ST. ANNE’S CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS with Business & Enterprise Status SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN AND SAFER RECRUITMENT POLICY 2011-13 St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 1 CONTENTS Page CONTENTS Mission Statement 3 Introduction 4 The Recruitment and Selection of Permanent and Fixed Term staff 4 Procedures for Visitors to the School 6 St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 2 Mission Statement St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls will offer a positive presence in Enfield with a comprehensive curriculum delivered in modern facilities, equipping students with the ability to meet the challenges of the 21st Century confidently, and with high spiritual and moral standards. We recognise that students, parents, staff and governors make up the school’s community which will continually self-evaluate to improve itself effectively and efficiently in all aspects of its growth. We are a fully inclusive, Roman Catholic girls’ secondary school meeting high academic standards, promoting spirituality, pastoral care and the Roman Catholic community. We recognise in all our relationships the dignity and value of each person showing one another mutual acceptance and respect. St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 3 Introduction The purpose of this policy is to help keep students at St. Anne’s safe by ensuring that we have effective safeguarding systems in place so that they can achieve their full human potential. It sets out procedures designed to ensure that our recruitment and selection processes help to deter, reject and/or identify people who are unsuitable to work with young people or may abuse them. This policy is based on the DCSF guidance document “Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in education” which came into effect on 1 January 2007. Other legislation also taken into account in this policy is the Education (School Staffing) (England) Regulations 2003 and amendments. The Recruitment and Selection of Permanent and Fixed Term Staff The safeguarding policy and procedures to be implemented for the recruitment and selection of permanent and fixed term members of staff are set out below: Planning & Advertising We will plan ahead for each stage of the process and set aside time so that safeguards not overlooked. We aim to obtain references on shortlisted candidates prior to interview. Our person specification will include responsibility for safeguarding children The advertisement and application pack will include a statement about our commitment to safeguarding and the need for all candidates to undertake a CRB check. Application Form We will use the LA application forms and will not accept CVs. We will ask to see identifying details – current & former names, d.o.b., current address, N.I. No. (For teachers- DFES ref No., QTS) We will ask to see original certificates in order to verify qualifications. We will check that we have a chronological history of education, training and employment with start and end dates and reasons for leaving employment We expect candidates to declare family or close relationship to existing employees or employers We will ask for details of referees – one of which should be the applicant’s current or most recent employer Job description We will set out the main duties and responsibilities of the post; and make clear the individual’s responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young persons s/he is responsible for, or comes into contact with. (all posts involve some degree of responsibility for safeguarding children, although the extent of that responsibility will vary according to the nature of the post.) St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 4 Person Specification We will include the qualifications and experience, and any other requirements needed to perform the role in relation to working with children and young people. We will include the responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children & young people Candidate Information Pack We will inform candidates that references will be taken up prior to interview whether they agree to this or not. Candidates will receive an application form and explanatory notes. The pack will include the Job description and person specification. We will also include a summary of our child protection policy. Scrutinising and Short-listing All applications will be scrutinised to ensure that they are fully and properly completed. We will not accept incomplete applications. Anomalies on the application form will be noted and any issues raised during interview We will assess all candidates equally against the criteria in the person specification. References We will obtain references directly from the referee who should be the current and most recent employer We will not accept open references or testimonials. Invitation to interview We will send details of the interview process to shortlisted candidates. We will instruct all candidates to bring documentary evidence of their identity that will satisfy CRB requirements, for example, passport, utility bill to verify current name and address, educational & professional qualifications. We will keep a copy of the documents used to verify the candidate’s identity and qualifications in the personnel file. Interview Panel The panel will