1 FC 2000 Woodland Survey Sheet UNITARY AUTHORITY GENERAL SITE DESCRIPTION Herefordshire WGS REF NO. SITE NAME: Mowley Wood PARISH: Staunton on Arrow AGENT NATURE CONSERVATION STATUS / DESIGNATIONS Paul Segrott Special Wildlife Site TOTAL AREA (OF INCLUDED WOODLAND) 39.6 ha CONTACT: BALFOURS, MARKET HOUSE, CRAVEN ARMS, SHROPSHIRE SY7 9NN 01588 674039 OTHER DESIGNATIONS / PROTECTIONS GRID REF (ACCESS) River Arrow archaeology project, Otter associations. 351599 ANCIENT / RECENT SEMI-NATURAL / PLANTATION SURVEYOR Ancient semi-natural woodland 27.1 ha Ancient woodland site 10.8 ha Recent semi-natural 0.64 ha Recent semi-natural (railway line different ownership) 2.01 ha David Lovelace UK BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN DATE OF SURVEY Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland April & May 2002 WOODLAND VEGETATION TYPES (MARK ON MAP): SEMI-NATURAL WOODLAND TYPE (HAPS): Lowland Mixed Broadleaves NVC COMMUNITIES W8 Fraxinus excelsior – Acer campestre – Mercurialis perennis woodland W10 Quercus robur – Pteridium aquilinum – Rubus fruticosus woodland PLANTATIONS: Mixed conifer west of old railway line, some recent conifer/broadleaved mixed planting (2.9 ha) in main ASNW block. ADJACENT LAND Permanent pasture and arable THREATS Deer, Rhododendron, conifers, evenness of age structure ASPECT SLOPE ALTITUDE Plateau, south & east facing flanks Flanks up to 1:2 160 – 125m SOIL Somewhat acidic brown earths on the plateau, Clay to the west and north, some limestone outcrops in the south facing flanks overlooking the Arrow. GEOLOGY Part of the glacial moraine complex of depressions and hillocks characteristic of the Titley area. The flanks of wood overlooking the Arrow are glacial cuts. CLIMATIC FACTORS Rainfall ~75 cm/year, wind exposure highest at the western end (note windblown trees) Mowley Wood NWS Page 1 DL 2002 2b Woodland Survey Sheet REF NO. OVERALL DESCRIPTION ORIGIN, STANDS & STRUCTURE Mowley wood is an ancient woodland divided into two blocks by the railway cutting which runs north-south.. Some 30 ha is a compact area of ancient semi-natural woodland and is the largest remaining block of ancient semi-natural woodland in this part of NW Herefordshire. The next ASNWs of comparable size being Lyonshall Park Wood 4 km SW, Oaker Wood 11 km East and Pokewell wood 7 km north. See map 1 and tables on page 11 for overview and map 6 page 17 for locations of photos and features. Refer to the recent colour air photo page 16 for the present structure of the wood. The historical evolution is covered in maps from 1830 (page 12) to the 1996 aerial photo on page 16. This maps and air photos have been digitised and rectified to modern OS grid. Numbered photographs are by the author except 17, 22 and 34 are by Beryl Lewis. This report uses the compartment (cpt) numbers and map supplied by the agent. The western block (compartment 12, 8.2ha) is mixed conifers (DF, GF, NS, Larch) established in 1959/1960 after clearfelling the former ancient semi-natural broadleaves. There are significant semi-natural vegetation remnants in this cpt including a pond and springlines with species rich vegetation. The larger block (compartments 1 – 8, 31.5 ha) east of the railway line is mainly c1900 Oak high forest with some Ash which dominant in places. The stand is of stool and some plantation origin with a scatter of Victorian Beech and occasional Larch. The plateau centre and eastern flanks of the wood are principally Oak dominated stands with species poor under-storey (National Vegetation Classification W10) More species rich stands (National Vegetation Classification W8) occur on the calcareous quarried outcrops overlooking the river Arrow (cpt1 and SW of cpt 5) where Oak is in mixture with Ash, Hazel + occasional Field Maple & Wych Elm. The northern parts of cpts 4, 5 and 7 have deeper, damper soils also where Ash is in mixture with Oak and the stands would be classified as W8. The railway line 2.1 ha, abandoned in 1961 and now secondary Ash-Willow-Hazel woodland, is a Herefordshire Nature Trust reserve. There are two areas of recent (~10 years) conifer and Oak mixed planting totalling 2.9 ha compartments 2 and 3 and a small part of 5. Photos 2,3 page 18 and photos 30 and 31 page 25, 26) One Sub compartment of 1940’s planted Beech ~0.7 ha in cpt 7. Birch regeneration has grown up along the edges of the recently (~10 years) made wide circular ride and there are small other areas of Birch within cpts 4 & 7. Birch dominates a former assart in the NE sector of cpt 5 along with Wild Cherry. One small area of mature semi-natural Aspen (west part of cpt 4), next to railway line. Alder fringes the two lakes within cpt 5 and Guelder Rose grows by one of them. UNDER-STOREY COMPOSITION Hazel occurs throughout the broadleaved stands but is only abundant in the W8 areas where Field Maple