
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina
Departamento de Luminotecnia, Luz y Visión
Visual Environment
Efficient Lighting
Academic Director:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Kirschbaum, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina 1
Vice Academic Director:
Prof. Dr. Juan Gonzáles Vizmanos, Universidad de Valladolid, España 2
Prof. Dra. Elisa Colombo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina 1
Diploma, Master and Doctorate
August – November 2004
MAVILE is a network of European, Latin-American and North American teaching and research groups on lighting,
environmental architecture and psychology, optics and vision. This is a programme for training specialists in the field of
visual environment and efficient lighting, with the intention to cover the new needs of the modern world. It aims to obtain a
source of competent professionals with the ability to manage tools typical of this kind of knowledge at the academic,
private and industrial level in Latin America.
MAVILE deals with: a) visual relations between the human being and its environment; b) its improvement; c) the way people
use the visual system in the acquisition and processing of information; d) the effects of light stimulus on productivity and
behaviour; e) the characteristics of the visual environment, in order to optimise the interface with the human being.
The programme comprises three levels: Diploma, Master and Doctorate in the following subject: Visual Environment and
Efficient Lighting. The Diploma programme leads to a Especialista (Diploma) certified degree. The three mentioned levels
have been accredited by the Consejo Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria de Argentina (CONEAU).
It is meant for engineers, architects, designers and physicists. the registration and selection of candidates will be performed
by the National Univ. of Tucumán, Argentina. Besides CV evaluation the candidates should show adequate knowledge level
about: 1) Trigonometry; Lineal Algebra and Analytic Geometry, 2) Introduction to Error Calculation; and 3) Comprehension
and Valuation of the Architectural Space.
Information and Registration:
Departamento de Luminotecnia, Luz y Visión, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Av. Independencia 1800. (4000)
Tucumán, Argentina , Tel./Fax:+54 381 4361936, e-mail: ilum@herrera.unt.edu.ar
Dates and Place: The Diploma courses will be delivered between August and November 2004 in Tucumán, Argentina. The
Univ. is placed at the North western area of Argentina, 27° latitude, South; 65° longitude, West). The climate is subtropical
with 18°C/year average temperature.
Accommodations: Rooms and houses are available at the Room Office of the Univ.. Double rooms with meals (breakfast,
lunch, dinner) can be rented from $18/day/person or $ 100/month (without meals).
Registration fees: Diploma $ 2400, registration fee per course (60 hs): $ 300
Structure and Organisation of the Programme: The Diploma Programme is composed by three Modules covering the main
subjects about Visual Environment and Efficient Lighting. The courses are intensive, with lectures delivered by specialists
from the Institutions members of the MAVILE Net or other invited Universities, and an intense experimental activity. Staff
members of the Department. of Lighting, Light and Vision "H.C. Bühler" will provide teaching and laboratory assistantship.
Evaluation of the students: their progress will be evaluated in each of the three modules, through a global examination that
covers the knowledge and the performance on the field of each module. The exam is "passed" when the qualification is a
seven (7) at least at a 1 to 10 points scale. A minimal attendance of 80% is compulsory as well.
First Level: DIPLOMA (4 months full-time) (Accredited by CONEAU, Argentina)
This level is destined to those who are looking for further training or improvement of their professional profile in this field. They
will have to take compulsory courses. This programme will be developed during 26 weeks, with a minimum load of 25 hours
per week, including lectures, laboratory practice and case studies.
Second Level: Master Degree (1 year full-time) (Accredited category B by CONEAU, Argentina)
The Master Programme completes the Diploma programme with advanced courses and a thesis on one of the MAVILE
subjects. The aim of the thesis is to introduce the student in the scientific-technological research activity and to allow him/her
certain autonomous ability to use the tools, which are learned through the courses, applied to a specific subject. The work will
be carried out under supervision and in the case that there will be worked at two places, there will be a co-supervisor.
Possible themes for the master thesis, and the places where they can be done, are added below.
Third Level: Doctorate (2-3 years full time) (Accredited category A by CONEAU, Argentina)
Other courses will be added to those of the Diploma/Master programme at this level, to complete the candidate's knowledge,
according to the chosen themes and personal interests. The goal of the thesis is to show autonomy, investigation capacity
and critical attitude towards an original work in the field of MAVILE. This work will be carried out under supervision and in the
case that there will be worked at two places, there will be a co-supervisor. The total length is foreseen as no more than three
years (six semesters). Possible themes for the thesis and the places where they can be done, follow below.
Module I - Formation and Representation of the Image. Optics, Vision and Photometry.
Language: Spanish.
Contents: Optical representation of the reality. Properties and limits of images, Instrumental optics, the eye. Resolution power,
contrast, aberrations, etc. The human processing of information. Spectral sensitivity and retinal illumination. Visual pathways.
Visual functions: adaptation, visual field, visual acuity, spatial and temporal contrast sensitivity, stereoscopic vision, colour
vision, etc. Generation and measurement of light. Measurement instruments, lighting sources and auxiliary equipment,
detectors, colorimeters, photometry of surfaces Color theory applied in desing
Module II - Human Activity and Visual Environment
Language: Spanish
Contents: The language of light. Visual relation with the environment: psychological and physical dimensions. No Visual
effects of optical radiation Abnormal and low vision. Seasonal affective disorders.. Environmental Psychology
Module III - Quantification and Prediction of Lighting.
