9.Held D., McGrew A. The End of the Old Order? Globalization and the Prospects for World Order // Review of International Studies, Special Issue, Dec. 1998, vol.24, p.219-243; Length of lecture: 2 hours. Lecture 3. Theme of lecture: Stages and trends of economic globalization processes. Aim of lecture: determination of stages and modern trends of globalization of the world economy. Plan of lecture: 1. Stages of economic globalization. 2. Main trends of economic globalization. 6 3. Growth of financial markets - symbol of globalization. Thesis of lecture: Manifestation of economic globalization: - formation of global MNCs; - regionalization of economy; - liberalization and intensification of world trade; - convergation trends; - financial globalization. - progress in information and communication technologies; - expansion of international financial markets and growth of volume of deals on the stock exchange. International MNCs’ activity, as precursor to globalization. Financial globalization - as conclusion of MNCs’ internationational activity. Research of UNCTAD (1997): “Foreign direct investment continues to be engine of globalization, characterizing modern international economics. Bum in the sphere of the FDI affirms more important role played by MNCs for developed and developing countries”. Financial globalization as symbol of economic globalization (vital substance and integral symbol of globalization of the 20th century). Changes in financial markets during recent decades: traditional two-level structure national (for operations between local residents) and international (as a part of national with foreign financial institutions), united by state governing and control. New actors of financial globalization like MNCs, growth of movement of international capital led to the appearence of “clear” international markets, free from any state control. Growth of international finance: financial markets exceedes all indeces of real sector, financial markets are independent. Index of international financial markets: - 10% of daily currency operations depends on foreign trade, - influence on the exchange rate is made by changes within financial markets. So it’s impossible to continue financial globalization without national governments on the macro-economic level. Illustrative material: graphs and tables Literature: 1.Моисеев С., Михайленко К. Terra Incognita: глобализация финансовых рынков // Вопросы экономики 1999, №6, стр. 123-135; 2..Шишков Ю. Эволюция мирового сообщества: поляризация или возрастание гомогенности // Мировая экономика и международная отношения 1998, №9, стр. 5-15 3.Dumitru P. The Seven Sins of Globalization: a Perspective from Small Developing Countries // Perceptions, June-August 2000, vol.V, No.2, p.114-124; 3.Haas R., Litan R. Globalization and its Discontents. Navigating the Dangers of a tangled World // Foreign Affairs, May-June 1998, Vol. 77, No.3, p. 2-6; 7 4.The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas L.Friedman. Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Publication date April 21, 1999; 416 pages // "" Length of lecture: 2 hours. Part 2. Kazakhstan in the framework of globalization - 8 hours. Lecture 4. Theme of lecture: Modern economic situation in Kazakhstan - 10 years of independence Aim of lecture: determination of peculiarities in the developement of Kazakhstan’s economy during the independece period. Plan of lecture: 1. Factors influencing Kazakhstan’s economic development 2. Problems of foreign investment in Kazakhstan. Investment regime after devaluation of the national currency Thesis of lecture: Influence of external factors on the economy - positive and negative impulses of the world market. Kazakhstan as a country with a transition economy: undeveloped and non-integrated to the world-economy. G.Soros (1999) on the influence of world crises on the countries with transition economies - influence of indirect factors, accompanied world crises or were a result of those. External factors influencing Kazakhstan’s economy: - cut in raw materials (oil) prices; - crises in neighboring markets; - rise of interest rates on the world market. Role of foreign investment for Kazakhstan’s economy: risks and perspectives. Absence of necessary level of domestic savings. External sources of financing in the form of direct investment, portfolio investment, credits. “Pros” and “contras” of credits and portfolio investment. Foreign direct investment - most attractive compared with its alternatives. Kazakhstan’s success in attracting FDI. FDI and structural reforms. Kazakhstan is an attractive country for large investors. Investment climate after devaluation. Privatization in Kazakhstan - analysis from 1991 to 2001. Transformation of property rights. Three phases of privatization: - privatization of housing property from 1991 to 1992 (with housing coupons); - mass privatization (with privatization investment coupons); - privatization of several objects (The Financial Times named this third phase of privatization in Kazakhstan as “century’s sale”. Sale of “blue prints” - Kazakhstan joint stock companies with state share, stocks of these companies are in the “A” listing of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange). Illustrative material: graphs and tables (1,2,3,4). Literature: 8 1.Бонджови Дж. Казахстан + инвесторы = ? или тяжелое детство снежного барса // Энергия Казахстана №3, 1999, стр. 34-40; 2.Бычков А. Глобализация экономики и мировой фондовый рынок // Вопросы экономики 1997, №12, стр. 82-90. 3.Bonjovi J. