Title of the Study Program Title of the Module Faculty, Department Instructor Address Language of Instruction Required Prerequisites Suggested Academic Cycle or Year of Studies Semester ECTS Credits Contact Hours per Week Compulsory / Elective Methods of Teaching Form of Assessment Music Conducting The Institute of Culture and Arts Education, Department of Music Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasa Kirliauskienė Studentų 39, Vilnius LT- 08106, tel. +370 5 275 21 97, rasakirl@yahoo.co.uk English None Bachelor degree studies Autumn/Spring 2 2 Compulsory Lectures, practice and individual consultations Cumulative mark Course Description The course aims at music teacher's preparation for the high school to enable them to supervise different school choirs, ensembles and be able to use these abilities in music lessons. The course introduces to technical basics of choir's conducting, conducting "machine" and its functions (body, arms, legs and head positions), conductor's gestures (mimics, look, arms coordination). The topics of the course: Conducting techniques (auflact, its types, conducting schemes, simple dual, tripal way meters, legato, non legato conducting, fermata, pauses); Conducting practice; Vocal - choir singing, voicing, choir partiture playing experience; Analysis of choral piece through theoretical, vocal and artistic aspects; Practical application of conducting skills in studio group or school choir; Perception of art as artistic valuables, aiming of growing personal spiritual world based on humanistic virtues. Readings 1. Brenda Smith, D.M.A. and Robert Thayer Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A. Choral pedagogy, 2006. Available at: http://www.pluralpublishing.com/publications 2. Masienė V. Choro dirigavimo pagrindai. Kaunas: Šviesa, 2001. 3. Norman Lebrecht, The Maestro Myth: Great Conductors in Pursuit of Power, 2nd Rev & Up edition, Citadel Press 2001. 4. Žiūraitienė A. Manualinės technikos pratimai būsimam dirigentui. Šiauliai: ŠPI, 1994.