Language: Spanish
Contents: Indoor Lighting systems design. Lighting of working places. Museums, Store and industrial lighting. Integration of
electricity and natural lighting. Indoor and outdoor environmental conditioning. Outdoors lighting system design Road,
monuments, historical buildings, fountains, etc. Public lighting: Exploitation and management.
Lectures an Seminars on New Technologies on Lighting and control: During the4 months of the Diplom programm are also
offered lectures with the participation of experts from leading industries and lighting firms as well as research centres. Since
1996 have participated: INTELLUX (Italy), LINGTHING TECHNOLOGIES (USA), ERCO (Germany), OSRAM, PHILIPS,
WAMCO (Argentina), Applied Laser Laboratory (Argentina), Light and Radiation Group (France), Lighting Research Centre
(USA), Optics Dep. (Valladolid, Spain), Building and Architecture Technology Dep. (Madrid, Spain), Architecture Dep. (Porto
Alegre, Brazil
1. Department of Lighting, Light and Vision, Tucumán National University, Argentina
Dr.Ing. Carlos F. Kirschbaum, Dra. Elisa M. Colombo, Dr. Ing. Eduardo Manzano, Dra. Graciela L. Tonillo; Mag. en Luminotecnia: Ing.
José D. Sandoval, Ing. Mario R. Raitelli, Ing. Alberto J. Cabello, Lic. Beatriz O’Donell; Ing. Leonardo O. Assaf; Lic. Mirta E. Jaén
Ing. Roberto Tagashira, Dr. José Barraza, Dr. Luis Issolio, Ing. Sergio Gor
2. Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Tucumán National University, Argentina Dra. Marta A. Pesa, Ing. Luis Del Negro, Ing.
Carlos Boquete
3. Faculty of Architecture, Tucumán National University, Argentina.Esp. Arq. José Luis Guijarro
4. Faculty of Architecture, Buenos Aires Nacional University, Argentina. Arq. José Luis Caivano
5. Human Enviroment and Housing Laboratory, CRICYT, Mendoza, Argentina, Diseñadora Industrial Andrea Pattini
6. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Dra. Lucía Raffo de Mascaró
7. La Plata National University, Argentina. Dr. Mario Garavaglia
8. Valladolid University, Spain, Dr. Juan González Vizmanos
9. Madrid Polithecnic University, Dra. Raquel Puente García
Language: Spanish, Portuguese of English, depending of the chosen country.
A) Themes for the Master Programme
Lighting and preventive conservation of monuments and historical places. Polytechnic Univ. Madrid,the Institute
for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Goods, Spain. Dr. R. Puentes García, Lic. M. A. Rodríguez Lorite (Madrid).
Energetic Management and Economy of Road Lighting Systems. Polytechnic Univ. Catalunya; Catholic Univ.
Valparaiso. MSc. E. Piraino Davidson (Chile); Dr. R. San Martin Paramo (Barcelona), Dr.. Ing. E. Manzano (Argentina)
Design of Energetically Efficient Luminaries. Optical Treatment. Univ. Valladolid; Polytechnic Univ. Catalunya,
Spain. Dr. J. Vizmanos (Valladolid); Dr. R. San Martin Paramo (Barcelona), Ing. J. Sandoval, Argentina.
Effects of Lighting in the Appearance of Persons, Objects and Places. Influence in Behaviour. National Univ.
Tucumán, A. Dr. C. Kirschbaum, Dr. G. Tonello.
Physiological Optics and Image Processing. Univ. Murcia; Bristol, Tucumán. Dr. P. Artal (S); or Dr. T. Troscianko
(UK); P^hD A. Párraga (A), or Dr. E. Colombo (A)
Energy Efficient Lighting in Buildings. National Univ. Tucumán, Argentina. Ing.L. Assaf, MSc M. Raitelli
B) Themes for the Doctorate Programme
Lighting and Perception of Urban Spaces and Buildings and the Impact on its Users and the Environment.
Federal Univ. Rio Grande do Sul,. Dr. L. Mascaró, Brazil; National University Tucumán., Dr. C. Kirschbaum, Dr.. Ing. E
Manzano, Argentina.
Lighting of Monuments and Historical Sites. Radiation Effects on Art Works. Polytechnic Univ. Madrid, Institute for
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Goods, Spain. Dr. R. Puentes García, Lic. M. A. Rodríguez Lorite., Nacional
University Tucumán, Dr. E Manzano
Efficient Lighting of Working places. National University Tucumán, Dr. C. Kirschbaum, Dr G. Tonello
Colorimetric, Spectra and Sensors with Matrix CCD Arrangement. Univ. Valladolid, Spain. Dr. J. Vizmanos,
The Influence of the Visual Environment on Comfort. National Univ.Tucuman. Dr. C. Kirschbaum, Dr. G. Tonello (A)
Non-Visual Effects of Light and Colour. Univ. of Lund, Dr. R. Küller, Sweden, Univ.Nacional Tucumán., Dr. G. Tonello
Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Visual Process, including Adaptation., Dr. E. Colombo (A). Dr. J Barraza, Dr. L.
Issolio (A)