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (especially of there is none in the bush) //The Energy of Kazakhstan, 1999, #4, p.9-14; 4.Kalyuzhnova Y. Privatisation in Kazakhstan - an Overview // Kazakhstan Economic Trends, April-June 1999, p. 34-35; 5. Marchenko G. Foreign Direct Investment in Kazakhstan: Opportunities and Risks // Kazakhstan Economic Trends, April-June 1999, p.17-25; 6. The Caspian region. Integration into world economy. Deutsche Bank Research. Special study. April 12, 2000, p.20-27; Length of lecture - 4 hours Lection 5. Theme of lecture - Economic issues of Kazakhstan’s integration into the world community. Purpose of lecture: determining integration problems of Kazakhstan into he world community. Plan of lecture: 1. Issues of identity in the framework of globalization 2. Issues of Kazakhstan’s integration into the world community. Thesis of lecture: The problem of the identity of the nation-state. Investigation of globalization’s influence on national economies with the determinance of main vectors of long-term national development. The influence of globalization processes on economies of post-industrial countries (US, Japan) and industrial countries (South-Eastern Asia). Globalization infleunce on countries in transition on the whole and on Kazakhstan in particularly. Special features of these countries’ integration into the world community and their role on the world market. Kazakhstan’s integration into the world economic society in the framework of globalization - transition from administrative economy to market. Aspects for research on globalization processes, on the example of Kazakhstan: - steps of country’s integration into the world market; - dynamics of development of Kazakhstan international economic relations with countries - main investors, neighbors, trade partners - the US, China and Russia; Geostrategic position of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan as a point of intersection of powers’ interests. Disintegration of the Soviet Union, appearance of “new” states in Central Asia, including Kazakhstan. Actual issues for Kazakhstan in the new regional reality: - perspectives of integration of “new” independent countries into world economic society; - role of neighbors in the region -Russia, China, Turkey and Iran, and their influence on the political and economic climate in Kazakhstan; - the role of Islam. Understaning the priorities of economic and political development of Kazakhstan. 9 Illustrative material: graphs and tables. Literature: Бжезинский Зб. Великая шахматная доска. Господство Америки и его геостратегические императивы. М., Международные отношения, 1999. - 256 с. Сыздыков М. Казахстан в каспийско-центральноазиатской стратегии США // ANALYTIC 2000, №1 (октябрь), стр. 30-34; Уткин А. Америка и мы. Настоящее и будущее российско-американских отношений // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №6, стр.21-42; Уткин А. Американская стратегия на следующий век // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №1, стр. 49-63; Уткин А.И. Геоструктура грядущего века // Свободная мысль XXI, №1 (1491), 2000, стр. 6-25; Уткин А. Что век грядущий нам готовит? // Международная жизнь 2001, №1, стр. 22, 23; Хлюпин В. Геополитический треугольник - Казахстан-Китай-Россия. Прошлое и настоящее пограничной проблемы. Алматы, 1999. - с. 43, 47, 95, 104; Шишков Ю. О гетерогенности глобалистики и стадиях ее развития // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №2, стр. 57-65; Arrighi G. "Globalization, State Sovereignty, and the 'Endless' Accumulation of Capital" (revised version of a paper presented at the Conference on "States and Sovereignty in the World Economy," University of California, Irvine, Feb. 21-23, 1997). Buyukakinci E. Patterns of Integration in Central Asia // Perceptions, Mar.-May 2000, vol.5, no.1, p.162-175; Haas R., Litan R. Globalization and its Discontents. Navigating the Dangers of a tangled World // Foreign Affairs, May-June 1998, Vol. 77, No.3, p. 2-6; Length of lecture - 4 hours. Part 3. Perspectives of international economic relations of Kazakhstan in the framework of globalization processes - 6 hours Lecture 6. Theme of lecture - Economic relations between the US and Kazakhstan Purpose of lecture: determination of dynamics of economic relations between the US and Kazakhstan Plan of lecture: 1. Strategy and tasks of the US in the region. 2. Evolution of political doctrine of the US in Kazakhstan 3. Economic interests of the US in Kazakhstan: Thesis of lecture: New landmarks of post-soviet republics in external economic and political links appearence of new partners. Place of the US in Central Asia. Strategic purposes and tasks of the US in the region: - evolution of political doctrine of the US in Central Asia during the last 10 years. Analysis of relations between the US and Kazakhstan, main directions and stages in these relations: - 1991-1997 - lowering of nuclear threat. Democratization of society and general and complete disarmament of independent states. Stages of disarmament - international 10 agreements. Kazakhstan joines START I (1991); nonproliferation treaty from 1968 (1991); Lisbon protocol (1991); agreement on prohibition of nuclear weapons (1996); program on conversion of defense enterprises (1995); Nann-Lugar program (1997). - military contacts - cooperation in the military sphere between the Kazakhstan Ministry of Defense and Pentagon (from December 1999); participation in the American regional program “Partnership for Peace” in the framework of NATO. - relations between Kazakhstan and the US in the economic sphere (from 1994). The US is looking for alternative sources of energy. Caspian region as source of energy for the US. “Geopolitic upheavel in the Caspian - appearence of independent states Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. Changes in the status of Russia in Caspian and Central Asia. Three rings of the Caspian: 1. Countries - consumers (the US, China, countries of European Union); 2. Countries - producers (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Iran); 2. Countries that could deliver oil to the world market (Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Russia). Interests of the US in the Caspian creates a situation that no country would control this geopolitical region, and the world community would get favorable access to it. The US plan: - creation of a control-lever for OPEC and ensuring self-energetic security; - fixation of american transnational companies in the region; - reduction of Russia’s influence and limitation of its possibilities for mineral resource development in the Caspian region; lobbying Turkey’s interests as the US “prolonged arm” and