and Wych Elm are also present. Rhododendron and Cherry Laurel are both present throughout the wood as minor components. Rowan occurs occasionally and a few Yew seedlings are recorded. GROUND LAYER There are fine displays of Wood Anemone and Bluebell throughout most of the woodland, along with abundant Yellow Archangel, Dog’s Mercury, Wood Speedwell, patches of Wood Sorrel, Red Campion, Dog Violet, occasional Primrose, Pignut. Wild Daffodil occurs GROUND Mowley Wood NWS Page 2 DL 2002 GROUND LAYER (continued) confined to NE part, Goldilocks Ranunculus auricomus, Early Purple Orchid and Common Spotted Orchid along the ride and near the quarried area if compartment 1. This fine ground flora extends some way into the predominantly Oak NVC W10 areas of the plateau area indicating that management over the last century is partly responsible for impoverished stand diversity. The conifer stand cpt 12 west of the railway line (photos pages 27 and 28) has remnants of ASNW ground flora especially around the edges of the wood which includes a pond and wet area (with toad spawn). The southern slopes of cpt 12 have a number of calcareous flushes with rich ground flora and some semi-natural stand remnants. These include Hard Shield Fern Polystichum aculeatum, Valerian Valeriana officinalis, Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, Wild Garlic as well as all of the above ground flora. Moschatel Adoxa moschatellina occurs in cpt 4 and edge of cpt 12. The railway line was built in c1875 has much of the above flora including Hard Shield Fern but less Bluebell and Wood Anemone. The line is an interesting test of rates of colonisation of native woodland flora. Unfortunately it also has Rhododendron. (page 26). THREATS & TRENDS The Rhododendron and Cherry Laurel population could well expend in the future – it is noticeable that a large Rhododendron bush has colonised part of the railway line – supposedly a nature reserve. Deer are present is numbers to cause a problem for restocking and ground flora locally. Much of the central and eastern part of the wood has an unnatural preponderance of Oak of even age and much of the under-storey is etiolated. The long term continuation of the 1960’s conifer stands in cpt 12 could jeopardise restoration of remaining semi-natural vegetation in this compartment. The conifers (NS and some RC) of the conifer/oak intimate mixture recently planted into cpts 2 and 3 is beginning to dominate this part of the woodland and to detract from its ancient semi-natural character. More decaying & veteran trees would improve the dead wood habitat. Creation of open areas (eg the wide circular ride) has improved the structural diversity and increased scrub edge habitat – but such habitat remains scarce in the woodland overall and the scrub needs to be periodically cut to maintain the edge habitat. The ponds in the NE part are shaded restricting their contribution to habitat diversity within the wood. Further management may imperil the archaeology of the woodland without care in using machinery and identifying the features on the ground. Mowley Wood NWS Page 3 DL 2002 3 WOODLAND SURVEY SHEET DETAILED STAND DESCRIPTIONS & ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES REF NO. HABITATS, FEATURES & COMMUNITIES (mark on map) Mowley wood makes an attractive habitat for woodland birds, the more so since silvicultural work has produced some open areas and scrub edge habitat along the wide rides (photo 15 page 21). Mature trees and some standing dead branch wood (Birch, Aspen and some of the old Beech) are key habitats, nesting and food sources. Birds recorded during the survey are as follows: : Cuckoo, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Buzzard, Chiffchaff, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Raven, Tawny Owl. The wood is also likely to be rich in invertebrates given its size, history and edge habitats. Also, the small stand of mature Aspens next to the railway line in cpt 4 may harbour surviving populations of moth species on Aspen eg the Poplar Kitten Furcula bifida, and Poplar Lutestring Tethea or. The river Arrow is an important Otter river so that adjacent woodland and water will be used.See discussion under ‘ponds and spring lines’ below: Representative sample stand survey details – refer to cpt map and map 6, page 17 for locations. 