WASTE MANAGEMENT WINEWISE COMMITTEE CURRENT ASSIGNEMENTS Topic Glass bottles Alternative containers (PET, BIB, TetraPack…) Cardboard boxes Labels (etched, silk screening, paper, plastic, type of ink used) Closures (synthetic, natural, screwcap, crowncap, vinolock) DTC shipper and inserts Pomace DE/Perlite Filtration material (Pads, cartridges) Unused chemicals (Yeast, acid, SO2, DAP, enzymes…) Used barrels Shipping – Case goods Shipping – Direct To Consumer Topic champion Paul Vanderberg Freddy Arredondo Nicolas Quille Nicolas Quille Freddy Arredondo Freddy Arredondo Nicolas Quille Paul Vanderberg Paul Vanderberg Nicolas Quille Freddy Arredondo Nicolas Quille Paul Vanderberg GLASS BOTTLES: Bottles used to package your wine Topic Glass bottles Impact on Environment What is the weight of your bottle? Recyclability Do you use flint (more recyclable) or colored glass (often not recycled)? Topic Glass bottles Recycled content Do you know the percentage of recycled glass and post consumer waste in your glass? Effort toward reduce waste Do you recycle glass onsite? Do you offer your consumer to bring their used bottles back at the winery? ALTERNATIVE CONTAINER: Topic Alternative Container Impact on Environment What type of alternative containers Recyclability Is the container produced with the are you using (PET, BIB, Tetrapack)? How much energy is consumed in the production of the contaner in relation to other products that serve the same purpose? Topic Alternative Container help of renewable supplier? Are the renewable supplies used in the container managed in a sustainable manner? Is the container easily recycled (ie; curbside or recycling centers)? Is the entire container recyclable? Does the container have to be broken down and sorted into various recyclable parts? Is the recycled container manufactured into another type of consumer product? Recycled content Effort toward reduce waste How much recycled content is there Do you recycle containers onsite? in the container? Has the manufacturer of the product established any partnerships with recyclers? CARDBOARD BOXES: Boxes used in packaging glass – can be applied to boxes received for supplies other than glass (yeasts, lab supplies…) Topic Cardboard boxes Impact on Environment How far is the box produced and/or has to travel? Do you repack glass – do you understand the flow of your cardboard boxes? Have you discussed the sustainable footprint of your box with your supplier Recyclability Quality and amount of ink in cardboard – any lead based ink? Finish on the box – any plastified finish Amount of material used Type of inserts used Topic Cardboard boxes Recycled content Effort toward reduce waste % recycled content in your boxes and Do your track the wastage rate of inserts your boxes? Do you have a cardboard/paper collection point at the winery? LABELS: Labels (Etching, silk screening, paper, plastic…) used to provide information on your package Topic Labels Impact on Environment Recyclability Do you know if your labels contain Do you know the recyclability of your any heavy metals? labels? Do you discuss eco-friendly Do you know the recyclability of your alternatives with your label supplier? backing material? Do you understand what is the backing material? If using Etching or Silk screening, do you understand the wastage rate in the label application process? Topic Labels Recycled content % recycled content Effort toward reduce waste Do you collect and recycle used labels? Do you collect and recycle used backing material? Do you know your wastage rate and do you have conversations about ways to reduce your waste? Have you looked at reducing the size of your label to save on material? CLOSURES: Type of stoppers on the wine containers: Natural cork, composite cork, Screwcap, Synthetic cork, Vinlock Topic Closures Impact on Environment What type of closure are you using (Synthetic, natural cork, agglomerated cork, screwcap, crowncap, vinolock)? If using natural cork what is the process for cleaning the cork? What types of chemicals are used and how are chemicals disposed of by the producer? Recyclability Is the closure made from a renewable resource? If the closure is made from a renewable resource, is the company managing the resource in a sustainable manner? How much energy is consumed in the production of the closure compared to other products that do the same thing? Is the closure recycled into an entirely different product (cork flooring, packing material etc.) or is it recycled into the same product? Topic Closures Recycled content Is there any recycled material in the closure that you use? Effort toward reduce waste Has your supplier set up any type of recycling program? SHIPPERS: Shippers used in DTC mainly. Topic Shippers Impact on Environment What type of shipper do you use to ship wines (plastic/polymer, paper/cardboard fibre, Styrofoam/polystyrene foam)? Is the shipper that you use made from a renewable resource? Is that renewable resource managed in a sustainable manner? Can the product be broken down or stacked to save