strategic partner in the region. Volume of FDI of the US (from 1991 to 1998) in Kazakhstan - 2.1 bln US dollars (share of American investment makes 29.3% from 1993 to 1998; they were up to 32.4% in 1998; in the first quarter of 1999 the share of American capital reached 83%). Announcement of Peter Robertson, president of Chevron Overseas on annual investment of his company to Kazakhstan to 10 bln US dollars. Active interference of the US to pipeline policy of Kazakhstan - American companies have 20% of Kazakhstan oil and gas industry. The US interests in Turkish route (Kazakhstan-Baku-Tbilisi-Eastern Turkey-Ceyhan, the length of the pipeline - 1728 km, price - 2.7 bln US dollars) as the main transportation means of Kazakhstan’s oil, skirting Russia and Iran. Illustrative material: graphs and tables. Literature: Бабак В. Астана в треугольнике Москва-Вашингтон-Пекин // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1999, №4(5), стр. 143-152; Бабак В. Астана в треугольнике Москва-Вашингтон-Пекин // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1999, №5(6), стр. 126-136; Бжезинский З. Великая шахматная доска. Господство Америки и его геостратегические императивы. М., МО, 1999 - 256 с. Брутенц К. В погоне за Pax America // Свободная мысль, 1998, №5 (1474), стр. 38; Буторина О. Интеграция СНГ. Применим ли опыт Европейского Союза // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №6, стр. 43-54 11 Глинский-Васильев Д. Политические ограничители расширения НАТО и возможности России // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2000, №7, стр. 15-29; Кушкумбаев С. Влияние энергоресурсов на некоторые аспекты внутренней и внешней политике // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1998, №1, стр. 37-47; Мишин Вл. Доберется ли нефть до Джейхана // Нефть России 2001, №2 (февраль), стр. 84 Синяк Ю.В., Некрасов А.С. Экспортная политика России на мировых энергетических рынках // Проблемы прогнозирования 2000, №1, стр. 65 Смирнов С. Куда потекут нефтяные реки Каспия: факторы влияния // Транзитная экономика 2000, №4-5, стр. 92-103; Суюнбаев Л., Мамытова А. Природные ресурсы как фактор развития Центральной Евразии // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1998, №1, стр. 28-36; Сыздыков М. Казахстан в каспийско-центральноазиатской стратегии США // ANALYTIC 2000, №1 (октябрь), стр. 30-34 Чернявский Ст. Проблемы Каспия // Свободная мысль - XXI, 2000, №12, стр. 30-38; Brzezinski Zb. A Plan for Europe // Foreign Affairs, Jan.-Feb. 1995, vol. 74, NO.1, p.26-42; Chang F.K. China’s Central Asian Power and Problems // Orbis, Summer 1997, vol.41, no.3, p. 401-425; Cornell S.E. Geopolitics and Strategic Alignments in the Caucasus and Central Asia // Perceptions, June-Aug 1999, vol.4, no.2, p. 100-125; Gelb L. Quelling the Teacup Wars. The New World’s Constant Challenge // Foreign Affairs, Nov.-Dec. 1994, vol.73, NO.6, p.2-16; Holbrooke R. America, a European Power // Foreign Affairs, Mar.-Apr. 1995, vol.74, no.2, p.38-51; Kazakhstan: Oil Consolidation. Feb.3, 2000 // Daily Briefs on Eurasia. Oxford Analitica, April 2000, p.5; Mandelbaum M. Lessons of the Next Nuclear War // Foreign Affairs, Mar.-Apr. 1995, vol.74, no.2, p. 22-37; Piacentini V.F., Redaelli R. Central Asia: from Individual to Collective Security // The Iranian Journal of International Affairs, Summer 2000, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 237-253; The New Great Game. East & West are Jockeying for Influence in the Caucasus. The Prize is Oil and Gas // Guardian - Коммерсантъ 7 марта, 2001 г., стр. 10 Length of lecture - 2 hours. Lecture 7. Theme of lecture - Economic relations between China and Kazakhstan Purpose of lecture: determination of evolution of economic relations between China and Kazkahstan during the 10 years of independence. Plan of lecture: 1. Economic interests of China in Kazakhstan 2. Participation of Kazakhstan in Shanghai organization of cooperation. Thesis of lecture: 12 Creation of “Big China” - “collection of land” through peace expansion (adding Hong Kong and Macao, in the future - Taiwan). Territorial claims of China in Southern Sea on Spratly Islands because possible mineral resources. Sphere of influence and interests of China in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia - Singapore, Phillippines, Vietnam, Burma, Indonesia, Malasia. Kazakhstan as northern direction of Chinese interests. Special interests of the Peoples Republic of China in Kazakhstan - raw materials import. China is looking for cheap mineral resources to support its future growth. Promises of future confirmation of China in Kazakhstan: - creation of CNPC in Kazakhstan - Chineese national petroleum company and its project of oil transportation on the territory of China, - mineral resources and economic opportunities of China in current borders bear 1.5 bln population; - there are 130 mln “superflous” people in agriculture, 17 mln in industrial production (hidden unemployment in provinces can reach 150-200 mln, in urban area - 30 mln people); - “demographic expansion” According to data from the Russian Institute for strategic research, the number of Chinese living on the territory of Kazkahstan reached 300 thousand in 1995. - F.Chang (1997) an opportunity for military conflict between China and Kazakhstan for territory. Thesis: “chronic dependence from russian military forces would shake Kazakhstan and lead to the appearance of non-stability, so Beijing is interested in good relations with a key country in Central Asia”. Frontier problems: - multilateral agreement between China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan on limitation of border troops, reducing of anti-aircraft defense, placed on 100-kilometer perimeter of the border: 1. Agreement (Shanghai, April 1996) on strengthening of trust in military sphere in the border regions; 2. Agreement (Moscow, April 1997) on mutual reduction of armaments in the border region - in the zone of 100 km on both sides of the border, with quantity of ground forces and aviation in demilitarised zone; 3. Agreement (April 1998) between Kazakhstan and China on Kazakhstan-Chineese state border, with scheme for the division of two disputable sectors with a whole area of 944 Prognosis on global potentional of China at the end of 21 century. P.Krugman (1995) on Chinese economy, that in 10 years would surpass American economy threefold. Prognosis on relations between Russia, the US and China depends on decisions made in Kazakhstan foreign policy. Illustrative material: graphs and tables. Literature: 1.