1. In compartment 4 just NE of railway line (photos 28 – 30, page 25) Oak, Ash c1900 (one Victorian planted Beech nearby) with occasional sub-canopy Birch over a light under-storey of Hazel, Birch regen., Honeysuckle, Wych Elm, & occasional Rowan. Between this sample and conifer/Oak block is an area of dense Birch regen (photo 28) Near the railway line there is a small stand of fine old Aspens (‘A’ on map 6). Ground flora: dense Bluebell (>90% cover) with abundant Wood Anemone and Yellow Archangel (photo 29). Also Wood Speedwell, Greater Stitchwort, Moschatel and Pignut. Thin Bramble, some Bracken, Yorkshire Fog and Seedlings of: Ash F, Hazel O, Hawthorn O, Holly R, Birch F. 2. North part of compartment 5. Ash, Oak irregular canopy, some Oak of Victorian plantation origin DBH to 1m, under-storey of Hazel (to 30% cover in places), Birch, Hawthorn, Honeysuckle occasional Rowan. Photo 7 page 19. Ground flora: dense Bluebell (>90% cover) with abundant Wood Anemone, occasional Yellow Archangel, Wild Current, Dog’s Mercury, Red Campion, Male Fern, thin bramble, seedlings of Ash, Holly. Also a Yew seedling nearby. Alder next to pond which straddles northern woodland boundary to pasture field (photo 12, page 20). Deer watering area – browsing and trampling. 3. Area of open secondary Birch Wood in cpt 5 (photo 18, page 22) Birch ~50 years from 30% to 70% canopy on former pasture assart, some Wild Cherry. Dominant Bluebell with Red Campion. Occasional Wild Daffodil nearby. Boundary bank defining assart edge with mature Oak. 4. Oak high forest typical of plateau parts of cpts 5 and 6 (photos 19 page 22). c1900 Oak (mostly singled stool origin) with occasional Ash (some multi-stemmed), Birch in subcanopy (~10%). under-storey of thin Hazel, Birch. Ground flora: Wood Anemone ~30%, Bluebell ~20% bare ground ~30% occasional patches of Yellow Archangel. One or two fallen trunks. Mowley Wood NWS Page 4 DL 2002 5. Semi-natural Oak of the plateau region (photos 10, 11, page 19). The stands of the central ‘plateau’ area of the wood are the most semi-natural, the Oak the most obviously stool grown - some multi-stemmed, with a variation in age class and an irregular canopy. Birch and Wild Cherry are frequent over a thin under-storey of Hazel and younger Birch some Honeysuckle. ground flora ~70% Bluebell but also areas of bare ground, abundant Wood Anemone, Yellow Archangel, Male Fern, Wood Speedwell, Male Fern. Some fallen Birch. 6. Strip of Beech plantation and regenerating Birch and Oak. Visible in both 1948 and 1959 RAF air photos is a rectangular coupe without standards running north-south coincident for the most part of what was “Frasers Vallet” on the Tithe map, this remained in ownership separate as ‘coppice’ from the rest of the wood until its sale in 1927. It was left for natural regeneration except for one part which was planted with Beech – now the present Beech plantation as indicated on map 1. Mainly Birch with some Oak regeneration area just west of the Beech plantation, fairly thin ground flora see Photo 9 page 19 and photo 20 page 23. The Oak is quite straight and drawn up in places for natural regeneration reminiscent of the old Welsh saying “the Birch is nurse to the Oak”1 The Beech plantation has suppressed all but the occasional Hazel, sparse Ash regeneration and some Holly seedlings. 80% of ground is bare of vegetation. However there are some patches of Wild Daffodil, Bluebell and Yellow Archangel. 7. Stands above Quarry Fields South part of cpt 5 east of the conifer/Oak block and adjacent to the ‘Quarry fields’ which jut up to the centre of the wood from the Arrow valley and form a stepped edge to the wood. Distinctly more limey soils give rise to Oak and Ash HF over an under-storey of Hazel quite dense in places and includes Field Maple, Wild Cherry, Wych Elm and a carpet of Bluebell, Wood Anemone, Dog’s Mercury and Yellow Archangel (photos 21 - 24, page 23). The Lshaped internal boundary bank which separated Tithe map parcel 404 from the main part of the wood is still clearly visible including stone capping (photo 23). The Wild Cherry is abundant towards the edge here and its blossom makes a fine site in early spring (photo 4 page 18). 8. Eastern and SE flanks (photos 25, 26 page 24) To the south and east (cpt 8) Mowley wood is mainly Oak high forest stands some stems of good form which drop down steeply to the Arrow valley floor. Under-storey generally thin Hazel with occasional Field Maple, Wych Elm reflecting occasional Limestone outcrop amid the more acid strata. There are patches of Rhododendron along the eastern flank which seem to be expanding and tumbling down the slopes and dominating the under-storey in places. The steep soils are somewhat sparse compounded by local deer trampling – otherwise a rich ground flora with Bluebell, Yellow Pimpernel, Wood Speedwell, Wood Sage, Great Woodrush, Red Campion, Dog’s Mercury, Wood Anemone. A Badger sett. 9. Southern flanks of compartment 1 & old quarries The southern flank to the east of the old railway line has old quarry remains and descends to River Arrow near the railway embankment. Limey soils and rather irregular canopy with vigorous coppice layer of Hazel, Ash, Wych Elm and Field Maple. Ground is attractive with sheets of Wood Anemone (photo 27, page 24), Bluebell as well as occasional Early Purple Orchid and Common Spotted Orchid. 