THIS AGREEMENT is made on the ………….. day of ……………. (year)
UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA located at Lembah Pantai, 50603
Kuala Lumpur hereinafter referred to as “UM” of the first part
…………………………………………………………………, who is
a subsidiary of ………………………………………………….
(hereinafter referred to as “…………….”), located at
…………………………………………………………………., ……
hereinafter referred to as “…………………………..” of the second
1) UM has developed, at laboratory-scale, a bioprocess which produces bacterial
polyhydroxyalkanoates (abbreviated as PHA) using palm oil, palm kernel oil and
their derivatives as primary carbon source (“the research findings”) under a
Research and Development (“R&D”) project (“the Project”) funded by IRPA. The
project has already produced six Master-degree theses and several research
papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. The project is currently
undertaken by two Ph.D. students and three Master-level students.
2) This PHA is a copolymer consisting of medium-chain-length monomers, and
occurs as a transparent, elastomeric and amorphous material.
3) In the next phase of the Project, the funding organization (IRPA) would like the
researchers to work towards commercialising the findings by collaborating with a
local industrial partner and transfer the technology for the manufacture of products
which would benefit the country’s economy.
4) UM is now desirous of collaborating with ……………… to conduct basic research
leading to eventual commercialisation of the PHA.
This would involve
5) ……………… will fund the R&D activities under this Agreement.
NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto, for and in consideration of the respective
undertakings hereinafter set forth, each of which shall be construed as a covenant as
well as condition, THE PARTIES have agreed as follows:
In this Agreement, except insofar as the context or subject matter otherwise indicates
or requires, the following terms and expressions shall have the following meanings:
“Agreement” means this Agreement and all Schedules to it.
“Collaboration Tasks” means the R&D work described in Schedule 1 to be
conducted by the Party shown therein.
“Commencement Date” means the date first appearing on this Agreement.
“Completion Date” as specified in Clause 12.1.
“Confidential Information” means all information passing from the disclosing Party
to the other Party relating to the collaboration program including without limitation (i)
financial information, business plans, reports or findings, investigative studies,
consultations, methodologies, proposals, systems, programs, course content,
techniques, strategies, improvements, discoveries, processes, innovations,
inventions, trade secrets, drawings, know how, source and object code,
arrangements and agreements with third parties, formulae, concepts not reduced to
material form, designs, plans and models whether given orally or in writing (ii) any
derivations of any information or data which embodies, contains or describes the
Confidential Information and (iii) any other data or information designated by the
disclosing Party be confidential or relating to the current or prospective activities or
business of the disclosing Party.
“Intellectual Property” means all rights in relation to inventions (including patents),
registered and unregistered trademarks (including service marks), copyright, circuit
layouts, registrable designs, registrable plant varieties, processes, know-how and
confidential information in the industrial, scientific and artistic fields including
application or right to apply for registration of any of those rights.
“Background Intellectual Property” means any Intellectual Property owned by the
Parties prior to the commencement of this Agreement and which is made available by
a party or Parties to carry out the collaboration program or to achieve the Intended
Project Outcomes.
“Incidental Intellectual Property” means all Intellectual Property arising from or out
of the Collaboration Program which does not contribute to the Intended Project
“Project Intellectual Property” means any Intellectual Property arising from or out
of the Collaboration Program and contributing to the Intended Project Outcome.
To conduct basic research to produce bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates, the mediumchain-length variety, with a view to commercialise the product. This would involve:
(a) ………………………………………………..
(b) ………………………………………………………………………………..
(c) ………………………………………………………………………………….
(d) …………………………………………………………………………………….
(e) ………………………………………………………………..
(f) ………………………………………………………………………
2.1 UM shall within the limits of its competence and expertise, provide services to
the following areas:
(a) ………………………………………………………………….
(b) …………………………………………………….
(c) ……………………………………………………………………..
(d) …………………………………………………………………...
(e) …………………………………………………………..
(f) ……………………………………………………………..
2.2 For the duration of this Agreement and subject to all its provisions, UM hereby
grants to ………………………. the priority right, licence and authority. The
priority right is to be negotiated with UM business center:
(a) To make use of the information derived from the research findings to
manufacture PHA and to develop product applications.
(b) To market the products both locally and abroad.
(c) To issue sub-licences to other parties with the consent of UM.
3.1 The Parties will direct their employees, servants, agents or contractors to carry
out the Collaboration Tasks described in Schedule 1 in order to achieve the
Intended Project Outcomes (Schedule 2). The tasks of each Party are
respectively allocated in Schedule 1.