Воскресенский А. Третий путь. Внешняя политика России перед выбором // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №5, стр. 40-55; 2.Иванов А. Успеть до 2015 года // Коммерсант-Власть, апрель 2000, стр. 32-34; 3.Мясников Вл. Мы и Китай. Перспективы стратегического партнерства // Свободная мысль - XXI 2001, №1(1503), стр. 43- 13 4.Уткин А. Америка и мы. Настоящее и будущее российско-американских отношений // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №6, стр.21-42; 5.Уткин А. Американская стратегия на следующий век // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №1, стр. 49-63; 6.Уткин А.И. Геоструктура грядущего века // Свободная мысль XXI, №1 (1491), 2000, стр. 6-25; 7.Уткин А. Что век грядущий нам готовит? // Международная жизнь 2001, №1, стр. 22, 23; 8.Хлюпин В. Геополитический треугольник - Казахстан-Китай-Россия. Прошлое и настоящее пограничной проблемы. Алматы, 1999. - с. 43, 47, 95, 104; 9.Chang F.K. Beijing’s Reach in the South China Sea // Orbis, vol.40, no.3, Summer 1996, p.353-374 10.Chang F.K. China’s Central Asian Power and Problems // Orbis, vol.41, no.3, Summer 1997, p.401-425; 11.Huntington S. The Erosion of American National Interests // Foreign Affairs, Sept.-Oct. 1997, vol. 76, NO. p.28-49; 12.Krugman P. The Myth of Asia’s Miracle // Foreign Affairs, Nov.-Dec. 1994, vol.73, NO.6, p.62-78. Length of lecture - 2 hours. Lecture 8. Theme of lecture - Economic relations between Russia and Kazakhstan in the framework of the CIS. Aim of the Lecture: determination of Russia’s role in the Central Asian region, and determination of Kazkahstan’s role in the integrative units on the space of former Soviet Union. Plan of the lecture: 1. Disintegration processes on the territory of the CIS. Multifactor and different speeds of integration. 2. Problem of regulation of common tarrifs in the CIS. 3. Energetic resourses as a factor preventing integration. Thesis of lecture: Modern trends of closing economic connetions between the republics of the former Soviet Union: - policy of separation, - failure to fulfill agreements inside the CIS, in spite of common economic, social and political and humanitarian interests; - different attitudes to the issues of common economic policy and system of collective security. Kazakhstan initiatives: - creation of the Economic Union (May 1993), and Custom Union with full liberation of custom tarrifs, and removal of custom barries. - signing of the treaty on creation of a Customs Union (Moscow, March 29, 1996) in the CIS. Members - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia; - Kazakhstan’s participation in CAS - Central Asian Economic Community (April 30, 1994) together with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. 14 Non-effectivity of institutional units - differences in investment, tax and custom policies of members of the CIS, Custom Union, CAS, closing of trade and economic links between members. Placement of common custom tariff - “stumbling-block” for creation of common custom space in CIS (co-ordination of duties in the Custom Union in 2000; reorganisation of Custom Union into EuroAsian Economic Community; project of zone of free trade in CIS (April 15, 1994) with participation of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Moldova Ukraine, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan). Thesis: “The Realisation of self-interests in every country of the CIS in the framework of CIS and other integration unions made in the first decade after the disintegration of the Soviet Union - resulted in a lost decade for integration”. Analysis of disintegration trends: - parallel participation of Kazakhstan in integration groups outside of the CIS (ECO Economic Cooperation Organization) together with Azerbaijan, Turkmanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey; - mineral resources on the territory of Central Asian and Caucasus states; - national priorities of the US and EU countries in the Caspian region; - joining the “Great Game” for influence in Central Asian region - China, Iran and Turkey. Illustrative material: graphs and tables (1,2). Literature: 1.Арбатов А. Национальная безопасность России в многополярном мире // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2000, №10, стр.21-28; Бабак В. Астана в треугольнике Москва-Пекин-Вашингтон // Центральная Азия и Кавказ №4(5) 1999, стр. 143-152; Бжезинский Зб. Великая шахматная доска. Господство Америки и его геостратегические императивы. М., Международные отношения, 1999. - 256 с. Буторина О. Интеграция СНГ. Применим ли опыт Европейского Союза? // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, № 6 (1484), стр.43-54; Внешнеэкономическая деятельность Республики Казахстан. Статистический сборник / Под ред. Ж.А.Кулекеева/. Алматы, 1999 - 388 с. Глинский-Васильев Д. Политические ограничители расширения НАТО и возможности России // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2000, №7, стр.15-29 Жусипов Б.С. Угроза “исламского фанатизма” в Казахстане // Саясат, 2000, №12 (декабрь), стр. 84-85; Зайончковская Ж.А. Миграция населения СССР и России в 20 веке: эволюция сквозь катаклизмы // Проблемы прогнозирования 2000, №4, стр. 14 Зуев М. "Сердца четырех" бьются не в такт" // Деловые люди № 96 декабрь 1998, стр.67-70; Курганская В. Казахстан: языковая проблема в контексте межэтнических отношений // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1999, №5(6), стр.19-30; Кушкумбаев С. Влияние энергоресурсов на некоторые аспекты внутренней и внешней политики // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1998, №1, стр.37-47; 15 Лиманский М. СНГ может стать жертвой ВТО // Деловые люди №87 март 1998, стр.64-66; Лишин Вл. Доберется ли нефть до Джейхана // Нефть России 2001, №2 (февраль), стр. 84-87; Лурье С.