Advanced Algebra 2 & Trigonometry with Data Analysis TJHSST 2004-2005 Ms. Lynn Course Description: This course is a study of the structure of number systems, equations and inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, polynomials, rational and irrational expressions, complex numbers, exponents, relations and functions, including an emphasis on curve sketching, conic sections, sequences and series, permutations and combinations, the Binomial Theorem, probability and probability distributions. The study of trigonometry includes right triangle relationships, identities and equations, the unit circle and vectors. This course also includes modeling and application problems as well as non-linear data analysis. The use of technology is integrated throughout the course. Materials: Students are expected to come to every class prepared with all their materials. Covered textbook and companion workbook, 3-ring notebook with dividers, lined paper and graph paper. (Use the notebook for class notes, assignments, computer and calculator lab sheets, quizzes and tests.) pencils and a colored pen for corrections, graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-83 plus, TI-83 Silver, or TI-84), and composition book with grid paper. Policies and Procedures Assignments: On the first day of each unit, a schedule of assignments is distributed for that unit including quiz and test dates. The schedule is also available through or Assignments are very important to successfully complete this course. Do assignments carefully and completely. Assignments are designed for practice, application and extension of the concepts learned. Assignments may also prepare you for lessons that follow. Assignments are graded for proper attempt, not for correctness. Each assignment is worth 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 points. Assignments are checked or collected each class day. If your assignment is one class day late you may receive at most half credit. Beyond that assignments will not be accepted. Assignment Proper Attempt: Label each assignment with the assignment number, date, and page numbers. Number each problem. Copy each problem, if it involves a diagram - copy the diagram and given information. Show all the work involved in completing the problem. Please put a box or circle around the final answer. Attempt each problem. If you are unable to finish, check back in your notes and the book. If you are still unable to complete a problem, write a specific question to ask in class the next day. Check your assignment in class with a different color pen so that when you review the assignment to prepare for a quiz or test you know which work is correct. (Do not waste time erasing and rewriting.) During class we will review solutions and answer questions. Quizzes: Quizzes are given frequently. The point values vary between 5 and 50 points. Quizzes are given to check your progress and to give an indication of what we think is important as you prepare for a test. Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each unit and are worth 100 points. They may include material from previous units in order to maintain a constant review. Following each test, you are required to complete test corrections. You must completely redo each incorrect problem. Attach the corrections to the original test and turn them both in within one week after the original test is returned. Each set of test corrections is worth 10 points. All tests must be returned to me even if you choose not to make corrections. If your test score is 94 or above, you do not have to make corrections and will automatically receive the 10 points. room 233 revised 8/31/2004 Computer and Calculator Labs: Occasionally we use the computer lab. Lab work is graded. Due dates for completing lab work varies by assignment. Lab time is for learning, not games. Please act appropriately and adhere to the Network Responsibilities and Rules that you signed. As we learn the functions to the calculator or use the calculator to explore mathematical topics, a related graded assignment is part of the activity. If you plan to buy a graphing calculator, we recommend the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. You may also use any TI-83 series calculator. The TI-85, 86, 89, and 92 are not appropriate for Algebra 2 and cannot be used on tests or quizzes. Grades: Grades will be recorded as points and converted to percentages and then to letters for the report card grades by dividing the number of points earned by the number of points possible. The letter grade that appears on the report card follows the Fairfax County scale: 100 - 94 A 79 - 74 C 93 - 90 B+ 73 - 70 D+ 89 - 84 B 69 - 64 D 83 - 80 C+ below 64 F The final grade for the course is based on the four quarter grades and the two semester exams, with each quarter counting 20% and each exam counting 10%. Interim progress reports are issued to every student midway through each quarter. Absences: Plan ahead. If you know you will be absent, get assignments early and make arrangements to take any missed assessments. It is your responsibility to get any make-up work or extra help, if needed. All quizzes and tests must be made up within one week. Register in advance for Math-Makeup during eighth period. Report on-time to room 241 to take your quiz or test. Math teachers proctor makeup tests. If you cannot make up the work within a week then you must make other arrangements or you may receive a zero. Extra Resources: During eighth period, you may register for GEOM/ALG2 Tutoring. This is a nice quiet time to do assignments, composition book, correct tests, or catch up on missed work. Should you need assistance a math teacher or peer tutor will help you. The text book for this class has a companion website: Assignment schedules are available electronically at or FCPS and TJHSST Policies: Students are expected to adhere to the dress guidelines put forth by Fairfax County Public Schools. Students are expected to attend every class day on-time. The FCPS attendance policy and procedures are followed in this course. During any quarter, three unexcused tardies become one unexcused absence. Three unexcused absences result in failing the course for that quarter. Parents are notified each time a student is absent without an excuse. Students are expected to adhere to the TJ honor code. All violations are reported to parents, counselors and administrators as appropriate. Students are expected to adhere to the network user guidelines (also called appropriate use policy). All violations are reported. Loss of computer and network access may result. Cheating: Students are encouraged to help each other understand assignments, and activities with a calculator or computer. However, if one student copies another's work, neither receives credit for that assignment. If a student cheats on a test or quiz, he or she will receive a 0 for the grade. Any incidents of cheating are reported to your parents, counselor and administrator. Students are encouraged to use a cover sheet during testing situations. If you ever have any questions about appropriate behavior, please do not hesitate to ask. Please keep this sheet in your notebook for your records. room 233 revised 8/31/2004