January 2009
Contact: Abbi Holtom Whitaker, Abbi Public Relations or 775-323-2977
New shrink-wrap business is booming
Sales up 40 percent; franchise growth expected in 2009
RENO, NV -- Not all businesses are suffering in this
economic downturn. In fact, one in particular is downright
prospering, and even expects to expand during this
worsening economy.
Recession? What recession?
Fast Wrap USA, a company specializing in shrinkwrapping everything from boats to lumber to outdoor
furniture as protection from the elements, is on the rise,
and in more ways than one.
Not only is Fast Wrap increasing new customers, it is
attracting investors who want to be a part of the business
as a franchisee.
Today, Fast Wrap’s fleet of vans are conducting
business in Las Vegas, Reno, San Francisco, Sacramento,
Denver and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Not a bad start for a
company founded at the end of 2007.
CEO and co-founder Mike Enos, whom the Washington Post
called the “Serial Entrepreneur,” expects to have 16 to 20
franchisees within the next 12 months. The goal is to
eventually expand to 500 franchises nationwide.
Meanwhile, business is booming. Enos said Fast Wrap’s
sales have grown 40 percent in the past seven months,
helped in part by the recession.
“We’re in the asset protection business,” Enos said.
“When construction came to a halt, leaving projects
uncompleted, the need arose to protect the lumber, the
half-built homes and the machinery.”
Fast Wrap came to the rescue.
Enos received a call recently from an official of a
church in Lake Tahoe that was halfway built when its
funding ran out.
“The only option they had was to let it sit exposed to
the elements to deteriorate or get it wrapped,” Enos said.
Other Fast Wrap applications include, but are not
limited to, recreational vehicles, Jet Skis, signs and hay
bales, among other agricultural products.
Fast Wrap vans bring the wrapping directly to the
customer. The covering is fire retardant, flame resistant
and shrinks to fit with the application of heat that forms
a powerful, protective seal.
“Fast Wrap can help you extend the life of your assets
by two or three times,” Enos said.
Plus, it’s cost effective. The average recreational
boat costs about $250 to wrap. Storing it for a season can
cost that much per month.
Wrapping a boat is how Fast Wrap began.
Enos, whose previous entrepreneur endeavors were in
taxidermy and portable toilets, owned an air boat too big
to fit in his garage. It sat outside behind his office near
a freeway.
One day, Enos saw a truck carrying new boats that were
shrink-wrapped for protection. He called the boat company
to see if it would wrap his boat. When it refused, he
contacted the maker of the shrink-wrap material, Dr.
Shrink. Enos bought the material and used Dr. Shrink’s heat
gun and wrapped his boat himself.
The protected boat sat next to the freeway like a
billboard. Enos’ secretary received so many inquiries about
the wrapped boat she asked him to move it.
“Everybody wanted me to wrap their Bobcat or backhoe
or patio furniture,” Enos said. “Or their boats.”
And so he did, and he’s been wrapping them ever since.
“The whole world needs wrapping,” Enos said. “And in
tough times, it’s more important than ever to protect your
About Fast Wrap USA
Fast Wrap USA is the only national franchisor of
shrink-wrapping services that allow consumers to protect
their property, such as boats, lumber and outdoor
furniture, from the elements. The shrink-wrap film is
recyclable, fire retardant and comes in four colors,
including green for environmentally and visually sensitive
areas. Franchisees receive extensive training and support
through an innovative franchise management system. For more
information, call 866-469-1333 or visit