В. Национализм, этничность, культура. Категории науки и историческая практика // ОНС: общественные науки современности 1999, №4, стр.101-111; Масанов Н., Чеботарев А. Политические аспекты евразийства // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 2000, №1(7), стр.163-167; Мацнев А. Страны Центральной Азии и Кавказа в СНГ: экономический аспект // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 2000, №1(7), стр.55-68; Мирский Г.И. Ислам и нация: Ближний Восток и Центральная Азия // Полис 1998, №2, стр. 82; Назарбаев Н. Евразийский союз: идея, практика, перспективы. 1994-1997. М., 1997, стр.175 Нысынбаев А. Возрождение исламской культуры и духовности в Казахстане: проблемы и перспективы // Евразийское сообщество 2000, №1(29), стр. 138; Статистический ежегодник Казахстана, 1999. Статистический сборник / Под ред. Ж.А.Кулекеева - Алматы, 1999 - 392 с. Султангалиева А. Эволюция ислама в Казахстане // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1999б №4(5), стр.24-25; Токаев К. Под стягом независимости. Алматы, Бiлим, 1997. - 736 с. Усов А. Иллюзии и реальность. О становлении союза Белоруси и России // Свободная мысль 1998, №4 (1473), стр.41; Чеботарев А. Национальный вопрос в Казахстане // XXI век 2000, 13 апреля, стр. 8 Широков Г.К., Салицкий А.И. Мировая капиталистическая система - консолидация ядра и возвращение к насилию // Восток 1999, №6, стр. 73; Шумский Н. Институциональная система СНГ: направление дальнейшего совершенствования // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2000, №10, стр.106-116 Яременко Ю.В. Экономический рост: структурная политика // Проблемы прогнозирования 2001, №1, стр. 11; Akcali P. Islam as a “common bond” in Central Asia: Islamic Renaissance party and the Afghan mujahidin // Central Asian Review 1998, 17(2), p.2674 Brzezinski Zb. A Plan for Europe // Foreign Affairs, Jan.-Feb. 1995, vol. 74, NO.1, p.26-42; Buyukakinci E. Patterns of Integration in Central Asia // Perceptions, Mar.-May 2000, vol.5, no.1, p.162-171; Chang F.K. China’s Central Asian Power and Problems // Orbis, vol.41, no.3, Summer 1997, p.401-425; Cornell S. Geopolitics and Strategic Alignments in the Caucasus and Central Asia // Perceptions, June-Aug. 1999, vol.4, no.2, p.100-104; Edmunds T. Power and powerless in Kazakhstani society: ethnic problems in perspective // Central Asian Survey 1998, 17(3), p.463 Gelb L. Quelling the Teacup Wars. The New World’s Constant Challenge // Foreign Affairs, Nov.-Dec. 1994, vol.73, NO.6, p.2-16; 16 Kazakhstan 2000. The Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Figures. Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, 2000, p.15; Marchenko G. Foreign Direct Investment in Kazakhstan: Opportunities and Risks // Kazakhstan Economic Trends, April-June 1999, p.17-25; Melet Y. China’s Political and Economic Relations with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan // Central Asian Review 1998, 17(2), p.250; Raczka W. Xinkiang and its Central Asian borderlands // Central Asian Review 1998, 17(3), p.403; Shirazi H. Security Arrangements in Central Asia and the Caucasus // Amu-Darya, Fall 2000, vol.4, no.6, p.212-220; Staar R.E. Moscow’s Plans to Resolve Its Power // Orbis, vol.40, no.3, Summer 1996, p.375-389; The Caspian region. Integration into World Economy. Deutsche Bank Research. Special study. April 12, 2000, p.20-27; Length of lecture: 2 hours. Themes of practical work (10 hours) Part 1. Charecteristics of Globalization as an economic category Practical work 1. Theme of practical work - Globalization is an economic category, characteristics and evaluation of the process Aim of practical work: determine globalization as economic category. Tasks of practical work: 1. To give a definition of globalization as a key question of modern international economic relations. 2. To consider hystorical aspects of the globalization process. 3. To determine the main charecteristics of economic globalization. 4. To understand the main trends of the globalization process. 5. To consider financial globalization as a symbol of economic globalization. Plan of practical work: Tasks to prepare: 1. Determination of globalization, its types. 2. Main trends of globalization. 3. Determination of financial globalization and its influence on world economy. 4. Types of financial crises. Variant 1. Film - 30 minutes of - an anti-globalization movement. Discussion of film. Variant 2. Student reports: 1. Globalization: “pro” arguments - 10 minutes. Discussion in group. Conclusion of teacher. 2. Globalization: “contra” arguments - 10 minutes Discussion in group. 17 Conclusion by teacher. Final control - 7 minutes. Required reading: 1. Булатов А.С. Мировая экономика. Учебник. М.: Юристъ, 2000, стр. 94-98; 2. Косолапов Н. Глобализация: сущностные и международные политические аспекты // Мировая экономика и международные отношения, 2001, №3, стр. 69-73; 3. Моисеев С., Михайленко К. Terra Incognita: глобализация финансовых рынков // Вопросы экономики 1999, №6, стр. 123-135; 4. Оболенский В. Глобализация мировой экономики и Россия // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №3, стр. 23-34; Recommended reading: 1. Афонцев А. Проблема глобального управления мирохозяйственной системой: теоретические аспекты // Мировая экономика и международные отношения, 2001, №5, стр. 65-70; 2. Кулагин В.