Homeowners, The following is a post script on how do you qualify for this flood insurance reduction and thus save money on your flood insurance. The following are my tips to see if you qualify and how to apply. Looking out for you. Tips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Locate and review your Elevation Certificate when you first purchased the property. Beside the sketch/measurements of the land and your structure is the form "Elevation Certificate, FEMA, National Flood Insurance Program. If you can not locate it, call your insurance company that you are getting the insurance. The form must be on file because it is basis for your flood insurance. My form says OMB No. 3067-0077. See me if you would like to see an example of the form. In Section B, there is a Flood Determination Code in Block 5. My certificate happens to be coded "AE." In Block 6, the Base Elevation Flood indicates 6 Feet. In Section C 2b, there is a notation for FIRM AE, the top of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an elevation of 3.91' NGVD (National Geodetic Vertical Datum). This means that our property is 2 feet below (6' - 4') the base elevation flood level. The insurance company allows 1 ft below Base Flood Elevation for the rate reduction. The only way around this dilemma as stated by Tracy Mulligan (Former BB Councilman) is get relief from your mortgage company on how the NGVD is calculated. Another resource is Rosemary Hardiman (302) 537-4830. Our house is a raised ranch on non breakaway walls (cinder blocks). Your house maybe on stilts or raised pylons and your NGVD maybe more generously Remember, your height as determined by NGVD can be no lower calculated. than 1 foot below flood elevation in Block 2a. 6. 7. If you don't like your Elevation Certificate, discuss it with your surveyor and apply for new one with your surveyor. If you need the name of a surveyor, give me a call. Another resource for Q&A is John Eckrich in BB. Once you have the documentation, forward the below information from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to your insurance company for your reduction. Contact John M. Eckrich, Jr., Building Inspector 214 Garfield Pkwy PO Box 109 Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Ph: (302) 539-8780 Ph: (302) 539-8011 Fx: (302) 539-8149 Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday Let me know about your success or lack of success. Pat Neary (703)455-9778 (Virginia) (302)537-4119 (Delaware) pat_neary@msn.com This was just received this afternoon. The Town of Bethany Beach worked with both FEMA and DNREC to accomplish this goal for the benefit of all our property owners. - Tony ------------------------------ Press Release Follows -------------------------NEWS FROM THE DELAWARE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Contact: Michael Powell or Greg Williams, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, 302-739-9921; or Melanie Rapp, Public Affairs, 302-7399902. Bethany Beach Properties Qualify for Reduced Flood Insurance Rates Flood insurance just got more affordable for property owners in Bethany Beach. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved a 10 percent rate reduction on the cost of flood insurance for all properties in the town. The town of Bethany Beach received the National Flood Insurance Program rate reduction for implementing measures aimed at reducing property damage caused by flooding and increasing public awareness of flood risk. Bethany Beach received a Class 8 rating on the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System and qualified for the reduced rate. The Community Rating System is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum program requirements. To qualify for the new rating, Bethany Beach worked with FEMA and DNREC and implemented new building construction code requirements and stormwater runoff standards that will help reduce property damage from flooding. In addition, the town increased flood reduction outreach and education efforts to property owners. FEMA estimates that roughly 2,000 policyholders in the town will each receive an average discount of $55 per year - amounting to an approximate annual savings of $111,000 per year for the entire town. Beginning this month, all Bethany Beach federal flood insurance policyholders will receive the rate reduction when their policies renew. Property owners without current flood insurance are encouraged to contact their insurance agent. New policies require a 30-day waiting period before coverage will take effect. According to Michael Powell, program manager with DNREC's Shoreline and Waterway Management Section, the agency helps communities meet and comply with federal and local floodplain requirements and provides training on the risks of flooding. "Year in and year out, flooding is the leading cause of property loss from natural disasters in this country," said Powell. "We are pleased that Bethany Beach has qualified for this program that will make flood insurance more affordable. With hurricane season approaching, we encourage property owners to protect their properties and invest in flood insurance coverage." Other Delaware communities that have previously qualified for FEMA's Community Rating System reduced flood insurance rates are: Fenwick Island; South Bethany Beach; Dewey Beach; Rehoboth Beach; Lewes; Seaford; New Castle; and Newark. For more information visit: http://www.swc.dnrec.delaware.gov/Shoreline/Pages/FloodMitigation.aspx (302) 539-5638