1 See Linnard W., Welsh Woods and Forests. page 155 Gomer press 2000. Mowley Wood NWS Page 5 DL 2002 10 Conifer block compartment 12 west of old railway line. Compartment 12 occupies is that part of Mowley wood west of the old railway line and features in the earliest know map of the wood dated 1807 which is the plan of Titley Court Estate (figure left, with later railway line ). It was ancient semi-natural woodland until clear felled in 1959/60, this under-thinned conifer mixture of NS, DF, GF and Larch has remnants of the original vegetation around the edges, N within racks and especially the flushed southern edges (see below). Although rather dead looking in the centre of the stand, experience in other woods seems to show that the damage done by a single rotation of conifers need not be fatal to ancient woodland. However, the sooner the conifers are removed the better. See photos 34 to 40, pages 27, 28. Also see the two RAF air photos 1948 and 1959 showing the original stand canopy to be similar to the rest of the wood. 11. Ponds and springs There are four ponds in the wood which are an important dimension to the woodland habitat, marked ‘P’ on map 6. The main pond is at the bottom of a deep glacial morain depression within the wood and is about 120m long (photo 16 page 21), fringed with Alder but also Rhododendron at its eastern end, Guelder Rose is present. A beautiful feature, but the water appears dark and rather lifeless under heavy shade. The pond along the northern edge (photo 12 page 20) links the wood to the adjacent pasture and is sunlit. The pond amongst the conifers of cpt 12 is near the western edge and has willow, ash and some aquatic plants including Float grass and Lesser Spearwort. Also toad spawn was found in April and a young toad there in May. This pond, especially, is crying out for the adjacent stands to be removed and light let in. Another key feature of the conifer cpt 12 are the spring lines which descend the steep southern slopes towards the river Arrow. Arising from limestone strata they are slightly tufa-ous. They also have a rich flora, the conifers having a few gaps, including Valerian, Hard Shield Fern, Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage. (photos 35, 37 page 27). The Arrow is an important Otter river so adjacent woodland and water features is likely to be used this UK Biodiversity Action Plan species. 12. Railway Line Although in different ownership it is nonetheless an integral part of wood, so is included here. The embankment over the Arrow valley and the cutting into central part of the wood was carried out in the mid 1870’s and the line closed courtesy of Dr. Beeching in 1961. It has since become secondary Ash, Willow, Hazel woodland with a moderately interesting ground flora. Acquired in 1976 by the Herefordshire Nature Trust to be managed as a nature it has since been neglected, unvisited and now has Rhododendron tumbling down one bank. (Photos 32, 33 page 26). The HNT Guide to reserves states “keep parts of the embankments clear of trees to form sunny, sheltered glades valuable for butterflies”. Mowley Wood NWS Page 6 DL 2002 4 WOODLAND SURVEY SHEET Other Values of the Wood REF NO. ARCHAEOLOGY & CULTURAL HERITAGE Much of the following information comes from local historian Beryl Lewis and her unpublished history of Mowley wood. The wood occupies the rising and undulating ground just north of the river Arrow and there is 15th century documentary evidence2 of trees on these slopes from a deed of 1442 giving the name Ackrys (Oak rise) to a parcel of land next to the ridge which continues into compartment 12. At least part of the wood was ‘coppice’ in 1647 since a compartment near the eastern flank was then called ‘Hollneys’3 and in 1680 “150 trees at 13s 4d be chosen out of 300” were sold from the northern part of the wood4. The purchaser was allowed to make sawpits and cabins to convert on site and £8 of oak bark was sold, perhaps to the Frizer family who were then prosperous tanners at the nearby Upper Tanhouse at Stansbatch. Their name is reflected in a 7 acre coppice piece called Frasers Vallet which is present on the 1842 tithe map (see map 3 page 12). Other compartments within the wood had their own names: in 1706 10 acres were coppiced in the ‘Great Holneys’ on the eastern flank of Mowley Wood5 and in 1678 the tenant of Upper Mowley farm had the right to a coppice called the ‘Hanging Dole’ provided he left at least ‘one years growth standing’ at the end of the tenancy. Mowley Wood is linked to the local Charcoal Iron industry through its proximity to Strangworth Forge next to the river just 200m south of the SW block of Mowley wood – now the coniferised compartment 12. The forge was producing up to 150 tons of finished iron per year in the early 18th century and although the documentation is