М. Мир в 21 веке: многополюсный баланс сил или глобализационный pax democratica // ПОЛИС 2000, №1, стр.23-37; 3. Симония Н. Глобализация и неравномерность мирового развития // Мировая экономика и международные отношения, 2001, №3, стр. 35-44 4. Тимофеев Т. Выводы 21 века и дебаты об альтернативах // ПОЛИС 1999, №6, стр.11-13; 5. Чешков Н. Взгляд на глобализацию через призму глобалистики // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №2, стр. 50-56; 6. Шишков Ю. О гетерогенности глобалистики и стадиях ее развития // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №2, стр. 57-61; 7. Hirst P., Thompson G. Globalization in Question. The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance. Polity Press, 1999 - p. 1-19; 8. O`Rourke K., Williamson J. Globalization and History. The Evolution of a Nineteenth Century Atlantic Economy. The MIT Press, 2000 - p. 207-247; 9. Thompson G. Introduction: Situating Globalization // International Social Science Journal, June 1999, Vol.160, p.139-152; 10. Valaskis K. Globalization as Theatre // International Social Science Journal, June 1999, Vol.160, p.153-164; 11. Waters M. Globalization. Routledge, London and N.Y., 2001 - p. 1-93. Length of lesson - 2 hours Part 2. Kazakhstan in the framework of globalization Practical work 2. Theme of practical work - Problems of integration in the post-Soviet space - “dreams and realities” Aim of practical work: characterization of Kazakhstan’s participation in integration groups on the framework of the former Soviet Union. Tasks of practical work: 1. To determine the main problems of integration on post-soviet space. 2. To consider the dynamics of relations development between countries of the CIS. 18 3. To determine the main reasons for the appearence of integration unions ouside the CIS. Plan of preactical work: Tasks to prepare: 1. Determination of “Pros” and “contras” of the CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States 2. Dynamics of CIS development, main bodies and legislation. 3. Problems that faced member-countries of the Custom Union 4. Reasons for EurAsES appearence 5. CAS - Central Asian Economic Community - reasons for its creation 6. GUUAM - Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Moldova - movement of “independent” countries Tasks for original work: Business game on the theme: “Supporters and opponents of integration in the CIS” Business game runs in the form of reports and discussion: 1. “Positive sides of integration in the CIS” 1.1. Economic aspects - 5 minutes. 1.2. Political aspects - 5 minutes. 1.3. Military aspects - 5 minutes. Discussion - 7 minutes. 2. “Negative sides of integration in CIS”: 2.1. Economic aspects - 5 minutes. 2.2. Political aspects - 5 minutes. 2.3. Military aspects - 5 minutes. Discussion - 7 minutes. 3. “Future of integration processes on the territory of the former Soviet Union - 7 minutes. Discussion - 7 minutes. Required reading: 1. Авдокушин Е.Ф. Международные экономические отношения. М.: Юрист, 1999. стр. 348-364; 2. Булатов А.С. Мировая экономика. М.: Юрист, 2000. - стр. 325-334; 3. Буторина О. Интеграция СНГ. Применим ли опыт Европейского Союза // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №6, стр. 43-54 4. Назарбаев Н. Евразийский союз: идея, практика, перспективы. 1994-1997. М., 1997, 175 с. 5. Токаев К. Под стягом независимости. Алматы, Бiлим, 1997. - 736 с. Recommended reading: 1. Бабак В. Астана в треугольнике Москва-Вашингтон-Пекин // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1999, №4(5), стр. 143-152; 2. Бабак В. Астана в треугольнике Москва-Вашингтон-Пекин // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1999, №5(6), стр. 126-136; 19 3. Воскресенский А. Третий путь. Внешняя политика России перед выбором // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №5, стр. 40-55; 4. Лиманский М. СНГ может стать жертвой ВТО // Деловые люди №87, март 1998, стр. 64-68; 5. Мацнев А. Страны Центральной Азии и Кавказа в СНГ: экономический аспект // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 2000, №1(7), стр.55-68; 6. Шумский Н. Институциональная система СНГ: направление дальнейшего совершенствования // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2000, №10, стр. 106-116; 7. Buykakinci E. Patterns of Integration in Central Asia // Perceptions, Mar.-May 2000, vol.5, no.1, p.162-171 8. Cornell S.E. Geopolitics and Strategic Alignments in the Caucasus and Central Asia // Perceptions, June-Aug 1999, vol.4, no.2, p. 100-125; Length of lesson - 2 hours. Practical work 3. Theme of practical work: Trade partnership and investment problem - results of a decade of independence Aim of practical work: determination of main directions of international economic relations of Kazakhstan with the US and China. Tasks of practical work: 1. To analyze the dynamics of the development of trade cooperation and investment policy of Kazakhstan for the period of 1991-2000. 2. To determine the main economic interests of the US in Kazakhstan. 3. To find the main reasons for Chinese interests in the Kazakh economy. Plan of practical work: Tasks to prepare: 1. Main trade partners of Kazakhstan - Russia, the US, China. 2. Charecter of investment climate in Kazakhstan and main foreign investors. 3. Spheres of FDI. 4. Interests of the US in Kazakhstan. 5. Interests of China in Kazakhstan. Tasks to prepare: 1. To analyze dynamics of foreign investment in Kazakhstan for 10 years (1991-2001) on the base of graphs in written form. Time to prepare - 10 minutes: - USA, - South Korea, - Great Britain, - Turkey, - China, - Iran, - Japan. Discussion. 20 Required reading: 1. Kalyuzhnova Y. Privatisation in Kazakhstan - an Overview // Kazakhstan Economic Trends, April-June 1999, p. 34-35 2. Marchenko G. Foreign Direct Investment in Kazakhstan: Opportunities and Risks // Kazakhstan Economic Trends, April-June 1999, p.17-25 Recommended literature: 1. Бонджови Дж. Казахстан + инвесторы = ? или тяжелое детство снежного барса // Энергия Казахстана №3, 1999, стр. 34-40; 2. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность Республики Казахстан. Статистический сборник / Под ред. Ж.А.Кулекеева/. Алматы, 1999 - 388 с. 3. Bonjovi J. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (especially if there is none in the bush) //The Energy of Kazakhstan, 1999, #4, p.9-14 4. Massimov K. The Republic of Kazakhstan in the Global Economy. VIP Media, Almaty, - p. 150-187; Length of lesson - 2 hours. Practical work 4. Theme of practical work: Oil and gas - problems of industry development Aim of practical work: determination of influence of mineral resources development on the Kazakh economy. Tasks for practical work: 1. Mineral resources - oil and gas - source of “future income”. 2. The “Great game” around Kazakh oil - problem of trasnportation. Plan of practical work: Tasks to prepare: 1. Provision of wold economy with prospected oil and other sources of energy. 