This novena is made to our Divine Redeemer in honor of His Most Sacred Heart, the source and symbol of His immense love for us. Starting on Wednesday 3 June and finish on the eve of the feast on 12 June or start on 4 June and finish on the feast day itself on 13 June This particular novena is by Rev. Francis Larkin, SS. CC., with Ecclesiastical Approval, Copyright 1957 - Congregation of the Sacred Hearts. This year it starts on 14 June and ends on the eve of the feast of the Sacred Heart on 22 June. INTENTIONS FOR THE NOVENA General Intentions: For the social reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in homes. For the intentions of the Holy Father. For the sanctification of all priests, religious, seminarians. For vocations. For souls in purgatory For dying sinners, for fallen away and for the sick of our own parish. ++++++ Our soul waits for the Lord, who is our help and our shield. May Your kindness, O Lord, be upon us who have put our hope in You. Psalm 33:20-22 (Ordinarily the novena prayers should be said before the Sacred Heart shrine or an image of the Sacred Heart in your home. If possible, the novena should be said by the whole family, especially married couples. And the ideal time is in the evening.) Prayers for Each Day OPENING PRAYER O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Who said "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name I will be there in the midst of them," look down upon me here before Your throne. I adore You in union with thousands of others gathered before the image of Your Sacred Heart in their homes and with those kneeling before You in the Blessed Sacrament. I come to You to honour and glorify Your Sacred Heart and to make reparation for the ingratitude and insults You receive in so many homes. I am here to thank You for the numberless blessings You have showered upon me and upon my family. Finally, I come to petition Your Loving Heart for the intentions of all those praying in union with me and for my own special intentions (Here mention your intentions). AN ACT OF TRUST O Lord Jesus Christ, to Your Most Sacred Heart I confide this intention. Only look upon it, then do what Your Heart inspires. Let Your Sacred Heart decide. I count on It. I trust in It. I throw myself on Its mercy, Lord Jesus. You will not fail me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your love for me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come. FIRST DAY Wed 3 June "I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life. I will establish peace in their homes." PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, no one knows better than You the graces I need in order to fulfill the duties of my state of life. I ask You then, dear Jesus, to grant me all these graces to fulfill as perfectly as possible my duties in order to please You and to merit for myself peace of soul. In this way I in turn can help to bring about peace in my family. Grant my family and me these graces through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, the loving Queen of my home. Amen. Most Sweet Heart of Jesus, grant that peace, the fruit of justice and charity, may reign throughout the world. 2 O Heart of love, I put all my trust in Thee, for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Thy goodness. ACT OF CONSECRATION Most kind Jesus, humbly kneeling at Your feet, we renew the consecration of our family to Your Divine Heart. May You be our King forever! In You we have full and entire confidence. May Your spirit penetrate our thoughts, our desires, our words and our works. Bless our undertakings; share in our joys, our trials and in our labours. Grant us to know You better, to love You more, to serve You without faltering. By the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Peace, set up Your kingdom in our country. Enter closely into the midst of our families and make them Your own by the solemn Enthronement of Your Sacred Heart, so that soon one cry may resound from home to home: "May the triumphant Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved, blessed and glorified forever!" Honour and glory to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary! Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect our families! (The daily novena prayers are based on one or more of the 12 Promises made by the Sacred Heart to those who carry out His requests. Their fulfillment will depend upon your child-like trust, your fidelity to prayer and especially upon your not offending the Sacred Heart by willful sin.) SECOND DAY Thursday 4 June Opening Prayer and Act of Trust Prayer "I will bless every home in which the image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored." PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, I have carried out Your request by exposing and honouring the Image of Your loving Heart in my home. Relying on Your fidelity to Your promises, I beg You to bless me and my family with the special blessing of which we stand in need. But above all, dear Jesus, I ask You to give me and my loved ones the greatest blessing of all: the grace to know You better, to love You more and to serve You faithfully. Grant my family and me these blessings through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, the loving Queen of my home. Amen. 3 My loving Jesus, out of the grateful love I bear Thee, and make reparation for my unfaithfulness to grace, I give Thee my heart and with Thy help I purpose to sin no more. Sacred Heart of Jesus, may Thou be known, loved and imitated. Act of Consecration THIRD DAY Friday 5 June Opening Prayer and Act of Trust Prayer "I will console them in all their difficulties. I will be their refuge during life and especially at the hour of death." PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, my life in this valley of tears seems to be one difficulty after another. But I am encouraged by the invitation "Come to Me all you who labour and are heavily burdened," knowing that in You alone will I find the solution to all my problems. Besides, Dear Jesus, You promised that all those who turn to Your Sacred Heart would find consolation and that You would be their protector during life and at the hour of death. Grant me and my family, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of my home, the grace to turn to You in every trial, now and at the hour of my death. Amen. Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, and deliver the souls in Purgatory. Sacred Heart of Jesus, strengthened in Thy agony by an angel, strengthen us in our agony. Act of Consecration FOURTH DAY Saturday 6 June Opening Prayer and Act of Trust Prayer "I will pour abundant blessings upon all their undertakings." PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, many and great are the undertakings that come to my mind as I read this promise. But all of them are overshadowed by the most important of all my undertakings, that of sanctifying myself and thereby saving my soul. But, dear Jesus, You have entrusted to me another important task, that of saving the souls of others - especially the 4 members of my own family. Grant me, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the loving Queen of my home, the grace of meriting Your blessings upon all my undertakings so that one day our family may be forever united with You in heaven. Amen. Glory, love and thanksgiving be to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Thy love for me. Act of Consecration FIFTH DAY Sunday 7 June Opening Prayer and Act of Trust Prayer "Sinners shall find in My Heart a fountain and boundless ocean of mercy." PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, sometimes I am frightened at the thought of my many past sins and my present weakness. But I am greatly encouraged by the stories of the Gospel that remind me of Your great love and pity for sinners. As I look at Your Heart, with flames coming from It, I am reminded that at this very moment You are in the tabernacle out of love for me and for other poor sinners, and that Your Heart is ever open to receive me, whenever I am sorry for my sins and confess them to Your priests. Dear Jesus, Friend of sinners, grant me the grace never to hurt Your loving Heart by lack of trust in Your merciful love. I ask this favour through the Mother of Mercy, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the loving Queen of my home. Amen. Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in Thee. Sacred Heart of Jesus, convert all blasphemers. Act of Consecration SIXTH DAY Monday 8 June Opening Prayer and Act of Trust Prayer "Tepid souls shall become fervent. Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection." PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, past experience teaches me that my grievous sins against You were caused by my falling into habits of 5 carelessness through omitting my prayers, staying away from Confession and Holy Communion and offending You in little things. Even now I see how lukewarm I am in loving You, how stingy I am in giving You the proofs of fidelity You look for in Your Friends. Dear Jesus, change my tepidity into fervour, my stinginess into generosity so that I may speedily rise to great perfection, especially in loving You and my neighbour. Grant my family and me this blessing through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, the loving Queen of my home. Amen. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give myself to Thee, through Mary. All for Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus. Act of Consecration SEVENTH DAY Tuesday 9 June Opening Prayer and Act of Trust Prayer "I will give to priests the power of touching the hardest hearts." PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, in almost every family there are hearts hardened by years of neglect of the Sacraments and by a life of sin. You promised to Your priests that if they are devoted to Your Heart and preach Your love and mercy, You would soften these hard hearts by special graces. But Your priests need my help. That is why I offer my novena prayers for priests and for the souls entrusted to their care. Dear Jesus, give them all the grace of touching the hardest hearts, and if there be hardened hearts in my own family, grant them the grace to return to You, through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, the loving Queen of my home. Amen. O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine! Praise and adoration ever more be given to the Most Holy Sacrament. Act of Consecration EIGHTH DAY Wednesday 10 June Opening Prayer and Act of Trust Prayer "Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never to be blotted out." 6 PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, whenever I have good news, I want to share it with others. The good news I want to hand on to others is that in the practice of devotion to the Sacred Heart will be found the answer to all problems. I promise You, dear Jesus, that I will do all I can to spread this devotion by speaking about it to others, by distributing Sacred Heart badges and pictures and by trying to get other families to Enthrone You as King of their homes. I want to be Your zealous apostle so that one day I may have the great happiness of seeing my name written in Your Heart never to be blotted out. Grant my family and me this grace through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, the loving Queen of my home. Amen. O Sweetest Jesus, hide me in Thy Sacred Heart, permit me not to be separated from Thee, defend me from the evil foe. Sacred Heart of Jesus let me love Thee and make Thee loved. Act of Consecration NINTH DAY Eve of the