Simon Stampfer, 1790-1864 : von der Zauberscheibe zum Film

Bibliography: Printed works related to the history of the telescope. 2,556 books & papers.
Keywords added: (achromat) (ATM) (list) (literature) (Maksutov) (micrometer) (mount) (solar) (transit, to include astronomical instruments of precision)
A secondary bibliography on this subject, of peripheral papers, is available.
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Compiled by Peter Abrahams,
June 2005
(Abbe) Ernst Abbe. Astrophysical Journal 21 (1905) 379-381.
(Abbe) Wattenberg, Dietrich. Ernst Abbe as Astronomer. Jena Review #5/6 (1971) 269-272.
Abetti, Giorgio. Solar Physics. pp57-230. Vol. 4, Das Sonnensystem. Handbuch der Astrophysik. Ed., G. Eberhard, A. Kohlschuetter, & H. Ludendorff.
Berlin: J. Springer, 1929. (pp61-85, tower telescopes)
Adams, W.S. & F.H. Seares. Comparative Tests of the 100-Inch and 60-Inch Reflectors. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 33 (Feb.
1921) 31-34. (#191)
Adams, Walter S. Early Days at Mt. Wilson. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 59 (1947) 212-231, 285-304.
Adams, Walter S. The Founding of the Mount Wilson Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 66 (Dec. 1954) 267-303.
Adams, Walter S. A Great Telescope and Its Possibilities. Science 69 (Jan. 4, 1929) 1-8. (#1775) (Palomar)
Adams, W. S. The 100-Inch Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 25 (Oct. 1913) 257-258. (#150)
Adams, Walter S. The 200-inch Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 33 (Oct. 1939) 241-246. (reprinted from 'Nature', Feb. 25,
(Adams) DeVorkin, David H. Adams, Walter Sydney. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.
(Adams, D.) Specification of a patent granted to Dudley Adams......for certain improvements in the construction of paper and vellum tubes for telescopes, and in
the optical parts of telescopes. March 7, 1815. (pp 199-206)
(Adams, W.) DeVorkin, David H. Adams, Walter Sydney. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.
Aikens, R.S., et al. Next Generation Telescope. Report No. 2, A Concept for a 25-meter Telescope - The Rotating Shoe Array. Report No. 3, A Concept for a
25-meter Telescope - the Steerable Dish. Report No. 4, A Concept for a 25-meter Telescope - the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT). Report No. 5, A
Concept for a 25-meter Telescope - the Singles Array. Tucson: Kitt Peak National Observatory, 1977 & 1978.
Airy, G.B. Lecture by the Astronomer Royal on the large telescopes of the Earl of Rosse and Mr. Lassell. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 9
(March 1849) 110-121.
Airy, G.B. Mounting for a reflecting telescope of large dimensions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13 (March 1853) 165-167.
Modifications of on a new method of mounting a reflecting telescope of large dimensions; M.N.R.A.S. 13 (April 1853) 186-7; William Simms, similar mount,
Airy, G.B. On the Eye-piece for correction of Atmospheric Dispersion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 30:3 (Jan. 1870) 57-59.
Airy, George. On a peculiar Defect in the Eye, and a mode of correcting it. Edinburgh Journal of Science 7 (1827) 322-326.
Airy, George. On the Principles and Construction of the Achromatic Eye-Pieces of Telescopes, and on the Achromatism of Microscopes. Transactions of the
Cambridge Philosophical Society 2:2 (1827) 227-252. (pp227-234)
Airy, George. On the Use of Silvered Glass for the Mirrors of Reflecting Telescopes. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2:1 (1827) 106-118.
Airy, G.B. Some account of a new zenith sector, constructed for the use of the trigonometrical survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 5
(March 1842) 188-196.
Airy, G.B. Substance of the Lecture delivered by the Astronomer Royal on the large Reflecting Telescopes of the Earl of Rosse and Mr. Lassell, at the last
November Meeting. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 9 (1849) 110-121.
Airy, G.B. Suggestion of a new Astronomical Instrument, for which the name 'Orbit-Sweeper' is proposed. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
21 (March 1861) 158-160.
(Airy) Airy, Wilfrid, ed. Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy. Cambridge: University Press, 1896. 414pp. List of printed papers & books written by G.B. Airy,
pp370-404. Feb. 2005.
(Airy) Chapman, Allan. Britain's First Professional Astronomer; George Biddell Airy (1801-1892). pp185-205. Moore, Patrick, ed. 1992 Yearbook of
Astronomy. N.Y.: Norton, 1991.
(Airy) Hoskin, Michael. Airy, George Biddell. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Airy) Wright, D. C. The published works of Sir George Biddell Airy. Journal of the British Astronomical Association. 98:7 (Dec. 1988) 355-361.
Allen, H.S. James Gregory, John Collins, and some early scientific instruments. Nature. 121 (1928) 456.
Allen, Phyllis. Problems Connected with the Development of the Telescope (1609-1687). Isis 34:4 (Spring, 1943) 302-311.
Allmer, Franz. Simon Stampfer, 1790-1864, Ein Lebensbild. Graz: Mitteilungen der geodaetischen Institute der Technischen Universitaet Graz 82, 1990.
Altena, William F. van & E. Dorrit Hoffleit. Schlesinger's Telescope. Astronomy & Geophysics 44:5 (Oct. 2003) 9-13. (Hastings / McDowell Yale-Columbia 26
inch refractor)
Ambronn, Leopold. Handbuch der Astronomischen Instrumentenkunde. Berlin: Springer. 1899. 1276pp.
Amici, G.B. On a Property of Light, exhibited in the examination of small luminous points by telescopes. Edinburgh Journal of Science 5:8 (1826) 306-309.
(Amici) Brenni, Paolo. An Unusual Theodolite conceived by Amici. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society #16 (1988) 7-9.
(Amici) Fauque, Danielle. Amici et le Principe de Duplication d'Image: le Micrometre d'Amici. Nuncius 5:1 (1990) 71-77.
(Amici, Jean Baptiste. 1786-1863.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 24 (1864) 85-86.
(Amici) Mandrino, A., G. Tagliaferri, & P. Tucci. G.B. Amici's Telescopes for Brera Observatory. Nuncius 4:2 (1989) 147-164.
(Amici) Proverbio, Edoardo & Pasquale Tucci. From Reflectors to Refractors: the evolution of Giovan Battista Amici, constructor of astronomical instruments.
From: Giorgio Dragoni, Anita McConnell and Gerard L’E. Turner; ed. Proceedings of the eleventh International Scientific Instrument Symposium, Bologna
U., Italy, Sept. 9-14, 1991. Bologna: Grafis edizioni, 1994.
(Amici) Proverbio, Edoardo & Pasquale Tucci. Giovan Battista Amici, Costruttore di Telescopi e Cannocchiali Acromatici. Physis 30 (1993) 145-182.
(Amici) Proverbio, Edoardo. The Production of Achromatic Objectives in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century: The Contributions of Giovanni Battista Amici.
Memorie della Societa Astronomia Italiana 61:4 (1990) 829-875.
(Amici) Righini, Guglielmo. Storia e vicende degli obbiettivi astronomici di G.B. Amici. Physis 11 (1969) 469-492. (2 Amici lenses used through 1960s for
(Amici) Ronchi, Vasco. Amici, Giovan Battista. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Amici) Tucci, Pasquale. Amici's Reflectors and Refractors. Memorie della Societa Astronomia Italiana 61:4 (1990) 877-897.
Andersen, Hemming. Jeppe Smith (1759-1821): A Danish Instrument Maker. pp403-417. Anderson, R.G.W., J.A. Bennett, and W.F. Ryan, editors. Making
Instruments Count. Cambridge: Variorum, 1993.
Anderson, J. A. The Astrophysical Observatory of the California Institute of Technology. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 36 (June 1942)
177-200, plates 7-10.
Anderson, John A. Optics of the 200-inch Hale Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 60, #355 (August 1948) 221-224.
Anderson, J. A. Sinclair Smith. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 50, #296 (August 1938) 232-233.
Anderson, J.A. The 200-Inch Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 51 (Feb. 1939) 24-26. (#299).
Anderson, J.A. and R.W. Porter. The 200-inch Telescope. The Telescope 7:2 (1940) 29-39.
(Anderson) Bowen, I.S. John A. Anderson, Astronomer and Physicist Science 131 (March 4, 1960) 649-650. (#3401)
(Anderson) Bowen, I.S. John August Anderson, 1876-1959. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 72 (April 1960) 94-96. (#425)
(Anderson) Brashear, Ronald S. Anderson, John August. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press.
Anderson, John S. Telescopes of German Design. pp866-867. Richard Glazebrook, ed. A Dictionary of Applied Physics. London: Macmillan, 1922, 1923.
(prism systems)
Anderson, Kurt. To the Edge of the Universe: The Apache Point Observatory. New Mexico Journal of Science 35 (Nov. 1995) 6-20.
Anderson, Stuart & Dieter Engels. A short history of Hamburg Observatory. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 114 (2004) 78-87.
Andre, C. and A. Angot. Observatories of Europe and America. The Astronomical Register 23, #272 (Aug. 1885) 181-190, 217-223.
Andrews, A.D. The Boyden Observatory. Irish Astronomical Journal 25:2 (July 1998) 129-166.
Andrews, A.D. Cyclopaedia of Telescope Makers. Irish Astronomical Journal. Part 1 (A-F), IAJ 20:3 (March 1992), 102-183. Part 2 (G-J), IAJ 21:1 (March
1993) 1-82. Part 3 (K-N), 21:3/4 (Sept. 1994) 167-249. Part 4 (O-R ), IAJ 22:1 (Jan. 1995) 43-96. Part 5 (Sae-Sim), IAJ 23:1 (Jan. 1996) 57-117. Part 6
(Sin-Syk), IAJ 23:2 (July 1996) 215-242. Part 7 (T-Z), IAJ 24:2 (July 1997) 125-192. Appendix, IAJ 25:1 (Jan. 1998) 95-96. (Bibliography Part 1, pp104-107)
Andrews, A.D. & J. Dommanget. On the Alignment of the ADH Baker-Schmidt Telescope of the Boyden Observatory. Irish Astronomical Journal 7 (1965) 7379. (Schmidt Cassegrain)
Andrews, A.D. The Optical Performance of the 81/90/3032mm ADH Baker-Schmidt Telescope. Irish Astronomical Journal 24:2 (July 1997) 116-122. (Perkin
Andrews, A.D. Record of Another 19th Century Telescope: the Sheffield 4.5-inch Parkes & Son - Wray Telescope. Irish Astronomical Journal 27:2 (2000) 150159.
Andrews, A.D. Record of a Notable 19th Century Telescope, the 3 1/4 inch 'Doncaster' Refractor by T. Cooke & Sons of York. Irish Astronomical Journal 27:1
(Jan. 2000) 55-64.
Angel, J.R.P. Large Mirrors. pp143-156, Wall, J.V. and A. Boksenberg, Modern Technology and its Influence on Astronomy, Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press,
(Anglo-Australian 150-inch Telescope.) Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia 1:1 (Feb. 1968) Bowen, E.G. General Design & Plans for
Construction. pp74-75. Gascoigne, S.C.B. Optical design. p76. Wehner, H. Mechanical Design. p76-78.
Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. Bruxelles: Hayez, 1857. Vol. 11, pp178-204, Plans et description des instruments de l'Observatoire Royal de
Annals of the Dearborn Observatory of Northwestern University. Evanston, Illinois, 1915. Vol. 1, pp1-20, Historical & Descriptive Introduction. (16 inch Fitz.
18.5 inch Clark. Repsold meridian circle)
Anthony, Charles. New form of reflecting telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 61 (June 1901) 616-618. (siderostat, pierced for
Arcimis, Augusto. El Telescopio Moderno. Barcelona: Montaner y Simon, 1879. (vol. 2, pp188-201)
Ardeberg ,Arne, ed. Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2871. Bellingham: SPIE, 1996.
Argyle, Robert. Webb Society Deep Sky Observer's Handbook. Volume 1, Double Stars. pp29-51. Chapter 5, Micrometers for Double Star Measurement.
Hillside: Enslow, 1986.
Ariail, Robert B. On the Location and Restoration of an 1849 Henry Fitz Telescope. Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 14 (1985)
Ariotti, Piero. Bonaventura Cavalieri, Marin Mersenne, and the Reflecting Telescope. Isis 66 (Sept. 1975) 303-321.
Armstrong, E.B. Geometrical Optics, and the Schmidt Camera. Irish Astronomical Journal. 1:2 (1950) 48-58.
A.S.D.R. The Reflecting Zenith Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 54 (Feb. 1894) 264-265.
Ashbrook, Joseph. The Astronomical Scrapbook. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1984.
Ashbrook, Joseph. The Brothers Henry. 17 (June 1958) 394ff.
Ashbrook, Joseph. The Clarks and Some of Their Refractors. Sky & Telescope 37 (Feb. 1969) 74-75.
Ashbrook, Joseph. A Harem of Telescopes. Sky & Telescope 33 (June 1967) 346ff. (Kitchiner)
Ashbrook, Joseph. The Inventiveness of Henry Parkhurst. Sky & Telescope 24 (April 1965) 217ff.
Ashbrook, Joseph. James Nasmyth's Telescopes and His Observations. Sky & Telescope 38 (Dec. 1969) 380-381.
Ashbrook, Joseph. Lewis Swift and the Lowe Observatory. Sky & Telescope 43 (June 1972) 364-366.
Askania-Warte. Heft 57, April 1961.
(Askania) Ritter, H. Ueber einen Meridiankreis neuerer Konstruction der Askania-Werke. Memorie della Societa Astronomia Italiana 8 (May 1935) 427ff.
(The Astronomical Equipment of Canada) pp52-60: Arthur Harvey, ed. RASC: Selected Papers & Proceedings 1902 & 1903. Toronto: Collins, 1904. (72 inch
Brashear; 6 inch Cooke; many private observatories)
Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory During the Year 1861. Washington: G.P.O., 1862. vii-v: Introduction,
Transit Instrument, Mural Circle, Equatorial Instrument.
(The Astronomical Observatory of the University of Alabama.) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3 (#15) (March 1891) 110-111. .pdf
(Auzout) Considerations of Monsieur Auzout upon Mr. Hook's New Instrument for Grinding of Optick-Glasses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
1 (1665) 57-63.
(Auzout)....Contrivance of making, with a Glass of a Sphere 20 or 40 foot diameter, a Telescope drawing several hundred foot....To measure with a Telescope
the Distances of Objects upon the Earth. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1665) 123-125. (#7)
(Auzout) McKeon, Robert. Auzout, Adrien. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--. (micrometer)
(Auzout) Monsieur Auzout's Judgment Touching the Apertures of Object-Glasses, and Their Proportions, in Respect of the Several Lengths of Telescopes.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1665) 55-56.
(Babcock, H.D.) Brashear, Ronald S. Babcock, Harold Delos. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press.
Babcock, Horace. First Tests of the Irenee du Pont Telescope. Sky & Telescope 54 (August 1977) 90-94.
Babcock, Horace W. Optical Astronomy in Perspective. Science 156 (Jun. 9, 1967) 1317-1322. Reprinted, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflet #462
(Dec. 1967) 1-8.
Babcock, H.W. The Possibility of Compensating Astronomical Seeing. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 65 (October 1953) 229-236.
(First proposal for adaptive optics)
(Babcock, H.W.) Preston, George W. Obituary, Horace Welcome Babcock (1912–2003). Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 116 (March
2004) 290–294.
Bagdasarian, Nicholas Der. Sir James South and the Cauchoix Objective. Sky & Telescope 70 (Dec. 1985) 525-526.
Bahcall, John N. & Lyman Spitzer, Jr. The Space Telescope. Scientific American 247:1 (July 1982) 40-51.
Bahner, K. Teleskope. From: S. Fluegge, Handbuch der Physik, Band 29, Optische Instrumente; Berlin: Springer, 1967. (pp262-342).
Bailey, Kenneth Vye. Telescopes and observatories. (The Mechanical age Library) London: Muller, 1960. 144pp.
(Bailey) Cook, Anthony. H. Page Bailey: A Pioneering Telescope Maker. Sky & Telescope, March 2001, p130-131.
(Bailey) Ingalls, Albert. The Amateur Astronomer. Scientific American 146 (May 1932) 308-309. Follow up, August 1932.
Baker, James G. Boston Master Optician Dies. Sky & Telescope 32 (July 1966) 29. (Hargbol)
Baker, J.G. The Catadioptric Refractor. Astronomical Journal 59:2 (March 1954) 74-83. (Schupmann)
Baker, James G. A Family of Flat-Field Cameras, Equivalent in Performance to the Schmidt Camera. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 82
(1940) 339-349. (SCT. C.D. Blake, Chester Cooke, Boston ATMs, optical work)
Baker, James G. Optical Systems for Astronomical Photography. n.p., 1949. 45pp.
Baker, James G. Planetary Telescopes. Applied Optics, 2:2 (1963) 111-129.
(Baker) In Focus. Sky & Telescope 9:6 (April 1950) 130,133. (36 - 32 inch Baker / Schmidt, by Perkin Elmer for Harvard)
(Baker) Kidwell, Peggy Aldrich. Harvard Astronomers and World War II. From: Clark Elliott and Margaret Rossiter, ed. Science at Harvard University.
Bethlehem: Lehigh U. Press, 1992.
Balick, Bruce. Astrophysics at Apache Point. Sky & Telescope 76 (Aug. 1988) 126-130. (3.5m, Mannery / OSC / ARC)
Ball, Robert. Preliminary Description of the new Photographic Equatorial of the Cambridge Observatory. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
59:3 (January 1899) 152-155. (12.5 inch Cooke photovisual, coude)
(Bamberg) Feldhaus, Franz. Carl Bamberg Ein Rueckblick auf sein Wirken und auf die Feinmechanik. Berlin-Friedenau: Askania Werke, 1929. 83pp.
Banks, William. Telescopes: Their Construction, Adjustment & Use, with plans & details of Observatories; also full instructions for Grinding, Figuring, and
Silvering Newtonian Mirrors. Bolton: G. Winterburn, n.d., ca. 1920.
Barbieri, C., L. Rosino, and R. Stagni. The 72-inch 'Copernicus Telescope'. Sky & Telescope 47 (May 1974) 298-300. (Grubb / Sarti)
Barker, Robert. A Catoptric Microscope. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 39 (1735-1736) 259-261 (#442) (Gregorian long distance
microscope, by Scarlett).
Barlow, Boris V. The Astronomical Telescope. London and New York: Wykeham Publications Ltd., 1975.
Barlow, Peter. An account of the Construction of a Fluid Lens Refracting Telescope of eight inches aperture, and eight feet and three quarters in length, made
for the Royal Society by George Dollond. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 123 (1833) 1-13.
Barlow, Peter. An account of the preliminary experiments and ultimate construction of a refracting telescope of 7.8 inches aperture, with a fluid concave lens.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 119 (1829) 33-46.
Barlow, Peter. An Account of a Series of Experiments Made with a View to the Construction of an Achromatic Telescope with a Fluid Concave Lens, Instead of
the Usual Lens of Flint Glass. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 118 (1828) 105-112.
Barlow, Peter. Description of the new Fluid Telescope recently constructed by Messrs W. and T. Gilbert on a plan suggested by Peter Barlow. Edinburgh
Journal of Science 8 (1828) 93-96.
Barlow, Peter. Experiments Relative to the Effect of Temperature on the Refractive Index and Dispersive Power of Expansible Fluids, and on the Influence of
These Changes in a Telescope with a Fluid Lens. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 118 (1828) 313-317.
Barlow, Peter. Farther observations on the Construction of Achromatic Telescopes with a fluid concave lens. Edinburgh Journal of Science 9 (1828) 220-225.
Barlow, Peter. On the Performance of Fluid Refracting Telescopes, and on the Applicability of This Principle of Construction to Very Large Instruments.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 121 (1831) 9-15.
Barlow, Peter. On the Principle of Construction and general Application of the Negative Achromatic Lens to Telescopes and Eyepieces of every description.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 124 (1834) 205-207.
Barlow, Peter. A Proposition for carrying on a Course of Experiments, with a view to constructing, as a National Instrument, a large Refracting Telescope, with
a fluid concave Lens, instead of the usual Lens of Flint Glass. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 4 (1828) 323-329.
Barlow, Peter. Rules and principles for determining the dispersive ratio of glass; and for computing the radii of curvature for achromatic object-glasses,
submitted to the test of experiment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 117 (1827) 231-263. Method of practically determining the index of
refraction and the curvature of the surfaces of any given convex or concave lens, pp264-267.
(Barlow) Clerke, A.M. (Revised by Iwan Rhys Morus). Barlow, Peter (1776-1862). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Nov. 2004.
Barnard, E.E. The Bruce photographic telescope of the Yerkes Observatory. Astrophysical Journal 21 (1905) 35-48.
Barnard, E.E. Measures of the satellite of Neptune with the 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory, with remarks on the great telescope. Astronomical
Journal 19 (May 1898) 25-29. (#436)
Barns, Charles Edward. 1001 Celestial Wonders as observed with home built instruments. Morgan Hill: Pacific Science Press, 1928, 1931.