sparse it is difficult to believe that charcoal from Mowley wood would not have been used. The 1842 tithe map shows Mowley wood with the almost identical boundary as at present (ignoring the railway line) the two exceptions being (a) a rectangle of pasture now secondary Birch wood in the NE and (b) there was an extra 5 acres to the north of cpt 12, Ash bed tithe no. 376, now arable. Notably the western half of the wood was called ‘Hodson’s Wood’ and NW sector ‘Ash beds’. The tithe map also shows a house a garden in the middle of the NE sector of the wood, also present on the c1830 1” Ordnance Survey map (see map 2). The remains can still be seen as low stone plinth under a Cherry Laurel bush (photo 13, 14 page 20), a boundary Ash and patches a nettles mark the old garden. The occupation of the house by agricultural labourers is within living memory. The limestone outcrops on the southern flanks of the wood in compartment 1 have been quarried in the past but they seemed to have been unworked for two centuries, but remain in the names of the fields between compartments 1 and 5. There is an old ruined stone house now subsumed within the wood (see photo 5, page 18) at the extreme SW end of compartment 5. It was a small holding then an agricultural labourers dwelling. The 1886 6” map shows two dwellings there as does the 1959 aerial photograph (page 29), also the outline of a plinth. Evidence of Victorian estate planting can be seen in the 1886 6” map of Mowley wood which shows localised conifer symbols amongst broadleaves although confined to three 2 Deeds, private collection, Titley Court. 3 HRO B16/13 Deed of 1697 quoting 1647 Simpson to Carr and Carr to Wyke, and M72/419, Howard and Menheir to Wyke 1683. 4 Harley Family Collection, Brampton Bryan, Bundle 68. Hereford Records Office B16/13 Mowley Wood NWS Page 7 5 DL 2002 small areas of the wood (see map 4 page 13). Boundaries and banks: There are a number of internal boundaries still visible within the wood of earth and some of stone which are coincident with boundaries on the tithe map, for example the bank between tithe woodland apportionment plots 404 and 362 is evident (see photo 23, page 23) A bank can be traced along the western edge of the rectangular pasture field in the NE sector (tithe apportionment no. 365) and that between Ash Beds (no. 377) and Hodson’s wood (no. 390). External wood banks of Mowley vary in size but notable examples are on western the edge of cpt 12 (see photo 34). Features in the Arrow valley just outside the woodland should also be noted (page 29). Attempts have been made since to destroy most of these features including the orchards and hedgerows but archaeology made still survive under the soil surface. In this context it should be noted that the “Arrow Valley Archaeology” has applied for LEADER6 + funding and is expected to start later this year. Also Countryside Stewardship funds are available for landscape restoration projects. In summary, Mowley Wood has a complex and interesting history closely linked to local industries and personalities but more archival and field work is still to be done. LANDSCAPE Mowley Wood occupies the northern flanks and higher ground above the Arrow valley which winds it way through a particularly beautiful part of West Herefordshire in this area of small and medium sized mixed family farms. The wood is visible from the rising countryside to the north and photo 1 shows a panorama taken from the Titley to Staunton-on-Wye road at Horseway Head. The Arrow valley at this point becomes secluded between Mowley Wood and the ancient semi-natural Grove wood on the opposite southern flank, a long strip of permanent pasture snaking its way adjacent to Mowley Wood’s southern edge along the fertile sinuous valley bottom through which the Arrow itself winds fringed with Alders with the occasional old Oak. This is a stunningly beautiful and historic valley but marred by the intrusion of a recent square plantation of that icon of suburbia, the Horse Chestnut, 20m from the southern edge of the wood near the remains of the old stone cottage. RECREATION / PUBLIC ACCESS There is no right of public access through the wood, although people have traditionally been able to visit the wood by arrangement with the owner. WOOD PRODUCTION, GAME / LIVESTOCK & OTHER CONSIDERATIONS The woodland is managed for timber with coupe falls early 1990’s in the ancient seminatural woodland areas and restocking with conifer/Oak mixture, a wide access ride around the wood was also created at that time. The woodland is currently free of intensive game rearing. Deer are present in the wood in numbers to cause browsing problems with restocking and localised trampling. LEADER = Liaison Entre Actions pour le Développement de L’Economie Rurale and is a European Agricultural Guidance Fund programme and in this