3.2 The Parties shall provide to each other the equipment, materials, facilities,
information and assistance as may reasonably be required by the Parties to
satisfactorily perform the Collaboration Tasks and achieve the Intended Project
3.3 Each Party shall use its best endeavors to assist the other Party in the carrying
out of the Collaboration Tasks and to achieve the Intended Project Outcome.
3.4 The budget for this project to be funded by ……………………….. is described in
Schedule 3. Upon signing of the Agreement, ………………………….. shall
provide to UM annual budget every year. ………………… shall provide to UM
actual expenses for consumables separately every one or two month. UM shall
provide to …………. an invoice and a detailed expenses report and
………………………. shall pay an invoiced amount to UM within thirty days from
the date of invoice from UM.
4.1 Each identifiable item or separately registered item of Project Intellectual
Property or Incidental Intellectual Property shall be the property of the Party or
Parties which created or made an inventive contribution to that item.
4.2 When both Parties make an inventive contribution to such item of Project
Intellectual Property or Incidental Intellectual Property, the said item shall be
jointly owned in equal shares by the Parties as tenants in common.
5.1 In the event of the Collaboration Tasks resulting in a patentable invention, both
Parties shall determine what if any, patent applications shall be made in respect
thereof and in which countries such applications shall be made and be
responsible for the registration and maintaining of the patent.
5.2 UM may allow the patent to be jointly owned by ……….. in Malaysia or SRI in
other countries upon satisfactory verification of inventive and/or financial
contribution to such patent by …………... All costs arising from the registration
and maintenance of the patent in accordance with this clause shall be borne by
the Party or Parties in proportion to the share of the patent.
5.3 In the event of joint ownership of the patent, …………... may make full use of the
patent in manufacturing and marketing of products, and pay the normal amount
of licence fees and royalty in proportion to the share of the patent. UM and
…………... shall also share the licence fees and royalty in proportion to the
share of the patent derived from the patent taken up by any third party or parties
not involved in this agreement.
5.4 …………... shall have a right to obtain a licence or licences from UM to develop
and exploit the Project Intellectual Property at any time even during the term of
this agreement.
5.5 …………... shall have a right to obtain non exclusive licences from UM to use
UM Background Intellectual Property provided that:
(a) such UM Background Intellectual Property is reasonably required by
…………... for the purpose of using the Project Intellectual Property;
(b) such UM Background Intellectual Property is not a registered or
unregistered trademark;
(c) such UM Background Intellectual Property is not the subject of an exclusive
licence to a third party or parties; and
(d) UM has full free right and title to grant such a licence.
5.6 The terms of the licence or licences pursuant to Clause 5.2 and 5.3 shall be
agreed between the Parties. The royalty rate to be paid shall reflect the financial
and other contributions of the Parties to the creation and registration of the
Intellectual Property and the value that the application of the Intellectual Property
contributes to the sale price of items incorporating the Intellectual Property.
Should the Parties not be able to reach agreement on the terms of the licence
the dispute shall be settled by the conciliation process of Clause 13.
5.7 Notwithstanding any provisions of Clause 5, UM shall have the right to use all
Project Intellectual Property for its own research and teaching purposes on a
royalty free basis.
5.8 Each party will comply with any laws of employed inventors for all having legally
recognized concern as to the assigned patent rights. …………... will have
responsibility for all its inventors rights in relation to patent applications filed in its
name, and UM will have responsibility for all its inventors rights in relation to
patent applications filed in its name.
6.1 The Parties shall take all reasonable actions to keep confidential all results or
information created as part of Collaboration Tasks.
6.2 Each Party shall take all reasonable actions to keep confidential all Confidential
Information communicated by the Disclosing Party which information is stated or
understood to be confidential at the time of communication.
6.3 The obligations of confidentiality contained in this Agreement shall not apply to
any Confidential Information which:
(a) has been made public by the Disclosing Party or by others with the
permission of the Dislosing Party;
(b) is independently received from a third party who is free to disclose it;
(c) is in the public domain or is a compilation of material in the public domain.
6.4 The following acts shall not be deemed to be a breach of the above provided that
all copies of information supplied is marked confidential by UM or …………...
and to be used only for the purpose supplied:
(a) It has necessarily been disclosed by the Receiving Party to its customers or
users of the products or to their sub-contractors for use, installation, repair,
overhaul or other necessary work on or with the products in connection with
the receiving party’s normal sales, demonstration and service activities.
