1 Supplementary Data 2 3 Identification of strain BK-58 4 Methods 5 The identification of strain BK-58 was based on its morphological characteristics, 6 physiological and biochemical properties, and nucleotide sequence analysis of 16S 7 rDNA. The morphological characteristics of BK-58 were observed by an optical 8 microscope. To investigate the physiological and biochemical properties of strain BK-58, 9 dozens of analyses were performed, such as gram stain, Vogas-Proskauer, liquefaction 10 of gelatin, and nitrate reduction. For the sequence analysis, 16S rDNA was amplified by 11 PCR using the oligonucleotide primers P16S-8: 5′-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCA-3′ 12 and P16S-1541: 5′-AAGGAGGTGATCCAGCCGCA -3′ with genomic DNA as the 13 template. The PCR products were purified by a DNA Gel Extraction Kit (Axygen) and 14 were then ligated with pUCm-T (Sangon Biotech, Shanghai, China) and transformed 15 into Escherichia coli DH5α competent cells. A positive clone was selected, sequenced, 16 and compared with sequences in the GenBank database using the BLAST program. The 17 identification of phylogenetic neighbors was initially carried out by the BLASTN 18 program against the database containing type strains with validly published prokaryotic 19 names and representatives of uncultured phylotypes. The top 30 sequences with the 20 highest scores were then selected for the calculation of pairwise sequence similarity 21 using the global alignment algorithm, which was implemented at the EzTaxon-e server 1 22 (http://eztaxon-e.ezbiocloud.net/). To construct the phylogenetic tree, the sequences 23 were retrieved from the EzTaxon-e database individually, and the phylogenetic tree was 24 constructed by MEGA 5.2 based on the neighbor-joining method with bootstrapping 25 1000 times. 26 27 Results 28 Single colonies of strain BK-58 appeared within 48 h of incubation on nutrient agar. 29 The colonies were smooth, moist, opaque, and circular. Furthermore, the cells were 30 gram-negative straight rods and no motility or flagellum was observed. The 31 morphological and physiological properties of strain BK-58 (Supplementary table 1) 32 indicated that strain BK-58 belonged to the genus Klebsiella and was most similar to 33 Klebsiella oxytoca. 34 A 16S rDNA fragment containing 1454 bp of strain BK-58 was deposited in the 35 GenBank database under accession number KF469213. Multiple alignments revealed 36 that the 16S rDNA sequence was closely related to that of K. oxytoca (AB053117, 37 99.86 % similarity). Phylogenetic relationships and the approximate phylogenetic 38 position of the strain are shown in Supplementary figure 1. By examining 39 morphological, physiological, and biochemical properties and comparing the 16S rDNA 40 gene sequence, strain BK-58 was assigned to the genus Klebsiella and is most closely 41 related to K. oxytoca. The strain was named Klebsiella sp. BK-58 and was deposited in 42 the China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center (CGMCC NO.4949, 2 43 Beijing, China). 44 3 45 46 Supplementary Table 1 Morphological and physiological properties of Klebsiella sp. BK-58 Characteristics Properties Anaerobic growth + Glucose O/F + Catalase + Cytochrome oxidase - Citrate utilization + Formation of H2S - Vogas-Proskauer + Liquefaction of gelatin - Nitrate reduction + Indole production + Lysine decarboxylation - Ornithine decarboxylation - Malonate utilization - Urease + MR test - Growth at 10 °C /44.5 °C + Arginine dihydrolase - Carbon source utilizing D-Glucose + Lactose + Sucrose + D-Mannitol + D-Arabinose + Rhamnose + D-Sorbitol + Raffinose + 4 47 Supplementary Figure 1 Phylogenetic tree for Klebsiella sp. BK-58 and related strains 48 based on the 16S rDNA sequence. The numbers in parentheses are accession numbers of 49 published sequences. The accession number of the 16S rDNA sequence of Klebsiella sp. 50 BK-58 is KF469213. Pectobacterium chrysanthemi was used as the out-group 51 5