consist of at least two people (one of whom should be appropriately trained). The panel will meet before the interview to consider issues to be explored with each candidate and agree who will ask about these. The panel will agree the assessment criteria to be used in accordance with the person specification. The panel will agree questions to be asked and by whom. St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 5 Interview We will explore the candidate’s ability to support safeguarding and promote the welfare of children. We will explore any gaps in employment history. Any other concerns or discrepancies arising from the information provided by the candidate and/or referee will also be explored during the interview. The panel will ask the candidate if they wish to declare anything in the light of the requirement for a CRB disclosure. Conditional offer of Appointment: Pre-appointment checks An offer of appointment will be conditional upon The receipt of two satisfactory references Verification of identity Check of List 99, CRB disclosure Verification of candidate’s medical fitness Verification of qualifications Verification of successful completion of induction/probationary period All checks will be followed up where they are unsatisfactory or there are discrepancies in the information provided. Post-appointment: Induction We will provide training and information about school policy and procedures. We will support individuals. We will confirm the conduct expected from all employees. We will provide opportunities for staff to discuss issues or concerns. We will provide all staff with copies of policies and procedures in relation to safeguarding and promoting welfare, e.g. child protection, anti-bullying, antiracism, physical restraint internet safety, local CP and safeguarding procedures. We will provide child protection training appropriate to the person’s role. Monitoring We will monitor the recruitment process and induction arrangements so that future recruitment practices will be better informed. This will cover: Staff turnover and reasons for leaving Exit interviews; and attendance of new recruits at child protection training Visitors Policy and Procedures Rationale: St. Anne’s Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students and expects all staff and visitors to share this commitment. This set of procedures is to provide clarity of expectations and consistency of practice when visitors/contactors come onto the school site(s) in order to ensure that students and staff are safe. . Therefore the following procedures must be followed by all staff and contractors/visitors. St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 6 Official titles are used. Staff names can be found in the Staff List, which can be found on the common drive in the ‘General Information’ folder. The hyperlink is O:\General Information - Staff\Staff List\Staff list for 01.07.2010.xls Visitors to Schools This guidance relates to people who need to visit schools in the course of their work. Some will be professional who need to work directly with young people. Others will be visiting the school in order to deal with matters that relate to the school buildings/Services rather than its students. All visitors must report to reception on arrival at the school. CRB Disclosures It is not necessary to obtain a CRB disclosure for visitors who will only have contact with children on an ad hoc or irregular basis for short periods of time. However, it is good practice to ensure that visitors sign in and out and are escorted while on the premises by a member of staff. People who must be checked: All staff appointed since April 2002. Supply Staff – the school will check that the person that comes to them is the person referred by the agency. The school will confirm with the agency that the appropriate checks have been carried out and are satisfactory. Governors – if they have direct unsupervised access to students. Other public sector staff – as the employing agency will already have checked these it is not necessary to see the CRB disclosure, however a check of their identity when an individual arrives will be carried out. PGCE students – the ITT provider should ensure they have an Enhanced CRB Disclosure Contractors – who are in school on a regular basis Invigilators Volunteers who are in school on a regular basis. A check is not necessary if a volunteer’s role will be a one off, provided that the person is not to be left alone and unsupervised in charge of students. Sports coaches must have been checked by the organisation for which they are employed and confirmation of these checks will be obtained by the school. A record of CRB details will be kept on the Single Central Record by the Clerical Assistant Personnel &Finance Examples of people who do not need to apply for a CRB disclosure include: Visitors who have business with the Headteacher or other staff or have brief contact with students with a member of staff present. Visitors or contractors who come on site to carry out emergency repairs or service equipment and who would not be expected to be left unsupervised on school premises. Wherever possible, we will endeavour to obtain CRB information from the Facilities Management Company. Contractors who are in school regularly should have been checked by their company and expected to wear their identity badge on site at all