2. Place of the Caspian region, as one of the largest oil suppliers. 3. Problem of legal status of the Caspian. Positions of the Kazakh goverenment on this issue. 4. Countries, interested in exploration, transportation and consumption of resources from the Caspian. Tasks for original work: Written work (essay) - transportation routes of Kazakhstan oil on next graphs: Graph 1. Tengiz-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Graph 2. Tengiz-Novorossiisk-Baltic Sea Graph 3. Tengiz-Nico-Teheran Illustrative material: graphs and tables. Required reading: 1. Булатов А.С. Мировая экономика. Учебник. - М.: Юристъ, 2000, стр. 113-126 (Гл.4 Природно-ресурсный потенциал мирового хозяйства. 21 2. Байков Н., Александрова И. Первичные энергоресурсы // РИСК: ресурсы, информация, снабжение, конкуренция №1, 2001, стр. 87-97; 3. Кушкумбаев С. Влияние энергоресурсов на некоторые аспекты внутренней и внешней политики // Центральная Азия и Кавказ, №1, 1998, стр.37-47; 4. Смирнов С. Куда потекут нефтные реки Каспия: факторы влияния // Транзитная экономика 2000, №4-5, стр. 92-103; Recommended literature 1. Айтаков М. Что ждет тебя Каспий? // Центральная Азия и Кавказ №1(2) 1999, стр. 132-139; 2. Бабак В. Нефть Каспия в отношениях Казахстана и России // Центральная Азия и Кавказ № 1(2) 1999, стр. 120-132; 3. Масанова Л. Ресурсно-сырьевой профиль РК и проблемы становления частной собственности и государственного суверенитета // Центральная Азия и Кавказ, №1(2) 1999, стр. 80-88; 4. Марков В. Влияние интенсивности разработки нефтегазовых месторождений на экология и экономику Казахстана // Аль-Пари 2000, №1, стр.34-57; 5. Суюнбаев М., Мамытова А. Природные ресурсы как фактор развития Центральной Евразии // Центральная Азия и Кавказ №1, 1998, стр. 28-36; 6. Raczka W. A sea or a lake? The Caspian’s long odyssey // Central Asian Survey (2000), 19(2), p.189-221; 7. Thomas T.L., Shull J. Russian National Interests and the Caspian Sea // Perceptions, Dec. 1999 - Feb. 2000, p.75-96; Length of lesson - 2 hours. Part 3. Perspectives of international economic relations of Kazakhstan in the framework of globalization processes Practical work 5. Theme of practical work: Perspectives (futurological prognosis) - possible variants of development. Purpose of practical work: to consider economic aspects of the program of Kazkah development “Kazakhstan 2030. Prosperity, security and wealth of Kazakhstan citizens”. Tasks of practical work: 1. To consider Utopias as a form of economic prognosis 2. To determine Kazakhstan’s perspectives as a country in transition: - positive prognosis, - negative prognosis, Plan of practical work: Tasks to prepare: 1. Economic aspects of state system in “Utopia” T.Mor, 2. Economic aspects of state system in “City of Sun” Campanella. 3. Futures in the novels of G.Orwell “1984” and A.Huxley “Brave New World”. Tasks for original work: 22 Discussion of economic aspects of the program of Kazakh development “Kazakhstan 2030. Prosperity, security and wealth of Kazakhstan citizens”: 1. Problems of internal political stability and consolidation of society. 2. Strategy for political development. 3. Social-economic priorities. Length of lesson - 3 hours. Required reading: 1. Утопический роман 16-18 вв. (Томас Мор, Томазо Компанелла, Сирано де Бержерак). Т.34, Библиотека Всемирной литературы; 2. Pieterse J.N. Shaping Globalization // Global Futures. Shaping Globalization. Zed Books, London, N.Y., 2001 - p. 1-20; Recommended reading: 1. Buzan B., Little R. Beyond Westphalia? Capitalism after the Fall // Review of international studies, Special Issue, Dec.1999, vol.25, p.89-104; 2. Cooper H.F. To build an affordable shield // Orbis, vol.40, no.1, Winter 1996, p.85-99; 3. Cumings B. Still the American Century // Review of international studies, Special Issue, Dec.1999, vol.25, p. 271-299 4. Dendney D., Ikenberry G. The nature and sources of liberal international order // Review of international studies, vol.25, no.2, Apr. 1999, p.179-196; 5. Galtung J. 21st centruy Conflict Formations: Diagnosis, prognosis, therapy // Journal of International Relations and Development, Dec. 1998, vol.3-4; p.152-163; 6. Lee D. Middle powers in the global economy. British influence during the opening phase of the Kennedy trade round negotiations, 1962-5 // Review of International studies 1998, vol.24, #4, Oct., p.515-528 7. Mandelbaum M. The Caspian Region in the 21 century // Energy and Conflict in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Edited by. R.Ebel, R.Menon, 2000, p. 21-27; 8. Slater D. A Critical Geopolitics of North-South Relations // Globalization: Theory and Pratice. Ed. By E.Kofman and G.Youngs, 1996; 9. Robert E. Images of the coming international system // Orbis, vol.41, no.4, Fall 1997, p.569-590; Seminar (3 hours) Kazakhstan - multiple choices in foreign policy in the framework of globalization? Aim of seminar: charecteristics of multiple choices in the foreign policy of Kazakhstan in the framework of globalization. Tasks of seminar: 1. To determine the geo-political and geo-economic place of Kazakhstan in the Eurasian region. Plan of seminar: 1. The seminar is organised as a discussion of 3 reports, prepared by students according to the following themes. Students’ reports must be no more than 15 minutes. Themes for student reports: 1. Economic independence in Каzakhstan - “end in itself” or “necessity” 23 - tasks for Kazakhstan’s participation in economic unions, on the example of ECO - tasks for Kazakhstan’s participation in economic unions, on the example of CAS Discussion - 25 munites. 2. Eurasian economic community (EurasES) - change of names or real integration? - Eurasian economic community - successor of the Customs Union? - Eurasian economic community - new spire of integration? Discussion - 25 minutes. 3. Economic premises of terrorism and extremism in the Central Asian region - “myth” or real danger? - Kazakhstan - historical zone of peace? - Tolerance of population and political and religious factors? - World view perception of Islam - traditions of the population in Kazakhstan? Discussion - 25 minutes. Discussion and conclusiosn made by the teacher. Required reading: 1. Назарбаев Н. Евразийский союз: идея, практика, перспективы. 