Barr, L.D. The Kitt Peak NGT Project. pp23-53, Optical and Infrared Telescopes for the 1990s, Tucson, Jan. 1980, Proceedings edited by Adelaide Hewitt,
Tucson: K.P.N.O., 1980.
Bartha, Lajos. Astrophysical Instruments in Hungary, 1871-1911. Journal for the History of Astronomy 25:2 (1994) 77-91.
Bartha, Lajos. Old Time-measuring, Astronomical, and Surveying Instruments in the Museums of Hungary. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society #19
(1988) 8-12.
Barthalot, Raymonde. The Story of Paris Observatory. Sky & Telescope 59 (Feb. 1980) 100-107.
Bartlett, William. Account of the Observatory and Instruments of the United States Military Academy at West Point; with Observations on the Comet of 1843.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 2nd series, 9 (1843) 191-200.
Barton, William. Building steps to the stars: our knowledge of the Universe is built on observing through better and better instruments. Charles May was an
early telescope designer. Astronomy Now 13:12 (Dec. 1999) 54-55.
Barty-King, Hugh. Eyes Right, the Story of Dollond & Aitchison, Opticians 1750-1985. London: Quiller, 1986. 264pp.
Batten, Alan. The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. Manitoba: Friesen, n.d. 56pp.
Baum, R.M. Incidents in the early history of the colour filter in visual observation. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 111:2 (April 2001) 108-109.
(Clark 'Cyanorophe' liquid filter cell for See & Peters; Barnard; Wood 1910; Firsoff & Robinson 1956)
Baum, Richard. The Planets: Some Myths & Realities. N.Y.: Wiley, 1973.
Bausch, E. U.S. Patent 660,747 Oct. 30, 1900 Objective.
(Bausch & Lomb) Far Corners of Universe Brought Close. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, February 27, 1921, p7.
(Bausch & Lomb) (Masters of Light.) Fortune. Apr. 1931, vol. III, no. 4, p41ff.
(Bausch & Lomb) Saegmuller, George. The Bausch & Lomb Observatory. The Reflector 1:5 (May 1920) 4-5.
(Bausch & Lomb Telescopes Find a Ready Market). The Reflector 3:10 (Oct. 1922) 4-5.
(Bausch & Lomb) The Telescope. 1956. 48pp.
(Bausch & Lomb) Wendt, Ann Taylor; All of Us - A Biographical History of John Jacob Bausch and His Descendents from 1830-1978. (No publisher), 1978.
(Rochester Public Library). 13pp.
Baxandall, David. The Circular Dividing Engine of Edward Troughton, 1793. Transactions of the Optical Society 25:3 (January 1924) 135-140.
Baxandall, David. Early Telescopes in the Science Museum, From an Historical Standpoint. Transactions of the Optical Society 24 (1923) 304-320.
Baxandall, David. Replicas of Two Galileo Telescopes. Transactions of the Optical Society 25:3, (January 1924) 141-144. (measurements Galilean optics)
(Beames) Barrie, Susan. One Man's Telescope. Sky & Telescope 8 (Feb. 1949) 87-88.
(Beames) Orchiston, Wayne. Ken Beames (1899-1989): Australian telescope-maker extraordinaire. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 107:2
(1997) 83-87.
Beattie, Brian. The 6-Inch Cooke Refractor in Toronto. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 76:2 (1982) 109-128.
Bechler, Zev. 'A Less Agreeable Matter': The Disagreeable Case of Newton and Achromatic Refraction. The British Journal for the History of Science 8 (1975)
Beck, R.L. and Daryl Schrader. America's Planetariums and Observatories. St. Petersburg: Sunwest Space Systems, 1991. 226pp.
Becker, E. Mikrometer und Mikrometermessungen. pp64-244. Valentiner, W., ed. Handwoerterbuch der Astronomie. Breslau: Eduard Trewendt, 1899.
Beckman, Olof. Samuel Klingenstierna and the Achromatic Lens. Part I, Correspondence with John Dollond. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society 22
(2002) 9-15. Part II, Correction of spherical and chromatic aberration. JATS 23 (2002) 3-8.
Bedini, Silvio. The Aerial Telescope. Technology & Culture 8:3 (July 1967) 395-401.
Bedini, Silvio. An Early Optical Lens Grinding Lathe. Technology & Culture 8:1 (Jan. 1967) 74-77.
Bedini, Silvio. Lens Making for Scientific Instrumentation in the Seventeenth Century. Applied Optics 5:5 (May 1966) 687-694.
Bedini, Silvio. On Making Telescope Tubes in the 17th Century. Physis 4 (1962) 110-116. Reprinted in Silvio Bedini, Science and Instruments in Seventeenth
Century Italy. Aldershot: Variorum, 1994.
Bedini, Silvio. The Makers of Galileo's Scientific Instruments. From: Silvio Bedini, Science and Instruments in Seventeenth Century Italy. Aldershot: Variorum,
Bedini, Silvio A. The Transit in the Tower: English Astronomical Instruments in Colonial America. Annals of Science, 54:2 (March 1997) 161-196.
Bedini, Silvio & Arthur Bennett. 'A Treatise on Optics' by Giovanni Christoforo Bolantio. Annals of Science 52 (1995) 103-126. Reprinted in: Silvio Bedini;
Patrons, Artisans, and Instruments of Science, 1600-1750; Aldershot: Variorum, 1999.
Bedini, Silvio. The Tube of Long Vision, the physical characteristics of the early 17th century telescope. Physis 13 (147-204) 1971. Reprinted in Silvio Bedini,
Science and Instruments in Seventeenth Century Italy. Aldershot: Variorum, 1994.
Bedini, Silvio. The Zenith Sector in Colonial America. Professional Surveyor, April 1997, pp36-38; May/June 1997, pp50-52. (transit)
Bell, Louis. Ghosts and Oculars. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 56:2 (Feb. 1921) 45-58.
Bell, Louis. Notes on the Early Evolution of the Reflector. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 16 (06/1922) 179-185.
Bell, Lewis. Notes on the Early Evolution of the Reflector. Popular Astronomy 29 (1921) 557-559. (Louis Bell)
Bell, Louis. The Telescope. N.Y.: Dover, 1981 (1922).
Bell, Trudy E. The Roles of Lesser-Known American Telescope Makers in 19th-Century American Observatories. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society 23
(2002) 9-18.
Bell, Trudy E. In the Shadow of Giants: Forgotten Nineteenth Century American Telescope Makers and Their Crucial Role in Popular Astronomy. Griffith
Observer, Sept. 1986, pp3-14.
(Belletti) Turner, Gerard. Three Late Seventeenth Century Italian Telescopes, two signed by Paolo Belletti of Bologna. From: Scientific Instruments &
Experimental Philosophy. Aldershot: Variorum, 1990.
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Berry, Richard. Telescope-Making Revolution. Astronomy 26:8 (August 1998) 105-109.
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Bidder, G.P. On a New Form of Position Micrometer. M.N.R.A.S 34 (June 1874) 394-396. (ghost micrometer)
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Binder, Alan. A Telescope of the 17th Century. Sky & Telescope 83:4 (April, 1992) 444-450. (replica refractor)
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Bond, William Cranch. History and Description of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard
College Vol. 1, No. 1. Cambridge: Metcalf, 1856. (15.5 inch Merz & Mahler, Troughton & Simms transit, 4 inch Merz comet seeker)
Bonsdorff, Ilmari. The Determination of the Flexure of a Telescope. The Observatory 41 (1918) 389-390. (Report on Bonsdorff method)
(Borelli)....a sure and easie way to make all sorts of great Telescopical Glasses, together with a generous offer of furnishing industrious Astronomers with them.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 11 (1676) 691-692.
(Borelli)....Signior Borelli, about the price of his Telescopes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 12 (1678) 1005.
Bormanis, Andre. Portrait of the Artist. Sky & Telescope 90 (Dec. 1995) 76. (Max Bray) 90 (Dec. 1995) 74-76, Vega - Bray Observatory.
Borra, Ermanno. Liquid Mirrors. Scientific American 270 (Feb. 1994) 76-81.
Boscovich, Abbe. Account of a new Micrometer and Megameter. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 67 (1777) 789-798.
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Boss, L. The New Dudley Observatory. Astronomical Journal 14 (1895) 169-175.
Boullin, David. The Scientific Instruments of Radcliffe Observatory. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society #5 (1985) 4-7. (Bird / Dollond; Thomas Jones;
Herschel; Repsold)
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meniscus to correct SA. / Bouwers, Albert. USP 2,504,383 April 18, 1950 Reflecting telescope, achromatic corrector, swiveling secondary, corrector
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anamorph with cylindrical mirrors. / Bouwers, Albert, & J. Becker. USP 3,001,446 Sept. 26, 1961 Spherical mirror & meniscus correcting lens. / Bouwers,
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Bowden, A. Description of a Self-Registering Micrometer. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 40 (Nov. 1879) 21-23.
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Bowen, I.S. Future Tools of the Astronomer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 8 (March 1967) 9-22.
Bowen, Ira S. Optical Problems at the Palomar Observatory. Journal of the Optical Society of America 42:11 (Nov. 1952) 795-800.
Bowen, I.S. The Palomar Observatory. The Scientific Monthly 73:3 (Sept. 1951) 141-149.
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Bowen, I.S. Problems in Future Telescope Design. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 73 (April 1961) 114-124. (#431)
Bowen, I.S. Some new tools of the astronomer. The Observatory 72 (August 1952) 129-137.
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(Bowen) Osterbrock, Donald E. Bowen, Ira Sprague. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.
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(Bowen) Wilson, O.C. Ira Sprague Bowen (1898-1973). Sky & Telescope 45 (April 1973) 212-214.
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lenses. / Boyle, Charles B. USP 52,672 Feb. 20, 1866 'Cornea lens' design.
Bradley, James. Directions for using the common Micrometer. Philosophical Transactions 62 (1772) 46-53.
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Brashear, John. The Production of Optical Surfaces. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings 33 (1884) 255-258.
Brashear, John. Putting In Place and Adjusting The Objective Glasses Of Refracting Telescopes. Popular Astronomy 2:2 (Oct. 1894) 57-59.
Brashear, John. Testing Optical Glass for the Quality of its Annealing. Popular Astronomy 1:10 (1894) 447-449.
(Brashear) Aitken, R.G. John Alfred Brashear. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 32 (June 1920) 175-179.
(Brashear) Brewster, Edwin Tenney. John A. Brashear of Pittsburgh. McClure's, April 1911, pp639-651.
(Brashear) Crowell, Merle. 'Uncle John' Brashear. American Magazine, July 1916, pp7-11.
(Brashear) Culbertson, Brenda. Refurbishing a Dream. Mercury, July / August 1999, pp11-15. (11.5 inch Brashear / Warner & Swasey, Crane Observatory,
Washburn U., Topeka, Kansas)
(Brashear) Fried, Bart. The Masterful Techniques of John A. Brashear. Sky & Telescope 81 (April 1991) 432-438.
(Brashear) Fried, Bart. Tracking "Uncle John's" Telescopes. Identifying and Dating Instruments made by John A. Brashear. Rittenhouse 7:2 (1993) 49-55.
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(Brashear) The Great Canadian Telescope. Scientific American Supplement #2178, Sept. 29, 1917, pp196-197. (DAO 72 inch)
(Brashear) Holland, W.J. John Brashear, the Beloved. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Jan. 1928; reprint U. Toronto Press, 1928.
(Brashear) John A. Brashear: The Autobiography of a Man Who Loved theStars. Edited by W. L. Scaife. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1925.
(Brashear) Martin, Tom. Refurbishing 'Rachel'. Sky & Telescope 80 (August 1990) 192-194.
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(Brashear) Rothenberg, Marc. Brashear, John Alfred. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.
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(Brashear) Schlesinger, Frank. John Alfred Brashear, 1840-1920. Popular Astronomy 28:7 (1920) 373-379.
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(Brashear) Sinnott, Roger. The Wandering Stars of Allegheny. Sky & Telescope 74 (October 1987) 360-363. (30 inch Thaw)
(Brashear) Urbaetis, Mark. John A. Brashear: Telescope Maker, Scientist, Humanitarian. Telescope Making #10 (1981) 16-19.
(Brashear) Warner, Deborah Jean. Brashear, John Alfred. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
Braymer, L.E. U.S. Patents: USP 2,628,529 Feb. 17, 1953 Reflecting telescope. / Braymer, L.E. USP 2,670,656 March 2, 1954 Telescope. / Braymer,
L.E. USP 2,753,760 July 10, 1956 Multiple image telescope. (Questar)
(Braymer) Braymer, Lawrence. National Cyclopedia of American Biography. Vol. 53. N.Y.: White, 1971.
Brealey, G.A. The Ottawa Mirror Transit Telescope. Sky & Telescope 21 (April 1967) 205-209.
Brenni, Paolo. The Chevalier Dynasty. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 39 (1993) 11-14.
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Society 65 (2000) 25-28.
Brenni, Paolo, Ileana Chinnici, and Giorgia Fodera Serio. The Restoration of Three Large Instruments of the Palermo Observatory. Bulletin of the Scientific
Instrument Society 71 (2001) 11-16. (Ramsden, Merz, Pistor & Martins)
Brett, J. Altazimuth mounting for telescopes Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 32 (June 1872) 294-296. (similar to Holcomb mount)
Brewster, David. Description of a circular Mother-of Pearl Micrometer. Philosophical Magazine 29 (1807) 48-52.
Brewster, David. Description of a New Double Image Micrometer for Measuring the Diameter of Minute Celestial Objects. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 4
(1821) 164-7.
Brewster, David. Description of a new reflecting telescope. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. 7 (1822) 323-328.
Brewster, David. Description of a Teinoscope for altering the Lineal Proportions of Objects, with Observations on Professor Amici's Memoir on Telescopes
without Lenses. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 6 (1822) 334-338.
Brewster, David. Notice Respecting Professor Barlow's New Achromatic Telescopes with Fluid Object-Glasses. Edinburgh Journal of Science 7 (1827) 335336.
Brewster, David. Observations on the Superiority of Achromatic Telescopes with Fluid Object-Glasses. Edinburgh Journal of Science 5 (1826) 282-285.
Brewster, David. A treatise on new philosophical instruments, for various purposes in the arts and sciences. With experiments on light and colours. Edinburgh:
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(Brewster) Morrison-Low, A.D. Brewster, Sir David (1781-1868). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Nov. 2004.
(A Brief Account of the Lick Observatory, prepared by the Director of the Observatory). Berkeley: U. California Press. 1924, Sixth edition, 45pp. 1931, Eighth
edition. 45pp. 1984, Sixteenth edition, 36pp. (36 inch Clark)
Briggs, John W. and Donald E. Osterbrock. The challenges and frustrations of a veteran astronomical optician: Robert Lundin, 1880-1962. Journal of
Astronomical History and Heritage 1:2 (1998) 93-103.
Briggs, John. In Search of Neglected Telescopes. Sky & Telescope 66 (Aug. 1983) 153-154.
Briggs, John. Opportunities for Historical Preservation in Astronomy. pp224-228, Amateur-Professional Partnerships in Astronomy. ASP Conference Series
220 (2000). J.R. Percy & J.B. Wilson, ed.
Briggs, John. Rebirth of the Snow Telescope. Sky & Telescope 81 (Feb. 1991) 206-211.
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Brodie, Frederick. Notes on the Manufacture of Tubes for Refracting Telescopes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 17 (1857) 33-6.
Brooks, Randall C. The Development of Micrometers in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. Journal for the History of Astronomy 22 (1991)
Brooks, Randall C. Methods of Fabrication of Fiducial Lines for 17th-19th Century Micrometers. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 23 (1989) 11-14.
Brooks, Randall C. Techniques of Eighteenth Century Telescope Makers. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 69 (2001) 27-30; 70 (2001) 6-9. (Hurt)
Brooks, William R. On a Modified Form of the Cassegrain Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 55 (April 1895) 324-325. (Brooks,
Smith Obs., Geneva, NY; oblique Cassegrain similar to Common's experiments)
(Brooks) Mack, Frank. A Comet-Finder. Century Magazine 47:6 (April 1894) 838-848. (New Series vol. 25) (William Brooks, details of mirror fabrication)
Brown, Earle. A New Astronomical Camera. The Sky 5:2 (Dec. 1940) 21. (Schmidt Cassegrain; review of Baker)
Brown, Earle. Notes on Early Optics. The Sky 4:7 (May 1940) 7; 4:8 (June 1940) 18. (Klingenstierna; achromat)
Brown, Earle. The Schupmann Telescope. The Sky 5:11 (Sept. 1941) 14-15.
Brown, Earle. Springfield Mountings by Amateurs. Sky & Telescope 7:1 (Nov. 1947) 19-21.
Brown, Earle. The Springfield Telescope Mounting. Sky & Telescope 6:3 (Jan. 1947) 22-25.
Brown, Earle. A Telescope Designed for Solar System Observations (Tschunko, similar to Springfield). Sky & Telescope 9 (March 1950) 120-122.
Brown, Harold. Galileo on the Telescope and the Eye. Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (1985) 487-501.
Brown, P. Lancaster. The 98-inch Isaac Newton Telescope. Sky & Telescope 34 (Dec. 1967) 356-361. (correction, 35:11) (Grubb).
Brown, Sam. Design and Construction of Telescopes. Chicago: Popular Mechanics Press, 1946.
Browning, John. On the Advantages gained by substituting a Reflecting Prism for the Diagonal Mirror in a Silvered-Glass Speculum. Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society 26 (1866) 301-303.
Browning, John. On an improved method of mounting Finders. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 29 (1869) 226-227
Browning, John. On a New Method of Mounting Silvered Glass Specula and Diagonal Mirrors in Reflecting Telescopes. Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society 26 (1866) 77-81.
Browning, John. On an universal equatoreal. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 32 (1871) 41-42.
(Browning) Meliconi, Ilaria. Browning, John (1830/31-1925). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Dec. 2004.
(Browning) Mr. John Browning. Dioptric and Optological Review (Sept. 1897) 122-126.
(Browning, John. 1835-1925.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 90 (Feb. 1930) 359-362.
(The Bruce Telescope.) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 5 (Sept. 1893) 186. (#31) (From the N.Y. Sun)
(The Bruce Photographic Telescope.) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 5 (Nov. 1893) 220-222. (#32) (From the Chicago Inter-Ocean)
(Clark, 24 inch aperture, 4 element, 11 foot focus)
Brück, H.A. Lord Crawford's Observatory at Dun Echt, 1872-1892. Vistas in Astronomy 35 (1992) 81-138.
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Brünnow, Francis. Description of the South Refractor. Dunsink Observatory Publications 1 (1870) 1-8.
Bryden, David. James Short and his Telescopes. Hermes 16:1 (January 1969) 20-22.
Bryden, D.J. A 1707 Advertising Skirmish Between London Opticians. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 77 (June 2003) 14-21. (Yarwell, Marshall,
Bryden, D.J. The Jamaican Observatories of Colin Campbell, F.R.S. and Alexander Macfarlane, F.R.S. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London
24:2 (April 1970) 261-272.
Bryden, D.J. and D.L. Simms. Spectacles Improved to Perfection and Approved of by the Royal Society. Annals of Science 50:1 (Jan. 1993) 1-32. (lens
grinding, John Marshall)
Brydon, H. Boyd. Telescope Mountings for Amateur Builders. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada; 30 (Dec. 1936) 377-391; 31 (Jan. 1937)
4-18; 31 (Feb. 1937) 63-75; 31 (April 1937) 156-171. (pt.1, H.P. Bailey yoke mount; pt.2, fixed eyepiece mounts.)
Bucci, O.M., G Pelosi, & S. Selleri. Cassegrain? Antennas and Propagation Magazine 41:3 (June 1999) 7-13.
Buchele, William. U.S. Patent 2,413,286 Dec. 31, 1946 Schmidt binocular.
Buchroeder, Richard A. Application of Aspherics for Weight Reduction in Selected Catadioptric Lenses. Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Technical Report 69, July 1971. 49pp. pp3-13, History of Catadioptric Design.
(Builder of Telescopes). Sky & Telescope 38 (July 1969) 3ff. (Richard S. Perkin)
Burbidge, G. and A. Hewitt. Telescopes for the 1980s. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 1981.
Burland, Miriam S. & J.E. Kennedy. A Gregorian Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 52 (Dec. 1958) 255-258. (U. New
Brunswick, unsigned)
Burnham, S.W. A New Method of Bright Wire Illumination for Position Micrometers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 42 (March 1882) 249253.
Burrell, E. P. The Mechanics of the Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 43 (Feb. 1931) 38-52. (#251)
(Burrell) Plaskett, J.S. Edward P. Burrell. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 49 (June 1937) 141-143. (#289)
Burrows, C.J. et al. The Imaging Performance of the Hubble Space Telescope. Astrophysical Journal 369 (1991) L21-L25, plates L1-L2.
