Edinburgh Law School Course Tutor Application Form 2015/16 Thank you for your interest in Ordinary Course Tutoring at Edinburgh Law School. In order to complete the application process we would be grateful if you would answer the following questions and return the completed form as an email attachment along with an up-to-date CV to law@ed.ac.uk Title: Surname: Forename: Date of birth: National Insurance number: Do you currently hold a contract of employment with the University of Edinburgh? If so please note your staff/payroll number: Are you currently enrolled as a student with Edinburgh University? If yes, what programme and what year of study? Email address Contact Address Mobile number: Are you a UK/EEA national? Do you have a valid UK/EU passport? (Please note that all University employees are required to provide proof that they are eligible to work in the UK. You will be asked to bring this proof into the School before your contract is issued. If a Tier 4 student (non-UK/EU) is employed without confirmation of his or her term/vacation dates, the University will be in breach of the statutory code on preventing illegal working and our UKVI sponsorship licence requirements.) 1 Please provide details of relevant academic qualifications, research experience and other relevant professional expertise not included in your CV. Please provide details of previous teaching experience and training. Please indicate which Ordinary course(s) you would be interested in tutoring. http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/courses/ Course Name: Course Name: Course Name: Please tell us when you will be available to tutor (answer yes or no) – Semester One only (October to December): Semester Two only (January to April): Both Semesters: Please indicate the average number of hours you can undertake per week: Please provide reference details (from your most recent employer if applicable). References will only be taken up after completion of your interview. 2 Important information for potential Ordinary Course tutors We greatly value the contribution that our Ordinary Course tutors make to the LLB Programmes. It is extremely important that all new tutors are fully aware of the commitment that we expect you to make. Although you will be offered guidance by the Course Organisers and Tutor Mentor, you will be expected to make yourself fully familiar with the content of the course/courses that you are tutoring. This will involve reading the course guides and all supporting material and if you have not studied at Edinburgh we would recommend attending lectures. The courses website is a useful resource and you will be expected to be familiar with this site. You will also be given a copy of the LL.B Tutor Handbook which will answer most questions you might have. At the start of each semester each Course Organiser will organise a compulsory group meeting for all course tutors. At this meeting, you will receive guidance on how to work through the tutorial exercises; suggested answers or learning outcomes for each tutorial; course assessment titles, a copy of the common marking criteria and practical advice on how to give feedback. The Teaching Office will organise tutorial groups and the tutorial timetable and will advise you of the details. Therefore, it is essential that you ensure the Teaching Office has your up-to-date email and mobile telephone details and also a note of the days and times that you are unable to tutor. It is a difficult undertaking to organise the several hundred tutorials that we run and, although we appreciate it may sometimes be unavoidable, cancellations cause major problems. If you are going to be detained in a work meeting or in court, please ensure that you give the Teaching Office as much notice as possible so that the students can be contacted and the tutorial re-arranged. Tutors who regularly cancel tutorials will have their contracts terminated. All tutors are expected to report student non-attendance to the Teaching Office every week. At the early stage of the semester this may happen because a student has changed groups and by reporting the non-attendance you will be able to ensure you have an up-to-date list of those in your group(s). At later stages however nonattendance can provide an indication that a student is experiencing problems and, therefore, it is essential that we are made aware that the student is not attending. All tutors will be given an offer letter outlining teaching expectations and offering a guaranteed minimum number of tutorials. Tutors are paid on the UE06 scale. Full payment arrangements will be confirmed in this letter. Please note that your first year of tutoring is considered to be a probationary year and you will be advised of the outcome of that probation at the end of semester two. Further information about your appointment and payment guidelines will be communicated in due course. 3