Geography 3015 A – Fall 2008 Microclimatology - Course Syllabus Course Instructor: Office: Telephone: E-mail: Office hours: Class Schedule: Laboratory Instructor: Lab Schedule: Room: Textbook: Matthew G. Letts University Hall, C850 403-317-2842 Tuesdays (11h00-12h00) Tuesdays and Thursdays (09h25-10h40) Guy Duke Thursdays (15h05-17h45) B730 (classes) and E640 (labs) Oke, T.R. 2003. Boundary Layer Climates (Second Edition). Routledge, London, UK Course Description: Climatology of the planetary boundary layer. An examination of the dynamic exchanges of radiation, energy, water, and carbon at the Earth-atmosphere interface. Topics addressed include: surface radiation balance, latent and sensible heat flux, air pollution in the boundary layer, carbon dynamics in agricultural and natural ecosystems, and implications of atmospheric change on land-atmosphere interactions and tropospheric climate. Graded Components: Units and Conversions Primer Excel Spreadsheet Primer Surface Radiation Balance Lab Surface Energy Balance Lab NEE/ Carbon Balance Lab Journal Article Review Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 2% 2% 8% 8% 8% 12% 25% 25% 10% Tests: Three tests, held in class, will consist of definitions, short answer/essay questions and calculations. In this course, we first learn about the fundamentals of microclimatology, and then apply these concepts throughout the course. Tests should, thus, be considered cumulative. Lab Exercises: You will be given two weeks to complete each of the three laboratory exercises as well as the journal article review, except for Lab 3, as noted in the topics schedule below. The Excel spreadsheet primer lab will be due one week after it is assigned. An introduction to each laboratory exercise and review will be provided by the lab instructor and/or course instructor. The lab instructor will be available for assistance during the lab period during weeks for which no lab is scheduled. Extra lab sessions may be scheduled on off weeks when supplemental assistance is deemed necessary. Journal Article Review: To support our seminar discussion on biogeochemistry and climate change, each student is expected to read a scientific journal article on the issue along with three other students and prepare a collective 2-4 page review. Results will be presented to the class in a ten minute presentation. Final Grading Scheme: Your grades will be made available on the Web-CT site, and will be updated regularly. I will give percentile marks for the tests, laboratory assignments and journal article review, but these marks will be converted to a letter grade for your final transcript grade, which corresponds to a specific grade point value. The following outlines the grade conversion scheme for this course: Percentage 90-100 85-89 80-84 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 56-59 50-55 00-49 Letter Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F GPV 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0 Plagiarism: Plagiarism is an extremely serious academic offence and carries penalties varying from a written reprimand and failure in an assignment, to debarment from the University. Any student found to have plagiarized or cheated in this course would receive a mark of zero on the work in question, in addition to a written reprimand copied to the Registrar’s Office, if it were a first offence. No warning would be given. Further action would be taken for repeat offenders. Please note that while I encourage students to work in groups, identical answers on assignments are considered to be a form of plagiarism, so use your own words. Definitions and policies regarding plagiarism can be found in the University of Lethbridge 2008-2009 Calendar. Late Assignments: A mark of zero will be assigned to all late laboratory exercises, and to all missed tests and presentations, except in the case of documented health or personal reasons. Topics Schedule (subject to change): Month September October Date 4 Topic Introduction Graded Components Lab 1: Units, Conversions, and Measures Primer (Sept 4) 9, 11 Review of Stability and Instability Review and Surface Radiation Balance 16, 18 Surface Radiation Balance (con’t) 23, 25, 30 Energy Balance Lab 2: Excel Spreadsheet Primer (Sept 11) Units Lab Due Sept 11 (in lab) One class held outdoors Lab 3: Radiation Balance and Instability (Sept 18 & 25) Excel Spreadsheet Lab Due Sept 18 (in lab) Radiation Balance Lab Due Sept 30 (in class) 2 Energy Balance (con’t) Lab 4: Energy Balance (October 2 & 9) 7, 9 Latent and Sensible Heat Flux / Energy Flux Measurement Climate of Non-Vegetated Environments Test 1: Oct 7 14,16 November 21, 23 28, 30 Climate of Vegetated Environments Terrain Effects 4, 6 Urban Climatology and Pollution 13 Biogeochemistry and Trace Gas Exchange Outside the Boundary Layer; Severe Storms; Climate Change Climate Change Discussion (Seminar) and Review 18, 20 25, 27 December 2, 4 Energy Balance Lab Due Oct 16 (in class) Lab 5: Net Ecosystem Exchange and Carbon Balance (October 30 & November 6) Journal Article Review Assignment Test 2: Nov 6 NEE Lab Due November 13 (in class) Test 3: Nov 27 Journal Article Review Presentations (Review due December 2)