Hoover School Arrival and Drop-off Please carefully read the following procedures and review them with your children. These procedures are intended to keep all of our students safe while arriving at and departing from school. Teachers open the two courtyard doors, adjacent to the circle, at 8:05 a.m. allowing students to enter school and go directly to their classrooms. The bell, signaling the start of school rings promptly at 8:15 a.m. Students arriving after the bell must enter the school through main doors and report to the office. All families are highly encouraged to walk to school. The vehicle traffic can be very heavy. Car Drop-off The car drop-off/pick-up area is located along the grass circle (between the white lines) and is only for students who do not need assistance getting out of the car. If Glendower Road your child needs help, please find a legal parking space. ADULTS ARE NOT TO GET OUT OF THEIR CARS. PARKING AREA Refer to the map on the website for location of legal parking spaces. THIS IS THE PARKING AREA ONLY DROP Pull your car all the way up to OFF AREA. the top of the drop-off area. Wait for the cars in front of you PARKING to pull away. AREA Never back up your car in the drop off area. Never cut into the drop-off line from the left travel lane. PARKING AREA Do not allow the student to exit the car unless s/he is in the drop-off area PARKING AREA Echo Road Hoover School Dismissal and Pick-up A bell at 2:22 p.m. signals the end of the school day. Students exit the building through the three doors facing the playground, on the side of the building. Grades K, 1, and 2: Students are released when supervising staff sees the parent (face to face). Adults picking up students in grades K, 1, and 2 may not use the pickup area. Grades 3, 4 and 5: Students are released at the end of the day regardless of supervising staff seeing designated adult. Parents should discuss with their child(ren) what the arrangement will be for pick-up. Adults may arrange to drive up to the drop-off/pick-up area to meet their children. o o Adults must drive to the grass circle to meet them. During snowy months, students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will wait on the pavement between the grass circle and black fence to be picked up. If your child(ren) is not at the circle when you arrive you must move out of the pick-up area and drive around the block (Glendower to Whitman to Echo) and then reenter the pick-up area. You are not permitted to park or leave your car in the pick-up area. In the event that your child isn’t in the pick-up area when you are, you need to leave the pick-up area and drive around the block until your child(ren) is in the circle area. Never back up your car in the pick-up area. Do not allow your child(ren) to enter your car unless s/he is in the designated pick-up area, between the white lines. It is imperative that all adults who are responsible for dropping off and picking up students are aware of this procedure. Safety is our primary focus. Thank you for your assistance in following our drop-off and pick-up procedures.