Burton, Charles & Howard Grubb. On a New Form of 'Ghost Micrometer'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 41 (1880) 59-63.
Burton, C.E. Refractors and reflectors compared. Astronomical Register 10 (1872) 289-290.
(Burton) Charles E. Burton. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 43 (1833) 159-160.
(Burton) Fitzgerald, A.P. Charles Edward Burton 1846-1882. Irish Astronomical Journal 5 (1959) 167-173.
(Burton) The Late C.E. Burton. Astronomical Register 20 (1882) 173-174. Author: W.E. (Wentworth Erck?)
Butowsky, Harry. Astronomy and Astrophysics, A National Historic Landmark Theme Study. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1989. 394pp.
(Byrne) Smith, H.L. On Telescopes of Short Focal Length. The Sidereal Messenger 1:9 (Jan. 1883) 239-243.
(Byrne) Warner, Deborah Jean. John Byrne, telescope maker. Unpublished text. (DJW-NMAH)
Calver, G. Hints on Silvered-Glass Reflecting Telescopes. Chelmsford: George Calver, 1884. 60pp. (Hints, pp1-30. Catalogue of Silvered Glass Reflecting
Telescopes, pp31-36. Letters & Extracts, pp37-60.)
Calver, George. On the Working of the Speculum for Mr. Common's 37-inch Silver-on-glass Reflector. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 40
(Nov. 1879) 17-20.
(Calver) Cave, Thomas. Mirrors by Calver. Review of Popular Astronomy 56 (1962) 4-6.
(Calver) Dall, H.E. George Calver - East Anglian telescope maker. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 86 (1975) 49-52
(Calver) George Calver 1834-1927. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 88 (Feb. 1928) 251-252.
(Calver) LaRue, Budd. George Calver Telescopes in the U.S. Rittenhouse 4 (1990) 39-43.
(Calver) Moore, G.K. A Calver Mirror Remounted. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 87 (1977) 478-481.
(Campani) An Accompt of the improvement of Optick Glasses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1665) 2-3.
(Campani) An account of the Tryalls, made in Italy of Campani's new Optick Glasses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1665-1666) 131-132.
(Campani) A further Account, touching Signor Campani's Book, and Performances about Optick-glasses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1
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(Campani) Bedini, Silvio. Campani, Giuseppe. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
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(Dancer) John Benjamin Dancer: Manchester Instrument Maker. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society #29 (1991) 4-8.
(Dancer, John Benjamin 1812-1887.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 48 (1888) 161.
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Davies, C.D.P. Suggested form of equatorial mounting for a modified Newtonian reflector. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 55 (May 1895)
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Demoriane, Helene. L'art de reconnaitre les instruments scientifiques du temps passe. Librairie Hachette, 1974. (index of makers, pp115-122)
Denning, William Frederick. Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings. London, Taylor and Francis, 1891.
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s Nov. 2004.
Descartes, Rene. Discourse on Method, Optics, Geometry and Meteorology; translated by Paul Olscamp. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965. (La Dioptrique,
Paris, 1638. Dioptrics, Discourse 10, On the Means of Grinding Lenses.)
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(Descartes) Shea, William. The Magic of Numbers and Motion: The Scientific Career of Rene Descartes. Canton: Science History Pub., 1991. (p194-201:
Grinding lenses, letters to Jean Ferrier)
(Description of the manner of Polishing and Silvering Plates for Looking Glasses, as practised in Paris.) The Franklin Journal and American Mechanic's
Magazine (Journal of the Franklin Institute) 5 (1828) 145-148, 241-244.
Description of the South Refractor. pp1-8. Astronomical Observations and Researches Made at Dunsink at the Observatory of Trinity College Dublin. First
Part, Dublin, 1870. (11 3/4 inch Cauchoix objective. Grubb mount. Pistor & Martins filar micrometer, 6 eyepieces, Herschel wedge at Brewster's angle,
tourmalin plate)
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refractor objectives).
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Dewhirst, D.W. Meridian astronomy in the private and university observatories of the United Kingdom: rise and fall. Vistas in Astronomy 28 (1985) 147-158.
(Wollaston / Cary, Troughton) (transit)
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Dewhirst, David. Observatories and Instrument Makers in the Eighteenth Century. Vistas in Astronomy 1 (1955) 139-143.
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Di Cicco, Dennis. The Journey of the 20-inch Mirror. Sky & Telescope 71 (April 1986) 347-348.
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(Digges) Darius, John. Report of Discussion. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society #37 (1993) 6. Reply, Derek Howse, p9. Reply, S.D. Ringwood, pp910.
(Digges) Did an Englishman Invent the Telescope? Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society #35 (1992) 2.
(Digges) Johnson, Francis. Astronomical Thought in Renaissance England; a study of the English scientific writings from 1500 to 1645. New York, Octagon
Books, 1968 (1937). (Digges, Harriot)
(Digges) Johnson, Francis. Thomas Digges and Modern Astronomy. Osiris 1 (1935) 390-410.
(Digges) Meeting Report: Was there an Elizabethan Telescope?. Colin Ronan spoke to the proposal, There was an Elizabethan Telescope. Bulletin of the
Scientific Instrument Society #37 (1993) 2-3.
(Digges) Rienitz, Joachim. 'Make Glasses to See the Moon Large': An Attempt to Outline the Early History of the Telescope. Bulletin of the Scientific
Instrument Society #37 (1993) 7-9.
(Digges) Ronan, Colin. The Invention of the Reflecting Telescope. pp129-140. Moore, Patrick, ed. 1993 Yearbook of Astronomy. N.Y.: Norton, 1992.
(Digges) Ronan, Colin. Leonard and Thomas Digges. Endeavour 16:2 (1992) 91-94.
(Digges) Ronan, Colin. The origins of the reflecting telescope. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 101:6 (1991) 335-342.
(Digges) Ronan, Colin. Postscript concerning Leonard and Thomas Digges and the invention of the telescope. Endeavour 17:4 (1993) 177-179.
(Digges) Turner, Gerard L'E. There was no Elizabethan Telescope. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society #37 (1993) 3-5.
(Digges) Whitaker, Ewen. The Digges-Bourne telescope - an alternative possibility. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 103:6 (1993) 310-312.
Dilworth, Donald. A New Catadioptric Telescope. Sky & Telescope 54 (Nov. 1977) 425-432. 54 (Dec. 1977) 521-527.
Dimitroff, George Z., and James G. Baker. Telescopes and Accessories. Philadelphia and Toronto: The Blakiston Company, 1945. pp280-294, list.
(Divini) Some Particulars...a Contest between Two Artists about Optick Glasses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1666) 209-210.
(Divini) An Observation of Optick Glasses, made of Rock Crystal. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1666) 362. (#20).
(Divini) Bedini, Silvio. Divini, Eustachio. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
Doberck, W. The Inventor of the Telescope. The Observatory 2 (1879) 364-370.
Dobbins, Thomas, Yuri Petrunin, and Eduard Trigubov. The Maksutov Telescope: Past and Present. ATM Journal #5 (Spring 1994) 30-32.
Dobbins, Thomas A. Requiem for a Heavyweight: The Life of the Great Melbourne Reflector. Sky & Telescope 109:2 (Feb. 2005) 50-51.
Dobson, John. Have Telescopes, Will Travel. Sky & Telescope 59 (April 1980) 338-344.
Dobson, John. How and Why to Make a User-Friendly Sidewalk Telescope. Oakland: Everything in the Universe, 1991. (Biographical sketch, pp1-7)
(Dobson) Levy, David. Walden of the Sky. Sky & Telescope, September 1995, pp84-86.
(Dobson) Turner, Steven. Dobsonian Telescope (1982). Bulletin of the Scientific Iinstrument Society 63 (1999) 20.
Dollond, George. An Account of a Concave Achromatic Glass Lens, as Adapted to the Wired Micrometer When Applied to a Telescope, Which Has the
Property of Increasing the Magnifying Power of the Telescope without Increasing the Diameter of the Micrometer Wires. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society 124 (1834) 199-203.
Dollond, George. An account of a Micrometer of Rock Crystal. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 111 (1821) 101-103.
(Dollond, George. 1774-1852.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13 (1853) 110ff.
Dollond, John. An Account of some Experiments concerning the different Refrangibility of Light; with a Letter from James Short. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society 50 (1758) 733-743. (achromat)
Dollond, John. A Description of a Contrivance for Measuring Small Angles. Philosophical Transactions 48 (1753-1754) 178-181. (heliometer)
Dollond, John. ....Instrument for measuring small Angles. Philosophical Transactions 48 (1753-1754) 551-564. (heliometer)
Dollond, John. A Letter from Mr. John Dollond to Mr. James Short, F.R.S. concerning an Improvement of Refracting Telescopes. Philosophical Transactions
48 (1753-1754) 103-107. (achromat)
Dollond, John. Letters Relating to a Theorem of Mr. Euler....Aberrations in the Object-Glasses of refracting Telescopes. Philosophical Transactions 48 (17531754) 287-296. (Short, Dollond, Euler, re: achromat)
Dollond, Peter. ....Apparatus applied to the equatorial Instrument for correcting the Errors arising from the Refraction in Altitude. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society 69 (1779) 332-336. (doublet, sliding elements)
Dollond, Peter. ....Improvement Made by Mr. Peter Dollond in His New Telescopes. Philosophical Transactions 55 (1765) 54-56. (with letter from James Short).
(triplet achromat)
Dollond, Peter. Some Account of the Discovery made by the late Mr. John Dollond, F.R.S., which led to the grand improvement of Refracting Telescopes.
London: J. Johnson, 1789. 15pp. (achromat)
(Dollond) Ariail, Robert B.. The Dollond vs. Dolland Controversy. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society #8 (1995) 4-5.
(Dollond) Clifton, Gloria. Dollond family (per. 1750-1871). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Nov. 2004.
(Dollond) Rudd, M. Eugene. The Dollond Family: Five Generations of Opticians. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society #15 (1998) 4-10.
(Dollond) Turner, Gerard. Dollond. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Dollond) Wollaston, William. On the concentric adjustment of a triple Object-glass. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 112 (1822) 32-37.
(Dollond) Woodhouse, Robert. Some Account of the Transit Instrument Made by Mr. Dollond, and Lately Put up at the Cambridge Observatory. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society 115 (1825) 418-428.
Donnelly, M.C. Astronomical Observatories in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Bruxelles: Palais des Academies, 1964. 37pp.
Donnelly, Marian. A Short History of Observatories. Eugene: U. Oregon, 1973.
Doorman, Gerard. Patents for Inventions in the Netherlands During the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. (Abridged English Version, translated by Joh. Meijer).
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Douglass, A. E. A Combination Telescope and Dome. Astrophysical Journal 1 (May 1895) 401-410. (spherical shell)
Draper, Henry. On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope, Fifteen and a Half Inches in Aperture, and its Use in Celestial Photography. Smithsonian
Contributions to Knowledge 14 (1864). Review: T.W. Webb, Intellectual Observer 7 (1865) 368-373.
(Draper) Dugan, Raymond. Draper, Henry. Dictionary of American Biography, Dumas Malone, editor. N.Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936.
(Draper) Plotkin, Howard. Draper, Henry. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press.
(Draper) Whitney, Charles. Draper, Henry. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Draper) Young, Charles A. The Late Dr. Henry Draper. Science 1:2 (Feb. 16, 1883) 29-34. (images Draper, observatory, telescope)
Dretske, Diana. William Buffham's Telescope and Microscope. Rittenhouse 12:3 (1998) 94-96.
Dreyer, J.L.E. Descriptive Catalog of a Collection of William Herschel Papers presented to the Royal Astronomical Society by the late Sir W.J. Herschel, Bart.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 78 (1918) 547-554.
Duerbeck, H.W., D.E. Osterbrock, L.H. Barrera S., R. Leiva G. Halfway from La Silla to Paranal - in 1909. ESO Messenger 95 (March 1999) 34-37. (Chilean
National Observatory & Lick Observatory).
Dunn, R.B. High Resolution Solar Telescopes. Solar Physics 100 (1985) 1-20.
Duval, H.J. The Greatest Telescope in the World. Metropolitan Magazine 3:1 (January, 1896) 11-16. (Clark)
Dyson, Frank. Large Telescopes. Transactions of the Optical Society 24:2 (January 1923) 61-68.
Eddy, John. The Schaeberle 40-ft Eclipse Camera of Lick Observatory. Journal for the History of Astronomy 2:1 (1971) 1-22.
Edgecomb, D.W. Notes on the Invention of the Telescope. Popular Astronomy 7 (1899) 184-193.
Edgecomb, D.W. On the Performance of a 6 1/4 inch Binocular Telescope. Popular Astronomy 10 (1902) 523-31.
Edgecomb, D.W. Reflectors. Popular Astronomy, #18 (April 1895) 366-370.
(Edgecomb) Ashbrook, Joseph. Something about a Connecticut Amateur. Sky & Telescope 47 (Jan. 1974) 26-27.
(Edgecomb) Description of display at Boston Mechanic's Fair. (Boston Commonwealth, October 19, 1895, 'Science' column by John Ritchie.)
Edwards, John. 1. Directions for Making the Best Composition for the Metals of Reflecting Telescopes. 2. An Account of the Cause and Cure of the Tremors
particularly affecting Reflecting Telescopes more than Refracting Ones. Selections from the Nautical Almanac. London: Commissioners of Longitude, 1813.
pp207-226. (1, republished in Journal of the Franklin Institute 5, 1828).
Eggen, Olin. The Australian Commonwealth Observatory. Sky & Telescope 15:8 (June 1956) 340-343. (Mt. Stromlo, shops, Askania 7 inch vertical circle)
(Ekstrom) Amelin, Olav. Daniel Ekstrom: Maker of Scientific Instruments in 18th Century Sweden. From: Giorgio Dragoni, Anita McConnell and Gerard L’E.
Turner; ed. Proceedings of the eleventh International Scientific Instrument Symposium, Bologna U., Italy, Sept. 9-14, 1991. Bologna: Grafis edizioni, 1994.
Elkin, William. Researches with the Heliometer. Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. Vol. 1, Part 1 (1887-1904) pp. v-10.
(Repsold Heliometer)
Ellerman, Ferdinand. Silvering the 100-inch Hooker Telescope. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflet 52 (May 1933) 5-8.
Ellery, R.L.J. Account of the Building in Progress of Erection at Melbourne for the Great Telescope. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 17 (18681869) 328-329.
Ellery, Robert L.J. History of the Williamstown Observatory. pp.i-x; Astronomical Observations Made at the Williamstown Observatory, Melbourne, 1869.
(ADS WOP v1 pp8-17) Diagrams of meridian circle; observatory plan (ADS WOP v1 pp228-233). (Troughton & Simms transit; T&S transit circle; T&S
altazimuth; Airy's zenith sector; 4 1/2 inch T&S equatorial; 1864, equipment moved to Melbourne Observatory)
(Elliott) Bristow, H.R. Elliott, Instrument Makers of London: Products, Customers, and Development in the 19th Century. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument
Society 36 (1993) 8-11. (12 inch to 45 inch astronomical telescopes, opera glasses)
(Elliott) Clifton, Gloria. An Introduction to the History of Elliott Brothers up to 1900. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 36 (1993) 2-7.
Ellison, William Frederick Archdall. The Amateur's Telescope. Belfast: Carswell, 1920, 1932. 107pp.
Emerson, Myron. Amateur Telescope Mirror Making. N.Y.: Carlton, 1969. 93pp.
Emerson, William, 1701-1782. The elements of optics,. in four books. London: J. Nourse, 1768. 244pp.,111pp. 28 plates. MicNews Microfilm A7173 reel 7801,
no.01. (pp170-223).
Engberts, E. Descriptive Catalogue of Telescopes in the Rijksmuseum voor de Geschiedenis der Natuurwetenschappen (National Museum of the History of
Science), Leiden. Leiden: Rijksmuseum, 1970.
Epstein, Lewis. An All-Reflection Schmidt Telescope for Space Research. Sky & Telescope 33 (April 1967) 204-207. (Davidson Optronics)
(The Equatorial of the Paris Observatory). Scientific American 49 (Dec. 15, 1883) f.c.-372.
Erck, W. On a Portable Equatoreal Mounting for Small Telescopes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 38 (1878) 124.
Erpenstein, O.M. Mountings of Today and Yesterday. Sky & Telescope 12 (Nov. 1952) 6-7.
(Ertel) Lagemann, Robert. The Garland Collection of Classical Physics Apparatus at Vanderbilt University. Nashville: Folio, 1983. pp218-220.
(Ertel) te Pas, J.B. T. Ertel & Sohn G.m.b.H., Mathematical Mechanical Institute for Geodetic Military Scientific Instruments in Munich, Germany. Bulletin of
the Scientific Instrument Society 56 (1998) 27-28.
(ESO) Some Snippets of History. The Messenger #109 (Sept. 2002) 12-17.
Evans, David. Astronomical Institutions in the Southern Hemisphere, 1850-1950. pp153-165, Owen Gingerich, ed.; The General History of Astronomy, vol. 4A,
Astrophysics & twentieth century astronomy to 1950; Cambridge: C.U.P., 1984.
Evans, David S. and J. Derral Mulholland. Big and Bright: a history of McDonald Observatory. Austin: U. Texas, 1986.
Evans, D.S. The New Cape Reflector. The Observatory 84 (Oct. 1964) 222-224. (Cape of Good Hope, Grubb Parsons 39 inch Cassegrain, prime focus
Palmer corrector lens)
Evans, J.W. The Coronagraph. pp635-658. The Sun. Gerard Kuiper, ed. Chicago: U. Chicago Press, 1953.
Evans, John. The Sacramento Peak Observatory. Sky & Telescope 15:10 (Aug. 1956) 436-441. (16 inch singlet coronagraph, J. Baker design. 15 inch
singlet objective by James Gagan, Boston ATM. 6 inch coronagraph. 4 inch coronagraph. 2.5 inch flare patrol camera.)
Everett, Harry. Optical Telescopes. Bradford: Bradford Astronomical Society, 1986. (84pp).
Fahy, Thomas P. Richard Scott Perkin and the Perkin Elmer Corporation. n.p., 1987.
Faraday, Michael. On the manufacture of Glass for optical purposes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 120 (1830) 1-57.
Fassero, James. Photographic Giants of Palomar. L.A.: Westernlore Press, 1952. 72pp. (Reprint: Giants of Palomar, drawings prepared by R.W. Porter. n.p.:
California Institute of Technology, 1983. 64pp.)
Faulhaber, C. Construction of Large Telescopes. pp163-170, Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1904. Washington: 1905.
(Fauth) Astronomical Instruments in Course of Construction (by Fauth & Co.) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3 (March 1891) 113.
(Fauth) Sandhurst, Phillip, et al. The Great Centennial Exhibition, 1876. pp389-391, 481-483.
(Fauth) Schmidt, R. Lists of Equatorial Refractors; of Meridian Circles & Transits, Oct. 1981, NMAH.
(Fauth) Saegmuller, G.N. Astronomical Instruments in Course of Fauth & Co. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3 (1891)
Fecker, J.W. Requirements in the Design and Construction of the Large Modern Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 24 (Sept.
1930) 297-304, plates 10-20.
(Fecker) Fisher, Clyde. James Walter Fecker, Builder of Telescopes. Popular Astronomy 54 (1946) 17-19.
(Fecker) Fried, Bart and John Briggs. Standing in Uncle John's Footsteps: James Walter Fecker and his Legacy of Large Telescopes. Journal of the Antique
Telescope Society 16 (Winter 1999) 22-24.
Federer, Charles. The Lick 120-inch Reflector. Sky & Telescope. 14 (March 1955) 176-185.
Federer, C.A. New National Observatory Dedicated at Kitt Peak. Sky & Telescope 19:7 (May, 1960) 392-397. (diagram 36 inch, model 50 inch space
Fehrenbach, Charles. Des Hommes, Des Telescopes, Des Etoiles. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1990.
Fehrenbach, Charles. Twentieth-century instrumentation. pp166-185, Owen Gingerich, ed.; The General History of Astronomy, vol. 4A, Astrophysics &
twentieth century astronomy to 1950; Cambridge: C.U.P., 1984.
Feist, Mike. Astronomy and the Camera Obscura. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 110:1 (2000) 25-28.
(Ferson Optics, Inc.) Optical Spectra, May/June 1968, pp33-34.
(Fifty Years of Purple Mountain Observatory.) 1985.
Fillmore, Warren. Construction of a Maksutov Telescope. Cambridge: Sky Publishing, 1961. 29pp.
Finn, A.N. Making the Glass Disk for a 70-inch Telescope Reflector. Bureau of Standards Journal of Research 3:2 (1929) 315-329. Reprinted with editing,
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 21:8 (1929) 744-750.
(The First Application of the Telescope to Astronomical Measurement) The Observatory 44 (Oct. 1921) 312-313. (micrometer)
(The First Telescope: Was it Leonardo's?) Optical Spectra. July / Aug. 1969, pp122-123.
