
Anesthesiology Rotation
(1 month)
Rotation Description
The resident will spend 1 month with the Department of Anesthesiology at the University
of Kentucky with one week of vacation during the month. The resident will report at
7AM to Dr. Richard Locke or the airway resident for the month at the major OR
information desk/assignment board. They will receive their initial assignment for the day
at that time. The resident will be expected to continue to gain experience throughout the
day until noon. There will be no service or supervisory requirements during the rotation.
A procedure card will be given to the resident at the beginning of the rotation. As each
required procedure is performed, the supervising anesthesiology faculty or senior resident
will sign-off on the procedures as completed.
1. Develop a solid foundation for basic airway management
2. Develop knowledge base and skills to predict and deal with the difficult airway
Competency Objectives
1. Discuss the importance of proper bag-valve-mask technique (MK)
2. Perform bag-valve-mask ventilation successfully on a minimum of 10 patients (PC)
3. Discuss proper direct laryngoscopy technique and perform a minimum of 25
intubations via direct laryngoscopy on either a patient or mannequin (MK, PC)
4. Discuss the importance of the ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm and gain experience
with rescue ventilation devices. (MK)
5. Perform placement of 5 laryngeal mask airways on either a patient of mannequin. (PC)
6. Perform appropriate set-up for a correct utilization of trans-tracheal jet ventilation
7. Discuss the indications for use of fiber optic intubation and perform 5 fiber optic
intubations on either a patient of mannequin (MK, PC)
8. Communicates in a respectful manner with all healthcare providers regardless of
discipline (P)
9. Initiates and executes proper “time-out” procedures with the healthcare team. (SBP)
10. Demonstrates an ability to self-reflect on personal learning deficiencies and develop a
plan for improvement (PBLI)
11. Communicates essential information to other healthcare teams to enhance quality
care. (ICS)
Description of Didactic Experiences
The emergency resident will be expected to attend their required weekly didactic
conferences in the emergency department every Thursday morning. In addition, they will
be required to attend the Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds every Wednesday
morning at 6:30AM until 7:30AM. A sign in sheet will be available to document
attendance. The resident may elect to attend other didactic opportunities within the
department of Anesthesiology on Monday, Tuesday and Friday morning at 6:00AM6:45AM.
Description of Evaluation Process
The resident will provide the completed procedure check-off card to the EM residency
director at the end of the rotation to ensure experience with all required procedures. As
the Departments of Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine both utilize New
Innovations Residency Management software, end of rotation evaluations will be
performed using this mechanism. Dr. Jay Grider will be responsible for filling out the
Feedback Mechanisms
The resident will receive feedback from individual anesthesiology faculty as needed and
the EM Residency Director if required. The resident will fill out an evaluation of the
rotation through new innovations at the end of the rotation.