AC. YEAR - 2008 – 2009
Lessons :
1. Winds, Storms and Cyclones.
2. Soil
3. Respiration in Organism
Winds , Storms and Cyclones
I) Define the following :
1) Cyclone
2) Tornado
II)Answer in a word or two.
1) Name the centre of a cyclone.
2) Name the winds which carry water and brings rain.
3) Name the Indian coastline which is more vulnerable to cyclones.
4) Air around us exerts ______________
III) Write True / False against the statements :
1) In Japan the cyclone is called hurricane.
2) Wind circulation is set up from the poles to warmer latitudes.
3) Increased wind speed is accompanied by reduced air pressure.
4) We can monitor cyclones with the advanced technology.
Worksheet By Mrs. Sunila, VI-VIII (Boys)
Winds , Storms and Cyclones
1. The greater the difference in pressure the________ the air moves.
2. High speed wind and air pressure difference causes ____________.
3. Wind flows from region of__________ pressure to region of __________ pressure.
4. Cyclone is known as ___________ in America and as ______________ in Japan.
5. Falling water droplets and rising air moves vigorously to produce ___________..
6. Centre calm region of cyclone is called as __________ of cyclone.
III. Name the following :
1. Name the wind that flows from oceans towards land that brings rain during summer.
2. Name the instrument used to measure wind speed.
3. Name the 2 advance technologies helpful to monitor cyclones.
4. Name the instrument used to measure direction of wind.
IV. State True or False.
1. Warm air is heavier than cool air.
2. The uneven heating on earth is the main cause of wind movements.
3. Car is not the safe place to take shelter during thunderstorm.
Prepared by: Mrs. Asfia Bader (VI-VIII Girls Section)
I) Fill in the blanks :
1) The rotting dead matter in the soil is called ________________________.
2) A vertical section through different layers of the soil is called ________________.
3) The mixture of _________________ and humus is called the soil.4)Percolation rate of water is
highest in the ____ soil and least in the __________soil.
5) The best soil for growing plants is ________________.
6) 'A' horizon is also known as _____________________.
II) Write True or False
1) If the amount of large and fine particles is about the same, then the soil is called loamy soil.
2) The layer which is hard and difficult to dig with spade is called topsoil.
3) Sandy soil is used to make pots, toys and statues.
4) Soil is affected by climatic factors.
5) The soil which is light, well aerated and rather dry is clayey soil.
III) Name the following :
1) Name two agents of weathering.
2) Name the uppermost layer of soil.
3) Name the type of soil that can hold more water.
4) Name the soil which is a mixture of sand, clay and silt.
III) Define the following :
1) Soil
2) Weathering
3) Soil erosion
4) Soil Profile
Worksheet By Mrs. Shahnaz Khan, VI-VIII(Boys)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Respiration in Organism
I) Fill in the Blanks :
1) Breathing is part of _______________________________
2) Breathing involves movements of ______________ and the ______________.
3) The food has _____________which is released during _____________
4) The accumulation of __________________caused muscle cramps.
5) Yeast can survive in the absence of air, they are called _________________
6) The taking in of air rich in oxygen into body is called ____________
II) Choose True / False from the following :
1) Cellular respiration takes place in the cells of all organisms .
2) All living organisms respire to get energy from food .
3) Muscles can also respire an aerobically.
4) Breathing does not involve the movement of the diaphragm.
5) Roots take up air from the air spaces present between soil particles .
III) Define
1) Breathing
2) Cellular respiration
IV) Answer the following :
1) Why do all animals respire? – 2 marks
2) Describe the mechanism of breathing in human being. – 8 marks
3) Describe in brief the process of respiration in cockroach. – 5 marks
Prepared by, Mr. Abdul Hafeez, VI – VIII(Boys)