county is called the “Herefordshire Rivers Programme” 2002 – 2008. Mowley Wood NWS Page 8 DL 2002 6 6 FC 2000 WOODLAND SURVEY SHEET ECOLOGICAL EVALUATION & MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS REF NO. ECOLOGICAL EVALUATION of the main features of interest (include an assessment of naturalness, representativeness, size, rarity, fragility, position in an ecological unit, diversity, recorded history, potential value, intrinsic appeal) Mowley Wood is a medium sized compact ancient woodland, mostly semi-natural, of considerable historical and ecological interest, there being few examples of comparable size in the area. Although there has been some estate planting in the late Victorian era most of the broadleaved stands of the wood retain their ancient semi-natural character. The wood’s topography and geology gives rise to an inherent variety of vegetation and habitats types. These include four ponds, springlines and soils from limestone to acid brown earths. The ponds in wood are rather shaded. The wood’s location on the flanks of the winding Arrow valley in this little visited part of Herefordshire produces a fine and intimate historic landscape. There are links along the river Arrow valley which already has a high proportion of land in agrienvironment agreements along its length and for which resources will be available for the enhancement and restoration of historical and archaeological feature within and outside the wood. There is also an Otter interest especially where the river meets the wood in cpt 1 but also as transit through the wood and association with the ponds of the wood. Mowley wood has the remains of old dwellings, boundary banks and features within the adjoining pasture fields. The old railway line is another interesting feature. To the west and north west the wood borders the fields and hedgerows of Titley Court farm which has the demonstration farm at the heart of the BEAM project “Balancing Environment and Agriculture In the Marches”. Elsewhere the wood borders mostly permanent pasture. Since the conifer stand in the western sector is but a single rotation and remnants of the vegetation survive there is considerable potential to restore this western compartment to broadleaved and semi-natural woodland. Rhododendron and Cherry Laurel are present in low numbers throughout the wood but must be controlled before they expand. There is an expanding patch of Japanese Knotweed next to the old Old stone cottage on the southern edge of cpt 5. Deer are present at levels to cause damage to restocking and locally to ground flora. Mowley Wood NWS Page 9 DL 2002 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT PRIORITIES & RECOMMENDATIONS (based on conservation objectives and above evaluation) Continue restructuring of the broadleaved canopy to produce a mosaic of areas of staggered age classes. Favour regeneration when re-stocking but use site-native species and of local provenance where planting necessary. Convert the conifer stands of cpt 12 to broadleaves with a programme of phased premature felling, starting with the southern and western edges where semi-natural vegetation and the pond will respond most quickly. Ensure removal of conifer nurses in mixed conifer plantings. Retain over mature trees (eg some of the remaining Beech), all boundary Oaks and identify and retain a scattering of older Oaks to become future veteran trees. Leave some less economic butts/branch wood as dead wood habitat after felling. Consider re-coppicing Hazel where a high stool density and there are opportunities to heavily thin standards over them (eg cpt 1 and southern part of cpt 5). Periodic and staggered cutting back of the scrub edges of the wide rides on a short rotation will increase the rides habitat value Control Rhododendron and Cherry Laurel. Also the Japanese Knotweed by the stone cottage on the southern boundary of cpt 5. Take care that machinery does not damage internal boundary and other historical features. Consider bringing adjacent land in same ownership into agri-environment schemes for ecological and historical restoration. Make use of forthcoming ‘LEADER plus’ archaeological project to further study and enhance historical features in and around the wood. Investigate opportunities for co-operative deer management. Take care not to disturb potential otter breeding areas near the river and consider seeking advice from mammal specialist. Consider making ecological monitoring (birds, woodland moths and samples of ground flora) an element of the management plan and WIG application. It would be especially useful to monitor the restoration of the conifer cpt 12 and would provide data on the progress of such conversion useful for demonstrating restoration possibilities for other ancient woodland in a similar state. Mowley Wood NWS Page 10 DL 2002 House & garden abandoned before WWII pasture strip field abandoned during 1930’s Map 1. Schematic map of main woodland classes in Mowley Wood Ancient semi-natural woodland. Mainly Oak, Oak/Ash high forest Conifer plantation on ancient woodland site established 1959 Secondary woodland. The N-S strip is the old PresteigneTitley branch line opened in 1875 and closed in 1961. Separate ownership Beech plantation established between WWI and WWII on Frasers Coppice (see tithe map) Confer (NS & RC) and Oak mixture established ~1994. Former arable, mainly the western conifer compartment 12 planted between WWI and WWII. Areas of Mowley Wood by type, areas in hectares Western conifer block 8.16 of which On former arable Railway line (HNT ownership) 2.01 Pasture strip East of line compartments 1 - 8 31.46 of which Beech plantation Total in this ownership 39.62 Mixed conifer/oak Total Mowley Wood 41.63 Areas of Mowley Wood by stand status Ancient semi-natural woodland Ancient woodland site, broadleaved & mixed Ancient woodland site, conifer Secondary semi-natural (Railway + pasture strip) Plantation on former farmland Total Mowley Wood Mowley Wood NWS Page 11 DL 2002 0.87 0.64 0.68 2.90 27.10 3.58 7.29 2.79 0.87 41.63 Map 2. First edition 1” Ordnance Survey map 1830 surveyed ~1820. Map 3. Tithe map of Staunton-on-Wye 1838 showing names and land use. Present day woodland types super-imposed from map 1 previous page. Note identical almost outline to present day the only loss of woodland being the small ‘Ash Bed’ to the north end of railway line. A=arable, P=pasture, M=meadow, Wd=wood, H&G = House and garden. Copy of tithe map © G. Gwatkins Mowley Wood NWS Page 12 DL 2002 Map 4. First edition 6” Ordnance Survey map 1886. Note conifer symbols in three places, probably remains of Larch planted in Victorian period – otherwise all broadleaved . Map 5. 1938 Land Utilisation Survey of Herefordshire (surveyed in the early 1930’s). Note the absence of arable in the surrounding farmland and scrub areas south of the river. Horizontal green lines = permanent grassland, mauve lines = orchard, yellow = heath or scrub. Mowley Wood NWS Page 13 DL 2002 RAF 22nd May 1948 Mowley Wood NWS Page 14 DL 2002 RAF 27th Jan 1959 Mowley Wood NWS Page 15 DL 2002 ADAS 1996 Mowley Wood NWS Page 16 DL 2002 Locations of numbered photographs in the report. red). Yellow shadow = W8 NVC stands, otherwise W10 or plantations. Blue = ponds and springlines A = Aspen stand R = Rhododendron C = Cherry Laurel J = Japanese Knotweed 1 15 17 18 C 13,14 R 16 20 29 A R 32 12 7 28 10 30 11 8 33 2, 3, 4 40 R 23 R Mowley Wood NWS 26 25 J 6 27 39 35,37 Page 17 DL 2002 9 24 21 5 38 C 36 R 19 31 22 34 R R R WOODLAND RECORD SHEET PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD OF NVC TYPES (ONE PER NVC TYPE) PHOTO NO. (mark location and direction on map) 5 REF NO. FC 2000 DATE: NVC TYPE: West East a b c d e f t 1 Mowley wood panorama viewed from Horseway Head looking south. (a) NE corner of compartment 7 sloping down from the plateau area (b). Mixed conifer compartments (c), railway cutting (d) with conifers of compartment 12 behind, (e) broadleaved compartment 4, (f) NW end of the conifer compartment 12. 2 3 Mixed conifer/oak plantation compartments 2 and 3 from the Quarry fields looking west and north showing the western edge of conifers of compartment 3 and the beginning of the ancient seminatural woodland compartment 5. 4 East from Quarry fields showing Wild Cherry of the stepped southern edge of cpt 5, down the valley to the Alders fringing the Arrow, Grove Wood beyond. NE from River, southern edge of cpt8 6 Mowley Wood NWS Page 18 5 Remains of old stone cottage associated with cottage SW corner of cpt 6 it and its garden are becoming secondary woodland. Seems to have roofed in 1959 see page 27. DL 2002 7 8 9 10 11 Mowley Wood NWS Page 19 7. Ash standards over Bluebell in north part of cpt 5 near the pond by the hillocky pasture field. This part of the wood and cpt 4 are in a slight depression having wetter soils suited to Ash. 8. One of a number of planted Beech from late Victorian era, centre of cpt 5. 9. Natural regeneration of Birch and Oak from ‘Fraser coppice’ within cpt 7 just west of the WWII Beech plantation. 10. Unmanaged stool grown Oak on the acid soils of the central ‘plateau’ area of the wood (early April). 11. Same part of the wood in May. DL 2002 12. Small glacial depression characteric of the area which forms a pond straddling the northern edge of the wood and pasture field. Look East toward the northern extension of cpt 5. 12 13 13. All the remains of the house within Mowley Wood towards ‘Horseway Head’ is the stone plinth hidden under a Cherry Laurel bush. This house and garden continued to be included on all maps from the 1838 Tithe map to the 1930 Land Utilisation Survey. 