Fischer, Daniel. A Telescope for Tomorrow. Sky & Telescope 78 (Sept. 1989) 248-252. (NTT 3.6m Zeiss)
Fischer, K.A.F. Meridian Instruments with Horizontal Optical Tube. pp155-157, Christine Blondel, et al., ed., Studies in the History of Scientific Instruments:
Papers Presented at the 7th Symposium of the Scientific Instruments Commission of the Union Internationale d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences;
Paris 15-19 September 1987; London: Rogers Turner, 1989. (transit)
Fitz, H. U.S. Patent 44,483 Sept. 27, 1864 Photographic lens.
(Fitz) Abrahams, Peter. Henry Fitz: 19th Century American Telescope Maker. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society #6 (1994) 6-10.
(Fitz) Bates, Ralph. Henry Fitz-American Telescope Maker. Sky & Telescope, Nov. 1941, p18.
(Fitz) Death of Henry Fitz, the Telescope Maker. Scientific American 9 (1863) 34.
(Fitz) Equatorial Telescope. Transactions of the American Institute (1851) 79-80.
(Fitz) Genzmer, George. Fitz, Henry. Dictionary of American Biography, Allen Johnson & Dumas Malone, editors. N.Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons. Vol. 3, p433.
(Fitz) Howell, Julia Fitz. Henry Fitz, 1808-1863. From: Holcomb, Fitz, and Peate: Three 19th Century American Telescope Makers. Contributions from the
Museum of History and Technology. United States National Museum Bulletin 228. Washington, D.C., 1962. Introduction, Robert Multhauf.
(Fitz) Jones, Timothy. The Fitz / Clark 13-Inch Refractor of Allegheny Observatory. Telescope Making #21 (1983) 10-13.
(Fitz) Lankford, John. In Search of Henry Fitz. Sky & Telescope 68 (Sept. 1984) 214-218.
(Fitz) The Largest Telescope in the Country. Scientific American 4 (1861) 216.
(Fitz) Loomis, Elias. American Telescopes. Journal of the Franklin Institute 14 (1847) 419-421.
(Fitz) Obituary. Henry Fitz. Humphrey's Journal 15 (1863) 217-219.
(Fitz) Pazmino, John and Don Trombino. Henry Fitz: Locksmith, Photographer, and Telescope Maker. Skylines 2:2 (1978) 3ff.
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(reflecting telescope)
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Grosser, Hartmut. Historische Gegenstaende an der Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen. Goettingen: Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Goettingen, 1998.
(Anian binocular telescope)
Grove, W.R. (improving refracting telescopes). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13 (1853) 80-81. (achromat)
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(Grubb) King, H.C. Grubb, Howard. Grubb, Thomas. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
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(1999) 339-340. (Sinden)
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(Grubb) Obituary, Sir Howard Grubb. The Observatory 54 (Oct. 1931) 274-276.
(Grubb) Sisson, George. Grubb Parsons - from War to Peace. pp267-281, J.V. Wall, ed., Optics in Astronomy, Cambridge: C.U.P., 1993. (Sisson, managing
director of Grubb)
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(Grubb) Warner, Brian. A Forgotten 41-inch Refractor. Sky & Telescope 50:6 (Dec. 1975) 370.
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& March 1824.)
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objectives for telescopes & microscopes.
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Guthmiller, Allan. Astrophotography Heavyweight. Sky & Telescope 101 (March 2001) 126-131. (H. Page Bailey 15 inch)
Hadley, John. A Proposition Relating to the Combination of Transparent Lens's with Reflecting Planes. Philosophical Transactions 39 (1735-1736) 185-189.
Hadley, John. Observations on the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, Made with the Same Telescope. Extracted from the Minutes of the Royal Society, Apr. 6.
1721. Philosophical Transactions 32 (1722) 385-386.
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Hale, George E. The Function of Large Telescopes. Science, New Series 7 (May 13, 1898) 650-662. (#176)
Hale, George E. The Heliomicrometer. Astrophysical Journal 25:5 (June 1907) 293-299. Plate 17. (two, 4 inch telescopes)
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Hale, George E. The Kenwood Physical Observatory. The Sidereal Messenger 10 (1891) 321-323.
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Hale, George E. A 100-Inch Mirror for the Solar Observatory. Astrophysical Journal 24 (Oct. 1906) 214-218.
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Reprinted, Astrophysical Journal 3 (March 1896) 215-219.
Hale, George E. Polarization Phenomena of Coelostat Telescopes. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 24 (Feb. 1912) 73-75. (#140)
(MWO 150 foot solar tower telescope, nicol prism 5 inches long)
Hale, George E. The Possibilities of Instrumental Development. Annual Report Smithsonian Institution for 1923. Washington, 1925. pp187-193. (Reprinted
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Hale, George E. Preliminary Results of a Comparative Test of the 60-inch and 100-inch Telescopes of the Mount Wilson Observatory. Publications of the
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Hale, George E. The Tower Telescope of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory. Astrophysical Journal 27 (1908) 204-212, plates 12-13. (Brashear, Gaertner)
Hale, George E. A Vertical Coelostat Telescope. Astrophysical Journal 25 (Jan. 1907) 68-74.
Hale, George E. The Work of a Modern Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 27 (Aug. 1915) 161-178. (#160)
Hale, George E. The Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago: I. Selection of the Site. Astrophysical Journal 5:3 (March 1897) 164-180.
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(Cassegrain / Coude / Schmidt for Congo)
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Hendrix, D.O. An Extremely Fast Schmidt Camera. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 51 (June 1939) 158-159. (#301)
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Hers, J. The History of the Transvaal Observatory. Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa 46 (1987) 17-19, 39-42, 75-84. (Cooke,
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Herschel, John & James South. Observations of the Apparent Distances and Positions of 380 Double and Triple Stars....Also a Description of a Five-Feet
Equatorial Instrument Employed in the Observations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 114 (1824) 1-412. (transit: p4-13)
Herschel, J., J. South, and G. Amici. Observations on the Relative Performances of Achromatic and Reflecting Telescopes. Edinburgh Journal of Science 5
(1826) 309-315. (Lerebours)
Herschel, John. On the Aberrations of Compound Lenses and Object-Glasses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 111 (1821) 222-267.
Herschel, John F.W. Practical Rules for the Determination of the Radii of a Double Achromatic Object Glass. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 6:12 (1822) 361370.
Herschel, John F.W. Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834,5,6,7,8 at the Cape of Good Hope. London: Smith, Elder, 1847.
(pp.ix-xiv; 436-437, telescopes)
Herschel, John F.W. The Telescope. Edinburgh: Black, 1861. (reprinted from the Encyclopaedia Britannica).
Herschel, J.F.W., G.B. Airy, & W.H. Smyth. Reports on the Fluid-Lens Telescope Constructed for the Royal Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society 15
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(Herschel, J.) Warner, Brian. Sir John Herschel's Description of his 20-feet Reflector. Vistas in Astronomy 23 (1979) 75-107.
Herschel, William. Account of a Comet. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 71 (1781) 492-501. (micrometer, Uranus)
Herschel, William. Catalogue of 500 new Nebulae....with Remarks on the Construction of the Heavens. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
London 92 (1802) 477ff.
Herschel, William. Description of a Forty-feet Reflecting Telescope. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 85 (1795) 347-409.
Herschel, William. Description of a Lamp-Micrometer, and the Method of using it. Philosophical Transactions 72 (1782) 163-172.
Herschel, William. Experiments for ascertaining how far Telescopes will enable us to determine very small Angles, and to distinguish the real from the spurious
Diameters of celestial and terrestrial Objects. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 95 (1805) 31-64.
Herschel, William. Investigation of the Cause of that Indistinctness of Vision which has been ascribed to the smallness of the Optic Pencil. Philosophical
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Herschel, William. Observations of the Transit of Mercury over the Disk of the Sun; to which is added, an Investigation of the Causes which often prevent the
proper Action of Mirrors. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 93 (1803) 214-232.
Herschel, William. On the Diameter and Magnitude of the Georgium Sidus, with a Description of the dark and lucid Disk and Periphery Micrometers.
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Herschel, William. On polishing Specula by a Machine. Read before the Philosophical Society of Bath, 1780-1781. J.L.E. Dreyer, The Scientific Papers of
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Herschel, William. On the Power of penetrating into Space by Telescopes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 90 (1800) 49-85.
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(speculum metal)
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1 plate.
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Juergen Hamel, editors. Astronomie von Olbers bis Schwarzschild. Frankfurt: Harri Deutsch, 2002. Acta Historica Astronomiae, vol. 14, 2002.
(Herschel, W.) Sidgwick, J.B. William Herschel, Explorer of the Heavens. London: Faber & Faber, 1953.
(Herschel, W.) Sime, James. Herschel and his Work. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1900.
(Herschel, W.) Spaight, John Tracy. 'For the Good of Astronomy': The Manufacture, Sale, and Distant Use of William Herschel's Telescopes. Journal for the
History of Astronomy 35:1 (2004) 45-69.
(Herschel, W.) Steavenson, W.H. Catalogue of Instruments made and or used by Sir William Herschel. Transactions of the Optical Society 26 (1924) 221-38.
(Section on 20 foot duplicate.)
(Herschel, W.) Steavenson, W.H. The Herschel Instruments at Slough. The Observatory 47 (Sept. 1924) 262-267. 47 (Oct. 1924) 303-308.
(Herschel, W.) Steavenson, W.H. Herschel's First 40-foot Speculum. The Observatory 50 (1927) 114-118.
(Herschel, W.) Steavenson, W.H. A Peep into Herschel's Workshop. Transactions of the Optical Society 26 (1925) 210-220. (Section on 20 foot duplicates
Observatory 47.)
(Herschel, W.) Steavenson, W. H. Some eye-pieces made by Sir William Herschel. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 84 (June 1924) 607610.
(Herschel, W.) Warner, Brian. Herscheliana. Vistas in Astronomy 30 (1987) 85-96.
(Herschel, W.) Warner, Brian. Portrait of a 40-foot Giant. Sky & Telescope 71 (March 1986) 253-254.
(Herschel, W.) Warner, Brian. The William Herschel 14-Foot Telescope. Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa 46 (Dec. 1987) 158163.
Herzberger, Max and Nancy R. McClure. The Design of Superachromatic Lenses. Applied Optics 2:6 (June 1963) 553-560.
Hetherington, Barry. A Chronicle of Pre-Telescopic Astronomy. Chichester: Wiley, 1996. 273p.
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(Hevelius) Cook, Alan. Johann and Elizabeth Hevelius, astronomers of Danzig. Endeavour 24:1 (2000) 8-12.
(Hevelius) The illustrated account given by Hevelius in his 'Machina celestis' of the method of mounting his telescopes and erecting an observatory, with
remarks by C. (Charles) Leeson Prince. Lewes: Sussex Advertiser, 1882. 80 pp. (English translation by F.H. Forshall of chapters 18, 21, & 22 of Machina
(Hevelius) Johannis Hevelii. Consulis Dantiscani, Annus Climactericus. Wherein (amongst other things) he vindicates the justness of his Celestial
Observations, against the exceptions by some made to the accuracy of them. Philosophical Transactions 15 (1685) 1162-1183 (#175).
(Hevelius) Lisicki, Andrzej. Johannes Hevelius as an Observer. pp23-42. R. Glebocki & A. Zbierski, ed. On the 300th anniversary of the death of Johannes
Hevelius. Warsaw: The Polish Academy of Sciences, 1992.
(Hevelius)....Machina Coelestis....with an Robert Hook. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 9 (1674) 215-216 (#109).
(Hevelius) MacPike, Eugene. Hevelius, Flamsteed, and Halley. London: Taylor and Francis, 1937. pp1-16, 109-111.
(Hevelius) Monaco, Giuseppe. Alcune Considerazioni sul 'Maximus Tubus' di Hevelius. Nuncius 13:2 (1998) 533-550. (Made by Tito Livio Burattini, an Italian
in Poland, design by Candido Del Buono.)
(Hevelius) Of Monsieur Hevelius's Promise of imparting to the World his Invention of making Optick Glasses, and of the hopes given by Monsieur Hugens of
Zulichem, to perform something of the like nature; as also of the Expectations, conceived of some Ingenious Persons in England, to improve Telescopes.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1665) 98-99.
(Hevelius) North, J.D. Hevelius. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Hevelius) Rybka, Przemyslaw. Heweliusz. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1989.
(Hevelius) Volkoff, Ivan. Johannes Hevelius and his Catalog of Stars. Provo: Brigham Young U., 1971.
Hilliard, R.L. Steward Observatory's New 90-inch Reflector. Sky & Telescope 34 (Aug. 1967) 79-81. (Loomis / Boller & Chivens)
Hills, E. H. On the Suspended Zenith Telescope of Durham Observatory. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 80 (April 1920) 564-574.
Hilscher, Gottlieb. Concise Instruction in Grinding Lenses and Fitting Telescopes. Dresden, 1741. (Reprinted in: Rosenthal, J. William. Spectacles and Other
Vision Aids: a history and guide to collecting. Norman Publishing: San Francisco, 1996.)
Hiltner, W.A. Astronomical Techniques. Chicago: U. Chicago, 1962.
Hiltner, W.A. McDonald Observatory's 36-inch Reflector. Sky & Telescope 17 (Jan. 1958) 124-125.
Hiltner, W.A. and Rudolph Schild. A Rotatable Telescope for Polarization Studies. Sky & Telescope 30 (Sept. 1965) 144-147.
Hindle, J.H. A New Test for Cassegrainian and Gregorian Secondary Mirrors. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 91 (1931) 592-593.
(Hindle) Porthouse, William. Hindle, John Henry. 1869-1942. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 103 (1943) 66-67.
(Hindley) Law, R.J. Henry Hindley of York. Part 1. Antiquarian Horology 7 (June 1971) 205-221. Part 2. 8 (Sept. 1972) 682-699.
(Hindley) Setchell, J.R.M. The Friendship of John Smeaton, F.R.S., with Henry Hindley, instrument and clockmaker of York, and the development of equatorial
mounting telescopes. Notes & Records of the Royal Society of London 25:1 (June, 1970) 79-86. Further Information on the Telescopes of Hindley of York.
25:2 (Dec. 1970) 189-192.
(Hindley) Setchell, J.R.M. Henry Hindley & Son: Clock and Instrument Makers and Engineers, of York. Yorkshire Philosophical Society, Annual Report for the
year 1972. pp39-67.
(Hindley) Smeaton, John. Observations on the Graduation of Astronomical Instruments; With an Explanation of the Method Invented by the Late Mr. Henry
Hindley, of York, Clock-Maker, to Divide Circles into any Given Number of Parts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 76 (1786) 1-47.
(Tompion, Sharp, Roemer, Graham, Bird, Hindley)
Hinks, Arthur R. Some modern telescope constructions. Transactions of the Optical Society 13 (1911) 7-9. (12.5 inch Cooke photovisual, Grubb design 19
foot Coude equatoreal, electric clock, at Cambridge; objective tarnished, very sensitive to temperature & very difficult to re-center after dissassembly. Henri
doublet, 1891, very achromatic, at South Kensington.)
Hirshfeld, Alan. The Universe in the Mirror. Sky & Telescope 109:2 (Feb. 2005) 44-50. (modern reflectors)
(Historical Account of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, From October 1855 to October 1876.) Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of
Harvard College 8 (1876) 3-65. (ADS Annals HCO v8, pp 0.i-1.24.1; 1.24.3-1.28.1; 1.28.3-1.76)
Hockey, Thomas. A Brief History of the Planetary Telescope. Griffith Observer 57 (1993), January pp10-15, February pp16-18, March pp11-17.
Hodgson, R. The Achromatic Object-Glass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 24 (June 1864) 195-196.
Hodgson, R. Description of an Eye-piece for observing the Sun. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 15 (Dec. 1854) 45.
(Hodgson) Obituary, Richard Hodgson. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 33 (Feb. 1873)199.
Hofe, Chr. von. Fernoptik. Leipzig: Barth, 1921.
Hoffleit, Dorritt. Some Firsts in Astronomical Photography. Cambridge: Harvard College Observatory, 1950. 39pp.
Holcomb, Amasa. Handwritten text, believed to be autobiographical, unsigned and undated; kept at the Smithsonian Institution. (Reprinted in Holcomb, Fitz,
and Peate)
(Holcomb) (American Journal of Science, First series) 23 (Jan. 1833) 403.
(Holcomb) (American Journal of Science, First series) 27 (1835) 185-189.
(Holcomb) Davis, Maud Etta Gillett. Amasa Holcomb. Manuscript, 24 pages. December, 1951.
(Holcomb) Der Bagdasarian, Nicholas. Amasa Holcomb: Yankee Telescope Maker. Sky & Telescope 71 (June 1986) 620-622.
(Holcomb) Faits, Ed. Amasa Holcomb, Pioneer Telescope Maker.
Holcomb, Fitz, and Peate: Three 19th Century American Telescope Makers. Contributions from the Museum of History and Technology. United States
National Museum Bulletin 228. Washington, D.C., 1962. Introduction, Robert Multhauf.
(Holcomb) Report on Amasa Holcomb's Reflecting Telescope. Journal of the Franklin Institute, July 1834, new series vol. 14 (whole no. 18), pp. 169-172.
(Reprinted in Holcomb, Fitz, and Peate)
(Holcomb) Report on Holcomb's Reflecting Telescopes. Journal of the Franklin Institute, July 1835, new series vol. 16 (whole no. 20), pp. 11-13. (Reprinted in
Holcomb, Fitz, and Peate)
(Holcomb) Report on Holcomb's Telescope. American Journal of Science and Arts, various issues, between 1833 and 1836.
(Holcomb) Report on Mr. Amasa Holcomb's Reflecting Telescope. Journal of the Franklin Institute 16 (1835) 312.
(Holcomb) Report on Mr. Amasa Holcomb's Reflecting Telescope. Journal of the Franklin Institute 18 (1836) 109-110.
(Holcomb) Taylor, Frank. Holcomb, Amasa. Dictionary of American Biography, Dumas Malone, editor. N.Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936.
Holden, E. S.; Keeler, J. E.; Yale, C. G. Astronomical Instruments in course of Construction in the United States (Brashear). Publications of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific 2 (Nov. 1890) 290-291.
Holden, Edward S. Astronomical Photography at the Lick Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 2:9 (12 July 1890) 152-159.
Holden, Edward S. Description of the Astronomical Instruments. pp59-77; Publications of the Lick Observatory; Volume 1, 1887. (ADS PLO v1 pp74-100)
(Contract for 36 inch; 12 inch Clark with micrometer; 6 1/2 inch Clark; 4 inch f8 Clark; Clark photoheliograph; 6 inch Repsold meridian circle; 4 inch Fauth
transit & zenith telescope; Repsold universal instrument; clocks.)
Holden, Edward S. Hand-book of the Lick Observatory. San Francisco: Bancroft Library, 1888. 137pp. (36 inch Clark)
Holden, Edward S. The Imperial Observatory of Vienna. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3 (June 1891) 243-247.
Holden, Edward S. The National Observatory of Paris. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 4 (June 1892) 151.
Holden, Edward S. New Instruments for the Lick Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 2 (July 1890) 128. (Jena glass &
Holden, Edward S. The Observatory of Nice. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3 (March 1891) 123.
Holden, Edward S. The University Observatory of Strassburg. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3 (Sept. 1891) 279.
Hollis, H.P. Airy's Water Telescope. The Observatory 60 (April 1937) 103-107. (constant of aberration of starlight)
Hollis, H. P. Historical telescopes. The Observatory 53 (1930) 17-18. (Dawes, Crossley)
Hollis, H.P. Large Telescopes. The Observatory 37 (1914) 245-252.
Holtzapffel, Charles. Turning & Mechanical Manipulation, volume 3: Abrasive & Miscellaneous Processes. 1850. Reprint: Warwickshire: TEE Publishing, 1993.
(pp1257-1295, working glass).
Hook, Richard. Optical astronomy goes large. Astronomy Now, July 2002, pp29-32.
Hooke, Robert. Animadversions On the first part of the Machina Coelestis of...Johannes Hevelius...; Together with an Explication of some Instruments made
by Robert Hooke. 1674. Republished as The Cutler Lectures of Robert Hooke, 1679. Facsimilie, Early Science in Oxford, v.8. Oxford, 1931.
Hooke, Robert. A description of Helioscopes, and some other Instruments made by Robert Hooke. From: The Cutler Lectures of Robert Hooke. Early Science
in Oxford, v.8. Oxford, 1931. (Facsimilie of 1679).
(Hooke) Andrade, E.N. da C. Robert Hooke. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, Biological Sciences 137 (24 July 1950) 153-187. (#887) (also
published in P.R.S. Series A, 201 (May 23, 1950) 439-473.)