(b) Its disclosure was necessary to bona fide sub-contractors and bidders to
enable them to perform their contract or make bids to the receiving party.
6.5 Upon termination of this agreement, the Parties agree to return all information
received from the Disclosing Party at the request of the Disclosing Party and
keep confidential for five(5) years after the termination.
7.1 Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary contained herein either Party
may publish material relating to the Project provided that:
(a) All material prepared for publication by a Party (the "Submitting Party") shall
be submitted to the other Party for permission to publish at least one (1)
month prior to submission for publication or disclosure to a third party which
permission shall not be unreasonably withheld; and
(b) If at any time during the said period of one (1) month the other Party
requests the Submitting Party not to proceed with publication or disclosure of
the material in the form submitted then the Submitting Party will either
I. amend the material as requested by the other Party; or
II. delay publication or disclosure for a period not exceeding six (6)
months to allow registration or protection of intellectual property, or
where the material contains commercially sensitive information for
which such registration or protection is not possible or appropriate,
for such further period as may be agreed between the Parties and
not exceeding two (2) years Such periods shall commence from the
date on which the material was first submitted by the Submitting
Party to the other Party.
Clause 7.1 has no application to all or any material submitted for examination
leading to the award of a degree.
Subject to the Parties at all times observing their respective duties and obligations
under this Contract the existence of this Contract shall not preclude either Party from
engaging in any other activities similar to or in competition with those the subject
matter of this Contract nor shall it prevent a Party from developing or exploiting
products and/or processes other than those developed or exploited as a result of the
Collaboration Tasks.
No Party shall use the name of the other Party in any advertising or other promotional
material without the written permission of the other Party.
10.1 Both Parties shall ensure that all services provided to other Party in relation to
this Agreement are provided with the due care, diligence and skill reasonably
expected of professional persons providing services of the kind described. The
Parties makes no other warranty or assurances with respect to the services
carried out in relation to this Agreement, or to its quality, accuracy or suitability
for any purpose.
10.2 The Parties do not warrant the validity of any Patent or other Intellectual
Property rights which may arise from or are connected with this Contract.
11.1 Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any loss or damage arising
by reason of its failure to perform work on time or within estimated costs or at
all, provided that the Party has used its reasonable endeavors in all respects.
Each Party agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party against
any and all liabilities, losses, costs and expenses incurred by the other Party
to the extent that the same are incurred as a result of the negligence, wilful
misconduct, negligent act or omission or willful failure to act on the part of the
first mentioned Party.
Notwithstanding any other provision herein the Parties agree that UM shall not
be liable and …………... releases UM from and in respect of all claims for
consequential, indirect or special damages including but not limited to loss of
business profits, anticipatory profits, business interruption or loss of business
12.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Commencement Date and, subject to
earlier termination in accordance with this Agreement, shall continue until the
Collaboration Tasks is completed or for a duration of twenty four (24) months,
whichever occurs sooner.
12.2 The provisions of Clauses 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 shall survive and be of full effect
after expiration or termination of this Agreement.
12.3 This contract may be terminated at any time by mutual written agreement
between the Parties.
12.4 If due to circumstances beyond its control UM is unable to fulfill its obligations
under this Agreement, UM shall notify …………... immediately.
12.5 If either Party commits a breach of this Agreement then the other Party may
request in writing that the breach be remedied. If the Party committing the
breach does not remedy it within 30 days then the other Party may terminate
this Agreement immediately without further notice.
12.6 The Parties agree that UM may immediately terminate this Agreement by notice
in writing to …………... in the following circumstances:
(a) the making or filing of any application to liquidate or wind up …………...
(other than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation) under any
law or government regulation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency whether
by a third party or by …………... ;
(b) the appointment of a receiver or administrator over all or substantially all of
the property of …………... ; or
(c) the making by …………... of an assignment or attempted assignment for
the benefit of its creditors.
12.7 Any termination of this Agreement pursuant to Clauses 12.5 or 12.6 shall be
without prejudice to the rights of the Party terminating to seek and obtain
damages for any breach of this Agreement by the other Party.
12.8 Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement all expenses previously paid
including equipment purchased in respect of the Collaboration Tasks shall
remain the property of UM and …………... shall make no claim in respect
thereof and …………... further agrees to pay to UM all fees accrued or due but
unpaid as at the date of such termination or expiration within fourteen (14) days
of the date of termination.