Sacred Heart Feast , Thursaday 11 June Opening Prayer and Act of Trust Prayer "I promise you, in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant to all who communicate [receive Holy Communion] on the First Friday of the Month for nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance: they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their Sacraments: My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last hour." PRAYER Dear Sacred Heart, King and Friend of my family, if I ever had any doubts about the greatness of Your love for me, the reading of this promise should dispel them once and for all. Because You love me, You want to see me happy with You in heaven for all eternity. But You know that it is only through the frequent reception of Holy Communion that I will have the strength to be faithful to You and Your commandments during this life. That is why, dear Jesus, by promising me the grace of dying in Your friendship, You encourage me to receive You in Holy Communion more often, especially on the First Fridays. How foolish I would be if I did not take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to make reparation to Your Sacred Heart and at the same time to make sure of my own salvation. Grant my 7 family & me the grace of being always faithful to the practice of the nine First Fridays so that we will have the grace of final perseverance. I ask it of You through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, the Queen of my home. Amen. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto Thine. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come. Act of Consecration (These are some extra prayers that may be added to the Novena to the Sacred Heart, if desired.) PRAYERS FOR THE FAMILY O Lord, through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we beg You to guard this family from all danger. And as we humbly worship You with all our hearts, in Your mercy graciously protect us from all the snares of the enemy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. O Lord, we pray You to visit this home and drive far from it all snares of the enemy. Let Your Holy Angels dwell in it to preserve us in peace; and let Your blessing be always upon us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mary, bless this home where Your Name is always praised. Praise forever be to Mary Immaculate, the Virgin Mother, blessed among women, the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Queen of Paradise. PRAYERS TO THE HOLY FAMILY Lord Jesus Christ who, being subject to Mary and Joseph, sanctified family life by Your beautiful virtues, grant that we, with the help of Mary and Joseph, may be taught by the example of Your Holy Family and may after death enjoy its everlasting companionship. Who live and reign forever. Amen. Lord Jesus, help us ever to follow the example of Your Holy Family, that in the hour of our death Your glorious Virgin Mother together with Saint Joseph may come to meet us and we may be worthy to be received by You into everlasting dwellings. Who live and reign forever. Amen. PRAYERS FOR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS O God, who poured the gifts of charity into the hearts of Your faithful by the grace of the Holy Spirit, grant health of mind and body to Your servants for whom we 8 pray, that they may love You with all their strength and perform with perfect love what is pleasing to You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYER FOR BENEFACTORS May it please You, O Lord, to reward with eternal life all those who do good to us for Your Name's sake. Amen. PRAYER FOR HEALTH O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I come to ask of Your infinite mercy the gift of health and strength that I may serve You more faithfully and love You more sincerely than in the past. I wish to be well and strong if this be Your good pleasure and for Your greater glory. Filled with high resolves and determined to perform my tasks most perfectly for love of You, I wish to go back to my duties. If it be Your Will, I will continue to bear with patience my sickness and my suffering. But if, in Your designs, I may be restored to health and strength, I will endeavour to show my gratitude by a constant and faithful service rendered to You. Amen. PRAYER FOR A CURE Gentle Jesus, who cured the sick and laid a healing hand upon the lame, the blind and the crippled, look with compassion upon me in my suffering. If it is not Your Will to cure me, then give me strength to bear my burden and offer it up to You. You suffered so much for me. Give me grace to offer my sufferings in union with Your own, in reparation for my sins and those of others, for the needs of this troubled world, and for the release of the souls in Purgatory. Mary, Compassionate Mother, pray for your weary child. Health of the sick, Comforter of the afflicted, pray for me. Amen. Keep me, O Lord, as the apple of Your eye; beneath the shadow of Your wings protect me. PRAYER FOR THE SICK Almighty and Everlasting God, the eternal salvation of those who believe in You, hear us on behalf of Your servants who are sick, for whom we humbly beg the help of Your mercy, so that, being restored to health, they may render thanks to You in Your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYERS FOR A HAPPY DEATH Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give You my heart and my soul! Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony! 9 Jesus, Mary, Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you! Grant, we beg of You, O Lord, that in the hour of our death we may be refreshed by Your holy sacraments and delivered from all guilt and so deserve to be received with joy into the arms of Your mercy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 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