space resulting in more efficient shipping? Recyclability Styrofoam, very bad Plastic inserts (polyethylene) are good Is the shipper that you are using recyclable or re-usable? Is the shipper that you are using readily recyclable (curbside or accepted at most recycle centers)? Topic Shippers Recycled content Is there any recycled content in the shipper that you are using? Effort toward reduce waste Do you collect used shippers at your winery for re-use? Do you ship back shippers to the winery? DE/PERLITE: Mined filtration material Topic DE/PERLITE Impact on Environment Do you know where the filtration material comes from? Recyclability Topic DE/PERLITE Recycled content Effort toward reduce waste Do you use the material for composting or mulching? OTHER FILTRATION MATERIAL: Mainly filter pads and membranes Topic Cardboard boxes Impact on Environment Do you use non intrusive method such as Cross flow filter, centrifuge Do you understand where your material comes from (Italy is not as good as Montana…) Recyclability Topic Cardboard boxes Recycled content Do you discuss fabrication process with your supplier? Effort toward reduce waste Do you recycled some of the other filtration material? POMACE: Waste from pressing grapes – Skins and seeds Topic Pomace Impact on Environment Recyclability Do you know where you pomace go? Could be 100% composted How far? Cattle feeding Grape seed oil Topic Pomace Recycled content 100% recyclable Effort toward reduce waste Do you understand clearly where the pomace go? UNUSED CHEMICAL: Leftover chemicals from your Production operations including fermentation supplies (Yeasts, nutrients, enzymes…), general production supplies (Gas, SO2, filtration material…) and lab supplies (Chemical, plastic cuvettes…) Topic Unused Chemical Impact on Environment Have you sit down with your team to evaluate the potential impact of disposing the waste downstream? Do you minimize shipping and try to get all your supplies in few orders? Recyclability Do you have document outlining the process to recycle each chemical waste? Topic Unused Chemical Recycled content % recyclable content? Effort toward reduce waste Do you track wastage rate and try to minimize it? Do you have a list of all unused chemical you might generate? Do you have the capability to collect plastic, metal and paper/Cardboard waste separately? Do you separate packaging and left over chemical? Did you contact the city about disposing of liquid chemical in the sewer Do you know which chemical can be composted with pomace (DE waste for example can) USED BARRELS AND OAK ALTERNATIVES: Topic Oak barrels and alternatives Impact on Environment Recyclability Do you discuss sustainable harvesting with your supplier Topic Oak barrels and alternatives Recycled content Effort toward reduce waste How many barrels are removed from your program each year? Can the barrels that you are taking out of your program be used by a “barrel refurbisher” (like re-coop) to get more use out of them? Can the barrels be donated to a charitable organization where they can re-use the wood and metal products to produce other products. Can barrels be sold to a company that makes another product like Furniture out of the barrel materials? Alternatives disposal (Chips, staves..) CASE GOODS: Left over case good not appropriate for sale (Obsolete inventories, damaged goods…) Topic Case Goods Impact on Environment Do you know where your case goods are and do you have a program to track them? Do you recall your case good at the winery for destruction? If you use a third party for destruction, are you aware of their destruction policy? Recyclability Do you decant case goods and dispose of each component appropriately Topic Case Goods Recycled content % recycled content based on each component Effort toward reduce waste Do you recall obsolete product for destruction and have a procedure to dispose of the waste (wine, glass, cardboard…)? Have you discussed with your warehouseman his/her program for case goods destruction? SHIPPING – TRUCKLOAD AND DTC: Topic Logistic Impact on Environment Do you know and try to minimize your weight per case Recyclability Topic Logistic Recycled content Effort toward reduce waste Do you look at your logistic carbon footprint? WEIGHTING OF TOPICS BY IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Glass bottles and Alternative containers (PET, BIB, TetraPack…) 51% Pomace 10% Shipping/Logistics 10% Barrels and oak alternatives 7% Unused chemicals (Yeast, acid, SO2, DAP, enzymes…) 5% Closures (synthetic, natural, screwcap, crowncap, vinolock) 5% Cardboard boxes and shippers 4% DE/Perlite 4% Filtration material (Pads, cartridges) 2% Labels (etched, silk screening, paper, plastic, type of ink used) 2% OTHER IDEAS: - Have a waste log available for wineries (may be a spreadsheet downloadable from Winewise?) - Link to scientific studies that relate to waste management at wineries - Have list of sustainable suppliers – WineWise approved list? - build online feedback mechanism with consumers about their recycling habits?