times. Visitors who come into school for a one off visit to work with students, or who accompany staff and students on one off outings or trips that do not involve overnight stays. St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 7 Procedures for Arranging Visitors/Guests to School If a member of staff wishes to invite a visitor into school they will follow procedures below: Inform the First Deputy of any visitors they would like to invite into school and the purpose of the visit, at least two weeks in advance, in order for pre-visit checks to be undertaken/confirmed. Pre-visit checks will be undertaken by the Clerical Assistant Personnel & Finance using the agreed form attached at appendix A. The member of staff organising the visit will be informed of the outcome of the pre- visit check and can confirm the visit. They should inform reception of the date and time of the visit, the visitor’s name and their organisation. Staff organising a visit must never assume that someone has CRB clearance The personnel assistant will keep a log of all CRB checks which have been carried out for visitors and these will be recorded on the Single Central Record. If CRB clearance is not required, then the visitor must not be left alone in school and the responsibility for their behaviour lies with the member of staff who has arranged the visit. Visitors in school Visitors will: Report to Reception on arrival Sign the Visitor’s Book on entering the school reception area and wear a visitor’s badge at all times. Have their identity checked by the person on reception and confirmed to the member of staff meeting them. Be issued with a dark blue Visitor’s Lanyard, the No. of which must be entered into the Visitor’s Book. Wear the Lanyard at all times whilst on school premises. Sign out in the Visitor’s Book on leaving the school and return their Visitor’s Lanyard to the person on reception. Leave the school building via one of the access controlled exits. Security Badges All staff and Visitors to the school must wear a security badge at all times. These have been produced in different colours for ease of identification as follows: Grey = Staff Red= Contractors Dark Blue = Visitors Purple = Sixth Form Students If anyone is not wearing their Security Badge they must be challenged. Staff should report any potentially unauthorised visitors to a member of SLT as soon as possible. Procedures for Contractors / Visitors – Premises/Facilities related Appointment: Contractors No (premises/facilities-related) contractor is allowed onto the site without having made an appointment/arrangement so that we know who to expect, from which company, the reason for the visit and when to expect the contractor(s). St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 8 On arrival, contractors must report to the General Office, Lower Site or the Reception, Upper Site. They must fill in all columns in the Visitors’ Book and wait for the Maintenance Officer (MO). Pre-arranged visits – non premises/facilities related The person who issues the invite must advise the receptionist on the relevant site to expect the visitor, giving the person’s name, name of company, date and time of visit, reason for the visit and the member of staff they are coming to meet with. If the call-out is for the photocopiers or library equipment, the member of staff making the call-out must advise the Clerical Assistant Personnel & finance as well as the Receptionist. If a Trade Union representative is due to visit the site, the person arranging the visit must advise the Headteacher in advance, verbally or by email When the visitor arrives, they must follow the procedures in the section below on ‘Identity & Security’. Ad-hoc visitors Ad-hoc visitors include parents and ‘meter-readers’, people who sell the reduced items, e.g. Book People, Priests, Silver Surfers, visitors who work with the students and anyone else not covered in the above categories. They must follow the procedures below, ‘Identity & Security’. Identity & Security Each contractor/visitor will be given a Visitor Badge with a number on it. The number of the badge will be recorded in the Visitors’ Book by the Receptionist. The Receptionist will tell the contractor/visitor to wear the Visitor Badge at all times when on our school site and return the badge to the General Office/Reception on his/her departure. The contractor/visitor must wear the St. Anne’s Visitor Badge even if (s)he has an identity badge from his company. It is the Maintenance Officer’s (MO) or member of staff’s, who invited the visitor, responsibility to ensure that the contractor(s) wears the Visitor badge at all times and is supervised at all times. For learning activities, members of staff must stay in the room/hall with the students throughout time they are scheduled to be with the groups of students. Arranging a visit for a contractor - premises-related Contractors come to work in the school in response to an emergency call-out and for pre-arranged work. Pre-arranged work Health & Safety/ Maintenance Log There is a log on each site in the staffroom. Staff are required to complete the log for all health & safety, premises/facilities requests. St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 9 The Maintenance Officer carries out the work, signs against the item and indicates the status of the item and if a contractor is required to do the