Late-Holocene Glacial Conditions in the Ross Sea Embayment

Late-Holocene Glacial Conditions in the Ross Sea Embayment
H. Conway
Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Box 351650
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Changing glacial environments have had major impacts on the evolution of Antarctic biota
(Clarke and Crame, 1989; Chen et al, 1997), and as a consequence, much of what is known about
the glacial history of Antarctica has been inferred from fossil biota found in geologic deposits
(Berkman et al, 1998).
The Ross Sea Embayment is a proven, rich source of terrestrial and marine proxies that have
enabled reconstructions of climate and glacial conditions during the Holocene (Figure 1 shows an
example); additional studies are needed to improve the spatial and temporal resolution of these
unique data. Such high-resolution data are needed to help answer questions concerning the
stability of the marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), the stability of the East Antarctic
Ice Sheet, and the phasing of climate changes in Antarctica and the North Atlantic.
Figure 1: Holocene grounding-line recession in the Ross Sea Embayment. Adapted from Conway et al,
(1999). Map shows dated locations used to resolve grounding-line retreat in the Ross Sea Embayment: (i)
Marine evidence, including seismic reflection profiles and dated sediment cores, indicates that grounded ice
extended almost to Coulman Island during the LGM (Licht et al., 1996, 1999; Shipp et al., 1999). (ii) 14C
dates of lacustrine algae from proglacial lakes (Hall et al, 1999, 2000), molluscs from sediment cores (Licht
et al, 1999) and organic material contained within raised beaches (Hall and Denton, 1999) all indicate
grounding line retreat past McMurdo Sound about 7600 yr B.P. (iii) 14C dates of algae from ice-dammed
lakes indicate grounding line retreat past the Hatherton Coast about 6800 yr B.P. (Bockheim et al, 1989).
(iv) Measurements of the internal stratigraphy (from radio echo-sounding) and surface velocity (from
repeat GPS surveys of poles) used in a model of ice cap evolution, indicate the grounding line was still
north of Roosevelt Island about 3200 years ago.
Additional studies are needed to help resolve ambiguities in the present data that pertain to the
timing of recession from the LGM position to Franklin Island (Baroni and Orombelli, 1994).
Recent finds of seal-skins and shells contained in raised beaches in Terra Nova Bay (Brenda Hall,
pers com, 2001) will help resolve the timing of retreat in this region. Studies are also needed to
better define the retreat south of the Hatherton Coast. During the LGM, the outlet glaciers that
now drain East Antarctic ice through the Transantarctic mountains (eg. Reedy, Beardmore,
Shackelton, Reeves and Campbell Glaciers) were dammed by grounded ice in the Ross Sea.
Cosmogenic dates from exposures along the margins of these glaciers would help define the
retreat history of the WAIS.
The structure and thickness of past configurations of the WAIS is unknown; the dynamics of
the Ice Sheet today is dominated by fast-flowing ice streams but it is not known whether the ice
streams were active during the LGM and the early Holocene. Geophysical measurements,
including radio echo-sounding, ice cores, and paleo-thermometry, from key locations such as
Ridge AB, Roosevelt Island, Crary Ice Rise, Wilson Piedmont and Talos Dome are needed to
help reconstruct past configurations and define the preset rate of thinning and stability. Models of
post-glacial rebound (constrained by dated raised beaches and records of global sea level) would
also help resolve this issue by providing an estimate of the total ice volume during the LGM.
Advance and retreat of the WAIS has generally followed glacial-interglacial cycles; the
timing of retreat, after most of the sea-level rise from melting of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets
had occurred (Peltier, 1998), suggests that its recession was triggered by rising sea level. In
contrast, the small alpine glaciers in the McMurdo Dry Valley region (including Taylor Glacier)
generally retreat during glacial times (probably because of the decreased accumulation) and
advance during interglacial times. Ablation now occurs primarily by sublimation, although some
melting below about 1500 m in elevation provides the main source for streams that run
intermittently during the late-summer (Chinn, 1986); rates of ablation b at the termini are
typically 0.3 to 0.4 m/yr. For a glacier that experiences a small change in mass balance, the
characteristic response time to reach a new steady state at the terminus can be approximated by
H / b , where H is the maximum thickness. The time constant for the Dry Valley glaciers is
~1000-2000 years; these glaciers should now be fully adjusted to the accumulation increase that
occurred at Taylor Dome at the glacial-interglacial transition (Steig et al, 2000). This is consistent
with modern measurements that indicate the mass balance of most of the Dry Valley glaciers is
now near zero (Chinn, 1980, 1986). However maps of margin morphology show more extensive
moraines around most of the alpine glaciers in the past (Hall et al, 1993). For example a complete
moraine loop (Alpine II) extends about 1 km in front of the modern terminus of Meserve Glacier
(Hall et al, 1993). A simple, steady-state calculation indicates that the annual mass balance would
have to be about 2 cm/yr more positive than present for the glacier to reach this position,
suggesting the possibility of either a slightly wetter climate (about 50% wetter) and/or less
ablation during the last interglacial. More rigorous mass balance calculations and flow-line and
models of the alpine glaciers are needed to improve understanding of the climate and glacial
history of the McMurdo Dry Valley region.
Baroni, C. and G. Orombelli, 1994. Abandoned penguin rookeries as Holocene paleoclimatic indicators in
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Berkman, P.A. et al, 1998. Circum-Antarctic coastal environmental shifts during the Late Quaternary
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Bockheim, J.G., S.C. Wilson, G.H. Denton, B.G. Andersen and M. Stuiver, 1989. Late Quaternary icesurface fluctuations of Hatherton Glacier, Transantarctic Mountains. Quat. Res., 31, 229-254.
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Chinn, T.J.H. 1980. Glacier balances in the Dry Valleys area, Victoria Land, Antarctica. IAHS Publication
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