1994-1997. М., 1997, 175 с. 2. Султангалиева А. Эволюция ислама в Казахстане // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1996, №4(5), стр. 24-27; 3. Buyukakinci E. Patterns of Integration in Central Asia // Perceptions, Mar.-May 2000, vol.5, no.1, p.162-171 Recommended literature: 1. Буторина О. Интеграция СНГ. Применим ли опыт Европейского Союза // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №6(1484), стр. 43-54; 2. Жусипов Б.С. Угроза “исламского фанатизма” в Казахстане // Саясат, 2000, №12 (декабрь), стр. 84-85; 3. Мацнев А. Страны Центральной Азии и Кавказа в СНГ: экономический аспект // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 2000, №1(7), стр. 55-68; 4. Мирский Г.И. Ислам и нация: Ближний Восток и Центральная Азия // Полис 1998, №2, стр. 82-85; 5. Нысынбаев А. Возрождение исламской культуры и духовности в Казахстане: проблемы и перспективы // Евразийское сообщество 2000, №1(29), стр. 138-140; Length of seminar - 3 hours Practical work 6. Theme of practical work: Colloquium. Aim of practical work: final control of students knowledge on the course “Topical Issues of Globalization for Countries in Transition”. Tasks for practical work: 1. To determine the level of assimiliation of course material. 2. To determine the level of survival of student knowledge. 24 Plan of practical work: 1. Discussion with students on 21 questions (3 questions in each ticket), given in the beginning of the course: 1. Determination of globalization. Types of globalization. 2. Main trends of globalization. 3. Determination of financial globalization and its influence on world economy 4. Types of financial crises. 5. Determination of “Pros” and “contras” of the CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States 6. Dynamics of CIS development, main bodies and legislation. 7. Customs Union - aims, tasks, problems. 8. EurAsES - aims, tasks, reasons for appearence. 9. CAS - Central Asian Economic Community - reasons for its creation 10. GUUAM - Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Moldova - movement of “independent” countries. 11. Russia - economic aspects of trade partnership with Kazakhstan. 12. China - economic aspects of trade partnership with Kazakhstan. 13. Investment climate in Kazakhstan and main foreign investors. 14. Spheres of FDI in Kazakhstan. 15. Economic interests of the US in Kazakhstan - dynamics and future. 16. Provision of world economy with prospected oil and other source of energy. Place of the Caspian region, as one of the largest oil suppliers. 17. Problem of legal status of the Caspian region. Positions of Kazakhstan’s goverenmtn in this issue. 18. Resources of the Caspian - transportation issues. 19. Economic aspects of state systems in “Utopia” T.Mor and “City of Sun” Campanella. 20. Futures in the novels of G.Orwell “1984” and A.Huxley “Brave New World”. 21. Economic aspects of the program for Kazakhstan’s development “Kazakhstan 2030. Prosperity, security and wealth of Kazakhstan citizens” - social and economic priorities. Length of lesson - 1 hour. Recommended literature: 1. Бабак В. Нефть Каспия в отношениях Казахстана и России // Центральная Азия и Кавказ 1999, №1(2), стр. 120-132; 2. Бжезинский Зб. Великая шахматная доска. Господство Америки и его геостратегические императивы. М., Международные отношения, 1999. - 256 с. 3. Брутенц К. Внешняя политика России: новый этап // Свободная мысль XXI 2001, №1 (1503), стр. 62-65; 4. Буторина О. Интеграция СНГ. Применим ли опыт Европейского Союза // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №6, стр. 43-54; 5. Воскресенский А. Третий путь. Внешняя политика России перед выбором // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №5, стр. 40-55; 6. Глинский-Васильев Д. Политические ограничители расширения НАТО и возможности России // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2000, №7, стр. 15-29; 25 7. Дахин Вл. Политический аспекты экономической глобализации // Свободная мысль XXI, №6 (1496), 2000, стр.4-12; 8. Иноземцев В.Л. Глобализация: иллюзии и реальность // Свободная мысль XXI, №1 (1491), 2000, стр. 26-36; 9. Келимбетов К.Н. О стратегии экономической безопасности Казахстана // ANALYTIC №1 (октябрь) 2000, стр.20-23; 10. Колодко Г. Глобализация и сближение уровней экономического развития: от спада к росту в странах с переходной экономикой // Вопросы экономики 2000, №10, стр. 4-26; 11. Мясников Вл. Мы и Китай. Перспективы стратегического партнерства // Свободная мысль - XXI 2001, №1(1503), стр. 43-50; 12. Некипелов А. Глобализация как вызов национальным экономикам // Свободная мысль XXI, №1 (1479), 1999, стр. 117-128; 13. Неклесса А. Реквием 20 веку // Мировая экономика и международные отношения, №1, 2000, стр.3-5; 14. Оболенский В. Глобализация мировой экономики и Россия // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №3, стр. 23-34; 15. Сыздыков М. Казахстан в каспийско-центральноазиатской стратегии США // ANALYTIC 2000, №1 (октябрь), стр. 30-34; 16. Уткин А. Америка и мы. Настоящее и будущее российско-американских отношений // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №6, стр.21-42; 17. Уткин А. Американская стратегия на следующий век // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №1, стр. 49-63; 18. Уткин А.И. Геоструктура грядущего века // Свободная мысль XXI, №1 (1491), 2000, стр. 6-25; 19. Уткин А. Что век грядущий нам готовит? // Международная жизнь 2001, №1, стр. 20-23; 20. Хлюпин В. Геополитический треугольник - Казахстан-Китай-Россия. Прошлое и настоящее пограничной проблемы. Алматы, 1999. - с. 43-47, 95-104; 21. Чернявский Ст. Закавказье в планах Вашингтона // Свободная мысль - XXI, 1999, №7, стр. 51-63; 22. Чернявский Ст. Проблемы Каспия // Свободная мысль - XXI, 2000, №12, стр. 30-32; 23. Чешков Н. Взгляд на глобализацию через призму глобалистики // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №2, стр. 52-53; 24. Шишков Ю. О гетерогенности глобалистики и стадиях ее развития // Мировая экономика и международные отношения 2001, №2, стр. 50-57;