job. If a contractor is required the Maintenance Officer must also advise the School Business Manager, who should be checking the log at least every two weeks. Pre-arranged work includes work that is identified in the Premises Plan, meetings with the Headteacher, from governors’ meetings and from Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) meetings. ‘Emergency call-out’ Emergency call-outs refer to any situation that is a health & safety risk that the Maintenance Officer cannot resolve and that needs to be resolved as a matter of urgency. Contacting the contractor Emergency call-out – premises, facilities and equipment ALERT: In an emergency situation, the Maintenance Officer advises the School Business Manager (SBM), or the Finance Officer in the SBM’s absence, that a contractor is needed and explains why. Then the MO must also inform the Clerical Assistant Personnel & Finance that a call-out is needed, reason and some indication as to whether the contractor might need to go to parts of the building where learning is taking place. APPOINTMENT: The Clerical Assistant Personnel & Finance makes the appointment. (S)he must take into account the times that the Maintenance Officer is on site so that the Maintenance Officer is available to accompany the contractor during the visit and see him off the premises, via Reception/General Office to return the Visitor badge. PORF: The Maintenance Officer (MO) has to complete a PORF on the day the callout is requested. He generates a sequential emergency order number from the list of numbers he has and writes the number on the Purchase Order Requisition Form (PORF). The number indicates that it was an emergency PORF. An example of emergency order numbers can be found on the common drive @ O:\FINANCE\Premises info for SMO\Upper Site\emergency numbers for upper site.xlsx For call-outs to REAMS and Holloway Glass, companies we use regularly a template PORF can be found @ for example O:\FINANCE\Premises info for SMO\Lower Site\Holloway Glass template PORF for Lower Site Dec 2010.doc The Maintenance officer The MO must send the completed PORF by the following day, to the Finance Officer at the US; by email or handwritten, all sections completed. It is understandable that the cost might at this point be unknown. Advising other relevant staff As soon as the Clerical Assistant Personnel & Finance has confirmed the appointment, she must: Advise the following colleagues of the date, time and name of contractor expected on to the US or LS, reason for the visit and any other relevant details, e.g. the need to go into areas where learning is taking place: The School Business Manager The Maintenance Officer St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 10 The Receptionist on both sites Learning If there is a possibility that the contractor might have to go into areas where learning is taking place to properly assess the work needed, the School Business Manager must facilitate this and advise the relevant colleagues as soon as possible, verbally or by email if time allows. Pre-arranged work – premises The procedures to be followed for contacting a contractor are the same as above. The initial call can be made by the SBM or can be delegated to the Clerical Assistant Personnel & Finance. The same record-keeping and safeguarding requirements apply. Record keeping/documents The Clerical Assistant Personnel keeps a record of the call-outs and all the information he is given by the contractor. The PORF is another source of records. Documents for use by the premises staff are on the Common drive and can be accessed by the following links: O:\FINANCE\Premises info for SMO NOTE: If a contractor/visitor has an appointment (s)he must not be turned away. St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 11 APPENDIX A Voluntary Organisation: _____________________________________________________ Yes No 1. Do you carry out a list 99 check on your volunteers? 2. Does your agency initiate and receive back an Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) on all your volunteers before they start work? If yes, which registered body carries out the check on your behalf? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Does your agency obtain a fresh Enhanced Disclosure 4. every 3 years, or earlier if the volunteer has a break in service of 3 months or more, or if there are Concerns about the person’s suitability to work with children? 5. Can you confirm that if any information is disclosed on the CRB check that you would disclose it to the school and you would not employ any volunteers who are unsuitable to work with children? 6. Can you confirm that as an voluntary organisation you do not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religious belief or age? Signed by on behalf of the organisation…………………………………………………. Print name………………………………………………………………………………… Position/ Title……………………………………………………………………………... Agency stamp with date: 7. St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 12 ARRANGEMENTS FOR MONITORING AND EVALUATION: DATE ESTABLISHED BY GOVERNING BODY: (ADOPTED) Bi Annual March 2010 DATE REVIEWED: July 2011 DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: July 2013 RESPONSIBILITY: 1st Deputy Headteacher St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls - Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment Policy – Reviewed July 2011 13