Collaboration form Transcriptome platform Genomics service of the École Normale Supérieure Collaboration Form for microarray hybridization and analysis Project holder: Name (function): Title of the project: Financial support: Number of man x month dedicated to the project: Laboratory: Address: Associated publications: Brief description of the experiment’s goals: Experimental design: Describe the experiments you plan, the different conditions to compare or to analyze and the biological model studied. Example: wild-type mouse versus knock-out, at different developmental stages, in particular cells (heterogenous samples). Version 22 (November, 23th 2010) 1/7 Collaboration form Transcriptome platform Genomics service of the École Normale Supérieure How many replicates have you planned for each experiment? experimental design (loops, unique references, …)? Have you already defined an Is there any specific limitations considering the maximum amount of RNA that can be obtained? Which are the gene validation ways you plan for the DNA microarray experiments result genes? What is the context of these experiments in your research project? What do you expect from this result? □ Screening □ New gene targets isolation □ Diagnosis □ Complete analysis / Networks regulation □ Other ; please describe it in a few words: Version 22 (November, 23th 2010) 2/7 Collaboration form Transcriptome platform Genomics service of the École Normale Supérieure DNA microarrays : Which microarray type do you want to use? What is the approximate number of desired arrays? BECARFUL! Arrays must be used by a multiple of two. What is your background in the DNA microarray field (already used protocols, followed formations, analysis method knowledge, …)? For information the average cost of one DNA microarray experiment is evaluated by hybridization (array of 2 conditions): - Sample quality control: 22,00 €HT - Indirect labelling: 65,00 €HT - DNA amplification: 120,00 €HT - Cost for hybridization and washing: 24,50 €HT - Image scanning: 69 €HT - Array prices depend on the slide format: o 8x15k custom 96,00 € HT o 8x60k custom 116,00 € HT o 4x44k catalogue 200,00 € HT o 4x180k custom 203,00 € HT o 2x105k custom 292,00 € HT o 2x400k custom 347,00 € HT o 1x240k custom 435,00 € HT o 1x1000k custom 542,00 € HT These prices include all the required products for the RNA labelling and quality control, for the hybridization and for the chips treatment. The RNA are extracted by the interested person following the platform recommendations. Technical recommendations: RNA must be treated with DNase and concentrated at 200 ng/µl. You must provide at least 1.5 µg total RNA by hybridization. We can perform from 200 ng of total RNA. If you have to send us your sample you must provide enough dry ice in a polystyrene box so that the sample stay frozen for at least 3 days. Version 22 (November, 23th 2010) 3/7 Collaboration form Transcriptome platform Genomics service of the École Normale Supérieure Project follow-up: Fill the table for each person who will be involved in the project. The project leader has to be indicated in first rank. Describe also at which step of the project each of these person will be involved (samples preparation, hybridization, data analysis, results validation, …). Name First name Position % of time for the project Stage of involvement Describe the provisional program of the experiments. Version 22 (November, 23th 2010) 4/7 Collaboration form Transcriptome platform Genomics service of the École Normale Supérieure Platform implication: At which level do you wish help from the transcriptome platform? Labelling and hybridization? Image analysis? Normalisation and search for significant differential activated genes? Deep analysis (clustering, search in promoters, …)? Version 22 (November, 23th 2010) 5/7 Collaboration form Transcriptome platform Genomics service of the École Normale Supérieure General collaboration conditions about help for DNA microarray hybridization and analysis help The transcriptome platform can perform DNA microarray experiments and/or result analyses. The operative mode is based on the principle of collaboration between the interested laboratory and the platform. The collaboration conditions are listed below: please read them carefully and sign this form, if you agree with the different points. 1 – RNA should be sent to the platform in a dry ice parcel. The platform assistants will perform the quality control of the RNA (BioAnalyzer Agilent) before launching the experiments. Any sample not complying with quality criteria (peak profile) will not be included in the experiments. An “hybridization-analysis” team of two persons will be selected to be in charge of the project. They will establish with the interested laboratory a provisional schedule for hybridization and analyses. Any modification of this schedule by the platform, in case of unexpected events, is possible but will be announced and justified. 2- A preliminary hybridization/analysis will be performed to anticipate any possible difficulties. The experimental design can be modified accordingly. For experiments with complex designs, meetings during the ongoing process can be planned. 3- Labelling and hybridization data, until image and results files obtention (JPEG, GPS, TIFF and GPR), will be stored by the platform. The platform can not be held responsible in case of experiment failure if the protocol routinely used on the platform (see has been followed, for example in case of power cut or for any other event independent of its will. 4- Microarray analyses can be carried out by the platform team even if the hybridization step has been carried outside the platform. In this case, however, the platform team will estimate if the microarray quality can lead to reliable analyses. If not, appropriate solution will be proposed. 5- An anlysis report (CD) indicating all the methods, tests and parameters used, and exposing the results will be provided. The whole data will also be stored by the plaform. 6- Access to the data produced by the platform and concerning the project will be restricted to the platform project leader, the hybridization/analysis team and yourself. No results propagation, under any forms, will be possible without your explicit and written agreement. Version 22 (November, 23th 2010) 6/7 Collaboration form Transcriptome platform Genomics service of the École Normale Supérieure 7- The hybridization/analysis team (2 persons) will be part of the author list of the paper reporting the results of the experiments carried out in the frame of this project. 7- The price list included in this document is available for one year from the date indicated on the signed form and will be update by a new collaboration after one year. For agreement, done at , the Project leader signature (for the ENS) Name: Function: Version 22 (November, 23th 2010) . PI project signature and stamp Name : Function : 7/7