(Hooke) Bennett, J.A. Hooke's Instruments for Astronomy and Navigation. pp21-32, M. Hunter & S. Schaffer, ed.; Robert Hooke, New Studies; Suffolk: Boydell,
(Hooke) Derham, W., ed. Philosophical Experiments and Observations of the late eminent Dr. Robert Hooke. London: Innys, 1726. Reprinted, London: Frank
Cass, 1967. To Foil Glass, p195. Discourse concerning Telescopes and Microscopes; with a short account of their inventors, pp257-268. Dr. Hook's
Invention of a Reflecting Telescope, pp269-270. Mr. Waller's Observations upon Dr. Hook's Discourses, concerning Telescopes and Microscopes, pp270273. Dr. Hook's Answer to some particular Claims of Mons. Cassini, pp388-391. (Paul Neile, Reive, Cox, Borelli, Wren, Goddard)
(Hooke) Drake, Ellen T. Restless genius: Robert Hooke and his earthly thoughts. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
(Hooke) Espinasse, Margaret. Robert Hooke. Berkeley: U. California Press, 1962.
(Hooke) A Method, by which a Glas of a small Plano-convex Sphere may be made to refract the Rayes of light to a Focus of a far greater distance, than is
usual. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1666) 202-203. (liquid lens element).
(Hooke) Mr. Hook's Answer to Monsieur Auzout's Considerations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1 (1665) 64-69.
(Hooke) Nakajima, Hideto. Astronomical Aspects of Robert Hooke's Scientific Research. pp161-164. Gerard Simon and Suzanne Debarbat, editors. Optics
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(Hooke) Pugliese, Patri J. Hooke, Robert (1635-1703). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Nov. 2004.
(Hooke) Simpson, A.D.C. Robert Hooke and Practical Optics: technical support at a scientific frontier. pp33-61, M. Hunter & S. Schaffer, ed.; Robert Hooke,
New Studies; Suffolk: Boydell, 1989.
(Hooke) Westfall, Richard. Hooke, Robert. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
Hopkins, Joseph. On a new Mode of Mounting a Telescope equatoreally. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 14 (Dec. 1853) 41-44.
(Horn D' Arturo) Abetti, Giorgio. Guido Horn d'Arturo. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Horn D' Arturo) Barbieri, Cesare. Guido Horn D'Arturo and his Tessellated Mirror. Optical Sciences Center Newsletter 6 (1972) 20-1.
Horn D'Arturo, Guido. The Tessellated Mirror. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 63 (January, 1953) 71-4.
(Horn D' Arturo) Ingalls, Albert. Towards a Giant Telescope. Scientific American 184 (January 1951) 60-3.
(Horn D' Arturo) Jacchia, Luigi. An Italian Astronomer. Sky & Telescope 34:2 (Aug. 1967) 93.
(Horn D' Arturo) Jacchia, Luigi. Forefathers of the MMT. Sky & Telescope 55:2 (Feb. 1978) 100-2.
(Horn D' Arturo) Journal of the British Astronomical Association 63 (January, 1953) 71-4.
Horne, Douglas. History of the British Optical Industry, 1720-1970. pp1-46. Optical Instruments and Their Applications. Bristol: Hilger, 1980.
Hoskin, Michael. Astronomers at War: South v. Sheepshanks. Journal for the History of Astronomy 20:3 (1989) 175-212. (Troughton & Simms)
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Hoskin, Michael. The Telescope War. Sky & Telescope 89 (April 1995) 26-28. (12 inch Cauchoix / Troughton)
Houghton, James. The Air-Spaced Triplet Corrector. Optical Sciences Newsletter 7 (1973) 12-14.
Houghton, James. Multielement Afocal Correctors. Optical Sciences Newsletter 5 (1971) 116-119.
Houghton, J.L. U.S. Patent 2,350,112 May 30, 1944 Lens system.
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Howard, Robert. Eight Decades of Solar Research at Mount Wilson. Solar Physics 100 (1985) 171-187.
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Howse, H.D. The Royal Astronomical Society Instrument Collection, 1827-1985. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 27 (1986) 212-236.
Hubbard, Joseph. Manuscript letter of 23 Nov. 1842. 3pp. (Hubbard, Mason)
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Huggins, William. The Scientific Papers of William Huggins. London: William Wesley & Son, 1909. pp5-8, observatory: Dollond, Clark, Cooke, Browning,
Grubb. Hand spectrum-telescope. Clark spectroscope. Binocular vision.)
Humason, M.L. The Aluminizing of the 100-Inch and 60-Inch Reflectors of the Mount Wilson Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the
Pacific 47 (April 1935) 81-83. (#276)
Humphries, C.M. and T.E. Purkins. The New United Kingdom Infrared Telescope in Hawaii. Endeavour 4:4 (1980) 132-140.
Humphries, Colin. The United Kingdom's Giant Infrared Reflector. Sky & Telescope 56 (July 1978) 22-24. (Grubb / Dunford Hadfields)
Hutchinson, K. Euler, Dollond, Klingenstierna, and the refutation of Newtons stance on chromatic aberration. From: J.N. Crossley, ed., Proceedings of the
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Hutchison, Keith. Idiosyncrasy, achromatic lenses, and early Romanticism. Centaurus 34 (1991) 125-171.
(Huygens) Ashbrook, Joseph. Some Huygens Telescopes. Sky & Telescope 18 (Aug. 1959) 559-560.
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(Huygens) Bos, H.J.M. Huygens. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Huygens) Bos, H.J.M. et al, ed. Studies on Christiaan Huygens. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1980. pp7-16, H.J.M. Bos, Christiaan Huygens, a biographical
sketch. pp19-26, J.A. van Maanen, Chronology. pp221-233, J.J. Leopold, Christiaan Huygens and his instrument makers.
(Huygens) Chapman, Alan. Christiaan Huygens (1629-95): astronomer and mechanician. Endeavour 19:4 (1995) 140-145.
(Huygens) Christiani Hugenii Astroscopia compendiaria, Tubi optici molimine liberata. Or the Description of an Aerial Telescope. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society 14 (1684) 668-670.
(Huygens) Gregory, David. Dr. Gregory's elements of catoptrics and dioptrics. London, 1715. (Including): A particular account of microscopes and telescopes,
from Mr. Huygens. pp69-87 (Microcard)
(Huygens) Hashimoto, Takehiko. Huygens, Dioptrics, and the Improvement of the Telescope. Historia Scientiarum #37 (1989) 51-90.
(Huygens) Helden, Anne Van, and Rob Van Gent. The Huygens Collection. Leiden: Museum Boerhaave, 1995.
(Huygens) Helden, Anne Van, and Rob Van Gent. The Lens Production by Christiaan and Constantijn Huygens. Annals of Science 56 (1999) 69-79.
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(March 1989) 173-182.
(Huygens) Southall, James. Some of Huygens' Contributions to Dioptrics, With Notes. Journal of the Optical Society of America 6 (1922) 461-475.
Hysom, E.J.. Tests of the Shape of Mirrors by Herschel. Journal for the History of Astronomy 27 (1996), 349-352.
Iba, Yasuaki. Amateur Astronomy and Telescope Making in Japan. Popular Astronomy 39 (1931) 290-291.
Imison, John. The school of arts; or an introduction to useful knowledge: being a compilation of real experiments and improvements, in several pleasing
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Imison, John. Elements of Science and Art; enlarged by Thomas Webster. London, 1808. (pp377-391)
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Ingalls, Albert, ed. Amateur Telescope Making, Book One, Fourth Edition. N.Y.: Scientific American, 1945.
Ingalls, Albert, ed. Amateur Telescope Making Advanced, Book Two. N.Y.: Scientific American, 1937, 1968.
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(Ingalls) Cox, Robert E. Albert G. Ingalls, T. N. Sky & Telescope 17 (Oct. 1958) 616-617.
(Ingalls) Williams, Thomas R. Albert Ingalls and the ATM Movement. Sky & Telescope 81 (Feb. 1991) 140-143.
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Jaecks, Duane. Developments in 18th Century Optics and Early Instrumentation. pp51-65, J.T. Stock and M.V. Orna, ed.; The History and Preservation of
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James, Frank A. J. L. Michael Faraday's Work on Optical Glass. Physics Education 25 (1991) 296-300.
James, Mary Ann. Elites in Conflict: the Antebellum clash over the Dudley Observatory. New Brunswick: Rutgers U. Press, 1987. (12 inch Brashear)
Janiczek, P.M. and Lee Houchins. Transits of Venus and the American Expedition of 1874. Sky & Telescope 48 (Dec. 1974) 366-371.
Japan Optical and Precision Instruments Manufacturers' Association. Machinery Japan, Optical and Precision Instruments, 1953. 68pp.
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Japan Optical and Precision Instruments Manufacturers' Association. Guide Book of Japanese Optical and Precision Instruments, 1959/60. 138pp.
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Jeaurat, Mr. Account of an Iconantidiptic Telescope, invented by Mr. Jeaurat. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 69 (1779) 130-138.
(heliometer, reversed images)
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41 (1739-1741) 555-556 (#459).
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Johnson, Thomas. An 18 3/4-inch Transportable Cassegrain Telescope. Sky & Telescope 25 (March 1963) 172-178.
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Jones, H. Spencer. Giant Telescopes. Journal of Scientific Instruments 12:2 (February 1935) 37-43.
Jones, H.S. New Telescopes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 79 (Feb. 1919) 299-302. (H.S.J.)
Jones, H. Spencer. The 200-inch telescope. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London 53:5 (1 September 1941) 497-516.
(Jones) Description of the Coming-up Glass Telescope, as made by Mr. Thomas Jones. Philosophical Magazine 22 (1805) 319-321.
(Jones, Thomas. 1775-1852.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13 (1853) 112.
Joy, Alfred H. The Rise of the Giant Telescope. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflet 90 (July 1936) 157-160.
Junor, Bill, Sergio Restaino, & Neb Duric. Seeing the Details of the Stars with Next Generation Telescopes. Mercury, Sept.-Oct. 1998, pp26-30.
Kamp, Peter van de. Astrometry with Long-Focus Telescopes. pp487-536. Hiltner, W.A., ed. Astronomical Techniques. Chicago: U. Chicago, 1962. (Sproul
24 inch Brashear).
Kamper, Karl W. Optical Aberrations of Parallax Telescopes. Vistas in Astronomy 24:4 (1980) 319-333.
Karandikar, R.V. Center of Advanced Study in Astronomy, Osmania University, Hyderabad. Hyderabad: Osmania U. Press, 1968. 25pp.
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Lyot, Bernard. The Study of the Solar Corona without an Eclipse. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 27:6 (Aug. 1933) 225-234; 27:7 (Sept.
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London: Chapman & Hall, 1876.
Maksutov, D.D. New Catadioptric Meniscus Systems. Journal of the Optical Society of America 34:5 (1944) 270-284.
Maksutow, D.D. Technologie der Astronomischen Optik. Berlin: Verlag Technik, 1954. 251pp.
(Maksutov) Gerasimova, Ludmila. Dmitri Maksutov's Scientific Legacy. Sky & Telescope, December 1995, pp77-78.
(Maksutov) Kulikovsky, P.G. Maksutov, Dmitry Dmitrievich. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Maksutov) Mikhel'son, N.N. Dmitrii Dmitrievich Maksutov. Journal of Optical Technology 63:4 (April 1996) 254-262.
(Maksutov Articles from Gleanings for ATMs). Sky & Telescope Bulletin C. Cambridge: Sky Publishing, 1963. Includes JOSA 34:5(1944),270-284; D.D.
Maksutov, New Catadioptric Meniscus Systems.
(Mancini) The Description of a Way, Said to be New and Universal for Working Convex Spherical Glasses upon a Plain, for All Practicable Lengths, without
Other Dishes or Concave Moulds. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 3 (1668) 837-840 (#42) (Carlo Mancini, L'Occhiale, Bologna, 1660).
Manly, Peter. Unusual Telescopes. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1991.
Marinoni, Giovanni Jacopo de. De Astronomica Specula Domestica et Organico Apparatu Astronomico. Vienna: Leopold J. Kaliwoda, 1745. 236pp. (Review.
51 plates. Catalog of instruments at Vienna Observatory, designed & built by M., 1676-1755.)
Marriott, R.A. Dawes' Solar Eyepiece. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society #14 (1987) 2-3.
Marsh, D. B. The Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 1 (June 1907) 188-192.
Marshall, O.S. Alhazen and the Telescope. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflet #251, Feb. 1950. 11pp.
Marshall, Oscar Seth. Journeyman Machinist en route to the Stars, Stellafane to Palomar. Taunton: Sullwold, 1979.
Marshall, W.L. Notes on Talcott's Method of Determining Terrestrial Latitudes. n.p.: Corps of Engineers, 1893. (Zenith telescope; transit)
Martin, Benjamin. A new and compendious System of Optics in three parts: Part 1-Catoptrics, or the Doctrine of vision by rays reflected from Mirrors, or the
polished surfaces. Part 2-Dioptrics, or the Theory of vision by Rays refracted through lenses, or transparent substances. Part 3- A practical description of a
great number of the most useful Optical instruments and machines, and their construction shewn from the Theory; viz. The eye, camera obscura, single and
double Microscopes, Refracting and Reflecting telescopes, perspective glasses, the magic lanthorn & c. The Manner of adapting micrometers to
microscopes and telescopes of the reflecting sort. London, 1740. 295 pages. 34 plates. (p224-287)
Martin, Buddy, John Hill, & Roger Angel. The New Ground Based Optical Telescopes. Physics Today 44 (March 1991) 22-30.
Martin, E.G. Transit Circles Past & Present. The Observatory 69 (1949) 140-142.
Marx, Siegfried and Werner Pfau. Observatories of the World. N.Y.: Van Nostrand, 1982. (Translation of Sternwarten der Welt, 1979).
Maskelyne, Nevil. Account of a new Instrument for measuring small Angles, called the prismatic Micrometer. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
67 (1777) 799-815.
Maskelyne, Nevil. Astronomical Observations Made at the Island of St. Helena. Philosophical Transactions 54 (1764) 348-386. (Bird equal altitude
instrument. 10 foot sector, analysis of problems. Bird 6 foot sector used at Pennsylvania - Maryland survey. De la Caille's sector. Graham 9 foot sector.
Eyepiece, rotatable cross hairs, adjustment for perpendicularity. Polar axis of telescope.)
Maskelyne, Nevil. Description of a Method of Measuring Differences of Right Ascension and Declination, with Dollond's Micrometer, together with Other New
Applications of the Same. Philosophical Transactions 61 (Dec. 1771) 536-546.
Maskelyne, Nevil. ...Theorem of the Aberration of the Rays of Light refracted through a Lens, on account of the Imperfection of the Spherical Figure.
Philososphical Transactions of the Royal Society 52 (Dec. 1761) 17-21. (achromat)
Mason, Ebenezer Porter. Introduction to Practical Astronomy, designed as a supplement to Olmsted's Astronomy. N.Y.: Collins, 1847. (pp1-28).
(Mast telescope) Feld-Fraktions-Periskop. FFP 38233. n.d., n.p.
Matthewson, G. Constructing an Astronomical Telescope. Glasgow: Blackie, 1947, 1955, 1957. London: Blackie, 1960 2nd ed. N.Y.: Philosophical Library,
1957, 2nd ed. 100pp.
Matsopoulos, Nikos. The Travels of an Impressive Refractor (25 inch Newall). Journal of the Antique Telescope Society #8 (1995) 8-11.
Maunder, E. Walter. The Royal Observatory Greenwich; a glance at its history and work. London: Religious Tract Society, 1900.
Maxwell, J. Catadioptric Imaging Systems. N.Y.: American Elsevier, 1972. (ch 4, Bouwers, Maksutov)
Mayall, Margaret. Well-Known Eastern Amateur Dies. Sky & Telescope 14:5 (March, 1955) 189. (Charles Elmer)
Mayall, N.U. Kitt Peak National Observatory. Astronomical Journal 69:3 (April 1964) 262-276.
Mayall, N.U. Mexico Dedicates a New Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 54 (June 1942) 117-122. (#319) (27 / 31 inch
Schmidt; optics by Halley Mogey at Perkin Elmer; tube by G. Dimitroff at Harvard College Obs.)
Mayall, N.U. & S. Vasilevskis. Quantitative tests of the Lick Observatory 120-inch mirror. Astronomical Journal 65 (June 1960) 304-317.
Mayfield E. B., D. Vrabec, E. Rogers, T. Janssens, and R. A. Becker. A New Solar Observatory in California. Sky & Telescope 37 (April 1969) 208-213.
McCauley, George. Making the Glass Disk for a 200 Inch Reflecting Telescope. Scientific Monthly 39:1 (July 1934) 79-86.
McColley, Grant. Josephus Blancanus and the Adoption of Our Word 'Telescope'. Isis 28:2 (May, 1938) 364-365.
McConnell, Anita. Astronomers at War: The Viewpoint of Troughton & Simms. Journal for the History of Astronomy 25:3 (1994) 219-235.
McConnell, Anita. From Craft Workshop to Big Business - The London Scientific Instrument Trade's Response to Increasing Demand, 1750-1820. London
Journal 19 (1994) 36-53. (Bird, Ramsden, Sisson)
McCray, W. Patrick. Gemini South Dedication: a historian's perspective. Gemini Newsletter #24 (June 2002) 2-3.
McCray, W. Patrick. Large Telescopes and the Moral Economy of Recent Astronomy. Social Studies of Science 30:5 (October 2000) 685-711.
McCray, W. Patrick. What Makes a Failure? Designing a New National Telescope, 1975-1984. Technology & Culture 42: 2 (April 2001) 265-291.
McCrea, W.H. The Royal Greenwich Observatory. London: H.M.S.O., 1975. 80pp.
(The McDonald Telescope, commemorating the dedication...). Cleveland: Warner & Swasey, 1939. (Lundin, Warner & Swasey 82 inch)
(McDowell) Plaskett, J.S. James B. McDowell, an appreciation. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 18:5 (1924) 185-193.
McFarland, J. The Historical Instruments of Armagh Observatory. Vistas in Astronomy 33 (1990) 149ff.
McMath, Robert R. & A. Keith Pierce. The Large Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak. Sky & Telescope 20:2 (August 1960) 64-67. 20:3 (Sept. 1960) 132-135.
McMath, R.R. & O.C. Mohler. Solar Instruments. From: S. Fluegge, Handbuch der Physik, Band 54, Astrophysik V: Verschiedenes; Berlin: Springer, 1962.
McMath, R.R. Tower Telescopes and Accessories. pp605-626. The Sun. Gerard Kuiper, ed. Chicago: U. Chicago Press, 1953. (solar)
McNall, John, Terrell Miedaner, & Arthur Code. A Computer Controlled Photometric Telescope. Astronomical Journal 73:9 (Nov. 1968) 756-761. (first
computer, robotic telescope)
Meadows, A.J. Observational Defects in Eighteenth-Century British Telescopes. Annals of Science 26 (1970) 305-317.
Mee, Arthur. Observational Astronomy, a book for beginners. Cardiff: Daniel Owen, 1893. pp6-26, The Telescope.
Mee, Arthur. The story of the telescope: with lists of the principal telescopes, observatories, astronomical societies, periodicals and books, and a chronological
summary. Llanishen, Cardiff: The author, 1909. 56p. (simple)
Meinel, Aden. Astronomical Telescopes. Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, vol. 5, R. Kingslake, ed. Academic Press, 1969.
Meinel, A.B. Introduction to the Design of Astronomical Telescopes. Tucson: U. Arizona, 1965. 149pp.
Meinel, Aden and Marjorie Meinel. An overview of optical telescope technology. pp35-41, SPIE Vol. 542, Optical Fabrication and Testing Workshop: Large
Telescope Optics (1985). Bellingham: SPIE, 1985.
Meinel, Aden. An Overview of the Technological Possibilities of Future Telescopes. pp13-26. ESO Conference, Optical Telescopes of the Future. Geneva,
12-15 Dec. 1977. Proceedings, ed. F. Pacini, et al. ESO, 1978.
Meinel, Aden & Marjorie Meinel. Telescope structures - an evolutionary overview. pp. 2-5. SPIE Vol. 748: Structural mechanics of optical systems II.
Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1987.
Meinel, Aden and Marjorie Meinel. A view in the mirror - or through the looking glass. pp2-7, SPIE Vol. 571, Large Optics Technology (1985). Bellingham:
SPIE, 1985.
(Melbourne) Report of the Committee on the Melbourne Telescope to the President and Council of the Royal Society (Rosse, Robinson, De la Rue).
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 16 (1867-1868) 313-316.
(Mellish) Cross, Eugene. John Edward Mellish. Modern Astronomy 5:5 (Nov./Dec. 1974) 78-79.
(Mellish) Thompson, Paul. The boy astronomer of Cottage Grove. Wisconsin Academy Review, December 1979, pp34-40.
(Mellish) Williams, Thomas. John Edward Mellish and the Origins of the Amateur Telescope Making Movement in North America. Journal of the Antique
Telescope Society #13 (1997) 15-19.
(Mellish) Williams, Thomas. Telescopes, Marriages, and Mars: the life of John E. Mellish. Sky & Telescope 98 (Nov. 1999) 84-88.
Menchaca, C. and D. Malacara. Design of Galilean-Type Telescope Systems. Applied Optics 27 (1988) 3715-3718.
