Varun Saxena - Robert Weiner Associates

Varun Saxena
Apt No. 303 1211 13th Street, NW
Washington, DC, 20005
Cell: 860-861-4282
The George Washington University, Washington, DC
December 2008, B.S. Economics
Economics Coursework: game theory, human resource economics (with an emphasis on healthcare
economics), economics of crime, public finance, senior thesis in economics
Technical Skills:
• Technically oriented coursework: calculus I & II, econometrics I & II, mathematical statistics, database management, computer
programming (java)
• Applications used: Lexis Nexus, Word, Excel, Access, Visual Basic, E-views, Stats, SPSS, SAS, VBA,
• Experience creating economic models
o At BLS, analyzed the wages of prison guards for publication in Monthly Labor Review journal
o Created a dataset of jails that are common to two surveys – the Occupational and Employment Statistics Survey and
the Census of Jails, which collects information on specific institutions
o Used institution level wage and “demographic” data as basis for a regression to estimate the wage determinants
o For semester long senior thesis conducted a study analyzing the impact of armed campus police on campus crime
o Estimated a log-log regression on a panel data set containing over 1,000 data points; dataset was created using
information gathered in the Library of Congress
Employment History:
Robert Weiner Associates: Policy Analyst, Washington, DC
August 2010 - Present
• Write editorials for publication in prominent national newspapers for a public affairs firm
• Generate press coverage at local and national level for clients such as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Journalist, Washington, DC
Spring 2008 - Present
• Articles can be viewed at
• Reporter for; articles can be viewed at
• To view an academic writing sample, google, “Varun Saxena Norman Rockwell”
Singapore Management University: Research Assistant, Washington, DC
April 2010 - Present
• Assist Dr. Sudhi Seshadri advance his research interests in the fields of “green business” and marketing
• Manage and create a survey of biodiesel firms
• Will be a coauthor of a paper that summarizes the responses and statistically analyzes them using the Karnani model of competition
Fuelogical: Business Analyst, Singapore
February 2010 – April 2010
• Fuelogical is a startup biodiesel manufacturer with approximately 10 employees
• Assist in the development of the firm’s pricing strategy by tracking the price of biodiesel
• Inform the Managing Director of the latest news and developments in the market for alternative energy
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): Economist, Washington, DC
• Disseminated occupational employment data by writing for BLS publications and BLS website
• Reviewed the microdata that are used to estimate occupational and wage statistics
• Refined survey methods and procedures to improve quality of product
June 2009 – November 2009
Pertinent Experience:
US-India Political Action Committee: Volunteer, Washington, DC
• Assist bipartisan PAC that represents 2.7 million Indian - Americans in its advocacy efforts
• Volounteer activities include research, fundraising, and interacting with legislators
• Videotape and interview congressman on issues related to India so that their stances are in the public domain
WRGW: On-Air Personality, Washington, DC
• Host of weekly sports talk show, Varun and Friends, for WRGW, GW’s radio station
• Announced and produced GW men’s and women’s basketball games
Spring 2009 - Present
2005 – 2009