edf resolution

the impact of the economic crisis on people with disabilities
The European Disability Forum, the voice of 80 million persons with disabilities and
their families in Europe, calls on:
the European Council,
the Council of the European Union,
the European Commission,
the European Parliament,
the European Central Bank
the International Monetary Fund,
the World Bank
and all the Governments of Europe
to ensure that people with disabilities and their families are not excluded from
society through economic, political and social policies undermining their fundamental
rights including civil, political, social and economic rights.
Regardless that the European Union “Europe 2020” strategy has made social inclusion
one of the three pillars bringing Europe out the crisis, the European Disability Forum
(EDF) denounces that current economic, social and political policies adopted by Member
States and the European Union may lead to an increase in the numbers so of people
experiencing social exclusion in Europe.
The current actions undertaken by EU governments in Europe will undermine progress
towards the realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities enshrined in the UN
Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities, the social targets of the Europe
2020 strategy and the European Disability Strategy 2010 – 2020.
Poverty, social exclusion, discrimination, marginalisation, illiteracy and negative
stereotypes of people with disabilities can be the sad legacy of the current economic,
social and political reforms implemented by some governments of the European Union.
Reminding that:
1. People with disabilities represent 80 million people in the European Union (more
than 15% of the population), one in four Europeans has a family member with a
disability, people with reduced mobility represent more than 40% of the
2. According to data available before the financial crisis, people with disabilities
were two to three times more likely to be unemployed than non-disabled people;
the more severe the degree of disability, the lower the participation in the labour
force. Only 20% of people with severe disabilities, compared to 68% of those
without disabilities, have a job. Persons with disabilities are less likely to reach
third level education as non disabled persons by more than 50%. 38% of people
with disabilities aged 16 - 34 across Europe have an earned income, compared to
64% of non-disabled people. People with disabilities’ income are dramatically
lower than the income of non-disabled people. Compared to non-disabled people,
twice the number of people with disabilities meet their friends and relatives less
than once or twice a month
3. The European Commission has calculated that momentarily and due to the
impact of the crisis: 80 million people in Europe are exposed to the risk of
poverty, that more than 5 million people have lost their job with a 10% increase
in the unemployment rates of some EU countries.
4. The European Union has concluded the United Nations Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities in December 2010 which entered into force in
January 2011, today the EU is a party of the CRPD together with 18 EU countries.
EDF would like to remind of article 4.21 together with article 4.1.d of the CRPD
stating that state parties undertake to refrain from engaging in any act or practice
that is inconsistent with the present Convention and to ensure that public
authorities and institutions act in conformity with the present Convention
The EDF calls on the European Council, European Commission, European
Parliament, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and all the
Governments of Europe to ensure that people with disabilities are not socially,
economically or politically excluded.
In order to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are not undermined by
current the current responses to the economic crisis, we must consider that:
1. Awareness-raising of the needs of persons with disabilities should take place in
order to ensure that the portrayal of persons with disabilities in the media and
other relevant stakeholders is done correctly and does not lead to social
2. People with disabilities can freely move in European societies, live independently
and included in society: no action restricting these capacities should be envisaged
in any social protection reform. Personal assistance and other community
support services should not be undermined by austerity measures.
3. Freedom of expression and opinion and access to information is not restricted by
reforms of public and private services
Article 4.2 UNCRPD: With regard to economic, social and cultural rights, each State Party
undertakes to take measures to the maximum of its available resources and, where needed, within the
framework of international cooperation, with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of
these rights, without prejudice to those obligations contained in the present Convention that are
immediately applicable according to international law
4. Respect for family life is ensured by guaranteeing to all people with disabilities
and their families adequate family policies. These policies should remain a
5. Education of persons with disabilities will be respected and reforms in the
education systems will not mean reduction in education support policies in
mainstream education and should not lead to segregation to special schools.
6. The right to work and employment is fully respected: Measures for full inclusion
in employment including reasonable accommodation and supported employment
should not disappear from the national employment policies.
7. Access to health services for people with disabilities is not put into question and
health services for people with disabilities do not consider their health as
secondary in respect to non-disabled people.
8. That Social habilitation and rehabilitation is considered an investment for
European societies ensuring that all capacities are collected and fully participate
in the construction of Europe after the crisis. The quality of social services should
remain a pre-condition for respecting the human rights of people with
9. Adequate living standards and social protection are ensured. This will mean that
no measures are taken that will have the effect of leading people with disabilities
into poverty, social exclusion or reduction of his/her living income.
10. That lack of participation in public life is considered as a loss for the whole
society, no policy measures should lead to social isolation.
11. Finally, that appropriate statistics and data are collected to assess properly the
situation of people with disabilities in Europe.
12. Organisations representing people with disabilities should be consulted in regard
to any action that could have an impact on the rights of people with disabilities.
EDF observatory on the impact of the economic crisis on the rights of persons with
EDF will create a monitoring tool through the EDF observatory on the impact of the
economic crisis on the rights of persons with disabilities that will monitor, through
the collection of adequate examples by EDF members, the measures taken by EU
member states, European Union institutions and International financial institutions.
This observatory will ensure that (1) any damage to the rights of persons with
disabilities, (2) any negative portrayal of the persons with disabilities and (3) any
regression on the rights of persons with disabilities is correctly acknowledged, assessed
and abrogated.
EDF will also condemn any actions portraying people with disabilities as part of the
problem of the economic crisis and not part of the solution.
In cooperation with the International Disability Alliance the EDF will send this
resolution along with other international calls to all relevant policy makers and
stakeholders, working towards overcoming the international economic crisis to ensure
that the needs of persons with disabilities are heard.
>About us:
The European Disability Forum is the European umbrella organisation representing
the interests of 80 million persons with disabilities in Europe. The mission of EDF is to
ensure disabled people full access to fundamental and human rights through their active
involvement in policy development and implementation in Europe. EDF is a member of
the Social Platform and works closely to the European institutions, the Council of Europe
and the United Nations.
>Contact us:
Simona Giarratano | simona.giarratano@edf-feph.org
Square de Meeus 35 | 1000 Brussels | T +32 2 282 46 00 | F +32 2 282 46 09
info@edf-feph.org | www.edf-feph.org