
Name: Vladimir Sokolovsky
Place and date of birth: Novosibirsk, USSR, June 5, 1951
Address: Kronenberg St. 9 App. 15, Rehovot, 76662, Israel
Telephone +972-8-9354165 (home); +972-8-6472458 (office)
B.Sc – 1968-1973, Novosibirsk State University, Department of Physics; Novosibirsk, USSR;
Ph.D - 1987, Novosibirsk Electrotechnical University, Novosibirsk, USSR.
1992 - Senior Research Scientist, KAMEA Fellow, Department of Physics, Ben Gurion
University, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Applied Superconcductivity:
Development of electric power devices (fault current limiter, transformer
device, flywheel) based on high temperature superconductors (HTS) and
analysis of their application in power systems;
Development of HTS fast operating electronic switches;
Experimental and theoretical investigation of magnetic and thermal processes
in HTS (penetration of magnetic field, AC losses, nucleation and propagation
of normal zone in bulk and thin film specimens);
Eddy currents and AC losses in magnetic shields.
The research activity was supported by more than 10 research grants from the Israeli
Ministry of Science (1992-95 and 1994-96); Ministry of Infrastructure of Israel (2000-2003
and 2001-2004), Ministries of Science of Israel and Hungary (joint Israeli-Hungary
researcher exchange programs) (1996-1998 and 1999-2000); G.I.F. (Germany-Israeli
Foundation for Scientific Research & Development) (1997-1999); National Israeli Science
Foundation (National Academy of Israel) (1997-2000); BGU-VaTaT (1998, 2000, and
(a) Books
V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich,
AC Losses in Bulk High Temperature Superconductors
Invited chapter for the book “Studies of High –Temperature Superconductors”, vol. 32,
Ed. A. Narlikar, 2000, Nova Science Publisher, Inc., New York, pp. 79-124.
(b) Refereed articles in scientific journals
1. V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, S. Goren, G. Jung, J. Bock, S. Gauss,
AC Losses in BSCCO Cylinders Operating in Inductive Current Limiter,
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 9, 1361-1364 (1999).
I. Vajda, A. Szalay, N. Gobl, V. Meerovich, V. Sokolovsky,
Requirements for the Industrial Application of Superconducting Rotating Electrical
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 9, 1225-1228 (1999).
V. Meerovich, V. Sokolovsky, S. Goren, G. Jung,
AC Losses in High-Temperature Superconductor BSCCO Hollow Cylinders with
Induced Current,
Physica C319, 238-248 (1999).
M. Sinder, V. Meerovich, V. Sokolovsky, I. Vajda,
Penetration of Magnetic Field into High-Temperature Superconductors,
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 9, 4661-4665 (1999).
5. V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, S. Goren, G. Jung, J. Bock, S. Gauss,
Performance of Inductive Fault Current Limiter Employing
Superconducting Cylinders,
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 9, 4666-4676 (1999).
6. V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, M. Gladstein, Y. Yuzhelevski, S. Goren, G. Jung,
An Experimental Study of Heating due to the AC Loss in a BSCCO Cylinder,
Physica C336, 102-106 (2000).
7. V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, S. Semperger, I. Vajda,
High temperature Short Circuit Current Limiting Devices
Electrotehnika, 10, 364-367 (2000).
8. M. Sinder, J. Pelleg, V. Meerovich, V. Sokolovsky
RF Heating of the Conductor Film on Silicon Substrate for Thin Film Formation
Materials Science & Engineering A302, 31-36 (2001).
9. V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, S. Goren, I. Vajda,
AC Loss Problem in High-Tc Bulk Superconductors
Physica C354, 260-264 (2001).
10. V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, S. Goren, I. Vajda,
Study of the Quenching Conditions in Superconducting Current Limiters
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 11, 2110-2113 (2001).
11. I. Vajda, S. Semperger, T. Porjesz, A. Szalay, V. Meerovich, V. Sokolovsky, W.
Three Phase Inductive HTS Fault Current Limiter for the Protection of a 12 kVA
Synchronous Generator
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 11, 2515-2518 (2001).
12. V. Meerovich, V. Sokolovsky, M. Gladstein, S. Shtutina,
Quench Development in Thin Inhomogeneous HTS Film on Sapphire Substrate,
Physica C366, 291-298 (2002).
13. V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, M. Gladstein, I. Vajda,
Behavior of an Inhomogeneous HTS Film in the Regime of a Resistive Current Limiter
Physica C, (2002) in print.
14. I. Vajda, Z. Kohari, T. Porjesz, L. Benko, V. Meerovich, V. Sokolovsky, W.
Operation Characteristics of Energy Storage HTS Flywheels Considering of Time
Dependent Processes
Physica C, (2002) in print.
15. V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, I. Vajda,
Self-oscillations in Electrical Circuit with High Temperature Superconductors
Journal of JSAEM, (2002) in print.
(c) Refereed articles in conference proceedings
V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, I. Vajda, T. Porjesz, A. Szalay,
Operation of an HTS Fault Current limiter in an Asymmetric Three Phase System
In Applied Superconductivity 99, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 167, Ed. X. Obradors, F.
Sandiumenge, and J. Fontcuberta, IOP Publishing Ltd, 963-966, 2000.
V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, M. Gladstein,
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Heating of Bulk HTSC Samples due to AC
In Applied Superconductivity 99, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 167, Ed. X. Obradors, F.
Sandiumenge, and J. Fontcuberta, IOP Publishing Ltd, 743-746, 2000.
V. Meerovich, V. Sokolovsky, G. Jung, S. Goren,
Quenching in BSCCO Hollow Cylinders Employed in an Inductive Fault Current
In Applied Superconductivity 99, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 167, Ed. X. Obradors, F.
Sandiumenge, and J. Fontcuberta, IOP Publishing Ltd, 955-958, 2000.
S. Semperger, I. Varosi, I. Vajda, T. Porjesz, V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, A. Szalay,
HTS Fault Current Limiters: Device Modeling and Network Simulation
Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics vol. 16, “Applied Electromagnetics
and Computational Technology II”, Eds. H. Tsuboi and I. Vajda, IOS Press, 171-182