(Merz) Campbell, Leon. The Great Refractor. Sky & Telescope 6 (June 1947) 3-6. (Harvard 15 inch)
Meszaros, Stephen Paul. World Atlas of Large Optical Telescopes. Washington: NASA, 1986.
Metcalf, Joel. An Amateur's Observatory. Popular Astronomy 14 (1906).
Metcalf, Joel Hastings. The National Cyclopaedia. N.Y.: White, 1936. Volume 25, pp268-269.
(Metcalf) Bailey, S.I. Joel Hastings Metcalf. Popular Astronomy 33:8 (October 1925).
(Metcalf) Bortle, John. A Remarkable New England Amateur. Sky & Telescope 78 (Oct. 1989) 435-436.
Meyer, W.F. Development of Instrumental Astronomy in America. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 56 (1944) 15-20.
Meyer, Wilhelm (transl. Keeler) The Urania Observatory in Berlin. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 2 (July 1890) 143-152.
Michelson, A. A. Note on the Definition, the Resolving Power and the Accuracy of Telescopes and microscopes. Publications of the Astronomical Society of
the Pacific 2 (July 1890) 115-117.
Michelson, A.A. On the Application of Interference Methods to Astronomical Measurements. Astrophysical Journal 51 (June 1920) 257-262. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences 6:8 (Aug. 15, 1920) 474-475.
Michelson, A.A. On the Correction of Optical Surfaces. Astrophysical Journal 47 (June 1918) 283-288. (Twyman interferometer, Petitdidier objective)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 4:7 (July 15, 1918) 210-212.
Michelson, Albert A. Visibility of Interference-Fringes in the Focus of a Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3 (#16) (June 1891)
Michie, P.S. & F.S. Harlow. Practical Astronomy. N.Y.: John Wiley, 1893. pp89-105, zenith telescope.
(Micrometer) Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th edition, Chicago: Peale, 1892. 11th edition, N.Y.: E.B. Co., 1911, 9pp.
(Micrometer) Rees, Abraham, ed. The Cyclopaedia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. London: Longman, 1819
Miczaika, G.R. and William Sinton. Tools of the Astronomer. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press, 1961.
Mikhel'son, N.N. Large telescopes of the world. Soviet Journal of Optical Technology 43:7 (July 1976) 446-449.
Milham, Willis. Early American Observatories: Which was the First Astronomical Observatory in America? Williamstown: Williams College, 1938. (58pp)
Millburn, John R. The Office of Ordnance and the Instrument-Making Trade in the Mid-Eighteenth Century. Annals of Science 45:3 (May 1988) 221-293.
Miller, John & Ross Marriott. The Quality of the Twenty-four-inch Objective of the Sproul Telescope as Determined by Hartmann Tests. Journal of the Franklin
Institute 178:4 (Oct. 1914) 1-17. (Reprinted, Sproul Observatory Publications #3)
Mills, A.A. Heliostats, Siderostats, and Coelostats: a review of practical instruments for astronomical applications. Journal of the British Astronomical
Association 95:3 (1985) 89-99.
Mills, Allan. Making Spider Web 'Cross Hairs'. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 36 (1993) 24-26.
Mills, Allan. The Manufacture of Precision Brass Tubing. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 27 (1990) 10-15. (Broadhurst, Clarkson & Fuller)
Mills, A.A. & P.J. Turvey. Newton's Telescope: An Examination of the Reflection Telescope Attributed to Sir Isaac Newton in the Possession of the Royal
Society. Notes & Records of the Royal Society, 33 (1978) 133-155.
Mills, Allan. The Polemoscope. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 39 ( 1993) 28. (Hevelius, Scarlett)
Mills, Allan A. Portable Heliostats (Solar Illuminators). Annals of Science 43:4 (July 1986) 369-406.
Mills, A.A. & R. Hall. The Production of a Plane Surface: As Illustrated by Specula from Some Early Newtonian Telescopes. Notes and Records of the Royal
Society of London 37:2 (March 1983) 147-166.
Miniati, Mara; Albert van Helden; Vincenzo Greco; Giuseppe Molesini. Seventeenth-century Telescope Optics of Torricelli, Divini, and Campani. Applied
Optics 41:4 (Feb. 2002) 644-647.
Miroshnikov, Michael. Mirrors for Optical Telescopes. pp286-298, SPIE Vol. 1533, Optomechanics and Dimensional Stability, 1991. Bellingham: SPIE, 1991.
Mitchell, S.A. A Great Open-Air Telescope. Scientific American 102 (Jan. 29, 1910) 104. Reprinted Popular Astronomy 18 (1910) 296-299. (Treptow, 27 inch
Mobberly, Martin. Astronomical Equipment for Amateurs. London: Springer, 1998.
Mogey, W.D. (Manuscript, 4 page biography of William Mogey & the business).
(Mogey) Serrada, Peter. The Mogey Telescope Company Rediscovered. Rittenhouse 3 (August 1989) 141-144.
(Mogey) Serrada, Peter. Mogey Telescopes Rediscovered. Sky & Telescope 79 (Jan. 1990) 98-104.
Molesini, Guiseppe. The Telescopes of Seventeenth-Century Italy. Optics & Photonics News 14:6 (June 2003) 35-39. (Galileo, Divini, Torricelli, Campani)
Moll, G. On the First Invention of Telescopes, collected from the notes & papers of the late Professor Van Swinden. Journal of the Royal Institution of Great
Britain 1 (1831) 319-332.
Molyneux, William. A Dioptrick Problem, Why four Convex-glasses in a Telescope, shew Objects Erect. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 16
(1686-1692) 169-172 (#183).
Molyneux, William. Dioptrica nova, A treatise of dioptricks in two parts, wherein the various effects and appearances of spherick glasses, both convex and
concave, single and combined, in telescopes and microscopes, together with their usefulness in many concerns of humane life, are explained. London:
Benj. Tooke, 1692. 301pp.
Monnier, Pierre Charles Le. Description et usage des principaux instruments d'astronomie. Paris: Royale des Sciences, 1744. 31pp, 14 plates. (M: 17151799)
(Montanari) Tabarroni, Giorgio. Montanari, Geminiano. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
Moore, Patrick (ed.) Astronomical Telescopes and Observatories for Amateurs. N.Y.: Norton, 1973.
Moore, Patrick and Pete Collins. The Astronomy of Southern Africa. London: Robert Hale, 1977.
Moore, Patrick. Eyes on the Universe, the story of the telescope. London: Springer, 1997. 114pp.
Moore, Patrick (ed.) Small Astronomical Observatories. London: Springer, 1996.
Morrison-Low, A.D. Proctor & Beilby, Part I: Early 19th Century Scientific Instrument Making in the English Midlands. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument
Society 41 (1994) 9-15. Part II: Proctor & Beilby's Sheffield; B.S.I.S. 42 (1994) 17-21.
Motherwell, R. M. The New Photographic Telescope of the Dominion Observatory. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 8 (Oct. 1914) 305306. (Brashear 8 inch, 6 inch; Zeiss 3.3 inch)
Mottoni, G. de. An Italian 54-inch Reflector of Unusual Design. Sky & Telescope 43 (May, 1972) 296-297.
Moriyama, Fumio. Tokyo Observatory Today. Sky & Telescope 50 (Nov. 1975) 276-281. (Nikon)
Mountain, Matt & Fred Gillett. The revolution in telescope aperture. Nature 395 Supplement (01 Oct. 1998) A23-A29.
Moyer, Claire Inch. Silver Domes. Denver: Big Mountain Press, 1955. 174pp.
Mozel, Philip. The Fort Malden Telescope. National Newsletter of the R.A.S.C., Oct. 1986, pp L75-L76. (Van der Bildt)
Mozel, Philip. A Telescope's First Century. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 78:2 (1984) 75-81. (4 inch Wray / Foster, Browning
spectroscope, Simms filar micrometer. Toronto, now in Victoria)
Mudge, John. Directions for making the best Composition for the Metals of Reflecting Telescopes; together with a Description of the Process for grinding,
polishing, and giving the great Speculum the true parabolic Curve. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 67 (1777) 296-349.
(Mudge) Abrahams, Peter. John Mudge on mirror making, 1777. Amateur Telescope Making Journal #16 (2000) 21-23.
Mueller, Peter. Sternwarten: Architektur und Geschichte der Astronomischen Observatorien. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1975.
Mueller, Peter. Sternwarten in Bildern, Architektur und Geschichte der Sternwarten von den Anfaengen bis ca. 1950. Berlin: Springer, 1992. 257pp.
Muller, P. Techniques for Visual Measurements. pp441-460, W.A. Hiltner, Astronomical Techniques. Chicago: U. Chicago, 1962. (micrometer, history)
Mulligan, T.J. How to make an Astronomical Telescope Reflector. Bristol: 1949.
Mullis, Christopher R.. Historical Instruments of the Leander McCormick Observatory. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society #4 (1993) 9-11.
Mulrooney, Mark. The Cloudcroft Observatory and NASA's 3.0m Liquid Mirror Telescope. New Mexico Journal of Science 35 (Nov. 1995) 46-52.
Murray, Jack. A Classic vs. High-Tech Telescope. Sky & Telescope 89 (April 1995) 32-34. (3.5m WIYN U AZ)
Musson, W. B. New forms of telescopes and other optical instruments. The Observatory 23 (Sept. 1900) 350-352. (Schupmann)
Nagler, Albert. U.S. Patents: USP 4,286,844 Sept. 1, 1981 Ultrawide angle eyepiece. / Nagler, Albert USP 4,400,065 Aug. 23, 1983 Telescope. / Nagler,
Albert USP 4,482,217 Nov. 13, 1984 Plossl eyepiece. / Nagler, Albert USP 4,525,035 June 25, 1985 Wide angle eyepiece. / Nagler, Albert USP
4,747,675 May 31, 1988 Ultra wide angle eyepiece. / Nagler, Albert USP 4,749,271 June 7, 1988 Finder scope.
(Nagler) Levy, David. An Eye to the Stars. Sky & Telescope, June 1999, pp99-100.
Nairne, Edward. Description and Use of a new constructed Equatorial Telescope or portable Observatory, made by Mr. Edward Nairne, London. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society 61 (Dec. 1771) 107-113.
(Nairne) Turner, Gerard. The Number Code on Reflecting Instruments by Nairne and Blunt. Journal for the History of Astronomy 10:3 (1979) 177-184.
(Nairne) Warner, Deborah Jean. Edward Nairne: Scientist and Instrument Maker. Rittenhouse 12:3 (1998) 65-93.
(Nairne) Webster, Roderick. Nairne, Edward. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
Nasmyth, James. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography. Edited by Samuel Smiles. John Murray, 1897. (Reprint, circa 1990, Lindsay Publications)
(Nasmyth) North, J.D. Nasmyth, James. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
Nassau, J. J. The Burrell Telescope of the Warner and Swasey Observatory. Astrophysical Journal 101 (May 1945) 275-279. (24", Jennison, Lundin, Cook,
Warner & Swasey)
Nelson, Jerry. The Keck Telescope. American Scientist (March-April 1989) 170-175.
Newcomb, Simon & Edward Holden. Astronomy for High Schools and Colleges. N.Y.: Henry Holt, 1887. pp53-95, Astronomical Instruments.
Newcomb, Simon. The Great Vienna Telescope. Science 3 (Mar. 28, 1884) 380-384. (#60) (Extract from 'Improvements in Astronomical Instruments')
Newcomb, Simon. Improvements in Astronomical Instruments. U.S. Senate Doc. No. 96, 48th Congress, 1st Session, pp1-20. Feb. 12, 1884. (Visit to
principal observatories of Europe in 1883)
Newcomb, Simon. Popular Astronomy. N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1882. (pp108-147, history of telescopes. Appendix, List of Telescopes.)
Newcomb, Simon. Report of Professor Newcomb, The Glass Discs. Publications of the Lick Observatory 1 (1887) 6-8. (ADS PLO v1 pp17-19)
Newcomb, Simon. A Small Telescope and What To See With It. Harper's Monthly 64 (March 1882) 523-536. (#382)
(The New Princeton Telescope). Scientific American 47 (Sept. 30, 1882) front cover.
Newton, Isaac. An Accompt of a New Catadioptrical Telescope Invented by Mr. Newton, Fellow of the R. Society, and Professor of the Mathematiques in the
University of Cambridge. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 7 (1672) 4004-4010.
Newton, Isaac.....Answer to some Objections, made by an Ingenious French Philosopher to the New Reflecting Telescope. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society 7 (1672) 4034-4035 (#82).
Newton, Isaac. ....Description of an Instrument for observing the Moon's Distance from the Fixt Stars at Sea. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
42 (1742-1743) 155-156 (#465).
Newton, Isaac. A Letter of Mr. Isaac Newton, Professor of the Mathematicks in the University of Cambridge; Containing His New Theory about Light and
Colors: Sent by the Author to the Publisher from Cambridge, Febr. 6. 1671/72; In Order to be Communicated to the R. Society. Philosophical Transactions 6
(1671) 3075-3087. (Experimentum Crucis)
Newton, Isaac. Mr. Isaac Newton's Considerations...concerning the Catadioptrical Telescope, pretended to be improv'd and refined by M. Cassegrain.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 7 (1672) 4056-4059 (#83).
Newton, Isaac. Mr. Newton's Letter....about his New Telescope. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 7 (1672) 4032-4034 (#82).
Newton, Isaac. Opticks: or, A Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions & Colours of Light. 1704. 1717, revised edition. 1718. 1721.
(Newton) Cohen, I. Bernard. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Sky & Telescope 2:3 (Jan. 1943) 3-5.
(Newton) Cohen, I.B. Newton, Isaac. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Newton) Cohen, I. Bernard. Newton's Description of the Reflecting Telescope. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 47:1 (Jan. 1993) 1-9.
(Newton) Hall, A. Rupert. All Was Light: an introduction to Newton's Opticks. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. 252pp.
(Newton) Hall, A. Rupert. John Collins on Newton's Telescope. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 49:1 (1995) 71-78.
(Newton) Hall, A.Rupert and A.D.C. Simpson. An Account of the Royal Society's Newton Telescope. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 50:1
(1996) 1-11.
(Newton) Maddison, Ron. Isaac's Catadioptrical Tubes. #16 (1999) 16-21.
(Newton) Mills, A.A. and P.J. Turvey. Newton's Telescope: an examination of the reflecting telescope attributed to Sir Isaac Newton in the Possession of the
Royal Society. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 33:2 (March 1979) 133-155.
(Newton) More, Louis Trenchard. Isaac Newton: a Biography. N.Y.: Scribners, 1934. pp42-77.
(Newton) Pemberton, Henry. A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. London: S. Palmer, 1728. (pp356-394, optics & instruments).
(Newton) Sepper, Dennis. Newton's Optical Writings, a guided study. New Brunswick: Rutgers U., 1994.
(Newton) Shapiro, Alan. The Optical Papers of Isaac Newton. Volume 1, The Optical Lectures 1670-1672. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1984.
(Newton) Simpson, A.D.C. Newton's Telescope and the cataloguing of the Royal Society's repository. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 38:2
(1984) 187-214.
(Newton) Simms, D.L. & P.L. Hinkley. Brighter than How Many Suns? Sir Isaac Newton's Burning Mirror. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London
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(Newton) Wells, R.A. The 'First' Newtonian. Sky & Telescope 42:6 (Dec. 1971) 342-344.
(Newton) Westfall, Richard S. Newton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Nov. 2004.
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Nicholson, Don and Bob Eklund. First-light Doubts on Mt. Wilson. Sky & Telescope 90 (July 1995) 86-88.
Nicolson, Marjorie. Science and Imagination. Ithaca: Cornell U. Press, 1956. (literature)
Nicolson, Marjorie. The Telescope and Imagination. Modern Philology 32:3 (Feb. 1935) 233-260. (literature)
Nolan, Thomas. The telescope: Optical principles involved in the construction of refracting and reflecting telescopes, with a new chapter on the evolution of the
modern telescope and a bibliography to date. New York, D. Van Nostrand company, 1904. 2nd ed. 128pp.
Norman, Daniel. The Development of Astronomical Photography. Osiris 5 (1938) 560-594.
Northrop, David. A Selection of Astronomical Observatories. n.p.: Iredale Press, 1997.
Norton, O. Richard. Cave Optical Company. Sky & Telescope 88 (Aug. 1994) 88-93.
Norton, O. Richard. Master Optician, Master Observer. Sky & Telescope 89 (May 1995) 81-86. (Alika Herring)
Norton, William. A Treatise on Astronomy, Spherical & Physical. N.Y.: John Wiley, 1874. (pp24-53, Instruments)
Nourse, J. E. Observatories in the United States. Harper's New Monthly Magazine 48, #286 (March 1874) 526-542; 49 (1874) 518-531.
O'Dell, C. Robert. Building the Hubble Space Telescope. Sky & Telescope 78 (July 1989) 31-36.
O'Dell, C.R. The Hubble Space Telescope Observatory. Physics Today 43:4 (April 1990) 32-38.
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Defense Research Committee. Vol. 1, Optical Instruments. Washington, D.C.: 1946. 631pp.
Oke, J.B. Palomar's Hale Telescope: The First 30 Years. Sky & Telescope 58 (Dec. 1979) 505-509.
O'Keefe, John A. & Donald D. Mears. The 800-inch Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 48 (Feb. 1954) 3-15 (pinhole; small
occultation telescope)
Olmsted, Denison. Letters on Astronomy, Addressed to a Lady. N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1848. (pp29-58, Telescope.)
Olmsted, J.W. The 'Application' of Telescopes: 1667 or 1668? Sky & Telescope 8 (Nov. 1948) 7,19. (micrometer)
Olmstead, John. The 'Application' of Telescopes to Astronomical Instruments 1667-1669. Isis 40 (1949) 213-225.
Olsson-Steel, Duncan. A Note on the History of the Liquid Mirror Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 80:3 (1986) 128-133.
Optical Telescope Technology. NASA SP-233. Washington, D.C.: Supt. of Documents, 1970.
Orchiston, Wayne. Amateur Telescope Making in Australia, an historical perspective. Amateur Telescope Making Journal #15 (1999) 10-26.
Orchiston, Wayne. The Ancient History of the New Plymouth 6 Inch Refractor. Southern Stars 34:4 (Sept. 1991) 277-284. (Clark)
Orchiston, Wayne. Australian innovation in telescope design: origin of the horseshoe mounting. AAO Newsletter 97 (May 2001) 12-13.
Orchiston, Wayne and Richard Dodd. A Brief History of the Carter Observatory. Wellington: Carter Observatory, 1995. (Information Sheet No. 1). 10pp.
(23cm Cooke; 41cm Boller & Chivens)
Orchiston, Wayne. Cook, Banks, and the Gregorian Telescope in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society
#18 (1999) 4-9.
Orchiston, Wayne. The emergence of professional astronomy in nineteenth century Australia. Search 19:2 (1988) 76-81. (48in Grubb - Great Melbourne
Orchiston, Wayne. The English equatorial mounting and the history of the Fletcher Telescope. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 4:1 (2001) 29-42.
Orchiston, Wayne. From research to recreation: the rise and fall of Sydney Observatory. Vistas in Astronomy 32 (1988) 49-63. (7 1/4 inch Merz, 11.5 inch
Schroeder refractor, 6 inch transit. Director Russell, 15 inch mirror, horseshoe mount. 9 inch Taylor, Taylor, & Hobson Astrocamera.)
Orchiston, Wayne. The historic 23-cm refracting telescope at the Carter Observatory. In: Orchiston, W., and B. Carter, ed., Carter Observatory Astronomical
Handbook for 1997, Wellington, Carter Observatory, 1996. pp59-69. (23cm Thomas Cooke refractor, Taylor photovisual lens, from Edward Crossley)
Orchiston, Wayne. The Historic Astronomical Observatories in the Wellington Botanic Garden: A Brief Introduction. Wellington: Carter Observatory, 1995.
(Information Sheet No.5). 8pp. (5in Cooke refractor, 5.5in Grubb refractor, 9in Cooke refractor)
Orchiston, Wayne. Illuminating incidents in Antipodean astronomy: H.C. Russell and the origin of the Palomar-type mounting. Journal of the Antique Telescope
Society #19 (2000) 13-15.
Orchiston, Wayne. Illuminating incidents in Antipodean astronomy: John Tebutt and the founding of the Windsor Observatory. Journal of the British
Astronomical Association 98:6 (Oct. 1988) 287-292. (8.3cm Jones, Tornaghi ring micrometer; 2.1 inch Tornaghi transit; 11.4 cm Cooke)
Orchiston, Wayne. Illuminating incidents in Antipodean astronomy: Phillip Parker King and the founding of Sydney Observatory. Vistas in Astronomy 32
(1988) 285-301. (1.75in Troughton Azimuth-Altitude Circle, 2in Dollond transit, 2.75in equatorial refractor. 3.75 inch Jones meridian circle, Troughton transit,
Banks equatorial refractor, Berge refractor, zenith sector.)
