RIE 2014 call for papers edited April 2014

First Call for Papers
The Research and Intellectual Expo (RIE) is a Zimbabwean initiative by the Ministry of Higher
and Tertiary Education that was set up to showcase the best research and intellectual work by
Zimbabweans both at home and diaspora. It seeks to harness the very best research and
intellectual work by Zimbabweans for national development. It therefore provides a platform for
sharing knowledge, networking and collaborating for all Zimbabweans and other stakeholders.
Over the past two years, the Expo has established a reputation as a focal point for new ideas
and new practices in research and learning.
The Expo will address a range of critically important themes in the various fields that make up
the humanities, science and the expressive arts today. Plenary speakers will include some of
the world’s leading thinkers in various disciplines, as well as numerous paper, workshop and
poster presentations by researchers.
The theme for the fourth edition of RIE is “Engagement, Innovation and Diversity for
National Transformation and Development”. The Expo is scheduled to take place during the
first week of September 2014 at one of the Higher Education Institutions in Zimbabwe. It will
bring together Zimbabweans from all disciplines to share latest research findings and brainstorm
new research ideas across disciplines. The Expo is a unique forum for academics and
professionals with cross-disciplinary interests to meet and interact with each other. We are
therefore inviting papers that will deal with issues around this year’s theme.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 6 June 2014 at 4 pm. Authors with abstracts that
are selected for presentation at RIE will be notified by the 31st of July 2014 and will be
expected to submit full papers by the 15th of August 2014.
NOTE: Authors whose papers were accepted for presentation at RIE 2013 and are still
available and willing to present them at RIE 2014 are invited to indicate their availability
by contacting the RIE Secretariat by 30 May 2014.
Abstracts are invited on any of the following sub-themes:
1. Arts, Culture and Humanities
2. Social Sciences
3. Religion and Spirituality
Unhu/Ubuntu based African Ethics
New Perspectives in the Definition and Analysis of
Social Reality
Identity and Development
African Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AIKS)
Indigenization of Arts and Humanities Education
Youth Empowerment for National Transformation and
Culture and Tourism
Innovation and Regional Economic Development (PanAfricanism)
Investment Decision-making
ICTS for Development
The Role of Social Networks in National
Trade and Investment
Tourism and Development
Indigenization and Empowerment
African Women Leadership (Gender)
Religion in Development Thought
Religio, Gender and National Development
Christianity and National Development and
Religion and Engagement with Health and Wellbeing
Religions Tourism and Development
Linking African Spirituality to Development
Religious Based Ethics and Development
Religious Participation and Economic Behaviour
Faith Based Organizations and Development
Interreligious Dialogue for National Development
Theology, Transformation and Development
Religion and Political Engagement
African Traditional Religions and Development
4. Science, Engineering and
5. Agriculture, Environment, Natural
Religion in Development Thought
Religion, Development and Social Change
The Potential of African Metaphysics for Development
Value Addition to the Natural Resources of Zimbabwe
Utilizing the Cloud for Strong Virtual Global Solutions
Information Society Technologies (ISTs)
Biotechnology for Development and Health
Telecommunications and Global Connectivity
Capacity for Research and Development
Energy Development, Sustenance and Power
Renewable Energy
Green Technologies
Emerging Technologies
Food Product Development
Mining Engineering
Manufacturing/Engineering Technologies
Material Sciences
Preserving and Conserving our Natural Resources
through Science and Technology
Irrigation Systems
Transportation Systems Development
Infrastructure Development and Services
Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure
Engineering in Agricultural Systems
Microbiological Resources
Intellectual Property
Investment and Trade
Product Design and Development
Technology Commercialisation
Tools for Research Collaboration
Technology Applications in Industry and Health
Electronic Identification and Access Control
Infrastructure Development for Water Supply and
Standards, Ethics and Development
Partnership in Science, Engineering & Technology
National Research Funding
National Innovation System
 Governance in Environment and Natural Resources
Resources and Tourism
6. Education for Transformation and
 Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation
 Innovative Strategies for Green Cities in Zimbabwe
 Innovative Models for Agriculture and Natural Resource
Based Transformation and Development
 Genetic Modification Technologies, the Environment
and Food Security
 Access and Benefit Sharing
 Management of Agriculture, Environment and Mining
 Water Resources Harvesting and Efficient Utilization
 Eco-Tourism Development/Tourism Development
7. Health and Well-being
Engaging Business and Industry in Educational
Transformation of Teaching through Innovation
Enhancing Curriculum Delivery Through ICTs
Improving Access to Education
Quality and Quality Assurance in Education
Inclusive Education
Gender and Diversity in Education
Education and Ideology for National Transformation
Education for the Transformation of the Mind
Competency Based Education and Training
Technical Vocational Education and Training
Enquiry Based Education
Category A: Biomedical Research and Development
Evidence Based Health Practice
 Diseases Diagnostic Tests
 Diseases Modelling/Biostatistics
Organ Transplant Medicine
 Stem Cell Research
 Medical Nanotechnology Practice
Medicines and Vaccines Therapeutic Development
Prostheses Development (Artificial Limbs, Pace Makers
Scientific Medical and Industrial Equipment
Maintenance and Repair Medical Research
Category B: Public Health
Nutrition and Diet Food Security at Household Level
Lifestyle Diseases
Reproductive Health
Water and Sanitation, Environmental Health
Climate Change and Health
Application of Framework for Sanitary Safety in Trade
Health Policy and Legislation Frameworks (Public
Health Act, International Health Regulations)
African Spiritual Health/healing
Medical Tourism
Occupational Safety and Health
Health care Financing
Access to Health Care/community participation
Private Partner Participation
Ethics in Health Practice
The Food Value Chain and Food Safety
Biosafety and Biosecurity Regimes
Health Information systems
Quality Assurance/ Patient Satisfaction
Alternative Medicine (homeopathy, acupuncture,
Category C: Management of Diseases, Pests and Vectors
 Zoonotic Diseases and Pests
 Diseases, Diagnosis and Technologies
 Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases
 Human-Domestic Animal-Wildlife Interface
 Epidemiology and Diseases Control
Category D: Sports
 Sports Medicine
 Physical Exercise
 Physical Health
 Physiotherapy
8. Management, Leadership and
 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable
 Management of Science Techniques and Tools (e.g.
Lean management, Six Sigma, data mining, inventory
control, operations research, Markov processes, multi5
criteria decision making, project management, queueing
theory & simulation, value stream management, ERP,
MRP, TQM, TPM etc.)
Formulating Creativity in Leadership and Corporate
Corporate Governance and Corporate Ethics
The Need for Women in Governance and Leadership
Transforming Traditional Leadership Systems for
Promoting National Development
Guidelines for papers
Papers must be between 4000 to 6000 words maximum and must have a 100 word abstract at the
beginning with a 50 word bio-sketch of the author. Papers must be on double spaced A4 paper,
tables, graphs, pictures must be camera ready. All copyrighted material must be cleared by the
author. References and notes must be cited in the paper as author and date, full reference to be
given at the end of paper. All papers will be subject to a selection process. Papers accepted for
presentation at the Expo will be considered for publication in the two journals namely: Journal
of Zimbabwe Studies: Science, Technology and Health and Journal of Zimbabwe Studies: Arts,
Humanities, Education.
Time and space for presentation is limited. Please send your abstracts early to the Zimbabwe
Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE) Offices, 21 J. M. Nkomo Road, P Bag CY 7785,
Causeway, Harare. You can also submit via e-mail to resintexpo@zimche.ac.zw.
For inquiries contact:
The Secretariat ZIMCHE
Telephone: 04-581994/572930