Dr - McGill University



XVI International AIDS Conference Background Material


Resources for reporters in advance of and during the Toronto AIDS Conference

Conference Co-Chair:

Dr. Mark A. Wainberg

Director of the McGill AIDS Centre, professor of medicine

Discovered antiviral capabilities of 3TC in 1989

Expertise: Conference itself, drug resistance, prevention, treatments, all issues of AIDS policy, international economic/social ramifications of epidemic.

Relevant link: http://www.mcgill.ca/microimm/department/associate_adjunct_prof/wainberg/


Through Lisa Van Dusen

Director of Media and University Relations/McGill University

Cell phone during conference:


BBerry: lisa.vandusen@mcgill.ca

Dr. Norbert Gilmore

Associate Director, McGill AIDS Centre, Associate Director, McGill Centre for Medicine,

Ethics and Law

Expertise: Faculty of medicine, all issues of AIDS and ethics, transmission, prevention,

AIDS in prison systems.

C: 514-912-6792

514-398-6925 norbert.gilmore@staff.mcgill.ca

Dr. Jody Heymann

Director, McGill Institute for Health and Social Policy, founding director, Harvard Project on Global Working Families

Expertise: MD, PhD, Prof. of both Political Science and Epidemiology and Biostatistics, foremost international expert on impact of health and social policy on families, presenting at the conference on African AIDS orphans and social policy.

514-884-1587 jody.heymann@mcgill.ca

Relevant link: http://www.thinresidency.com/cms/index.cfm?is_mod=1&category=1

Dr. Jean-Pierre Routy

Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Medicine, hematologist, McGill University Health Centre.

Expertise: Effects of valporic acid therapy on HIV reservoirs, changes in drug resistance.


C: 514-993-3935 routyjp@muchem.mcgill.ca

Prof. Claudia Mitchell

James McGill Professor in the Faculty of Education and Honorary Prof. in the Faculty of

Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Expertise: AIDS education/prevention programs for youth in South Africa. Currently developing a global AIDS education web tool on participatory methodologies (drama, photography, video, graffiti, hip-hop, new media). claudia.mitchell@mcgill.ca

Prof. Joanne Cyr ,

McGill Dept. of Psychology, Clinical Psychologist, Behavioural Medicine Specialist,

MUHC Immunodeficiency Service, Montreal Chest Institute

Expertise: Evaluation, treatment and consultation re chronic illness, health and wellness/African refugees living with HIV.

Toronto Htl: 416-766-4392 joanne.cyr@mcgill.ca

Dr. Christos Tsoukas

Associate Director, McGill AIDS Centre

Expertise: Artificial intelligence in choosing HIV/AIDS treatments, access and quality of

HIV/AIDS care in remote settings, telemedicine, early HIV/hemophiliac infections.

514-843-1560 c/o C: 514-884-1587 christos.tsoukas@mcgill.ca

Dr. Richard Lalonde

Montreal Chest Institute, McGill AIDS Centre, Chief of Infectious Diseases, McGill

University Health Centre

Expertise: HIV infection rates in Africa, evolving HIV treatments, HIV/hepatitis C coinfections.



Relevant link: http://www.hivnet.ubc.ca/e/aboutus/bios/lalonde.html

Dr. Marina Klein

Immunodeficiency Service, Montreal Chest Institute, McGill University Health Centre

Expertise: Women and HIV, hepatitis C co-infections, impact of antiretroviral therapy on progression.

514-843-1560 marina.klein@muhc.mcgill.ca

Richard Gold

Director, McGill Centre for Intellectual Property Policy, McGill Faculty of Law

Expertise: Legal/regulatory issues affecting access to medicines/patents, particularly in developing countries.

514-398-6636 richard.gold2@mcgill.ca

Dr. Roy Baskind

Neurology resident, Montreal Neurological Institute

Volunteer with the Highlands Hope consortium to improve HIV/AIDS care in the Makete district of Tanzania

Expertise: Frontline medical care/AIDS in rural Africa.

C: 647 205-9533 roy.baskind@mail.mcgill.ca

Relevant link: http://www.highlandshope.com/

Dr. Brian Ward

Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), and

Associate Director, McGill Centre for Tropical Diseases

Expertise: Infectious diseases, leader of study/project on impact of Vitamin A on mother-child transmission in Zimbabwe.

514-843-1560 brian.ward@mcgill.ca

Frances Aboud, PhD

Prof. of Psychology

Dr. Charles Larson, MD

Pediatrics and epidemiology

Jointly researching HIV/AIDS prevention among youth in Bangladesh

Expertise: Effectiveness of public health education with local leaders in developing countries, psychosocial components of disease, prevention and youth.

819-838-5057 frances.aboud@mcgill.ca


Relevant link: http://www.thinresidency.com/cms/view_country_info.cfm?country=18&m=3&sm=12

Dr. John B. Hughes

McGill University Health Centre

Currently establishing an Internet records system for three AIDS hospitals in Tanzania

Expertise: Modernization of systems/health care delivery in Africa.

C: 514-233-2908

Relevant link: http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=83859b19df50-423e-959a-2fa9466c8903

Betty Liduke

Tanzanian health care worker, partner in McGill-supported Highlands Hope consortium and leader of a World Health Organization safe-sex program in 17 Tanzanian villages

First McGill University international clinical instructor

Expertise: Frontline AIDS care in rural Tanzania, social stigma as impediment to treatment.

Will be attending Toronto Conference bettyliduke@yahoo.com or

Lisa Van Dusen lisa.vandusen@mcgill.ca

Relevant link: http://www.highlandshope.com/2006/05/10/tanwat%e2%80%99s-bettyliduke-will-attend-aids-2006-conference-in-toronto/


Lisa Van Dusen

Director of University and Media Relations

McGill University

514-884-1587 lisa.vandusen@mcgill.ca