Orchiston, Wayne. John Tebbutt and the Whakatane Eight Inch Refractor: a review of 'The Australian Connection'. Southern Stars 29 (1982) 215-244. (8 inch
Grubb, filar micrometer, Dawes solar eyepiece; W. Bone to Tebbutt to George Hoskins to Frank Bateson in Cook Islands, to New Zealand)
Orchiston, Wayne. Life-history of a telescope: the 17.8-cm refractor at the Riverview Observatory in Sydney. Australian Journal of Astronomy 1:2 (1985) 5780. (17.8 cm Cooke equatorial refractor, Cooke bifilar micrometer, polarizing solar eyepiece. List of 10 large amateur telescopes in Australia 1880-1925.)
Orchiston, Wayne. Linden Observatory, New South Wales: one man’s dream. Australian Journal of Astronomy 3 (1989) 63-74. (Beames) (Reflectors:
15.2cm, 30.5cm, 61cm Nasmyth. 15.2cm refractor.)
Orchiston, Wayne. Mission impossible: William Scott and the first Sydney Observatory directorship. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 1 (1998) 2143. (18.4cm Merz, 8.3cm Banks equatorial refractor with micrometer, mural circle & 9.5cm transit by Troughton)
Orchiston, Wayne. Observatories in the Wellington Botanic Garden. New Zealand Historic Places, March 1996, pp9-11. (5in Cooke refractor)
Orchiston, Wayne. Observatories of Victoria. 1: Dr William Bone and the Castlemaine Observatory. Melbourne: Astronomical Society of Victoria (Historical
Notes No. 3), 1986. 17pp. (11.9cm Wray, Ramsden micrometer, water clock drive, 1870s. 20.3cm Grubb refractor 1883)
(Orchiston) Martin, D., and Orchiston, W. Observatories of Victoria. 2: The Historic Bendigo Observatories of J. Nelson Jones and John Beebe. Melbourne:
Astronomical Society of Victoria (Historical Notes No. 4), 1987. 12pp. (1874 transit Venus, 6 inch Ertel with double image micrometer. 6 cm transit; 10-13cm
Orchiston, Wayne. The Observatory. In Knight, L. (ed.), Muskets and Marshes - The History of Meeanee - The Land, The People, The School; Napier: Knight,
1995. pp119-123. (23cm Cooke refractor, from Edward Crossley)
Orchiston, Wayne. The one that got away: the Matthews’ Reflector. The Astronomers’ Bulletin 4:1 (2001) 6. (45.7cm Calver, 21.6cm Browning)
Orchiston, Wayne. The role of the amateur in early Australian astronomy. Search 20 (1989) 16-23. (List of 26 private observatories; ATMs)
Orchiston, Wayne and Colin Bembrick. The role of the large reflecting telescope in amateur astronomy: an Australian case study. Australian Journal of
Astronomy 6 (1995) 53-74. (46cm Hans Madsen; 46cm f5 Calver; 21.6cm Browning; 46cm Bill James; 46cm R.W. Wigmore; 16.5cm, 31cm, & 46cm A.W.
Dobbie; 46cm Robert Wigmore; 66cm Henry Baker; 42cm F.D. Edmonds; 51cm Grubb-Parsons; 43cm & 61cm Kenneth Beames; 19 inch James Cook;
Henry Severn 1850s; 26.7cm, 27.3cm, 38cm Henry Chamberlain Russell; 25cm Hugh Wright; 16cm H.H. Kaler; 76cm Ian Bedford.)
Orchiston, Wayne. The role of the large refracting telescope in Australian amateur astronomy: an historical perspective. Australian Journal of Astronomy 7
(1997) 89-114. (15.2cm Clark; 15.9 & 17.7 cm Cooke; 15.2, 20.3, & 22.9cm Grubb; 15.2cm Merz; 12.2cm Schroeder; 15.9cm Wray)
Orchiston, Wayne. Sentinel of our Southern Heavens: The Windsor Observatory of John Tebbutt. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society #21 (2001) 11-23.
Orchiston, Wayne. Stephen Carkeek and New Zealand's Oldest Surviving Observatory. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society #20 (2001) 19-24.
Orchiston, Wayne. Sydney Observatory - past, present and future. British Astronomical Association, New South Wales Branch Bulletin 609, Supplement
(1982) 1-7. (7.25 inch Merz, 6 inch transit, 11.5 inch refractor, astrograph, large reflector)
(Orleans) La Dioptrique Oculaire, par le Pere Cherubin d'Orleans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 6 (1671) 3045-3050 (#78). (Book review;
p3047, theory & history of telescope)
(Orleans) An Accompt of Some Books. Reviews, pp3045-3050, La Dioptrique Oculaire, par le Pere Cherubin d'Orleans, Capuchin, A Paris, 1671, in Fol.
Philosophical Transactions 6 (1671) 3037-3050.
Osborne, Jack. A Spare Parts 40-inch Telescope. Sky & Telescope 60 (Aug. 1980) 97-98. (Howard Cowan / Lick Observatory)
Oshurko, V.V. Processing and Preliminary Investigations of the Main Mirror (2.6m) For the Telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. pp24-29.
New Methods in Astronomy, USSR. Washington: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1964.
Osterbrock, D.E. The California-Wisconsin Axis in American Astronomy. Sky and Telescope 51 (Jan. 1976) 9-14; 51 (Feb. 1976) 91-97.
Osterbrock, D.E. The Canada France Hawaii Telescope and George Willis Ritchey's Great Telescopes of the Future. Journal of the Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada 87:1 (Feb. 1993) 51-63.
Osterbrock, Donald E. Don Hendrix, master Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories optician. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 6:1 (2003) 1-12.
(expanded from J.A.T.S. 2001)
Osterbrock, Donald E. Don Hendrix, Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories Master Optician of Schmidt Cameras and Large Telescopes. Journal of the
Antique Telescope Society #21 (2001) 2-10.
Osterbrock, Donald E., John R. Gustafson, and W.J. Shiloh Unruh. Eye on the Sky: Lick Observatory's First Century. Berkeley: U. of California Press, 1988.
Osterbrock, Donald E. Getting the Picture: Wide-field Astronomical Photography from Barnard to the Achromatic Schmidt 1888-1992. Journal for the History of
Astronomy 25:1 (1994) 1-14.
Osterbrock, D.E. An Infrared Astronomer's Early Vision of Airborne Astronomy: Paul Merrill 1920. pp619-622. Airborne Astronomy; Symposium on the
Galactic Ecosystem: From Gas to Stars to Dust, 5-8 July 1994. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Volume 73, 1995, edited by Michael
R. Haas, Jacqueline A. Davidson, and Edwin F. Erickson. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1995.
Osterbrock, D.E. The observational approach to cosmology: U.S. observatories pre-World War II. pp247-289. Modern Cosmology in Retrospect. ed. B.
Bertotti, et al. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1990.
Osterbrock, Donald E. The Quest for More Photons: How Reflectors Supplanted Refractors as the Monster Telescopes of the Future at the End of the Last
Century. The Astronomy Quarterly 5 (1985) 87-95.
Osterbrock, Donald E. Telescope, History of. pp1575-1578. J.S. Rigden, ed. Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1996.
Osterbrock, Donald E. Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1950. The birth, near death, and resurrection of a scientific research institution. Chicago: U. Chicago Press,
1997. 384pp.
(Ottway, William. 1848-1915.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 76 (1916) 267ff.
Page, Thornton. Observatories of the World. Cambridge: S.A.O., 1967. (41pp)
Page, Thorntorn & Lou Williams Page. Telescopes: how to make them and use them. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1966.
Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim. Stars should henceforth register themselves: astrophotography at the early Lick Observatory. British Journal for the History of
Science 30 (1997) 177-202.
(Paris 49") Antoniadi, E. The Great Telescope of Paris. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 11 (1900) n.p.
(Paris 49") Ashbrook, Joseph. The Great Paris Telescope. Sky & Telescope 17 (Aug. 1958) 509.
(Paris 49") Butler, C.P. A Night with the Great Paris Telescope. Nature 62, #1615 (Oct. 11, 1900) 574-576.
(Paris 49") Debarbat, Suzanne and Francoise Launay. The Objectives of the 'Great Paris Exhibition Telescope' of 1900. Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument
Society 74 (2002) 22-23.
(Paris 49") The Great Telescope of the Paris Exposition of 1900. Scientific American 85:19 (Nov. 4, 1899) 298-299.
(Paris 49") How the Great Paris Telescope was Built. The Strand Magazine 19 (1900) 612ff. 7pp, 9 illus.
(Paris 49") Normand, Maurice. La Lune a Un Metre. L'Illustration #2979 (31 March 1900) 198-201.
(Paris 49") Williams, Archibald. The Romance of Modern Invention. London: Seeley, 1907. pp183-193.
Parker, Gary. Alonzo Jackman's Design for 'A Novel Telescope'. Vermont History 50:1 (1982) 13-22. (liquid mirror telescope)
Passemant, Claude Siméon. Construction d'un telescope par reflexion, de Mr. Newton, ayant seize pouces de longueur, & faisant l'effet d'une lunette de huit
pieds, et de plusieurs autres telescopes, depuis sept pouces jusqu'à six pieds & demi, ce dernier faisant l'effet d'une lunette de cent-cinquante pieds. Avec la
composition de la matière des miroirs, & la manière de les polir & de les monter. On y a joint un traité de l'art de faire facilement les grands verres objectifs,
les oculaires & des lentilles de différens foyers, avec la construction des lunettes & des microscopes, & leurs principaux usages. Ouvrage utile aux pilotes,
aux géographes, aux astronomes, aux physiciens, aux artistes qui vondront s'appliquer à cet art nouveau, & aux curieux qui souhaiteront se. Amsterdam:
Pierre Mortier, 1741. 212 pp. 1 plate. (construction & use of Newtonian & other telescopes; grinding and polishing of lenses.
Paul, Henry. Telescopes for Skygazing. N.Y.: Amphoto, 1966.
Payne, W. W. The Carleton College Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3 (March 1891) 85.
Payne, William. Large Telescopes of the World. The Sidereal Messenger 3:7 (Sept. 1884) 193-198. (list)
Pearson, William. An Introduction to Practical Astronomy. London, 1829. (volume 2, pp1-99, 122-126, 166-248, 272-277, 446-457, 517-531, 705-707)
Pearson, William. Telescope. Rees, Abraham, ed. The Cyclopaedia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. London: Longman, 1819.
Pease, F. G. Astronomical Telescopes. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 40 (Feb. 1928) 11-23. (#233)
Pease, F. G. The Ball-Bearing Support System for the 100-inch Mirror. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 44 (Oct. 1932) 308-312. (#261)
Pease, F. G. The New Fifty foot Stellar Interferometer. Scientific American 143 (1930) 290-293.
Pease, F. G. Notes on Atmospheric Effects Observed with the 100-Inch Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 36 (08/1924) 191197.
Pease, F. G. On the Design of Very Large Telescopes. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 38 (Aug. 1926) 195-207. (#224)
(Pease) Adams, Walter. Francis G. Pease. Astronomical Society of the Pacific 50 (1938) 119-121.
(Pease) Berendzen, Richard and Richard Hart. Pease, Francis Gladhelm. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970-.
(Pease) Stroemberg, Gustaf. Francis J. Pease 1881-1938. Popular Astronomy 46:7 (1938) 357-359.
(Pease, Francis. 1881-1938.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 99 (1938) 312.
(Peate) Ashbrook, Joseph. The Lost Legacy of Dr. Peate. Sky & Telescope 23:4 (April 1962) 210.
(Peate) Dodds, H.G. Report of Committee of the Erie Conference on the Dr. John Peate Reflecting Telescope. n.d., c.1920.
(Peate) Nielsen, Joyce E. William Rainey Harper College's Historic Telescope. Manuscript. May, 1993. 5pp.
(Peate) Preston, F.W. The First Big American Telescope Mirror: John Peate, His Lens. The Bulletin of the American Ceramic Society 15:4 (April 1936) 129152
(Peate) Preston, F.W. and William J. McGrath, Jr. John Peate, 1820-1903. From: Robert P. Multhauf, ed., Holcomb, Fitz and Peate: Three 19th Century
American Telescope Makers. United States National Museum Bulletin 228 (1962), pp. 171-180
Pedersen, Olaf. Sagredo's Optical Researches. Centaurus 13 (1968) 139-150. (Giacomo Bacci, Maestro Antonio: lenses for Galileo; Alvise Dalla Luna.)
Pendray, G. Edward. Men, Mirrors and Stars. N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1946.
Pepin, M. Barlow. The Emergence of the Telescope: Janssen, Lipperhey, and the Unknown Man. Duncanville: Pepin, 2002.
(The Perkins Observatory of Ohio Wesleyan University and Ohio State University). Columbus: Ohio State U. Press, 1939. 25pp. (J.W. Fecker, Warner &
Swasey 69 inch)
Perrotin, Joseph. Observatories of Europe. Astronomical Register 20 (1882) 203-209, 221-227, 245-256. 21 (1883) 178-185.
Perry, S.J. The Methods Employed and the Results Obtained in the Late Transit of Venus Expedition. pp39-66, Free Evening Lectures Delivered in
Connection with the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus 1876. London: Chapman & Hall, 1876.
(Petitdidier) Warner, Deborah Jean. Octave Leon Petitidier: Precision Optician. Rittenhouse 9:2 (Feb. 1995) 54-58.
Petrie, R.M. Builder of Solar Observatories. Sky & Telescope 23:4 (April, 1962) 187-193. (R.R. McMath)
Petrunin, Yuri and Eduard Trigubov. Dmitri Maksutov: the man and his telescopes. Sky & Telescope 102 (Dec. 2001) 52-58.
Pettersen, Bjorn. Christopher Hansteen and the first observatory at the University of Oslo, 1815-28. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 5:2 (2002)
123-134. (Sisson, Bidstrup, Reichenbach)
Pettersen, Bjørn Ragnvald. A leading nineteenth century instrument-maker in Norway and his astronomical and geodetic instruments. Journal of Astronomical
History and Heritage 7:2 (Dec. 2004) 95-102. (Christian Holberg Gran Olsen; observatory equatorial mounts; 36cm refractor, objective & mount,
Folkeobservatoriet, Oslo.)
Pettit, Edison. The Achromatic Refractor. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets #330, Nov. 1956. 8pp.
Pettit, Edison. The Earliest Observations of Prominences. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 55 (Aug. 1943) 184-189. (#325)
Pettit, Edison. The First Century of the Telescope. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflet #323, April 1956. 8pp.
Pettit, E. & F. Slocum. Observations of Solar Prominences with a Lyot Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 45 (Aug. 1933) 187189. (#266)
Pettit, Edison. The Reflecting Properties of Aluminum-Surfaced Mirrors. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 46 (#269) (Feb. 1934) 27-31.
Pettit, Edison. The Reflector. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets #331, Dec. 1956. 8pp.
Pettit, Edison. A Telescope of Galileo. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 51 (June 1939) 147-150. (#301) (replica by Cipriani)
Philip, A.G. Davis. A Visit to the Soviet Union's 6-meter Reflector. Sky & Telescope 47 (May 1974) 290-295.
Physical Society of London, and The Optical Society. A Discussion on the Making of Reflecting Surfaces, 26 November, 1920. London, n.d.
Pickering, Edward. A Large Southern Telescope. Sept. 1892. 3pp. (ADS Harvard College Observatory Papers v4, pp228-230)
Pickering, Edward. Large Telescopes. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 16 (N.S. 8) (April 13, 1881) 364-369. (Reprinted, Nature
24 (Aug. 1881) 389.) (Reprinted, Science 2 (#74) (Nov. 26, 1881) 564-566.) (horizontal, coelostat-fed) (ADS Harvard College Observatory Papers v1
Pickering, William. Telescope Mountings and Domes. Astronomy and Astro-Physics, January 1894, pp1-8.
Pickering, William. The Zenith Equatorial. Popular Astronomy 26 (1918) 238-241. (siderostat, transit, seeing)
Pihl, Mogens. Klingenstierna, Samuel. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--. (achromat)
Pilachowski, Caty and Mark Trueblood. Telescopes of the 21st Century. Mercury, Sept.-Oct. 1998, pp10-17.
Pipping, Gunnar. The Chamber of Physics. Instruments in the History of Sciences Collections of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.
Uppsala: Tryckeri, 1991.
(Pistor & Martins) Reflexions-Instrumente. Astronomische Nachrichten 23 (2 Oct. 1845) 313-342. (#548)
(Pistor & Martins) Zaun, Joerg. Pistor & Martins, die Erbauer der Berliner Meridiankreise. pp91-106. W. R. Dick & K. Fritze, ed. 300 Jahre Astronomie in
Berlin und Potsdam. Acta Historica Astronomiae 8. Frankfurt: Deutsch, 2000.
Plaskett, H. H. Astronomical telescopes (Presidential Address, 1946). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 106 (1946) 80-94.
Plaskett, H. H. The Oxford solar telescope and Hartmann tests of its performance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 99 (Jan. 1939) 219-238
(Grubb, Cyril Young)
Plaskett, H. H. The Oxford 35 m solar telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 115 (1955) 542-549. (Grubb, Sisson)
Plaskett, J.S. Ambrose Swasey, Engineer, Scientist, Philanthropist. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 31 (Dec. 1937) 409-416.
Plaskett, J.S. Description of Building and Equipment. Publications of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory 1:1 (1920) 1-103.
Plaskett, J.S. The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 39 (April 1927) 88-96. (#228)
Plaskett, J.S. The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B.C. The Observatory 47 (Nov. 1924) 329-335.
Plaskett, J.S. The 82-inch Mirror of the Mcdonald Observatory. Astrophysical Journal 89 (Jan. 1939) 84-98.
Plaskett, J.S. A Great Reflector for Canada. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 7 (Dec. 1913) 448-455.
Plaskett, J.S. The Optical Parts of the 72-inch Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 14 (June 1920) 177-199.
Plaskett, J.S. The 72-inch Reflecting Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 8 (June 1914) 180-187.
Plaskett, J.S. The 72-Inch Reflecting Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 10 (Aug. 1916) 275-280.
Plaskett, J.S. The 72-inch Reflecting Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 12 (Oct. 1918) 397-410.
Plaskett, J.S. The 72-inch Reflecting Telescope of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B. C. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the
Pacific 30 (Oct. 1918) 267-282. (#177)
Plaskett, J.S. The Work of the Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 18 (April 1924) 169-175.
(Plaskett) Jarrell, Richard. The Instrument was Instrumental: Plaskett's Telescope and Canadian Astronomy Between the Wars. Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada 87:4 (1993) 218-222. (DAO 72 inch Brashear)
(Plaskett) Jarrell, Richard. J.S. Plaskett and the Modern Large Reflecting Telescope. Journal for the History of Astronomy 30:4 (1999) 359-390.
(Plaskett) Jones, H. Spencer. John Stanley Plaskett, 1865-1941. Obituary Notices of Fellows of The Royal Society 4 (Nov. 1942) 67-82.
(Plaskett) Redman, R.O. Plaskett, John Stanley (1865-1941). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Nov. 2004.
Plassmann, Joseph, ed. Hevelius: Handbuch fuer Freunde der Astronomie und kosmischen Physik. Berlin: Duemmlers, 1922. (pp451-481,
Plummer, H. C. The development of the vertical telescope. (Presidential Address, 1941) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 101 (1941) 165172.
Pond, John. On the Declinations of some of the principal fixed Stars; with a Description of an Astronomical Circle, and some Remarks on the Construction of
Circular Instruments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 96 (1806) 420-434. (434-454 tables, JSTOR missing plate, 2-3/4-inch circle, Pearson
pl 24)
(Pond, John 1767-1836.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 4 (1837) 31-37.
(Pond) Murray, C. Andrew. Pond, John (bap. 1767, d. 1836). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Nov. 2004.
Porta, John Baptista. Natural Magick. London, 1658. Reprint, N.Y.: Basic Books, 1957. pp355-381.
Porta, Giovanni Battista della. De Telescopio. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 1962 (1612). introduction by Vasco Ronchi & Maria Naldoni. 163pp.
(Porta) Rienstra, M. Howard. Porta, Giambattista Della. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
Porter, Russell. The Enclosed Observing Room. Popular Astronomy 25 (1917) 296-300.
Porter, Russell. Germ Book, Dated 1921-1926. Notebook kept by R.W. Porter. Springfield: Springfield Telescope Makers, 1993.
Porter, Russell. Knife Edge Shadows: photography as an aid to testing mirrors. Astrophysical Journal 47 (June 1918) 324-328.
Porter, Russell. Mirror Making for Reflecting Telescopes. Scientific American 134 (February 1926) 86-89.
Porter, Russell. Mountings for Reflecting Telescopes. Scientific American 134 (March 1926) 164-167.
Porter, Russell. A New Form of Mounting for Large Reflectors. Popular Astronomy 26 (1918) 147-149.
Porter, Russell. A New Mounting for a Reflecting Telescope. Popular Astronomy 29:5 (May 1921) 249-251.
Porter, Russell. U.S. Patent 1,468,973 Sept. 25, 1923. Reflecting telescope (Garden telescope).