If there is a dispute between the Parties then:
(a) the Parties must discuss the dispute initially with a view to settling the dispute
(b) if the parties fail to settle the dispute within 14 days of the dispute arising, then
the Parties must refer the dispute for mediation to a person appointed by
agreement between the parties who has at least two years experience as a
(c) the parties must co-operate to the extent necessary to enable the mediator to
mediate the dispute within 30 days of his or her appointment;
(d) the fees of the mediator shall be paid by the Parties in the proportion determined
by the mediator;
(e) referral of a dispute for mediation under Clause 13 does not prevent a party from
taking proceedings in court in relation to this agreement after the referral and
participation under Clauses 13 (b) and (c).
14.1 No Party shall assign all or any of its rights hereunder without the prior written
consent of the other Party.
No Party shall mortgage, pledge, charge, assign by way of security or
otherwise encumber any of its rights hereunder without the prior written
consent of the other Party.
This Agreement shall be read and construed according to the laws for the time
being in force in the Malaysia, and subject to Clause 13 the Parties agree to
submit any dispute which may arise in relation to this Agreement to the
jurisdiction of the Courts of Malaysia.
This Agreement may not be varied except in writing signed by the Parties.
Should any provision of this Agreement be held by a Court to be unlawful,
invalid, and unenforceable or in conflict with any rule, statute, ordinance or
regulation, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not
be thereby affected.
Any notice under this Agreement shall be served by hand delivery or by being
forwarded by A.R. Registered post to the address of the Party shown schedule
4 Part II or to such other address as may be notified in writing by the Party
from time to time and in the case of service by post shall be deemed to have
been received within seven (7) days after posting. Such notices may be
served by facsimile provided that confirmation is served by hand or post as
described in this clause.
No servants or agents of any Party shall by virtue of this Agreement be
deemed to be employees of the other Party.
Each Party shall execute such agreements, deeds and documents and do or
cause to be executed or done all such acts and things as shall be necessary
to give effect to this Agreement.
In this Agreement except to the extent that the context otherwise requires:
(a) words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa;
(b) words denoting individuals or persons include bodies corporate and trusts
and vice versa;
(c) headings are for convenience only and shall not affect interpretation;
(d) reference to any document or agreement includes reference to such
document or agreement as amended, novated, supplemented, varied or
replaced from time to time;
(e) words denoting any gender include all genders; and
(f) where any word or phrase is given a defined meaning in this Agreement
any part of speech or other grammatical form in respect of such word or
phrase has a corresponding meaning.
14.10 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties. Any
prior arrangements, agreements, representations or undertakings are hereby
EXECUTED by the Parties as an Agreement on the date first appearing.
SIGNED for and on behalf of
SIGNED for and on behalf of
(………………….) SDN BHD by:
Name: ………………………………………..
Name: …………………………………
in the presence of:
in the presence of:
Name: ………………………………………..
Name: …………………………………
Schedule 1
Collaboration Tasks and Tasks To Be Carried Out by the Parties
UM’s Tasks
…………... ‘s Tasks
Schedule 2
Intended Project Outcomes
 The time periods are tentatively included as guideline to indicate the desired rate
of completion of the milestones.
 Each milestone should be established to the satisfaction of both Parties, and
concluded by a summary and a detailed report to be drafted by each Party to the
other or one report drafted and agreed on by both Parties.
Schedule 3
Staff costs (for a period of twenty four(24) months)
Staff Category
Total (RM)
2002 (RM)
2003 (RM)
 Consultants
 Temporary and
contract personnel
Total (RM)
2002 (RM)
2003 (RM)
Fermenter (5 litre),
accessories and
operational expenses
Sub-total direct expenses
Total (RM)
2002 (RM)
2003 (RM)
Direct project expenses
Expense Category
Total cost (Add sub-totals A and B)
1. Consultancy and staff costs
2. Equipment, accessories and
operational expenses
3. Administration charges imposed by UM
(approx. 7% total costs)
RM …………. …………. ………
………….. ………… ………..
RM ………….. ……….. ………..
…………... shall provide to UM payment of 2002 in 2002, and payment of 2003 in
…………... shall provide to UM actual expenses for consumables separately every
one or two months.
The first payment should be immediately made after this agreement commence.
Schedule 4
Part I
UM staff: Consultants to the project
Part II
Notification Address
For UM
Facsimile Number : …………………………………
For …………...
Facsimile Number : ……………………………………..