East Fairmont High School Boys Basketball Contract I. Division of Personnel: A. Basketball players will be selected from the East Fairmont High Student Body to serve as 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade players. II. Eligibility: A. All players trying out must have a 2.0 overall grade point average. B. All players must have an updated physical form and other required paperwork the first day of try-outs. III. Try Outs: A. All players must attend all days included in the try-out period, except those absences caused by a dire emergency. B. Coaches will determine the dates and times of the try-outs. IV. Judging: A. Coaches at East Fairmont High School will choose the teams. V. Responsibilities and Requirements For Players: A. Maintain a 2.0 GPA. Players will be required to keep their grades up. If grades fall, players will be subject to miss games until grades are brought back up. B. Must conduct themselves as school representatives, whether or not in uniform. C. Basketball will be a #1 interscholastic sport to you. If there is a game, or practice, you will be there. However, you will be excused for participation in school events such as Spelling Bee, Choir performances, etc. You will not be allowed to perform for any other group without the expressed approval of the coach if there is a game or practice the same night. D. No jewelry can be worn for an event, game, or practice. E. Players are to be at practice 15 minutes early and are to realize that practice may run over a few minutes. Cell phones are to be turned off at practice. F. If a player is late for practice, that player is required to run additional sprints/suicides as determined by the coach. Typically, it would be one suicide for each minute late. G. It is the player’s responsibility to inform the coach when he/she cannot attend practice. Telling other members of the team is not acceptable. H. If practice needs to be changed in any way, you will be notified as soon as possible. Check the website. I. If a player has an unexcused absence at practice the day before a game, that player will miss playing time during certain quarters of the next game and possibly the entire game. Excused absences may also result in missing playing time during a portion of the game. J. If a player is absent from school the day of a practice or game, that player will not be able to participate in the practice or game. They will be required to come to the game if they don’t dress, and sit with the team. K. If a player has several unexcused absences from practices and/or games, that player may be suspended from the team. L. Players must assume responsibility for the care and expenses of basketball uniforms. Actual uniforms will be purchased through fundraising. M. Players are required to take care of the locker room. Any misconduct in the locker room will result in disciplinary actions. Stealing or handling other player’s property WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. N. If a player shows disrespect to any coach or teammate, disciplinary actions will be taken. O. All players are expected to show good sportsmanship to opposing team members and their facilities. P. Jerseys must be tucked in and shorts must be worn around the waist during games and practices. Basketball shoes are not to be worn to or from games or practices. Change shoes at the game or practice. Q. No player is to leave the bench if an altercation occurs on the court. R. Players are required to ride the bus to away games. They are also required to let the Head Coach know if they won’t be riding the bus home. S. If a player is injured, he/she is still required to sit with the team during games. T. Players are required to sit as a team in the stands during away games to show support for the other grade playing. U. Players are required to wear specified clothes on game days by their coach. (No basketball shoes should be worn with dress clothes. No Flip Flops.) V. All players and parents must be prepared for and participate in fundraisers during the season. W. Coaches and their assistants will determine the amount of playing time for the players. X. Coaches will not talk to parents about team members other than their own child. Y. Coaches will determine which practices will be closed with only players, managers, and coaches being allowed in the gymnasium during practice time. I, ______________________________, have read the contract and agree to abide by the rules stated. I also understand the consequences if the rules are not followed. I will do my best to represent East Fairmont High basketball with dignity and respect. Player Signature I have read the contract and agree that my child will abide by the rules stated. I know the consequences if these rules are not followed and agreed to abide by this. Parent Signature I give my consent for my child’s name to be posted on the teams website www.leaguelineup.com/eastfairmont for roster and stats during the 20092010 season. Action shots of my child may also be used. Parent Signature