Porter, Russell. The Polar Reflecting Telescope. Popular Astronomy 24 (1916) 308-316.
Porter, Russell. The Poor Man's Telescope. Popular Astronomy 29:9 (Nov. 1921) 527-536.
Porter, Russell. The Theodolite for Testing Telescopic Specula. Popular Astronomy 24 (1916) 370-371.
(Porter, R.) Heckathorn, Ted. Porter, Russell Williams. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.
(Porter) Ingalls, Albert. 'Telescoptics': Erecting Images with Porro Prisms. Scientific American, November, 1947.
(Porter) Marshall, Oscar. Russell W. Porter. The Vermonter 33:8 (1928) 118-122.
(Porter) The Porter Garden Telescope. Springfield: Jones & Lamson, 1923. 15pp.
(Porter) Scanlon, Leo. The Porter Garden Telescope. Review of Popular Astronomy, Jan.-Feb. 1962, pp22-25.
(Porter) Scanlon, Leo & Margaret. R.W.P. - Telescope Artist. Sky & Telescope 8:6 (April 1949) 143-145.
(Porter) Spaight, John. The Porter Garden Telescope. Rittenhouse 6 (1992) 97-102.
(Porter) Waldron, Webb. One Really Happy Man. The American Magazine, November 1931.
(Porter) Willard, Berton. Russell W. Porter: Arctic Explorer, Artist, Telescope Maker. Freeport: Bond Wheelwright, 1976.
(Porter) Wright, Helen. Porter, Russell Williams. Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement 4, J. Garraty & E. James, editors. N.Y.: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1974.
Potter,Richard. Instructions, mathematical and practical, on a method for polishing concave lenses and specula, with certainty, to figures produced by the
revolutions of any of the conic sections about their major axes. Edinburgh Journal of Science 6 (1832) 228-238.
Potter, Richard. On various Improvements in the casting, working, &c. of Specula for Reflecting Telescopes, with sundry Hints for Amateur Opticians.
Edinburgh Journal of Science 4 (1831) 13-27.
(Potter) Chen, Xiang. To See Or Not To See: The Uses of Photometers and Measurements of Reflective Power. Perspectives on Science 8:1 (2000) 1-28.
Potts, R.W. Vignettes of Telescope Making History. Sky & Telescope 6 (May 1947) 16-18.
Preston, Richard. First Light: the search for the edge of the universe. N.Y.: Atlantic Monthly, 1987. (Palomar)
Priestley, Joseph. The History and Present State of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light, and Colours. London: J. Johnson, 1772; n.d., Millwood, Kraus
Reprint. (pp. 55-82, On the Invention of Telescopes and Microscopes, with their first improvements. pp210-236, Improvements in Optical Instruments.
pp339-347, Sir Isaac Newton's Improvement in Telescopes. pp729-750, Improvements in Optical Instruments.)
Prince, John. Description of a new Stand for a Reflecting Telescope. Transactions of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (1832).
Pritchard, C. On the Relations existing between the Forms proposed by Sir John Herschel and by Gauss for the Aplanatic Object-Glass. Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society 25 (1865) 25-28.
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Schlesinger, Frank. A Description of the Porter Spectrograph, and a Determination of the Solar Rotation. Publications of the Allegheny Observatory 3:13
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Schlesinger, F. A Southern Telescope. The Observatory 47 (July 1924) 221-223.
Schlesinger, F. The Yale Telescope at Johannesburg, South Africa. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 38 (June 1926) 141-147. (#223)
Schmidt, Bernhard. Ein lichtstarkes komafreies Spiegelsystem. Mitteilungen der Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf 7 (1932) 15-17. (#36). (Reprint, CentralZeitung fuer Optik und Mechanik 52:2, 1931)
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Radium Therapy 59:1 (Jan. 1948) 122-131. (Reprinted, pp365-372, Ingalls, Albert, ed. Amateur Telescope Making, Book Three. N.Y.: Scientific American,
1953, 1969. A.T.M., vol. 2, pp507-512, Richmond: Willmann-Bell, 1996.)
(Schmidt) Marx, S. and W. Pfau. Astrophotography with the Schmidt Telescope. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1990. Translated by P. Lamble.
(Schmidt) Mayall, N. U. Berhard Schmidt and his Coma-Free Reflector. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 58 (1946) 282-290. (Includes
translation of biography by R. Schorr, Astronomische Nachrichten 258 (1936) 45; and translation of Schmidt, 'A Rapid Coma-Free Mirror System'.)
(Reprinted, p373-375, Ingalls, Albert, ed. Amateur Telescope Making, Book Three. N.Y.: Scientific American, 1953, 1969. Reprinted with translator's credit,
A.T.M., vol. 2, p517-520, Richmond: Willmann-Bell, 1996.)
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(Schmidt) Schmidt, Erik. Notes on the Childhood and Youth of Bernard Schmidt. Irish Astronomical Journal 3:8 (Dec. 1955) 240-245.
(Schmidt) Wachmann, A.A. From the Life of Bernhard Schmidt. Sky & Telescope, November 1955, pp4-9.
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Philosophical Magazine 1 (July 1798) 113-118.
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Schur, Wilhelm. On the Correction of the Secondary Image by the Employment of Herr Mittenzwey's Fluorescine-Cell. Astronomical Register 22 (1884) 192.
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Servus, H. Die Geschichte des Fernrohrs, bis auf die neueste Zeit. Berlin: Springer, 1886. 135pp. (pp121ff, Spiegelteleskope)
Severny, A.B. Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. Sky & Telescope 14:12 (Oct. 1955) 500-501. (40 inch reflector, 50 inch reflector, 20 inch coude Maksutov,
16 inch astrograph, 16 inch solar tower telescope, Lyot coronagraph, 25 inch coma free telescope, 12 inch horizontal solar telescope with spectrohelioscope)
Seyfert, Carl. The New Arthur J. Dyer Observatory. Sky & Telescope 13:3 (Jan. 1954) 72-74. (Perkin Elmer / Fecker, 24 inch Baker Schmidt-type camera,
convertible to Newtonian / Cassegrain)
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Shankland, Paul D. and Wayne Orchiston. Lost and Found: Saga of the Historic Clark Refractor at the U.S. Naval Academy. Journal of the Antique Telescope
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Shannon, R.R. Giant Telescopes: A Review of the January Tucson Meeting. Optics News (OSA) 6:2 (1980) 12-15.
Shapley, Harlow. Note on the Simple Device for Increasing a Photo-Graphic Power of Large Telescopes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
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(Sharp) Airy, G.B. Description of Abraham Sharp's Quadrant. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 26 (Nov. 1865) 31-32.
(Sharp) Heineken, N.S. Relics of the Mechanical Productions of Abraham Sharp, the assistant of Flamsteed. Philosophical Magazine 30 (1847) 25-27.
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Sharp, Donald E. Note on the Manufacture of Telescope Discs in America. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 16 (June 1922) 175-178.
(Spencer Lens)
Shea, William R. The Revelations of the Telescope. Nuncius 11:2 (1996) 507-526.
Shectman, Stephen & Matt Johns. The Magellan Telescopes. pp910-918. Proceedings of SPIE 4837. Large Ground-based Telescopes. J. Oschmann & L.
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Sheehan, William. Planets & Perception: Telescopic Views and Interpretations, 1609-1909. Tucson: U. Arizona Press, 1988.
Sheepshanks, Richard. Circle, Astronomical; vol 7, pp185-194. Collimator; vol 7, pp349-350. Equatorial Instrument; vol 9, pp484-491. Repeating Circle;
vol 19, pp395-400. Theodolet or Theodolite; vol 24, pp314-317. Transit or Transit Instrument; vol 25, pp122-134. Penny Cyclopedia of the Society for the
Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London: Charles Knight, 1837.
Sheepshanks, R. On a Clock for giving Motion in Right Ascension to Equatorial Instruments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 3:6 (1834) 4046. (Simms)
Sheepshanks, R. Remarks on a telescope, fitted up as an equal altitude instrument, exhibited at the meeting, Jan. 9, 1835. Monthly Notices of the Royal
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(Sheepshanks) Clerke, A.M. (Revised by Michael Hoskin). Sheepshanks, Richard (1794-1855). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University
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(Sheepshanks, Richard 1794-1855.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 16 (Feb. 1856) 90-97
Shook, G.A. The Limit of the Astronomical Telescope. Popular Astronomy 28 (1920) 590-595; 29 (1921) 14-18.
Short, James. ...Description and Uses of an Equatorial Telescope. Philosophical Transactions 46 (1749-1750) 241-246.
Short, James. A Method of working the Object Glasses of Refracting Telescopes truly Spherical. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 59 (Dec.
1769) 507-511.
Short, James. ...a Paper of the Late Servington Savery, Esq; Relating to His Invention of a New Micrometer. (A new Way of measuring...with a Micrometer
placed in a Telescope, by Servington Savery.) Philosophical Transactions 48 (1753) 165-178.
(Short) Bryden, D.J. James Short and his Telescopes. Edinburgh: Bell & Bain, 1968.
(Short) Bryden, D.J. James Short, M.A., F.R.S., Optician Solely for Reflecting Telescopes. University of Edinburgh Journal 24:4 (Autumn 1970) 251-261.
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(Short) Potts, R.W. Vignettes of Telescope Making History. Sky & Telescope 6 (July 1947)16-18.
(Short) Turner, Gerard L'E. James Short and the Reflecting Telescope. pp101-106, 12th Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences, Paris, 1968, volume
10A; Blanchard: Paris, 1971.
(Short) Turner, Gerard L'E. James Short, F.R.S., and his Contribution to the Construction of Reflecting Telescopes. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of
London 24 (1969) 91-108. Reprinted in G. Turner, Scientific Instruments & Experimental Philosophy; Aldershot: Variorum, 1990.
(Short) Turner, G. L'E. Mr. James Short, Optician, Founding Member of the Society. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 118 (1970) 788-792.
(Short) Turner, G. L'E. A Portrait of James Short, F.R.S., Attributable to Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 22 (Sept.
1967) 105-112.
(Short) Willach, Rolf. James Short and the Development of the Reflecting Telescope. Journal of the Antique Telescope Society #20 (2001) 3-18.
Sidgwick, J.B. William Herschel, Explorer of the Heavens. London: Faber & Faber, 1953.
(Silvered Mirror Telescopes - Their Merits and Disadvantages.) Intellectual Observer 11 (1867) 176-180. (Browning, With)
Simmons, Mike. Optical Configurations for Astronomical Photography. Sky & Telescope 60 (July 1980) 64-70.
Simms, J. Description of a Zenith Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 28 (March 1868)161-162.
(Simms, J.) H.P.H. James Simms. The Observatory 38 (1915) 471-473.
(Simms, James. 1828-1915.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 76 (1916) 268-271.
Simms, William. The Achromatic Telescope and its various mountings, especially the equatorial. London: Troughton & Simms, 1852. 74pp.,16pp catalog.
Simms, William. Some Remarks upon the Achromatic Object-Glass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 25 (1865) 22-25. (Remarks: Pritchard,
Dallmeyer, Slater, Hodgson, Airy.)
Simms, William. A Treatise on the Principal Mathematical Instruments employed in Surveying, Levelling, and Astronomy. London: Troughton & Simms, 1849.
(pp65-70, 92-99, transit etc.)
(Simms, William. 1817-1907.) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 67 (1907) 237ff.
Singer, Charles. Steps Leading to the Invention of the First Optical Apparatus. pp385-413, 533-534. Studies in the History and Method of Science, vol. 2.
Charles Singer, ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1921. (408-412, Jansen, Lippershey, Metius.)
Sinnott, Roger and David Tytell. A Galaxy of Telescopes. Sky & Telescope 100 (Aug. 2000) 42-51.
Sinnott, Roger. The Keck Telescope's Giant Eye. Sky & Telescope 80 (July 1990) 15-22.
Sinnott, Roger. Notes on Fixed Telescopes Fed by Mirrors. Sky & Telescope 70:1 (July 1985) 73-75. (siderostat, heliostat, coelostat)
Sinnott, Roger. Old Telescopes at Hartness House. Sky & Telescope 50 (Nov. 1975) 332-338.
Sinnott, Roger. Optical Innovator Dies. Sky & Telescope 69 (May 1985) 461. (Anton Kutter)
Sinnott, Roger. The Wandering Stars of Allegheny. Sky & Telescope 74 (Oct. 1987) 360-363. (30 inch Brashear; Sumner UA OSC)
Sinnott, Roger and Kari Nyren. The World's Largest Telescopes. Sky & Telescope 86 (July 1993) 27-32.
Sisson, G.M. On the Design of Large Telescopes. Vistas in Astronomy 3 (1960) 92-106. (Grubb)
Skinner, A.N. The United States Naval Observatory. Science 9 (#210) (Jan. 6, 1899) 1-16.
Slipher, V.M. The Lowell Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 39 (1927) 143-54.
Slugg, Josiah T. The Telescope, Its Construction and Use Explained. Manchester: Heywood, Ireland & Co., 1860. 97pp, including 7pp catalog of telescopes
& accessories retailed by Slugg.
Sluiter, Engel. The First Known Telescopes Carried to America, Asia, and the Arctic, 1614-39. Journal for the History of Astronomy 28:2 (1997) 141-145.
Sluiter, Engel. The Telescope before Galileo. Journal for the History of Astronomy 28 (1997) 223-234.
Smeaton, J. Description of a New Method of Observing the Heavenly Bodies out of the Meridian. Philosophical Transactions 58 (1768) 170-173. (technique
using transit telescope)
Smeaton, John. Observation of...Mercury...with an Equatorial Micrometer, of His Own Invention and Workmanship; Accompanied with an Investigation of a
Method of Allowing for Refraction in Such Kind of Observations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 77 (1787) 318-343.
(Smeaton) Skempton, A.W. (ed.). John Smeaton F.R.S. London: Telford (1981). (pp. 10, 36, 250)
Smethwick, Francis. An Account of the Invention of Grinding Optick and Burning Glasses of a Figure not Sphericall. Philosophical Transactions 3 (1668) 631632.
Smiley, Charles H. The Schmidt Camera. Popular Astronomy 44 (1936) 415-421.
Smith, Caleb. A new Method of improving and perfecting Catadioptrical Telescopes, by forming the Speculums of Glas instead of Metal. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society 41 (1739-1741) 326-340 (#456).
Smith, F. Graham and J. Dudley. The Isaac Newton Telescope. Journal for the History of Astronomy 13:1 (1982) 1-18.
Smith, G. Stanley. The Meniscus Telescope. Nature 155 (June 30, 1945) 798-799. (Maksutov)
Smith, Hamilton L. Reflecting Telescopes. Annals of Science 1 (1853) 104-105, 117-118, 127-128, 141-142, 188-189, 200-201.
Smith, Harlan J. McDonald Observatory's 107-inch Reflector. Sky & Telescope 36 (Oct. 1968) 360-367. (Westinghouse / Davidson Optronics)
Smith, Julian. Charles Potter, Optician and Instrument Maker. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 87:1 (1993) 15-33. (Toronto; also Mungo
Smith, Robert. A Compleat System of Opticks in Four Books, viz. A popular, a mathematical, a mechanical, and a philosophical treatise. To which are added
remarks upon the whole. Cambridge, 1738. Vol.1, 280pp; Vol.2, pp281-455. 83 plates.
(Smith, R.) Barrow-Green, June. 'A Corrective to the Spirit of too Exclusively Pure Mathematics': Robert Smith (1689-1768) and his Prizes at Cambridge
University. Annals of Science 56 (1999), 271-316.
(Smith, R.) Cantor, Geoffrey. Smith, Robert (bap. 1689, d. 1768). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004. Nov. 2004.
(Smith, R.) Courtney, W.P. Smith, Robert. Volume 18, pp517-519. Sidney Lee, ed. Dictionary of National Biography. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1909.
(Smith, R.) Morse, Edgar W. (U.C. Davis, Cal State Sonoma). Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Gillispie, ed. New York: Scribner, 1970--.
(Smith, R.) Steffens, Henry. The Development of Newtonian Optics in England. N.Y.: Science History, 1977.
Smith, Robert W. The Biggest Kind of Big Science: Astronomers and the Space Telescope. pp184-211. Galison, Peter, & Bruce Hevly, editors. Big Science:
The Growth of Large-Scale Research. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992.
Smith, Robert W. and Joseph Tatarewicz. Counting on Invention: Devices and Black Boxes in Very Big Science. Osiris 9 (1994) 101-123.
Smith, Robert W. Engines of Discovery: Scientific instruments and the history of astronomy and planetary science in the United States in the Twentieth
Century. Journal for the History of Astronomy 28 (1997) 49-77.
Smith, Robert W. The Future of the History of Astronomy: The Space Telescope History Project. Vistas in Astronomy 28 (1985) 375-376.
Smith, Robert W. The Space Telescope, a study of NASA, science, technology, and politics. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1989. 478pp.
Smith, Robert W. Ten Years and Counting: HST in Orbit. Sky & Telescope 99 (April 2000) 28-34.
Smith, T. and R.W. Cheshire. Additional Data for the Construction of Small Telescope Objectives. n.p., n.d. National Physical Laboratory, circa 1920s.
Smyth, W.H. Aedes Hartwellianae, or Notices of the Manor and Mansion of Hartwell. London: Nichols & Son, 1851. (pp223-256, equatorial, transit,
Smyth, W.H. An Account of a Private Observatory, recently erected at Bedford. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1 (Dec. 1830) 197-200.
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Optical Instruments. Library of Useful Knowledge. London: SDUK, 1827. 60pp. (micrometer)
Sollitt, Mr. The Composition and Figuring of the Specula for Reflecting Telescopes. Annals of Science 2:1 (1854) 11-12. (Review of paper in Proceedings of the
British Association, Athen., No. 1352).
Sorrenson, Richard. Dollond & Son's Pursuit of Achromaticity, 1758-1789. History of Science 39 (2001) 31-55.
South, James. On the discordances between the Sun's observed and computed Right Ascensions….Also a description of the seven-feet Transit….
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 116 (1826) 423-483.
(Speculum) pp832-834, New American Encyclopedia. George Ripley & Charles Dana, ed. N.Y.: Appleton, 1872.
(Spencer) Charles A. Spencer. American Monthly Microscopical Journal 2 (1881) 193-195.
(Spencer) Smith, Hamilton L. Memoir of Charles A. Spencer. Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists 4 (1882) 49-75.
(Spencer) Stowell, Charles. Charles A. Spencer. The Microscope and its Relation to Medicine and Pharmacy 1:5 (1881) 129-255.
Spencer, Charles Achilles. Spencer, Herbert Ruthven. The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, vol. 13. N.Y.: White, 1936.
(Spider's Webs to form the cross Wires in the Eye Piece of Astronomical and other Instruments). Nicholson's Journal 1 (1802) 319-320.
Spiller, Elizabeth. Reading through Galileo's Telescope: Margaret Cavendish and the Experience of Reading. Renaissance Quarterly 53:1 (2000) 192-221.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. The Astronomical Advantages of an Extra-terrestrial Observatory. Project Rand report, Douglas Aircraft Co., 01 September 1946.
Reprinted, Astronomy Quarterly 7:3 (1990) 129-142. Reprinted, Dreams, stars, and electrons: selected writings of Lyman Spitzer, Jr. Editors: Lyman
Spitzer, Jr. & J.P. Ostriker. Princeton: Princeton U. Press, 1997.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. Astronomical Research with a Large Orbiting Telescope. pp88-98, Manned Laboratories in Space, Proceedings of the 2nd International
Orbital Laboratory Symposium, 19th International Astronautical Congress, New York, October 18th, 1968; Dordrecht: Reidel, 1969, ed. Fred S. Singer.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. Astronomical Research with the Large Space Telescope. Science 161 (July 1968) 225-229. (#3838)
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. The Beginnings and Future of Space Astronomy. American Scientist 50 (Sept. 1962) 473-484.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. Flying Telescopes. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 17 (1961) 191-194.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. History of the Large Space Telescope. pp3-6; Large Space Telescope, A New Tool for Science; AIAA 12th Aerospace Science Meeting,
30 Jan.-01 Feb. 1974.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. History of the Space Telescope. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 20 (March 1979) 29-36.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. Horizons in Astronomy. American Scientist 43 (1955) 323-330.
Spitzer, Jr., L. Opening Remarks. pp1-3, Scientific Research with the Space Telescope, Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 54, Princeton, 8-11 August, 1979; ed.
M.S. Longair & J.W. Warner, NASA CP-2111, 1980.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. The Space Telescope. American Scientist 66 (July-Aug. 1978) 426-431.
Spitzer, Jr., Lyman. Space Telescopes and Components. Astronomical Journal 65:5 (June 1960) 242-263. Dec. 28-30, 1959 conference, 'Astronomical
Observations from Above the Earth's Atmosphere', papers printed in AJ 65:5.
(Spitzer) Field, George. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. (1914-1997). Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 110 (March 1998) 215-222.
(Spitzer) King, Ivan R. Obituary: Lyman Spitzer, 1914-1997. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 29:4 (1997) 1489-1491.
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pp.i - 56)
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