14. The above mentioned Cherry Laurel bush which marks the remain of the house. The garden can be traced from the nettle patches and there is old Ash ‘pleacher’ on the garden boundary to the NE. The stands around are Ash and Oak. 14 Mowley Wood NWS Page 20 DL 2002 15. Typical view of the new ride system created ~8 years ago which runs in arc around the wood and wellvisible in the 1996 air photo page. The side are fringed with mixed semi-natural regrowth mainly Birch but also Wild Cherry and Hazel. This constitutes an excellent woodland edge habitat but which could benefit from a programme of successive cutting. 16. Western end of a sinuous pond fringed with Alder about 100m long between cpts 5 and 6. An attractive feature but the water appears rather black and lifeless. The pond margin along the eastern has been colonised by Rhododendron. A glacial morain feature and similar to a smaller pond 120m to the north near the northern boundary 15 16 Oak hulk lying in the NE sector amongst Oak and Ash with occasional Birch. Hazel under-storey and ground flora of Yellow Archangel. 17 Mowley Wood NWS Page 21 DL 2002 Stand of semi-natural Birch at the southern end of the ‘pasture strip’ secondary woodland in the NE 18 Fenced enclosures to protect groups of young Oaks within the new wide ride system, cpt 6. 19 Mowley Wood NWS Page 22 DL 2002 21 20 22 24 23 20. Birch, Oak and some Hazel & Rowan, SW part of cpt 7 21. Area of Hazel coppice over dense Bluebell, also Field Maple and Wild Cherry. Near stepped southern edge of cpt 5. Mowley Wood NWS Page 23 22. Boundary bank to left of path, continuation of internal bank which separates historic woodland compartments (tithe number 404 – see map page and 1886 map page). 23. Stone capping of internal boundary at the corner where the bank turns a right angle to south. 24. Oak over Hazel central cpt 6 just E of 23.. DL 2002 25 26 27 25. Singled stool Oak on the steep southern slopes of cpt 8 overlooking the river Arrow, ground flora and under-storey rather sparse, partly due to deer trampling and browsing. 26. Oak stand on the brow of the plateau just above slope – some of fine form. 27. Hazel and Wood Anemone in the old quarry areas of Cpt 1. Mowley Wood NWS Page 24 DL 2002 28. Birch regeneration with scattered Ash and Oak in cpt 4 28 29. Oak and Ash over dense Bluebell & Yellow Archangel, in April this is a sea of Wood Anemone. Birch regeneration above in background. 29 30. Southern edge of Birch regeneration of cpt 4 looking east with the conifer/oak plantation of cpt 3. 30 Mowley Wood NWS Page 25 DL 2002 31. Oak being over topped by conifer nurse in cpt 3. Some natural regeneration of Oak as well as planted. 31 32. Rhododendron bush tumbling down disused railway line opposite semi-natural cpt 4. The line was acquired by the Herefordshire Nature Trust in 1976 and is supposed to be managed as a nature reserve. In the HNT's “Guide to Nature Reserves” the objective of management is to “keep parts of the embankments clear of trees to form sunny, sheltered glades valuable for butterflies”. 33. Despite this intent and a large Heritage lottery grant to HNT to manage their reserves, this one remains very shaded, little work appears to have done for many years nor does it appear ever to be visited. 32 33 Mowley Wood NWS Page 26 DL 2002 34 35 36 37 34. Ancient boundary bank defining the western edge of the conifer cpt 12. Not semi-natural ground flora on and around the bank. 35. Hard shield fern Polystichum aculeatum growing in a species rich flush on the SW slope of cpt 12. 36 Old Field Maple boundary ‘pleacher’ edge of cpt 12. 37. Part of above flush, Valerian Valeriana officinalis in foreground along with Hart’s Tongue and Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage. 38. Field Maple coppice stool with Dog’s Mercury in amongst the conifers near the western edge. 38 Mowley Wood NWS Page 27 DL 2002 39 40 39. A gap in the canopy south part of cpt 12 showing vigorous if shaded semi-natural regrowth, this includes Wood Anemone, Bluebell, Scaly Male Fern, Wood Sorrel, Wood Speedwell Ash, Hazel, Wych Elm and Birch regeneration. 40. Canopy gap in a different, drier part of cpt 12 with a ground flora similar to other semi-natural parts of Mowley Wood. The conifers of cpt 12 were established in 1959/1960 on was almost certainly an entirely ancient seminatural part of the wood. Phased removal of conifers, starting from the south, west and the pond area would result in the recolonisation of much of the original semi-natural vegetation. Note however that there are also Rhododendron and Cherry Laurel present scattered around the edges. Mowley Wood NWS Page 28 DL 2002 Mowley Wood NWS There are some interesting archaeological and historical features around Mowley wood as manifest in Page 29 DL 2002 this enlargement of a high resolution scan of the 1959 RAF aerial photograph of the Arrow Valley including